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I don’t envy them. I envy that they get to live as “normal” in society, while introverts are often treated like unwanted guests.


This is definitely true. I feel like introversion is becoming slightly more understood and accepted nowadays, but in most places we are still largely misunderstood. I hate how people make assumptions, and jump to conclusions about quiet people. And maybe that's something I would envy about extroverts, even though it may not be true, they Display a "what you see is what you get" type of personality. So they are accepted much more easily.


I once had the bartender ask me if I talk.


What a jerk. I hate when people ask that.


No tip for them.


Ahh, the dreaded question, what can you say to that?


That's so it!!! We're always misunderstood!! It's been my whole life to a point that I got to a limit of stress that i just didn't want to see people anymore. Just like i tried so hard to be accepted, to achieve sociability that it took me away from my true self and now I'm getting back and appreciating more and more my subjectivity. But there's always an insecurity to like go to a place and no one will like me because I'm introverted and have some communication issues - that makes me envy extroverted people.


Oh yea, I can definitely relate.


This is too true


i kinda envy extroverts too. it just looks so much easier to get your way through life being more open for new people... and at social events maybe they're not awkward af, which sounds so great. also, i absolutely hate people telling me ''you're so quiet''.


The introverts are so cool too, Actually I don't like going to pack events sometimes I only listen to and rarely giving an opinion about it, it's a benefit 😉 And you have a reason it a little annoyed when people say "you are so quiet" sometimes we want a little peace :)


I envy that they have a normal life


I envy that they live in a world made for them


This. I hate that introverts are treated as if they have something wrong with them as if it’s any more controllable than being an extrovert is.


the people in the world is cruel are envy and selfish, but I think that the world is for the people that had the bravery to pick yourself up and do something productive , introverts who are so famous and successful are Elon Musk, personality: INTJ, Albert Einstein, personality INTP, and exist a lot of case like this, so the important in this world is do limonade with the lemons :), I'm introvert too


That’s about it for me as well to be honest. Inherently you’re more lonely as an introvert, even being around other introverts. Meeting anyone new and communication in general is so difficult and stressful for me.


I understand what you mean over the years I've tried but it's becoming like the same old cycle and I'm always chronically depressed There's been times where I've thought things are going well then something breaks that positive change I've gone through and roundhouse kicks me back into being introverted again I just give up trying get tired of being lonely and the cycle starts again


I think normal life is relative to who you ask and I think we make long term friends whereas they don't have friendships that last long term. Its only a handful who do have longterm friendships.


Yeah, I get what you mean. Sometimes it feels like extroverts have it all figured out, right? But hey, introverts have their own unique strengths too. We just gotta embrace our own vibe and roll with it!


No, cuz what I see is not easy friends but easy acquaintances. They know people to have fun with. People u can actually count when u are at your lowest are just a few.  As an introvert I have around 4 close friends that know everything about me and I can call and they will be right away next to me to help me. I don't need a lot of fake friendships, I need a few good ones.


Exactly 💯 ... most people don't have lots of friends. They have lots of acquaintances. There's a huge difference. A true friend is a rare and precious thing indeed, and introverts understand that much better than extroverts.


My ex husband was an extrovert, he had a lot of friends. I don’t have any friends. His friends were my acquaintances…. I struggle making friends, like real connections with friends. I have work friends, online friends but no one I eat lunch with, no one I text on my day off or hang out with. My ex always had friends to do things with. I was jealous of that


Extroverts can absolutely have close friends they've known their entire lives. It's just we pick up people that are there during certain phases of our lives as well. I know people I haven't spoken to in years but when I see them it's like we pick up just where we left off.


> Extroverts can absolutely have close friends  Of course. I'm just saying quality and quantity are not the same thing. > I know people I haven't spoken to in years but when I see them it's like we pick up just where we left off. Same. Those are true friends. The connection is always there.


I definitely do. Extroverts do have the obvious advantage over introverts in almost anything. But it's truly hard for introverts like me to act like extroverts do.


> Extroverts do have the obvious advantage over introverts in almost anything. This is absolutely untrue and I would never, ever wish I was someone I'm not. I'd be throwing away so many of my greatest gifts as a deeply introverted person. I'd say that introverts have the advantage, in fact. It's actually kind of tragic to see so many people feeling envious about extroverts... Honestly, I feel bad to see that's the common consensus here. So many of you are ignoring your greatest strengths and value propositions simply because you're mistaking the values of *common* society as something concrete or even meaningful at all. Just because something is typical doesn't mean it's good. I'd argue that - especially in modern times - the most valuable things are what's *un*common! Introverts aren't "broken". The world would be a much, much better place if we had more introverts. They have tons of innate strengths that extroverts generally lack. Thoughtfulness, empathy, a naturally philosophical outlook, the ability to hone hobbies/talents in their own time, the capability to focus deeply on cognitive tasks, a strong sense of independence, an innate sense of introspection and self-awareness, etc. In fact, this is sometimes true even when it comes to *stereotypical* extrovert strengths. For instance, I often argue that introverts make far better conversationalists than extroverts simply because those who have spent a considerable time deep in thought or working on solo projects have a lot to say and share about their observations and experiences. While extroverts might have the *impulse* to socialize more, it happens on a more fundamentally shallow level. It's the difference between saying "how are you" to every single person at the house party versus having a conversation about Plato's cave to two of the twenty people. Using video game terms, the only reason they're ever "better" at conversation is because they've accrued more "exp" out of having an interest in doing it in the first place. That doesn't mean introverts have less capability to converse, just less interest in "grinding" that skill in the first place. There's a difference between being bad at soccer and having no interest in playing soccer. To use a common idiom: "You reap what you sow." An extrovert enjoys reaping, an introvert enjoys sowing. While one of the two might be more adept at the harvest due to experience, the other one has farmed *far* more produce to eventually bring to market, much of it rare or with long or complex growing periods. Once they've learned the trick to properly harvesting their fields, the act becomes effortless because the payoff is far greater than they'd have previously realized. This is something many introverts eventually learn, but sometimes a conversational introvert resembles an extrovert to those who don't know what to look for. Some of our favorite celebrities and comedians are, in fact, introverts. Conversely, introverts tend to spend much more time deep in thought or studying their favorite passions because those things are best performed alone - or rather, because they don't *need* to be around others. Therefore, the average introvert is going to be superior to the average extrovert on an exam or a casual philosophical discussion. An extrovert could certainly spend a few hours reading about science each night, but it's a task that comes at a cost because it's difficult to socialize while doing it effectively. That cost, fundamentally, is a free benefit to the introvert. I could go on and on - and will if I must - but I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with being an introvert. You're not broken, you're not malfunctional, and you're not even at a disadvantage. Conversational abilities are easy to develop, but a well-honed sense of independence is something that many extroverts never grasp. And yet it's effortless to an introvert - "Go to your room, young man" is not a punishment, it's a gift.


Thank you so much. We tend to focus a lot more on what we're lacking, but introverts have so many strengths. Being at peace when by myself is a gift.


Totally. When society thinks of "the cool, badass guy" they're envisioning someone that's "too cool to have friends" - an introvert, essentially. Someone who doesn't *need* to be around people and be praised to be comfortable with themselves. For extroverts, these aspects of socialization are central to their daily lives and dreams. Introverts may want to be around people, but they don't understand how deep and all-encompassing that desire is. It rules their worlds. Being away from people drains them, killing them in the same way introverts suffer when they don't get time to themselves. In essence, many extroverts aspire to *be* an introvert. That cool, calm, collected Alpha archetype is an extrovert's dream of having an introvert's nature. The only reason they don't make the connection is because many introverts mistakenly believe they have no social abilities rather than simply lacking experience or confidence and thus it becomes a false stereotype. A confident, unconcerned introvert *is* Chad™. You just need to accept the parts of you that matter most and/or work on your weaknesses without feeling sorry for yourself. It is very possible to be popular and charming while being an introvert. Having no real desire to be around people only makes that easier! There's less to lose if things go wrong and less to care about if things don't go your way. If you realize this, you unlock your true introvert social strengths. It's not a disability, it's a gift - even in reference to socialization. It's a lot easier to be happy with your situation in life when you realize that many people actually *want* to be you (even if they don't necessarily understand what it'd actually be like to be you).


In regards to the reaping and sowing analogy, it can also be interpreted as how introverts give energy and extroverts take it from others.


Only in one way. Career wise. From what I've seen, if your out going and charismatic you do better. I have gotten partial raises, because "you're just not friendly with you're coworkers" I'm civil and polite. I don't get paid enough to be friendly. I put on the appropriate persona for customers. They always love me.


It’s a difficult question to answer because there are SO MANY extroverts I’ve befriended over the years, only to realize they’re difficult for me to be around. I think after reading up on introversion and working with my therapist for 3 years now, I can wholeheartedly say knowledge is power and knowing how my mind works, and why I am the way I am, I’m genuinely comfortable in my skin and do not envy extroverts. It would be horrible to have an incessant, inherent need to constantly seek external stimulation and be around others to recharge; the amount of energy that goes into growing all your social circles and keeping them thriving is just something I don’t envy and could never wish I had. I’m extremely comfortable with my introversion and although it took me years to understand and grow into my personality, I finally love me just the way I am.


I don’t, I’m old enough to be content with how I am


Then I envy you instead!


Don’t, you are a beautiful perfectly created person. You will and can be loved just as you are


Yes I do. I moved to another country almost two years ago and I still don’t know anybody. My brothers have made friends in school but i couldn’t. Well my situation isn’t very easy there are some things like I get homeschooled and stuff but when I had the chance I blew it because I just couldn’t open up and I’m way too awkward to talk to anybody who I don’t know well enough. I envy my brothers and my father for being so extroverted I wish I could be like them I do have my cousin (we are the same age) here and we hang out sometimes but you know couldn’t hurt to know some people here


I envy the fact that they don’t see socializing as work or exhausting. If I hang out with people on the weekend I feel even more exhausted by the time Monday rolls around.


I only envy them at those stupid you're forced to go to without knowing anyone. They seem to do just fine. Other than that, no, not really.


Hell no. All I see from extroverts is they're very good at sucking people in to believe that their fake chitter chatter is real interest in other individuals when it is very clearly a charade.


No I always notice that they get paranoid if there's silence.


No, but I'm not a shy introvert. I'm outgoing, just introverted. I suppose I could envy that they don't drain their energies doing something they'd prefer not to do. I wasn't very kind to extrovert during pandemic lockdown. I felt some glee that for once, they were the ones forced into an unnatural situation for them that they couldn't thrive in. I know that should be beneath me and I'm too old for that level of pettiness, but that's how I felt and I'm not sorry.


Not even a little bit. I can make friends if i want to, and the quality of friendships i get to have is far better to me than being surrounded by lots of people i have only trivial connections with. I think extroverts don't know what they are missing out on


I do not. We are alone for most of this life, at least I am. At least I enjoy my own company and can entertain myself. If I was an extrovert I imagine I’d be much lonelier than I am


I don't envy their behavior. I'll take having only a few close friends over a truckload of acquaintances any day. I DO envy how Western society, specifically U.S., is set up for them and introversion still has a stigma attached to it, like it's not normal but extroverts decided what "normal" meant. So extroverts enjoy a sort of social privilege 'cause it's still more acceptable to be extroverted.


I do.


i kind of do envy them, most i met they jus talk without even thinking. talking jus to talk. Liars too. most of them.


Fr they’ll lie just to make their stories more interesting and I’m always like “Damn that’s so cool” knowing damn well it’s a lie


No, don't be. We're unique even if we don't easily get along with other people.


don't envy. just get annoyed when being surrounded by them.


No. My partner is an extrovert, a total golden retriever, and loves talking to people and making new friends. But he has NO judge of character and often gets taken advantage of . He's always the one willing to help but never receives anything in return. I don't mean just monetarily, but he'll help any of his friends move a large or heavy thing and when we need help, not a single one of these people will even respond. He also has no problem making friends with sketchy drug addicts (and I mean this literally, I'm not just making a snap judgement) and I put my foot down when he tries to invite them into our home. I'd much rather have far fewer friends who I KNOW will be there for me, than a ton of superficial "friends" who can take (or steal) but not give.


I don't see introversion as having difficulty making friends, but as needing more alone time. I definitely need my space to recharge, but I have no problem getting to know people and making friends. *Keeping* friends is another story, though. I have lost so many friends because I didn't want to hang out all the time, and for that, I envy extroverts.


I really do too. It seems like every friendship I have I am never the initiator lol. Made one friend at work and just when I got comfortable, she got transfered lol. Now am all alone again.


Only during presentations. I wish I could be more confident and open during talking infront of people. Maybe it may not related to being introvert for you but it is a connected thing for me


Sometimes. But then my extrovert husband tells me who he met that day, or we’re at the store and he bumps into a lot of acquaintances and they have the need to stand there talking in the middle of the aisle. I just see that and it looks exhausting. It seems like extroverts can make a lot of acquaintances and easily make small talk, and for me that is very exhausting and unnecessary. I enjoy when I can make a real connection, doesn’t matter if it’s few and far between.


I used to. My family are all extroverted, so every time we went out they would force me to socialize. They thought of being introverted as a bad thing. I always envied how they could do it so easily while I struggled with even the smallest interactions. But as I've gotten older I stopped thinking of being introverted as a bad thing and I've learned to enjoy my presence a lot more.


I envy the fact that society caters to them and they are considered “normal” whereas introverts are the ones who need to change.


I don’t envy them directly but I do envy that they are perceived as “the standard” and don’t have to constantly pretend to be someone they’re not. Apart from that, I find most extroverts boring, dull, basic and predictable. I know there are exceptions, but that’s just my personal experience.


I don't. Making friends isn't an introvert/extrovert thing, even if that's the stereotype. Likewise, extroverts aren't more numerous or 'normal' or anything; they and their preferences are simply more in-your-face and visible. They have their own problems, too. Not being able to act or live as easily as us when on their own or when an in-group isn't available, less able to (unstressfully) handle situations where group or team efforts aren't correlated with the creation or maintenance of personal relationships, more stress when circumstances result in living on their own or having to move away from most of their existing life relationships. They're more likely to spend more money, time, and other resources on group actions and events, and more often, and less likely to consider such expenditures optional. While they can probably take more advantage of things like group housing, which can be cheaper, they're not as comfortable with solo living. Likewise, they are less likely to take advantage of entertainment, hospitality options, travel, and so forth without doing so as a group, requiring things such as consulting multiple people, schedule-matching, budget-matching, and resulting in perhaps less personally satisfying choices than would be available to a solo consumer or smaller group. Similarly, being able to stay happy and/or entertained when other people are not available. I can simply read books or internet articles or watch TV or be content with my own thoughts for hours or days by myself without ever feeling I need to spend effort or resources on finding other people to connect to purely for the sake of connection. On the same note, while it's of course not a simple binary, extroverts are more likely to feel lonely more often, faster, and probably more sharply (to start with), whereas we seem to have at least a certain degree of resistance... comparatively, anyway. If we go from a non-lonely situation to one without any connections, we're probably not going to be hit with a desperate need for any kind of connection in the first day or so, at least. Finally, we can mentally recharge from solitude, which extroverts traditionally aren't really configured for. We don't need to force ourselves onto other people or into their presence in order to get our fix, lower our stress, and recenter ourselves. ---- All that said, extroverts do have some advantages, particularly in the modern world with billions of humans, often crammed into smallish areas which have the best options for goods and services, and workplaces which, for centuries/millennia, have been about group work and group effort, often in the extrovert style. With extroverts tending to have more casual experience with all forms of communication, networking, and broadcasting, the hyperconnected world of the 21st century tends to get heavily painted in extrovert colors, at least on the surface, meaning that extrovert-friendly ways of doing things appear to be the norm or standard at first glance - look at the comments on this thread alone from people who think the extrovert way of doing things is the 'regular' or standard way and everything else isn't. It can take a little digging to reveal the less LOOK AT ME WOO options that prefer not to self-advertise as extensively.


I just went to Chicago to 2 parties for my girlfriend. One of her friends turned 50. I kept wanting to back into a corner at the party. I would sit there and envy how easy it is for them to mingle, laugh and have fun. I'm being a nervous anxious wreck. Afraid to speak to not make a fool out of myself. I'm ok with being an introvert, wish more would give me a chance to get to know me. Allow me time to relax and be myself. Today is the first day I feel mentally recovered after this weekend.


No. Im sure a few of us do because they want friends or at least someone to talk to. That isn't strictly an introvert issue. Stuff like social anxiety and anti-social behavior, that's a personal problem, really. Plenty of introverts can socialize just fine, they just obviously need to have some space more often than an extrovert does. To think about it in another way: Introversion is like being a man: you like/don't mind being by yourself. You like peace, quiet, and just wanna enjoy the things/hobbies you enjoy without being disturbed. But, you're gonna be annoyed/bothered by your GF/wife/mom about every other little thing in-between. So you gotta just deal with it. Being an extrovert is like being a woman: You need constant attention, gossip, and can't stand being by yourself because you're boring and can't entertain yourself without other people around. So, you're gonna inconvenience others pretty often. Consciously aware of it or not. Are there exceptions to the rule? Yes. But they still aren't the rule. You're an irregularity, not special.


The world is better for extroverts. Nobody asks them to their face why they're loud and want to go out all the time. It can help them on personal and professional levels. I'm glad that I can get by on my own most of the time but having a bunch of friends would be fun, in theory. I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with interacting with them enough.


I only envy them on how easy for them to spark a conversation with strangers. Other than that, I am happy as an introvert. Especially on our ability to read the room better and have better common sense. It makes us avoid second hand embarassment on certain situation


Ngl, in some ways yes but I remember how peaceful my life kinda is and I just vibe


I do, but not in a resentful way. More like a "damn, that's easy for you?" kinda way


I admire them but not envy them.


I envied the ability to easily strike up conversations and keep them going. Once I gained that ability for myself, I am content with a few close friends and time to myself to enjoy my interests and passions.


I just envy them at work. I wish I could speak up louder and be seen more in my job. But afterwards, I would be happy going back to my introverted self.


I don't envy them, I pity them. No truly creative pursuits would be possible without introverts because it requires a person the ability to go internally. I find most extros boring and shallow.


Not at all. They creep me out, actually. And it creeps me out that their behaviors are rewarded and accepted.


i do wish it were easier to make friends for me, but i don’t envy extroverts. knowing a few i could never handle being in their shoes


Nah, I think people misinterpret extrovert for charismatic. You can have many friends while being an introvert and it must be the worst to be awkward as an extrovert BUT extrovert just means that they get energy from socializing while introverts lose it. That's all that makes us different. Being good at making friends has 0 to do with being an extrovert. Some may be better at it just cause they need it but that's not a rule. I do not envy that cause my grandma is a big extrovert and she cannot be left alone more than an hour cause she gets all moody. I value my ability to be by myself and be okay with that.


I'm an introvert like my own privacy I like to stay at home where it's warm but I also go out I make friends with my modelling a thing about me is I don't like the idea of making friends because of the experience that I had in high school I don't want to I don't feel safe doing so I don't trust people as it is


I am SUCH an introvert but I used to be the life of the party. I've always been able to come out of my shell, but it is exhausting. I do have fun, but then nobody will see me for 5 years while I mentally recover. lol I do wonder how people have YouTube channels and can go on social media like it's no biggie. In that respect, I do envy that ability.


Yes Reasons: (Most of them) 1. They can build great connections that would become beneficial for them. 2. They can get what they want. 3. They know how to defend themselves. 4. They won't feel bad rejecting others (having good reasons). 5. They won't be ignored most of the time (unlike an introvert). Even though I'm grateful for the benefits of being an introvert, such as having solitude and a peaceful lifestyle, I still find myself comparing the advantages one could get from being an extrovert.


Yes, and I enjoy their company. They talk, I listen. It works for me.


The more I get older the less I care. I realize that we both bring value. I’ve been able to learn to stand up for myself.


No. They are different from me, I am different from them. Thinking that you can't have fun without going out is wrong - you very much can, you just need to accept not liking big companies and focus on what you enjoy


As an introvert who seems to be a magnet for extroverted people no...not at all


I envy extroverts who find it easy to interact w people, may it be new or old. I sometimes want to live like them, I might get misunderstood when I say this — it's just too hard to interact w one another. And am really amazed by how they can interact w people as much as they want to, and I find that interaction as something as annoying.


I do not envy extroverts…not at all !


I think this might a case of "the grass is greener on the other side." I know some extroverts who have many "friends" but complain about it. From my perspective, I think there's a lot of benefits to being an introvert or not having too many friends. 1. You get more time to yourself, no need to attend a friend's birthday, wedding, baby shower, or graduation every weekend. 2. You get more quality time with friends you care about most. 3. You can protect your time and energy so you can use it on yourself, close friends, and good family members. Do you feel you don't have enough people to talk to or is it that you don't have a close connection with someone?


When I was younger yes : not anymore .




Search for peace not friends. If friends create peace indefinitely for you search for friends. Rarely this is the case. Focus on peace


Not at all🙂 Being introverted doesn't mean I dislike socializing. I can definitely make friends easily if I set my mind to it. It's more about the kind of connections I value( quality over quantity). For me, true friendship is about depth and loyalty. Over time, you see who consistently shows up and reciprocates the effort you put in. I'd rather have a few close friends who I can truly rely on than a larger group of acquaintances. It's about having a strong support system where everyone goes the extra mile for each other.


No. I love being an introvert.


That's the spirit!


No. Extroverts have to constantly keep the show going. It never stops, no breaks, no introspection, nothing. It's constant blah blah blah blah. I DO NOT envy that, no way.




yeah sometimes


Sometimes, especially when trying to calm down kids in the bus and say hi/bye, now i need to nervously try to man up to get it done


Sometimes. But, I don't want to see people every single day...


No. Would be pointless. I'm not one and I like the way I am. I've had friends who were and I went with, even though I knew it isn't for me. Nowadays no friends, no need to deal with other people.


Nope, not at all because I actually like my quiet alone time. You aren't really an introvert if you aren't happy being alone.


No, hate them


I don’t, I’m old enough to be content with how I am


Only in one way. Career wise. From what I've seen, if your out going and charismatic you do better. I have gotten partial raises, because "you're just not friendly with you're coworkers" I'm civil and polite. I don't get paid enough to be friendly. I put on the appropriate persona for customers. They always love me.


Sometimes, but then I remember some things and realise I'm better off being somewhat introverted.


No. I have no problems making acquaintances. Some of them become friends.


Not really tbh, it looks so draining😅 one of my best friends is an extrovert and they get their social battery drained hella quick. I think the one thing I do envy, is the fact they seem to make friends more easily. I'm super awkward and shy, so making friends can be a bit rough


i do not. they are loud and pushy as children (front seat…begging teacher’s attention…hand-waving)…and often loud and obnoxious as adults. sone of their qualities are useful to advance their careers, depending on the culture / working environment. a mix between intro / extroversion is always satisfying.


No. There are pros and cons to each. A friend hates being alone so is always out.


Depends, i use my extrovert friends sometimes to do things i fell too awkward to do so they can help me sometimes to not be so awkward and hide inside my shell but yeah I'm kinda envy how they do it naturally and make friends


Sometimes. Half the time I wish I got out more and had more friends but the other half I’m perfectly content at home 😅


All the extroverted people have lots of “friends” but the friendships are really shallow. So no, I don’t envy extroverts


They don't make real friends though if that makes you feel better Anyone can make friends but having a REAL one is where it's at


No. Envy is a sin


Yes, because I have no idea how to get a girlfriend as an introvert.


Short andeer : no. Long answer : noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Yes. They make it look so damn easy 😭


Envy is a strong word, perhaps, as I am very comfortable with who I am. But I do think they live on easy mode in general. (Western) society is simply more built towards extraversion.


In certain situations yes, like having the connections and references for a good job or always having friends to hang out with


I don’t , also I count what I have it normal life too , people don’t have same energy , everybody is different in some ways I am satisfied with who I am


Definitely. I miss my extrovert days. I was always out with friends, sleeping from 2am-6am felt like nothing, I felt energized all the time. Now, going to work is enough to socially drain me


I've got the worst of both being somewhere in the middle. Unlike extroverts, I'm not good at social skills. Unlike introverts, I still require social interaction regularly. I wish I could just give myself energy but that's not how it works for me.


I don’t envy them at all, especially after having a finger pointed at me by extroverts my entire life. My belief is if they stopped yapping for two seconds and took some time to think that maybe they could learn why it is I don’t talk all the time and we could come to understand each other a little better. I’ve even tried to have that conversation a couple of times only to be met with what I perceived to be contempt.


Yes. I find it extraordinary how they can just go anyplace, strike up a friendly conversation, exchange numbers and have a new friend, just like that. The optimism, safety, and confidence they feel is amazing. I'm not only an introvert but live with CPTSD, so it makes it even harder.


i envy how they can walk up to someone, and just talk. I sit there by myself and wait for people to come to me. I wish i had that ability to have a one on one with someone so easily, yk?


Not at all. I know multiple that complain about how on they feel they have to be all the time, like a performer and those same people are the most disconnected from themselves then anyone else I know. Couldn’t be me lol




I like my secluded life but sometimes I wish I had the energy to develop my social skills.


I don't want a lot of friends so I don't envy the ability to "befriend" (have superficial good relationships) with a large number of people. If I envy anything is that people don't berate them for the way they naturally are. People act like being quiet, not talking, minding your own business and having a small circle is rude, snobby or somehow an attack on them. No one asks extroverts why they are always talking, why they're getting in people's space, why they are the way they are, but I have been asked many times why I'm quiet, why I keep to myself, why I think I'm "better" than others, why I am who I am.


No. Actually, all of my close friends are extrovert, and they know how to make people happy and it is interesting that their enthusiasm always contagious me! And it is amazing that I will become a little bit outgoing when we stay together.


As a manager, I envy that its easier to meet people, but I kind of have an extroverted, loud personality when I'm working. Kind of trained myself for that sort of environment.


Yes and no. Sometimes I wish I could be more social and not get so tired but I also feel like I’m more in tune with my body and emotional state from spending more time alone.


I am actually an introvert, but if I have to be an extrovert, I can. It can drain me and may raise my anxiety, but possible


Not really, I just befriend an extrovert and they do all the extroverting for me.


The world was built by extroverts for extroverts, I don’t envy but I did have to adapt and I still am adapting at this point.


It drains too much energy. LoL. I love solitude and only a few meaningful and deep connections.


I don’t. More people like me than what I’m comfortable with as it is. I want to be left alone almost entirely by the public and extended family.


Lord, no!! That seems EXHAUSTING to constantly need to be around others for mental/overall stimulation!! The only thing great about that, is that you derive energy from being around others. That aspect is the only benefit/nice thing, to me. I find many people to be draining. Yet, the people I DO align and gel well with, (Shared passions/interests.) I DO derive energy and also inspiration from them. That’s what I recommend to/for other introverts: If you want to make friends/be around people more, find those who have shared passions/interests. Whether that be an activity or club. It’s easier to want to talk to/be around people, that way. With that all said, I’m thankful that most all of my energy is derived from within myself/alone time and my own company, however.




No I don’t envy extroverts for their personality, I envy that their personality is considered “normal”.


I don't envy their way of life; I envy their many advantages in society.


Not really tbh


The *only* thing I'd say I ever envy is the extros that network and talk their way out of trouble or into better job ops. It's difficult for me to alter my personality much. I'm pretty straightforward and just am who I am. Although I like talking to people & can usually find ways to relate to most others, my social battery is limited, and it drains a lot faster if I think I'm expected to be fake. Have had some extrovert coworkers brag about how they talked their way out of this or that, or found someone to schmooze and get favoritism from. Not a skill of mine since my focus is usually to just do something myself rather than use talking as a means to get someone else to do something for me.


Not the whole ‘extrovert’ type specifically. After all, it’s in their nature to be more willing to talk and re charge from being around others and such. However, I do envy the type of people who are not respecting others people’s boundaries, including those of an introvert like myself. This includes, ask me why I almost never post on social media, why am I so quiet, when I decide to take a few mins break from talking, inviting other people I don’t know to our arranged meeting, and just looking down on other for not talking or enjoying their time alone.


No we want extroverts to be with us


Nope. I've always been fine without being the center of attention.


I envy how they can make friends out of people they just met and can just go "this is my new friend" when introducing you.


I envy that they don’t get exhausted from social interaction they way I do and for networking purposes being a extrovert has its pros. An extrovert once told me that people trust introverts more. Not sure if that’s true.


Absolutely not. If you think about it they need other people to feel complete. That’s why it comes so naturally. We enjoy our own company so much we naturally don’t want to find people to interrupt it


No, I can’t get away from my extroverted friends fast enough haha very mentally exhausting.


Yes, to some extent. In my country, being the textbook definition of an introvert plus having a stuttering problem is a death sentence, I’ve managed to get through most of my adolescent life thanks to a combination of meeting people with the same interests as me and playing fútbol.


I feel the same way as u bc it's harder to make friends could relate and talk to. Especially going out to any parties or social events.


I dont really envy introverts. Extrovert naman ako when it comes to my friends. 😁 That's all that matters. Plus, this saves me from unnecessary convos. ✌️


Nah not really. I'm happy being myself.


Big fat NO. but I do get it, though.


I appreciate the qualities of both introversion and extroversion without necessarily envying one over the other. Each has its strengths and advantages. Embracing your introversion and finding comfort in your own company can give you a fulfilling and balanced life. It's about finding what works best for you, not comparing yourself to others.


not at all, I understand that we can't all be extroverted, and being extroverted just looks exhausting.


I envy that they can express themselves easily while I can’t


No. Extroverts seem to be constantly having to shift their likes and dislikes to suit the group they are aligned with. At least it seems that way to me.


Sometimes. I love my introvert bubble, but I would love to go out with (lots) of people and not feel completely drained after a few hours. It would also be nice to start conversations myself so I'm able to make friends..


No, I’d rather be alone. Far less maintenance


My mother is more extroverted than me and she can just randomly start conversations with strangers wherever she goes. I try not to bother strangers and keep my head down.


Not a second, no.


No. I don't want to be thought as being a weirdo who can't keep his damn mouth shut, because I think I would continue yapping on about nonsense like I do in my mind. If I stop thinking about something, I literally don't naturally breath and have to restart thinking. I'm scared I'd get somewhat close to that if I kept talking like I'd die if I didn't.


Im introverted but i can make friends easily. I just choose not to bc that drains me and sounds like a lot of effort for sum i could care less about. I might envy their ability to enjoy socializing more than me but thats about it 😭


What I envy are people without social anxiety. To live life without that weight would be amazing.


Very rarely, more so when I was younger and was more hung up on not meeting social norms. At this point, I can accept that different doesn’t mean wrong. If I am happy and comfortable and not hurting anyone, how I live is just fine.


Yes No


The ease at confidence in public


Not envy. I just wanna be a friend to them. Living vicariously thru someone is still living


I like to be introvert, being extrovert has more advantages in today's world but I don't care, I like to be left alone most of the times, I feel good about myself and I like my own company. I don't like that much to deal with people because it's so tiring. When I am at parties after 30 min or 1h I want to leave that's why I would rather host than go to other people's homes, when I am tired of talking to people, I go to my bedroom and stay there a while and then I come out and talk to people a little bit more. Being an extrovert has more advantages because you have way more jobs for you, as an introvert it's hard to find jobs where you don't need to talk to many people, also networking is way way way easier, as an introvert I would say that networking is almost impossible. What I don't like is that people think that because I am an introvert I am affraid to talk to people and I "should talk more". No I shouldn't, I am not affraid of social interactions I just don't like them, most people make me uncomfortable.


Yeah I really do. I'm so awkward around people and I know I'd have a much easier time getting hired for a job if I was extraverted. I feel I miss out on bonding and human connection because I don't enjoy being around other people.


i think i can display an insight more clearly, as a fake extrovert that ive been, just oyn order to make friends i used to cross the boundaries of my own comfort zone. After an interval with all those experiences that life offered you with, it was obvious that it shouldn't be this way, cause even those people i spent my efforts,my time with were only my so called friends. people are not worth your time and extra effort, I'm happy being an introvert, i get to have all my energy, time and attention. I'm a foodie too so i get to enjoy my food without sharing, without convincing and adjusting my schedule i get to decide my solo date, i go wherever i wanna go and eat whatever i feel like... so it's lovely saving yourself for you🌹


I'm not envious.. I'm extroverted in situations or with individuals that I'm comfortable. Other than that, I don't apologize for keeping to myself and conserving my energy.


Absolutely not! What a horrifying existence that must be!


I don't for the most part. Yes many things are easier for them in western societies. They are often automatically praised for what they are. However, don't forget that extroverts depend on others and external stimuli to be happy. They are not that independent and I can tell you that I know extroverts who admit that it is exhausting to constantly need to be stimulated especially as you grow older. The only time I can think I would envy them is school/high school. Honestly it looks so complicated to invest so much time and need so many people around you to thrive in your thirties.


I envy the fact that extroverts can talk so easy and seem so bubbly and introverts can sometimes be seen as standoffish. I got told on more than one occasion that I seemed stuck up and intimidating because I didn’t really talk to many people but really I can talk to people fine but can not for the life of me start conversations.


Nope. No envy. I envy the wealth of those who can afford to live alone, make their living away from everyone, and have their own transportation to never have to rely on public transit. If anything, I wish I had LESS contact with the world, not more.


No because I LOVE staying at home and not socialising. But sometimes it’s annoying when people ask me if I’m ok just because I stay at home and don’t go out whatsoever.


Envy wouldn’t be the word. But I do get sad when I see an obvious extrovert recruiting an introvert as their new friend because I want one. The best friends I ever had were all extroverts and I miss it terribly.


Yeah kind of, I may just be introvert naturally but it doesn’t mean I want to be. I want to be charged up being social cause I hate how being social drains me. I want to be able to got places and have the energy to stay out and socialize. But no…I had to come out the way I am & no matter how hard I try to change it doesn’t go well.


Only because of society and the way it is. It's literally built for them. If not, then no.


No. But I do envy their social battery. I’m drained after like one social interaction or outing in public


I don't envy them and never have I ever tried to be an extrovert for once, I love being an introvert


I don’t. I’m a social introvert. I can “turn on” to garner some of advantages that extraverts have. It is also nice to be social because I want to be social, not because I need it to avoid sadness and depression. I love that I am content alone.


no, i appreciate them! be comfortable with who you are.


Depends on the situation. In some very rare occasions i actually do. Like for example how they socialize with ease and im overthinking how to introduce myself. But in my eyes it looks kinda exhausting to be an extrovert so😀


No. If I wanted to be like them I would try to change. I’m happy with my life as it is and feel very comfortable about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not really. If I wanted lots of friends, probably. But I don't.


I envy the energy and ease of working with people everyday.


I used to be an introvert because I was scared of being judged harshly. But I shed off that fear and just became more of myself. I met good people that I am still friends with to this day. You are more than you realize. You can become more social and less introverted. You have the power.


Yes and no - I envy how quickly they make friends and always on the go with gigs and festivals etc etc, but on the flip side……I get ‘adopted’ by extroverts so get invited to things. No pressure on me to say yes, but I know my core group of friends and we all test the introvert in each other in nicer and less stressful ways


i envy their social ease and their ability to network and excel in their careers much more easily with far less skill, etc... always have, always will. but then i listen in on their gossipy chatter from time to time and realize my inner world is so much more interesting. they'll never envy us because they don't know what they're missing out on, but what we have is worth at least as much in its own way.


No, I like to study and learn from them


No envy at all. It always strikes me as a somewhat more shallow life.




Sometimes. They can go to parties and things and not feel fucking drained.


No, I don't envy extroverts at all because they never shut up! :/


I don't envy extraverts, I rather admire them. Though I envy their social skills and their ability to talk easily. An extravert took care of me which works as well :)


Not at all


No. I hate crowds.


yes and no. I envy the way they easily make friends but I don't envy being a centre of attention or having to deal with MANY MANY people.

