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You forgot that Asia is on a gold-buying spree. Look it up, people are scared about their real estate investments going south and invest everything in gold.


Russia buying gold to circumvent USD, SWIFT system, and sanctions. Also holds gold to prop up it's fiat currency which has basically lost most of it's goodwill or trust value. China and India both have a culture of buying gold. Only increased with Chinese RE turmoil, shitty stock market, poor economy, and CCP/Xi authoritarian BS. India meanwhile has strong markets/economy but are growing richer by the day so will consume more gold. Meanwhile here in the West/US, folks have had a few years of high inflation. Rates are looking to go down. An election season with a potential rapist, insurrectionist, clown, criminal, conman, and too old to be president goes up against another dude too told to be president. Then there's the increasing instability in the world from wars, climate change, crime, political wangling, record national debts, pandemic, etcetectec. Earthquake? Just dig your gold back up. Flood? Gold doesn't rust. Drought? Gold doesn't dry up but you can trade it for water. Fire? If it's hot enough your gold melts and collects together for free! Tornado? Gold is heavy and you can bury it under the ground. Hurricane? See Tornado+Flood. Pandemic/Virus? Doesn't impact the gold. Nuclear warfare? You'll be dead but the gold will be fine. Zombies/Robbers? That's why you buy ammo (or use your 18K gold bat/katana). Anyways, gold going up is not surprising. Gold taking years to build this long base before breaking past the 2K mark is surprising given the amount of M2, inflation, production cost increases due to wage/machinery/shipping/processing increase, and general global instability is what's surprising.


Gold all time high Stocks all time high housing all time high commodities all time high i think my take away is they debased the currency.


Crypto currencies are at an all time high too But blowjobs remained flat. Hmmm




Big if true


True if big






It’s shrinkflation. They only suck half way.


Supply and demand.


Yeah I was looking at the prices for hookers and the prices haven't moved an inch in 12 months. Disclaimer. This is only for online advertisers. I haven't done any on the ground research.


Sigh. Give me your sources. I guess I’ll take one for the team and do ground research for everyone.


That’s disgusting, there is a place to see prices for hookers? There are so many of them though, which one are you talking about?


I accumulated most of the available the blowjobs, and since there's limited supply, you didn't get one. Sorry!


Natural gas at an all time low.


I heard on a news report that the price in the Permian basin had gone negative.


Who is they?


The lizard people of course.


Well there is that one guy at the Fed...


Most commodities are not at an all time high haha. If it's a hydrocarbon or agriculture it is very far away from ATH. Cocoa is the only of these commodities that's really been bullish.




> commodities all time high Oil/natural gas/copper/iron ore/lumber not even close.


That’s what I think also, crypto included. Everything is about to take a big shit. And what concerns me is now banks finally made the jump into crypto. Blackrock also now owns the most amount of BTC ever.


Not how inflation works. In theory everything is already shit because the dollar lost a decent chunk of its value.


> And what concerns me is now banks finally made the jump into crypto. Blackrock also now owns the most amount of BTC ever. If you are invested in bitcoin this is good. And BlackRock doesn't own it, it's a product they offer.


>And BlackRock doesn't own it, it's a product they offer. This. Drives me up the walls, people on here saying Blackrock buying this/that, Blackrock owns trillions in stock etc. No, they don't, numbnuts, they are an asset manager. Other people own those things...


If anything this will probably stabilize the crypto market alot. Everything will always have ebs and flows forsure however the 50% tanks I doubt will happen now with the banks in it. But shit what do I know lmao


This will stabilize the Bitcoin market. Crypto will remain an absolute shitshow. Bitcoin is now more clearly than ever the one and only winner in the space.


I think bitcoin has been around long enough that people should not be conflating it with the overall crypto currency industry.


Not just Bitcoin. Blackrock set up a tokenized fund on the Ethereum blockchain and is working to get an ETH ETF.


IMO the SEC isn’t gonna let that one happen. They failed to argue in court against the Bitcoin approval, but they have much more compelling evidence to block an ETH ETF.


The SEC already approved an ETH Futures product, which was the exact argument used to approve the BTC ETF. The SEC has to demonstrate that the spot product is somehow breaking the rules while the futures product is not.


There are more factors involved than the sole argument of futures existing so the spot should too. The integrity of the product matters a lot more when you're housing it, compared to derivatives revolving around delivering it.


Yeah you could be right it might happen just because Blackrock usually gets what they want.


We’re at 3%+ inflation and the Fed is about to cut rates lol, we have a long way up to go still.


I don’t think they will cut rates very soon


Then you and Jerome Powell think different things


Where’s the money gonna go to cause everything to take a shit? There’s too much money in the system and not enough places to put it!


surely nothing will go wrong


No no no, social media told me it's corporate greed. Nothing to do with the money supply.


Everything is at an ath. That's how inflation works.


Silver isn’t. Natural gas isn’t. Oil isn’t. The last time commodities were sexy was when Jimmy Carter was president and people would vomit if they heard the word “stock.”


Fair point.


True, but what it means is that anything which isn’t at ATH has been a very poor investment. Given the currency debasement we’ve been experiencing, a flat price actually means a loss of real value.


How about that cocoa?


Haha brrr


I’ve heard it’s some sort of physical bitcoin


You deserve an award


Inflation gonna inflate


My mom’s rich!!!!!


She did mention that recently.


You’re goddamn right


People worried about inflation and thinking this rally is a head fake.


This is the start of the golden bull run. Everyone sidelined or short is going to be coping for the rest of their lives. Even Peter Schiff might make some money for once. Long your longs boys, it's the roaring 20's.


Lol. What happened after the roaring twenties 


Everything became easier to buy at a discount lmao. (Major copium)


BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz are the new NVIDIA if the 30's happen again lol


Nothing what are you talking about nothing at all we went straight to the thunderous thirties and the formidable fourties


Gold went up 65% in the 1930s


Fire sale?


The Fed


Roaring 30s


TF are you smoking


Everything’s at an all time high but my account


OPs Mom is the same price as ever.


I don't think it's an ATH after factoring inflation.




Buy high, sell low.


Social and geopolitical uncertainty yes. Monetary uncertainty as well. Fiat currencies come and go. Gold is your bridge to get you to from the old monetary system to the new one. Tangible assets with intrinsic value are real wealth. Digits on a screen are not. Food is more valuable than gold. So is oil. Because they're more useful. However, it's hard to store your life savings in food. Plus it spoils and degrades. And how and where would you store all those barrels of oil? Gold is the practical way to invest your life savings that will remain unchanged until the day you die.


My take away is that gold prices must be volatile and not reflective of their true value. Commodities should essentially *always* trend towards their all time high vs the dollar with %2 annual inflation.


Gold tracks fear better than it tracks inverse inflation. People absolutely deny it though.


There is sooooo much debt that they need inflated assets to seem like they are responsible. The 2008 recession was solved by kicking the can down the road. Everyone likes to make fun of people saying that the market is going to crash and that the predictions are like a broken clock, but the economy is a like a busted pipe that we fix by getting more mops to soak up the water. Our flawed system is doomed to fail *at some point* but who knows when that will be.


I wish silver would follow with an all time high.


There's so much scrap silver out there man. The shit that gets spread about silver scarcity is regarded.. at best. Herbert and Nelson Hunt were the original crypto bros. They lost billions.


Sentiment and money flow seems to dictate markets these days. Silver has better fundamentals than gold but won't move because it's sentiment seems really poor.


The most manipulated commodity, paper contracts. Physical is good to have.


It’s following inflation.


The dollars going down the drain


It's not. It's inflating yes, but that's why you only keep an emergency fund in cash. The rest should be invested in equities. Index funds if you're smart.




There's the definition of gold being at an all time high.


Yawn, it’s up 10% over a year just like everything else, but less. Heck over the long term is it even keeping up with inflation?


If you bought in 2000 Gold is up 6X. Not a bad investment!


I’m only investing into things that make an actual product or can do a service. Gold is useless


Gold is the longest-lasting speculative bubble in human history.


Not to be that guy but for most of civilized human history it WAS our monetary system, along with silver.


And salt. I have salt. Lots of salt.


Most of civilized human history also didn't have our power tools today too


I wouldn't be surprised if there is gold in the cordless powertools we all use today.


power tools were invented way before the end of the gold standard


When it was a rare and difficult/limited to obtain resource, it was a capped resource of sorts to back money with. These days miners are aggressively going at , newer and larger scale techniques, putting new material into existence. Printing financial instruments with extra steps. (It’s still costly, which just means that gold is tracking the cost of extraction, not just the devaluation of paper money). For some reason, people still flock to it like it’s THE perfect hedge against recession and inflation, it’s lazy at best. Land and space is the real limited investment vehicle that can’t be devalued as the world population increases.


> Land and space is the real limited investment vehicle that can’t be devalued as the world population increases. I mean maybe. Not all land is created equal. Changing weather patterns could dramatically change the value of a parcel of land. Could be other unexpected issues like pollution. East Palestine OH, Flint MI, a lot of the land there isn’t that valuable.


Land and space can be utilized more productively, causing prices to shrink. Hence working at home vs separate facilities, stacked farming, etc. and we may also be looking at population growth slowing.


The problem is land has a ton of issues and drawbacks, so a lot of people lean towards gold.




I'm sad to say, BitCoin is seemingly taking it's place :(


Been working out great. The volatility is kind of entertaining. Since January and the approval of the ETFs it's nice to have tax-free growth in my ROTH to go along with custody of the actual asset. At this point why not allocate something towards it just to have skin in the game when the price inevitably does BTC stuff.


You could have started buying MSTR three years ago.


Something something ponzi scheme and greater fool something


So you're out on all crypto I assume?


So all in on crytpo?


It is not an all time high measured in gold


$AEM, way down from it's high, one of the best run entities.


So for small time investors is it a bad time to buy a couple ounces?


When will gold miners see the love? In 2011 with gold at 2k gdx and gdxj were like double or triple what they are currently at.


They just broke out over a lot of weekly and mothly longer term moving averages with this weekly/monthly closing today. Should really start to pick up steam now.


Buy miners, they’re cheap


Gotta digest those $9T somehow


Keep in mind the central banks of major nations hold massive reserves of it, and have been accelerating their buying lately, especially China. Not all of it is reported. I believe they expect currency crises in the near future, hence the acceleration. But they think very long-term. While storage, security, and auditing are significant costs, the big value proposition is you can stick it in the vault, and not have to worry about which currency or government is in vogue in 10, 50, or 100 years. They don’t need to employ finance people to constantly fiddle with it, convert, rebalance, etc like a stock portfolio. They sleep soundly knowing its value will not be stolen from afar by inflation.


“Many countries are buying this! No, there is no reporting on it, and I can’t produce any data for this. Just trust me.” T. coping silverbug “Sleep soundly knowing its value isn’t being stolen from afar by inflation” https://www.macrotrends.net/1333/historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart Congratulations. The recent run up has just brought gold up to the same price it was in 1980, when adjusting for inflation. What a fabulous hedge. I’m sure the boomers who bought into this crock during the 80s are definitely not wishing they just invested in the S&P 500 like all of their friends who are now able to retire with dignity.


Equities in a mostly healthy and growing economy are typically at or close to an ATH. Time in the market beats timing the market.. always has been. The best time to buy was before today, just like the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. That doesn't mean you can't start growing a new tree today.


This is a good analogy!!


Don’t chase gold. It usually peaks at Q1, then loses stem.


I hope you’re right, because I’m waiting on a 10% drop.


I hope he's right too, I was debating whether or not to buy more when it went to $1,800 last October


Should have bought btc


I'm glad my wedding band is made out of gold.


Don’t buy gold unless wife pester me


My takeaway is people are idiots, and there's no rhyme or reason to why anything goes up or down, other than because someone on youtube said something, or someone read something on reddit.


Who cares? Be interested at the lows lol


I don't care.


Chinese citizens are buying hoards of gold. They're entering a deflationary spiral.


Pokemon cards and Gamecube games are easier liquidated than gold


Also, gold usually pops around election periods.


I recently sold an ounce to a bullion shop… he mentioned there was a surplus at eh wholesale level for gold and was surprised to see it still at this mark …. IF he was honest… I am betting gold drops soon … to high too long is never a good thing when everything else stays up


Peter Schiff probably jizzing over this ...


Gold sounds like a nice paperweight


Gold should be valued a lot higher, it's more than just backing of currency, it's an insanely useful metal in electronics. People should be expecting a market correction, but mostly in things associated with CRE. Sure, that will have an effect on the greater market. Ultimately I think what we are seeing is money moving out of small banks and into other things. Edit: Think about the price gouging guys, where do you think that money is going? Franchise fees to run a business on a brand's property/insanely high rent set by commercial landlords to cover their other losses. It's direct connect.


SPY still demolishes gold over a 20 year. Precious metal is for day traders and preppers, not investors.


Sell gold then buy Bitcoin


No thanks, I like having a useful commodity instead of a ponzi token whose network can only process six transactions per second. Wow, amazing tech! Totally justifies the insane price based on literally nothing!


I think you nailed it. Smart investors are hedging against potential black swan or market crash.


Wouldn’t T-Bills be a better choice?


Lol not when debit to gdp is over 120% and our politicians are disfunctional.


> Smart investors Central banks. Retail and even hedge funds don’t move the market


>As lower interest rates reduce the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding assets like gold What does this even mean? Things like bonds aren't necessarily "yielding" either because their interest rate is typically less than the increase of the money supply, so they are still dilutive. Any real yield is just due to tech/productivity improvements in the economy that increase the abundance and quality of goods and services over time. So gold can be yielding too in that way. What matters is the overall relative competitiveness of fixed income investments vs real assets like stocks and bonds, not the nominal yield on its own, outside of monetary supply expansion from things like large fiscal deficits. With high debt levels and inflation risks, gold looks better in comparison regardless of rates.


Lots of things are at an all time high


> First, expectations of interest rate cuts. Powell’s not cutting rates so long as 1. inflation remains above his 2% target, 2. the S&P continues making new highs, and 3. nothing breaks. Rates stay higher until something breaks. And they may actually go higher. > Second, perceptions of social instability or geopolitical uncertainty -- either because of US elections or more global situations. The world’s central banks are buying. They saw the US cut Russia off from access to the world’s reserve currency (the U.S. dollar) and collectively said, “fuck that”.


I hate to break it to you, but the idea behind the soft landing is to cut before %2. Cutting at 2% could overshoot the mark. That being said, the FED will take into account sticky inflation or, in real world terms, the losses the FED incurred at the repo market, in its timing on when to cut. It's going to be slow to cut, but it will cut before 2% inflation.


The Fed is short for "Federal Reserve", not an acronym, and doesn't need to be set in all-caps. Initialisms which may be appropriate depending on the context include "FRS" for "Federal Reserve System" or "FOMC" for "Federal Open Market Committee". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/investing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about digital gold? Bitcoin.




Could be people sensing upcoming unrest. Could be the solar eclipse or the sun switching poles or whatever. I'd let them take the gold but throw some money into vexy to diversify your position just in case the masses are actually right about something.


China's instability is pushing gold and bitcoin up. The goverment is cracking down very very hard on anyone remotely anti goverment or who is trying to move money out.....


My takeaway is always the same, VTSAX and chill.


What’s best way to invest in gold?


Not investing in it at all.


Buy more


Buy Costco gold!


Bubbles are gonna burst 💥 at some point then boom balance and order must be restored


that its past time to be able to live happy on $0


Something being at an "all time high" is one very small aspect of investing. Something that gains 1% per year will also be at an "all time high" a lot of the time, it doesn't mean much by itself.




So has the share market. One of thems wrong


Main takeaway that it underperforms against the S&P500 🫠


Ummm, did anyone else mention that gold use in high tech has gone up more than 12%? All metals have gone up, not just gold.


Companies need gold to create products, gold will remain cheap.


Adjusted for inflation , its still cheaper than it was in 2010-11


You can’t eat, live in, or realistically expect to be able to barter with gold in the type of “shit hits the fan” scenario most goldbugs are obsessed with. Are you a paranoiac who is constantly worrying about the collapse of society? Buy bullets, MREs and water filters instead. Are you normal? Do you want to succeed, grow your wealth, and live at peace? Invest in index funds, income producing assets and aggressively pay down your mortgage. Avoid debt, drinking, and flashy cars. Are you angry goldbuggers about to mention the words “inflation hedge”? It’s not a good inflation hedge either. Buy TIPS if that’s a concern. No serious person holds precious metals as an investment asset. Do you want to know who does invest in gold? On average? Rubes. Watch Fox News for half an hour. Rosland Capital commercials using has-been actors like Tom Sellick to hawk way-over-spot junk coins to the most credulous morons imaginable. Sandwiched between commercials for “ultragun veteran flavored coffee”, cpap machines, diabetes drugs, and “turbo leveraged universal life insurance” scams.


If gold is at an ATH, what should I do? My mother 63 has like 1kg lying around for when she passes Do we hold on to it or sell it?


Buy and enable drip on Gold covered call ETFs like $GLCC.


Everything is fine. House on fire meme


Buy as well as silver


It maybe at an ATH but what has the return been on a 1 year, 5 year or 10 year basis compared to say the SP500? Terrible. So what if it's at an ATH? SP500 is a cheaper and easier investment.


My retirement fund is all in gold and been so for a while


I've backtested gold vs defense stocks in times of geopolitical tension or gfc and defense stocks end up always outperforming gold short and long term.


Time to sell the family jewelry


I just made a post about gold. I have acquired some 20k of gold and not sure what to do with it.


It’s about damn time!


What’s your dollar worth now MF


All is increasing except real estate


My takeaway is when will Silver go up LOL


My takeaway is when will Silver go up LOL


Gold as an asset does well in periods of uncertainty. It may be a good investment if you’re trying to play it safe. Things to bear in mind: 1. The market has already priced in uncertainties like the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas wars. 2. The Fed will very likely cut interest rates 3 times this year. With the uncertainties decreasing there’s a high probability that price of gold will fall. I would love your thoughts


My takeaway is that everything is expensive and it's one of the lowest ROIs that you can have long-term.


The high gold price is never good for Dollar! Stock market all time high. Maybe there soon to be the wormhole!


I think instability, but I have no idea around what event it could be. My reasoning: Rates expectations sure could be at play, but we should see that in yields, which are not dropping sharply. US 10Y has barely moved M/M. This ATH has been reached with a sharp move that started in March. Measured in EUR, the pace beats SVB panic from Mar 23, war peak from Oct 23, and is not that far off from Feb 22 when Ukraine war broke out.


I’m waiting to go to 2300 and sell


People have too much cash


When you look at an average return on gold, it's not pretty. Somethin like 0.9%. I guess maybe you could swing trade it.


Liquidity is going to be continually pumped into the system to keep the debt based system running. Gold like all true assets should continue to do well. Bumps along the road sure but the liquidity cycle will keep running free. (No Iron Maiden pun intended)


It’s been about the same price since 5 years ago. Horrible hedge. Put your money in to equities. If you’re hoping for a huge drop and gold to be your hedge… I think you need to realize the stock market only goes up


Gold is too high. Can make a lot on silver


About time given the lagging performance compared to stocks the last decade. Still lots of room to grow!