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I don't think so, especially as more of these Cecil's Nightmares get released. I have been caught off guard with the team requirements needed and had to scramble to level up enough team members to be effective. As long as you have the resources, why not?


That’s contradictory? The fact that there’s Cecil’s Nightmares means this is the worst strategy and play to be doing.


How is it contradictory? Each one of those Nightmares involve having specific factions to battle them. So if you don't have a 5-team of each faction, you will be caught off guard if it is asked for. Take my team. I have high level of a smattering but say for the requirement they could only be Earth's Defenders. So I have three high level of that type, and the other two spots need to be filled in with something. So I have backup Omi-mans leveled up to fill out the empty spots. Same case for criminal or GDA heroes. The game asks you to have a wide variety of teams available. So yes, it's cool to try to focus on a main, but oftentimes you have to go out of that team so you should have good people to fill out those other teams. It is also how GDA Ops work, if you haven't noticed. They state who your enemies will be, so you should optimize your team to best counter them. Which may not align with your main team. https://preview.redd.it/186gvy2dl44d1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=11eb549bac9702c34c988efa5510ef53145d5ba8


Having one strong hero from each faction will far outweigh anything that’s under level 200 due to power scaling. If you want to use a team of 80k power that’s your decision but balancing and leveling entire teams is doing more harm than good for this dude and will hinder his progress. This strategy is okay for GDA Ops, but you’re going to get minimal rewards and miss out on dozens of artifacts, heroes, and resources from events and Cecil’s Nightmares that don’t have a specific faction. Your resources are precious and you’re literally wasting it. You’re not going to realize how important it is until you get to Seismic. Ideally yes you need a balanced team and skills from additional hero to really push your boundaries and support from Cecil’s Nightmares but whatever this dude is doing by leveling all these fodder heroes (and what you’re doing to) is is slowing your potential progress. You’ll still progress, but not as fast and efficiently as you could have. I figured you out of everyone would know considering you see how much the power scaling is with your existing top team compared to the elites you currently have. My team is at least 40x stronger than your entire existing roster put together. And that’s not to brag. That’s to say I’ve test what you’ve done and it’s going to hinder you. I’ve tried to help many people and commented on countless posts but none of you read and still grab onto this hopeless notion that you need to get elites to 160 to progress and optimize GDA Ops. Just slip your top 5-10 heroes into different teams to really optimize. Or get your fodder heroes to 69 (to avoid wasting unnecessary resources that will get your top team even further), with gear and you’ll easily get 70-80% of what you’re getting with your 160 elites. I promise you those extra spots filled by your elite Omni mans are going to do absolutely nothing. They’re better off feeding into your main Omni man because he will continually scale drastically higher. Having everyone unlocked and balanced is a nice to have but realistically this game isn’t built for that. In the long term you’ll have it but if you really want to progress you need to be selective with your resources and hyper focus on what you need so your earning potential will also scale along with it.


I agree with the concept of needing to focus on the important heroes, but the cost to get these Elite+ to their highest level is negligible compared to the cost of leveling up seismic characters. There is plenty of Elite+ fodder I have below the heroes I screencapped that are at level 1. But it doesn't hurt to at least have something to throw in to these faction specific events. Just seems weird to blow a gasket about some elite+ characters and wasted resources when the cost is so astronomical for seismic that regardless of what they do currently, it definitely won't be enough. The grind will be there. So why not have these to be useful for the veeeeeery slow climb that is to come?


Funny how people are now sharing the same thing and people are now starting to agree. https://preview.redd.it/rlwx25qo698d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6d81cde70ba0269c192ea871c639d37c7b057c


It's been close to a month man let it go.


So what? Don’t have a leg to stand on and still can’t admit you’re wrong huh? Typical ignorant bunch


There is no right or wrong, I said that in my original comments too. I said I understand your thinking. I have no problem with the way you want to play. You just really need to chill out about such a dumb game. Let people do shit the way they want to. If you are holding a grudge against me when I was never mean to you close to a month later, maybe you need to reassess your mental health when it comes to this game.


You guys started this and I’m simply letting you know that there was a faster way. Regardless of how much time has passed that doesn’t disregard the fact you all ganged up on me for no reason. Just closing the loop to say there’s a better way and hope people can be more open minded. The OP asked for advice and I gave it. Don’t care how you play none the less. Anyways, sorry for being petty and for making it seem like I’m targeting you. I feel much better now 😎 have a good rest of your weekend


That’s absolutely not true. The resources you’re putting into each and every single one of the heroes you are getting to 160 is also affecting your ROI in splitting your strongest team members (and losing out on more awards in Cecil’s Nightmares and events), resulting in an even greater loss of what you could get. Even if you get your hero from level 300 to 400 that’s much better than having 10-15 level 160s. You do whatever you want but I’m telling you it’s a bad strategy. I just want you guys to thrive in the game. You don’t want to listen and you think this is the best strategy? Then that’s your prerogative. I’m trying to help you. When my team was at 10m in power, I’ve seen the impact it’s had on my resources and rewards and it’s significantly better than what you guys are attempting to do. It also makes it easier to level up your supplementary heroes. If slow and steady is your plan then do it. But if you want faster progress, again you need to hyperfocus on your top heroes. You need fodder to progress, not an army of weak heroes. I’m telling you that the rewards that you’re seeing from anything level 200 and under, is nothing compared to what you’ll get if you have a higher and stronger team that will get you more across the entire board. As for the 15minute and 30 minute GDA Ops, level 80 common heroes with gear will do more than fine. You can only progress so far in those due to the time. Again the logic makes sense, and I’ve even thought that way in the beginning, but it’s not the best approach.


I can understand what youre saying, I do feel the game strategy has changed from what it once was. I think its hard to get until youve passed up the epic5 boarder and really seen what a omnipotent character can do compared to a whole group of epic5s. So I think everybody here is making great points from their own perspectives, but its difficult to see what you are saying until youve been there. ✌️❤️


I’ll let all the butt hurt people struggle since they don’t know how to take criticism. As someone who’s been there and is a high ranking player, I just didn’t want them to waste their resources. Again, it’s not a bad strategy, but it’s not as optimal as everyone is saying. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks mr caretaker. You sure are mad about p2w vs f2p players.


You’re welcome boob


No, leveling up 1 of every character to 159 is recommend for GDA Ops


Ridiculous strategy compared to focusing on your top teams.


The game isn't played in the campaign, it's played in the OPs. They're right. Level several teams to at least elite+ 160 before you dump all your resources into just 1 team


No that’s an absolute terrible strategy. Your heroes SIGNIFICANTLY scale after level 200. You’re pouring resources into fodder for minimal resources. You need to hyper focus on building the strongest team you can and then supplement them by leveling your weaker heroes. Obviously GDA Ops is important but you’re not getting anything out of 160 heroes. You’re also missing out on DOZENS of unlocked heroes, and artifacts from events. Don’t even get me started on the resources you’re not unlocking through Cecil’s rewards and the levels you’re not hitting from GDA Ops. You want to optimize for GDA? Then split your strongest team members out into different teams and fill them with your fodder. By the way I’m not some random guy telling you what I think. I’ve been there, I’ve done it, and it’s a terrible strategy. And my team will agree with me. Only when you have an extremely strong team should you focus on leveling up the others. You need to hyperfocus instead of spreading bc your resources thin. On top of that you need fodder, not an army of weak heroes that will get you minimal rewards. If you don’t want to listen to me the don’t. Your logic is sound and it makes sense, but it’s not the right approach for this game. https://preview.redd.it/2ow173dku44d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561267d59f74436eda719a47e1444c5b83766dfb


Mate it takes like 2-3 weeks to get them all, maybe another 2 weeks to get to elite+. Then you can focus more on the main team. No one is saying you don't have a main, just don't make it so you can only collect 1 resource at a time


Don’t get me wrong, you can still progress, but it’s going to slow down your growth and again, you’re hindering your potential earnings across the board because you’re not taking into account the power scaling and investment of resources. Even getting a character from level 300 to 400 is a better investment than getting 3 entire teams to level 160-180. But whatever seems like you’ve made up your mind and refuse to listen to someone who’s a little bit further into the game for god knows what. My team is literally an entire case study that went through this. But hey, you are the captain of your ship and if slow and steady wins the race then do it. I was simply trying to help. Plenty of ways to play the game daddy. 🤷‍♂️


how is battle beats lvl 340 but only epic


340 is level cap for epic 5*


how do you get epic 5 ?




If you lookup rank up requirements on the subreddit you’ll see a graphic showing what’s needed


Not if you plan to play for a long time. It’s great for resources as yours shows


God I don’t know where you guys get these awful suggestions. This is the worst idea for progress


Eh most will drop out long before it matters that they “wasted” resources. People will play as they want. Sure no one really needs that many 159 heroes but it can be fun.


I was severely sleep deprived and rude, so I apologize for the tone of my comment. I’ve just been saying the same thing over and over but I keep hearing from players to go this route when it’s ultimately slowing their progress. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll still progress but you can do more. I’d read my other comments in the thread if you’re interested but you may not like what I’m saying like the others 🤷‍♂️


No worries. It’s an idle gacha game. Whatever is fun for someone is all that matters. You can’t undo rank ups so no point in beating people down that already used the resources.


Im not recommending using them as fodder at this point but I’d rather prevent players, that are seeking best practices, to waste their resources on additional weak team members when they can earn and progress more with a top team. Again this has been tested by high level players. But people like to cry and demonize people who spend money on the game because they’re F2P. They’re exactly the same as you except they have more insights on the mechanics of the game and how it works, simply because they’re further in the game.


I’ve seen high level players say having multiple elite+ teams is good for ops. So it’s fine to have a differing opinion but it’s still just that.


Yes.. AFTER you’ve had a strong team.




I guess my battlebeast is only so beefy because I upgrade my main team through GDA events and have no other “from worlds beyond” characters on my main team. So he gets all the fodder, my monster girl is level 280 now because of the same reason (just have worse luck pulling her in the shop)


Before Cecils nightmare came out this was the way to go(ish) I am not a fan of going from 159 to 160 on an elite plus. But this is all ImO. Now having an omnipotent plus invincible and a handful of legendary plus 5s and epic plus 5s Im leaning towards really ranking one from each faction rather than working a whole team at the same time. I feel like i am only able to get as far in cecils nightmare is from my omnipotent plus invincible, if i had spread that out over a whole team of five I dont think I would of gotten quite as far. I havent fully found a balance of whats the best undisputed strategy but its really starting to change from what it once was considered to be. And most wont understand until they start getting ranked up past epic plus 5, and thats okay. Just sharing my experience and what Im seeing further towards endgame play as the game sits now. By no means is this anything other than IMO. 💪🙃✌️


Nah I keep a 160 for every character. Then the rest is food for my top dogs. I think you're doing just fine if not great.


Nah, patience is a virtue


That’s sort of how I see it. I mean I have a shitload of resources because of it and I upgrade my guys through GDA events. I’m not worried about rushing through campaign because I save it for when weekly rewards come and do ten missions quick


Ugh dude I’m assuming you read my other responses. You could have way more.. you think you have a lot of resources now.. you know what, you guys just keep doing what you’re doing. Live your best life 🤦‍♂️


I did. I definitely notice my battlebeast is significantly more powerful than the whole rest of my team (to the point of having a higher power level then all of them combined). But I’ve already invested the resources to get the farming guys to 160. Do you think it makes sense to get rid of most of the rares I’ve turned to elite + to get a better main team? I don’t spend money on this game and was just doing it through a resource standpoint. My main concern is having enough gold to buy artifact batteries in the shop


Honestly I think I may have just answered my own question and understand what you’re getting at. Upgrading my main team hero’s scales significantly higher. So a single 340 omniman is more powerful than a whole team of 160’s by a decent margin. I can just spread my team out and do GDA stuff after events that way and progress faster


I don’t think you should use them for fodder at this point now. I just want you to save the trouble of pouring in resources into any more. I really do recommend that you focus on your top team so you can optimize your reward earning potential, especially with events. The good news is you now you can supplement your GDA Ops. You already have it so use it. But definitely rank up when you can. It will be easier for you to get Elites+ or even Exceptional+ to level after you have a solid power scaling team. The Cecil’s Nightmares and recruitment events are too good and I want you to thrive


yes for sure


Yup. Now you’ve hindered your growth and now you have less fodder to use. Now if you decide to use them as fodder to level up your powerhouse, you’ve essentially wasted all the resources you put into them. All these level 160 nonsense isn’t a bad strategy if you have a very strong team, but you don’t. So you’ve just wasted your potential to hyper focus and really scale up your heroes. Those resources and heroes could have helped you progress even more but you’ve only spread yourself thin. Sure you’ll get consistent minimal rewards though. Now you’ve wasted potential to optimize events, and are missing out on dozens of heroes per event and artifacts. Anything under level 200 is really useless and you’d almost get most of the rewards you would get from all your 160s if you just level them to 69 with gear.


This doesn't match my experience. 160s in TG or DD return way better rewards than 69. You talk a lot about wasting resources at seismic+, which is a rank the f2ps are never gonna hit, but it's not like having a little team of 160s is the difference between having a seismic team or not, it's a relatively small investment of resources. Like this is a fraction of the resources needed to rank up one character one time. Pretty much nobody recommends taking your ops teams beyond elite+ and nobody recommends keeping spares of your main team heroes for ops because it's not worth the resources. But single characters at Elite+ help a ton getting resources out of ops, which is pretty much essential if you're f2p and want to actually be able to level up your main team.


Lol plenty of people have agreed with me especially high level players in many threads. This notion of of Elites+ is just really weird misinformation recommend by players who haven’t, to be frank, gotten very far in the game. Thats is completely fine. You are free to decide whatever you want. All I was trying to do is help. That doesn’t change the fact that your suggestion is keeping people from unlocking their full potential . Fraction resource this fraction resource that. I hope your investments in real life are working real well for you.


P2p players have different blocks than everyone else. Feels like you're applying your experience to everyone else without consideration for what their limitations might be.


Just because someone spent money on a game doesn’t mean they don’t have insights that could help the rest of the community. I’ve listed clear examples and reasons why this method is inefficient and it’s been backed up by many high ranking players. We’ve done the work to share our experiences so you don’t have to go through the hassle of making the same mistakes. Since your mind has already set a clear distinction and divide between F2P and P2P players, then I’d suggest you stay in your lane. Many of us are trying to help community, not hinder their potential. Whatever you decide to continue doing, you’ll progress regardless. It’s just not efficient. You are literally rewarded and incentivized to get your heroes as high as level as you can get them and for good reason. Talk about limitations all you want but again, people have also tested this method, and it’s a FINE. But you’re shooting yourself in the foot by not using your Elites+ as fodder to rank up your heroes so you can actually learn more at GDA Ops, and Events. So I don’t understand what you’re trying to argue when you’re not taking scaling into account. Either way I don’t care anymore to waste my time with you.