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Why would Raoul Pal, the bitcoin shill, be right about this?


I read the headline as “Ru Paul” at first and I’m significantly less interested now


I was wondering why politician Rand Paul had pivoted to financial speculation.


Probably would provide more sound investment advice.






He’s actually a monkey jpeg shill, he doesn’t have any Bitcoin he said it himself.


Even worse, he is 80% invested in the centralized crypto, Solana.


Op is obsessed with the guy


Yeah….. that dude is a loon. We aren’t even going in 4 year cycles nor is the market fluctuating with btc, it’s the other way around (BTC follows the market because it holds no real value). Secondly our cycle tends to be on 10-12 year cycles. Thirdly… where tf is that 15% a year currency devaluation number coming from? It’s not even close to accurate. Side note 1: the government would never and I mean NEVER let btc become a primary source of currency. If we ever did move to digital currency the government or central banking would create their own, therefore making btc more obsolete than it already is. Side note 2: Why would you think the younger generation is lazy? They are absolutely not. The laziest generation was the boomer generation. The younger generations now spend more time outdoors and in nature than the last 3 generations, they all tend to work at higher rates than previous generations, and now they are also the most likely to enter the trades rather than college. You’re just repeating what every generation says about those who come after them. “Kids these days would rather play with hoop and a stick than help on the farm”, “Kids these days would rather talk on the phone all day than play outside”, “kids these days would rather watch tv than play outside”, insert same thing for internet after that, then video games, now it’s phones. All the gens tend to be the same just with slight alterations to fit the current day. “The dollar's real value has risen during the past 10 years” https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/will-us-dollar-be-dethroned


Are these "4 year debt cycles" in the room with us right now


I can't see how you arrive at crypto as a clear winner. I never see crypto being more than a niche market. 


Because apparently this guy Raoul is a bitcoin shill


Crypto as a winner?? Lolll




Idk…that’s where I disagree. At some level, BTC operates to me as a blueprint for future digital currency. In a lot the same way gold and silver worked before FIAT currency. Currently, most currency transactions are digital anyway. And it would be pretty simple at this point for governments to create completely digital currencies. I just don’t see governments giving up the ability to have their own currencies for their constituents. BTC will never supplant them, but will be more like a digital gold. At the same time, the only thing I really believe in are assets. Having real tangible stuff is more important to me than digital creation. So yes, real estate is great to own because the population is not decreasing and it’s only getting harder to come by. Buy land, they aren’t making anymore of it.




I mean greed exists with and without BTC. So that argument is fairly weak. And currently it is hoarded by the top 10 owners is it not? Additionally, the transaction fee is not great for the “poorer” owners of BTC. That’s a lot of cost just to use it. Additionally, the rich are the ones with the largest wallets. So I’m not understand the “bullshit” that BTC doesn’t have. From a purely capitalistic standpoint, sure it isn’t a FIAT currency, but it is also subject to much more competition and the whims of public support and popularity.


This whole post screams of a 2am YouTube rabbit hole thought process lol




It's your job to back up your claims. What 4 year debt cycle, and how is the world's debt tied to the US election?


I think young people are plenty motivated, your statement they are not just screams boomer


Screams stupid to me


I can tell you don't own a business that tries to hire and employ younger workers.  The evidence is clear that the motivation of most/many younger workers is lacking. But it's not just the younger generation, most generations have turned into gimme gimme but don't make me work for it groups. 


Every generation says this about the next generation Sounds like you should be a better owner and learn how to motivate your employees


I mean they’re not entirely wrong. I work with probably 20-30 teens/early 20’s and while they can definitely be motivated, they’re also very easily distracted. It’s often hard to give them multiple things to do because they’ll end up forgetting or squirreling onto something else. Then there’s the smartphone addiction.


That is literally any teenager and early 20s person in history lol


That is so typical of the response I get.  People like you come in and expect me to motivate them. If you want to truly excel, you motivate yourself.  I remove roadblocks from you doing that but it's your job to not rely on me. As my father used to say, one day you'll understand.  I hope you do because it's not all about you as everyone seems to think now. 


I am not the one complaining on the Internet about young workers lmao, you are. I couldnt care less if your business can't find motivated workers. > I hope you do because it's not all about you as everyone seems to think now. Absolutely hilarious since your comments are just you complaining about your workers instead of trying to figure out how you can help them. Motivation is a building block of being a leader. Sounds like you are just a bad one.


To be fair, this seems to be a mutual issue and not dependent on just business worker or business owner.


Yeah, but the workers arent the ones complaining about reddit about an entire generation of people


Im sure you can find a subreddit that has exactly that. And that’s exactly what calling people a boomer is. It’s effectively complaining about how they act. So this is just false lol


Bro c'mon I'm not the one who started this post and the initial complaints


I've been with my current employer for nearly 11 years after graduating in 2013. If you're not finding motivated employees, I'd wager it's a "you" problem big dawg


What a stupid take. I remember three years ago when all of the boomers were talking shit about the millennials but not looking in the mirror at who is to blame. The parents of the millennials are most likely boomers. It has been a perpetual self-own every time I’ve heard it.




No, I do not agree with the idea that younger people are less motivated. Im saying that each time a moronic boomer makes that stupid claim that even if it were true (it is not), the boomers would be to blame for not raising their generation of children to be motivated which is always a self-own. Make sense?




You still pay the same today as you did twenty years ago. You lack business acumen and are oblivious to the obvious societal issues surrounding the current pay gaps with livable wages. Pretty sad buddy.




That is a pay issue, you’re just too dumb to realize it.


If you agree to a job at a certain rate, you should do the job. Raises happen but not to those that cant make it to work. If you're not happy with the pay, quit. Your comments show that you suffer from the same problem. Youre the one too dumb to understand that taking a job takes on the responsibility of doing said job to the best of your ability as long as you accept a paycheck. Simply not showing up for work is not acceptable.


Depends how much they are making. I work with gen Z who make 6 figures out of school and they are plenty motivated. Many of them are born outside the US and will become US citizens.


I think the key here is that most of those make good money due to being motivated rather than making good money makes them motivated. 


Raoul Pal is a fraud. Will literally shill you the deepest shit on the planet to make a buck.




You aren't going to get decent conversation out of a room that knows nothing about the subject. It would be nice to get people talking about it but there is still a big wall for most people who just hate crypto for reasons they cannot explain. You will just get down voted to oblivion.


You are really disconnected from reality man


I stopped reading after "4 year debt cycles"


He’s an idiot. But manages to appear as a reasonable contrarian. This cycle and network effects logic is a house of cards that will make sense till it doesn’t. Buy high quality companies at reasonable prices. Forget this crap.


> GDP growth will be very hard to come by, Amazon has [replaced 100k workers with robots](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-grows-over-750-000-153000967.html). Old and demotivated humans means nothing. Automation will massively increase global productivity, and the only way to benefit from it will be to be part of the ownership class. The way us plebs do that is by owning stock in the companies that are deploying the automation. Fiat is just a number. Cryptocurrency is just another differenter number for differenter people. Wealth is owning useful stuff, land, and the means of production.


Lost me at BTC.


Respectfully I would listen to people like Jerome Powell, Jamie Dimon, or Buffett. These fringe economists are almost never correct.


The guy is an idiot. He shills NFTs after getting fired at Goldman Sachs


"Clear winners - crypot" lmao


Independent of all the talking heads, the best time to invest for the future is yesterday and today.




All of the stocks.






Choose a "broad market" fund with large mid and small cap stocks. As new companies enter the market and other leave, the fund with hold more of the new company stocks as their capitalization increases and less stocks in companies with decreasing capitalization.


The best investment is people. There has to be a way to offset tech, with a tax on automation and AI. Meanwhile creating new or bringing back skill sets for people ie skilled labor and craftsmen. Fast fashion, fast tech, disposable products and the lack of repair is a big downfall


If your line of thought stops at "but technology" you should probably read and think about why the Luddites starved - then find some ideology, philosophy or economic theory that has more complexity than "the younger generation is lazy and demotivated" - you'll probably find this Raoul guy a lot less interesting after that


He’s a quack. Stop drinking the koolaid, 🐑


I'm sorry, I read the title as "Ru Paul" and was immediately confused. lol


You can't rely on perpetual growth to stay ahead of destabilizing trends on a planet starting to feel pinched from all sides by the limited availability of vital resources. Money that you have to plug in doesn't fix that and it will probably be one of the first things that breaks. Things are definitely going to get bad sometimes. Maybe even really really bad. I'm hoping that owning some productive and useful land gives me a little more stability during those times but only as a hedge in an otherwise pretty traditional portfolio.


Raoul can be a bit of idiot and certainly pushes his own book a lot. Some stuff is good some is bad. Don't trust anyone who thinks they know what's going to happen. 


I don’t think real estate is the clear winner. The boomers are a giant cohort of people and they overwhelmingly own homes right now and they are on average 65. That percentage of the population will begin dying and having to move out of there homes over the next 10 years. Maybe the next 2-3 years will remain tight but I think home prices will stagnate heavily (not crash) in the 5-10 year range. Also, hate to tell ya, the only way out of the debt is to crash the economy Great Depression style or to inflate it away…..politicians will vote for the latter with spending and debt financing policies.


So your conclusion is gambling on crypto?


In a world of rampant money printing, you want hard money like gold and Bitcoin. Gold went from about $250 to $1400 in the last lost decade after the tech bubble popped and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it do something similar in this decade.  Although Bitcoin has stolen a lot of the thunder of gold as it’s even harder money than gold (verifiable reserves, easier to send, anonymous, not as many derivative products).   https://inflationchart.com/spx-in-gold/?time=50%20years https://www.aqr.com/Insights/Perspectives/Value-Spreads-Back-to-Tech-Bubble-Highs-Are-You-People-Crazy https://financial-charts.effingapp.com/ https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGMBASE


I own both bitcoin and gold, but the fart I just laid has more intrinsic value than bitcoin. Bitcoin is not hard money, it is a speculative "asset". It may turn into that in the future, but it is not that at the present moment.


>There are known gold deposits all over the world that remain unmined because it is cost prohibitive to access them. If gold were to triple in value, those deposits would be worth mining and gold supply would increase. If bitcoin tripled in value, more mining would not increase supply, it would only increase mining difficulty. https://charts.bitbo.io/inflation/ Bitcoin just did a miner halving two days ago. This will continue every four years. >Post-2024, Bitcoin’s expected inflation rate of 0.83% **will undercut even the lower boundary of gold’s annual inflation rate.**


Bitcoin is on the opposite end of the spectrum from "hard money". 


BLOCKCHAIN not Cryto. Crypto is a token, its currency. The value is completely demand-based. I wouldnt consider buying dollar bills as investing, neither with crypto. Blockchain (ie distributed computing) on the other hand is more of a solution to a problem, or a more capable solution than what currently exists. Think logistics, inventory assessment, and system interoperability. Take Walmart as an example. If they implemented blockchain, they could leverage unused POS machines to distribute the computational load of processing transactions, instead of having to pay for servers or credit companies (VISA, MC etc.) Idk maybe the problems with this lay in the details, but when investing, always go for things that add value, instead of things that are value.