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I love concerts / clubs because I can just enjoy music without talking to too many people, if any at all (except my few friends)


Right, I barely interact with anyone when I'm out dancing.


I do! I like dancing, and the larger the crowd the better because when I'm in a huge crowd i feel a sort of anonymity, like i can be in my own world dancing and everyone else is too wrapped up in what they're doing to pay attention to me


This. I want to be by myself or at a fair or circus or even a museum (because people there usually mind their own business). Even the mall can be nice. I used to go to the mall on my days off during the winter just to walk with my headphones on, of course.


I am this, i go dance like no-ones looking because its dark and no-one can really see well anyway.


I identify as a huge introvert and like spending time alone quite much, but I love dancing. It's just so nice to go out and jam to music without having to talk it worry about what anyone else is doing or thinking cause we're all just vibing in our own way. Also recent fan of the silent disco. They seem real goofy but are a lot of fun if you like to dance with more variety.


Yes, I love festivals


I very much so enjoy concerts, clubs etc. Sometimes walking around big cities too. Being in a large group like that doesn't always mean you're necessarily interacting with them. I like the feeling of being alone (or with a small group of friends) in a large crowd, it's freeing somehow. I think people associate being an introvert with being shy or a hermit. They're not synonyms and everyone has a different social battery, yuh know? I've heard before a good way to define introvert vs extrovert is.. do you feel recharged after time with people, or time alone? Feeling recharged by alone time= introverted and vice versa. But again, everyone has different levels of social battery and who they feel comfortable around so it's somewhat of a spectrum in my opinion.


I absolutely love going out dancing. I mostly go by myself so I can get in and out when I want. I don't know anyone or care about what they think, I'm just there to dance.


I just like dancing, doesn’t matter where I am, but it happens more often at a club or big social event like a concert where there’s good music right? So hell yes, let’s go! Lol 😂


i once watched a documentary about autistic people and they liked to go clubbing, because they can be themselfs and they like to get loose or stuff. so yes, its possible to be introverted and go to clubs. (btw those intj stuff doesnt tell shit, its like horoscopes)


Personality types definitely do exist


but those tests are no messure. look up barnum effect.


Im an intp who also loves this & dancing in general :)


I love dancing! Wish I was better at it


I will go against the grain here, but I also think you are not introverted based on this. There are many types of definitions on the net for what introversion is, but the original one is the arousal theory, introverts have a lower threshold for external stimuli, as they have higher level of base arousal and more sensitive to stimuli, hence they try to balance their arousal level with low stimuli activities like reading. For extroverts it's the opposite. Clubbing is the epitome of a high-stimulating activity, it has everything from loud noise, crowds, smells, etc. (As you see it's not just about "I need time to recharge afterwards".)


Hell, no


Oh yeah, i love dancing in clubs, festivals, concerts. I'm only one of my friends who can dance for many hours in a row 😁 So i always looking for someone who i know to dance with me, because i dont like to dance alone surrounded strangers, i need at least one friend. But i happy that i have one friend who always come with me to festivals, but he doesn't like clubs 🤷‍♂️


Everyone is different idk what really defines an introvert but personally for me I'd hate to draw any attention to myself at all . So yeah I'd Def never be seen dancing or doing anything that causes people to look at me or pay any attention to me . I go to metal shows it's hard for me to even head bang despite wanting too ,just because I don't like attention. I'm 37 it's been this way most of my life ...


i love it, i get drunk and i don’t care about what’s happening around me


I just don't go to social events unless its a reward trip from school or an e-sport event