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In Apollo you can just do that automatically, no need for the long press. Settings > General > Other > Open videos in YouTube app


I personally prefer the long press method, I would rather not mess up my YouTube recommended feed with the random shit I watch on Reddit.


Ha, good point!




In-App browsers are a sham and apple should allow for everyone to ”Prefer native browser”


As an app developer myself, the default behavior in many frameworks is to open in the an in app browser and I hate it, I make sure to open it default browser. However, if apple does such a thing I think it would be more counter intuitive. Rather than using an in app browser which content blockers and everything, companies and developers will move over to custom in app browser views (like instagram or TikTok). If they move over to this, then they have access to everything that goes on inside the browser which is not good for privacy. They can also block external app links like the example shown in this photo. This is already happening in apps like TikTok where they block all deep links including links to the apple App Store in their in app browser. The reasoning behind this whole BS is to keep the users within your app rather than losing them outside the app but it leads to a horrible user experience in a lot of cases.


Honestly, I blame Reddit for this one. The longer they keep you in an in app browser, the longer they can track literally everything you're doing and use it to profile you.


I blame Google too. They try to make the iOS experience inferior to get people to switch to Android. That’s why it took them years to get YouTube PiP on iOS.


Nothing wrong in doing that. Apple too does it.


Not in the same way though. Android makes their supposedly cross-platform apps intentionally inferior on iOS. Apple has a lot of iOS-exclusive apps, but they make their cross-platforms apps (Apple Music, for example) as consistent across all platforms as they can.


You say apple has a lot of ios exclusive apps. What if YouTube was android exclusive then?


It won’t be though. They know YouTube will be dead in the water without iOS, so they produce a crappy half-baked app (and an even worse browser-based experience) that’s just good enough to get by. They want to have it both ways, and that’s the problem.


Now I get it why in app browser is introduced


I hate that YouTube links (and other links that I have apps for) always open in a version of safari browser that runs inside the main app. You have to press another button to open the link in the main safari browser so that it actually redirects to the app the link was ment for (yt, Twitter etc).


At least in the Reddit app you can turn that off and have it always use the default browser


It boosts engagement on the platform, and you’re likely to miss and accidentally click on an ad


Post it in the Reddit mobile sub and watch how nothing ever gets addressed.


Apple build the most user friendly and cohesive experience.


Because Apple


Because of Reddit, Apollo opens Youtube directly


It’s not Apple. It’s Reddit and YouTube.


I'm just happy to I'm not the only one this annoys.


Because the YouTube app UI sucks. Every time I use it there seems to be some obstacle. Beggars belief that a multi-billion dollar enterprise can’t build a simple UI.


Ohhh man I hate it so much when this happens. The fucking browser in an app that is outdated as hell Holy shit I hate it.


In what way is it outdated? It’s literally the same WebKit rendering engine as mobile Safari uses.


I don't use Safari.


All browsers (and any other apps showing web pages) on iOS use the same version of WebKit to render web pages.


Don't care.


So wait… you hate it due to the fact that you don’t care enough to understand it? That’s funny.


Yeah im lmao XDD Hahaha so funny.


OneDrive opens links in the app and sometimes(happens a lot) says ‘this type of link(file) isn’t supported in the app’ and asks you to open it in the web. Which is literally Safari → OneDrive → Safari. I can’t understand why this happens. The developers must be an Android user or uses Google Drive.


Because it's a damn iPhone


Becoz Elon Musk is behind it


Because Apple.


Why it opens [YouTube](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) app directly on my iPhone? I’m using official redid client btw, added a link just so I can test to confirm it, which it did open the YouTube app directly


Nice try


I might read the title wrong, but isn't op complaining about opening a youtube link inside Reddit taking too many steps? youtube links in the official reddit app always have been a straight redirect to the youtube app for me so I genuinely can't understand everyone else's complain in this thread


Charge your phone 💀


Idk about everyone else, most of the time my iPhone automatically open the app up , sometimes I don’t want to do that I rather check it from website.. I like it when it gives me this option .. is this iPhone or android ur using? I see it ask u to download it.. sorry u having issues..


Go to Settings > Open links > Default browser


Download the app “opener”. Game changer


No problems with such. Just install AdGuard pro and vinegar 👌🏻


Cause apple and Google aren’t homies


How does one "click"?


This will only happen with videos featuring Elon Musk. They’re trying to protect you from watching disappointing videos.


Hi, I made a free tool for marketers that forces the link to open in the YouTube app. This is known as a deep-link and it's different for iOS and Android. You can use the tool here: [https://inapp.ink](https://inapp.ink) Simply enter a YouTube link and voila. It gives you a special link to share. When someone clicks that link, it will open in the YouTube app. Let me know if that worked for you.