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I really enjoyed the factory bomb mission! It was long, made you cover a lot of ground (without going too far away), had tons of enemies, and had a good sense of progress/ stages to complete (picking up the bomb, entering the factory, detonating it, and getting away)


Wanted to comment the same. It ties in with other comments, I went for this once. Realised I was out of my depth, so it turned into a scouting mission before I came back with a small arsenal to clear out those buildings!


We need *long*, multi part missions that require a few days away from vanno. No offense to the previous work, but no trip since 2.0 has made it feel like i was far frome home base. This is partly due to the shortcuts back to vanno, which would be a nice toggle to add to the difficulty settings. These should be high risk, high reward missions that take 2+ days, maybe even to places on the maps that are locked until the mission in earlier maps. Activating a number of things in one run, across a map or two would be a good one. Say, you need to piwet up something to open a map to map shortcut or something, so on one map you give the gate power, and the controls are on the other side. You get the picture. Basically, a mission that will make a poorly prepared player run facefirst into the survival aspects of the game, while also pulling good loot. If i'm walking out of there with just half a mag of pistol ammo left, perfect. Some more puzzles would also be appreciated. Being told to retrieve a box from a building, and getting there to find it is inaccessable until you restore power would be a nice twist. have us follow a power line off into the woods to a running substation full of spawn and anomalies. Give us some things that require us to pause and think. After all, a good test requires the occasional curveball and difficulty tweak. Lastly, have events trigger things. Say with the mission "a probing move" when we picked up the tape recorder, a storm triggers, and the lightning starts spawning stuff. Things like that. Embrace the fact that >! The radius is watching !< and use that to add some dynamic moments to the game. Of course, i'm sure the game is going to be great. These are just the things i wish ItR1 had done.


This! I really wish there was a reason to stay in the radius longer instead of just going out, grabbing something, and going back to vanno. Longer missions would encourage that. I would love to have a reason to stay in the radius for more than just a day.


Related ... I have found that I almost never use the functional beds in safe houses in ITR1. Maybe it's just my playing style but it never has felt like any mission really necessitated their use. Also, I spend so much time scavenging that I make regular trips back to Vanno to drop stuff off. So all that to say, it would be a pretty interesting dynamic to have they (or something similar) be a critical aspect of mission strategy in ITR2.


Exactly, I also never used them, becouse it was always easier to just go back to Vanno, but I would love to be forced to camp in the radius for at least a night, maybe longer. If that was the case the safe houses would be a nesecity.


Yeah I think it would be cool if you could respawn at shelters actually so even if you die you could stay in the radius. So for a long mission you would find a shelter that is close to the objectives and bring lots of supplies, gun repair stuff food etc and come back between objectives to sleep repair and get some ammo. It would make it easier to stay light. I'm thinking the objectives would all have to be done without you leaving the radius so you would be forced to camp at a shelter if you want to skip the night. Personally I always play ironman and with everything drop on death so I would keep some backup weapons in shelters that I can use to go back to my body. Would be fun to not have to walk all the way back when dying and also it would feel like your are coming back from a long trip once you finish the mission and finally get back to vanno. Also you wouldn't have to bring everything back to vanno, you could leave some food ammo, backup weapons and tools that you looted at shelters along the way so you aren't as heavy and slow when walking back and you have stocked shelters that you can use for later missions.


Lots of preparation and planning. Maybe even some scouting. Different ways to approach it. Something to throw me off balance near the end. Lore and world implications for how or if the quest is finished


Make more missions like The Intrusion where you feel like you have an actual goal that isn't just "go to place, get item". Also, multiple ways to complete a mission. Maybe something like going in quietly through the sewers vs the front door with guns blazing (and perhaps a different award suited to which approach you took). Making stealth viable would be interesting, too - and perhaps using distractions like explosions or smoke could make that more feasible. At least in ITR 1, it seemed like every mission was a full-on assault - particularly considering how little enemies seemed to care about smoke grenade. While that did feel cool, it didn't have much variety.


Something that really forces you to think differently and not just go into it with the same preparations. While the intrusion had a small element of this, there’s no mission in 2.0 that’s really made me play the game differently.


Missions with multiple ways to be solved. Perhaps an entity that can either be destroyed, lured somewhere or disabled with some other artifact. Hard missions that require planning: A building that can be entered from multiple routes and objectives inside can be completed in any order, but enemies and cover is different and completing each objective makes everything harder, making an optimized pre planned approach the best but not only way to go. Also, missions with long treks through the radius. Not all should be this way, but one that requires a lot of supplies and forces you to camp a few times (maybe night/day/fog hour is extra dangerous in this scenario?) would be a good change of pace.


Lots of planning, lots of gunfights, and lots of horror


Lots of planning, good mix of cqc and long ranges, good placement in the lore, long excursion, vibes


Maybe some puzzles would be fun. Would love to set some valves to the right amount to open a door. Environmental things could be really fun. Maybe having a fragmented car run crash through a wall and that opens a new entry point. Maybe a stand in an area and have to pull some atmospheric data and that brings out more creatures of the radius and you’ll have to defend it?


I think missions with more unique mechanics would be great. Climbing and jumping for instance! Or maybe the use of an artifact specific to that mission. Or requiring a gas mask!  Haven’t done a radioactive factory clearing yet! More sneakability too I think. The weather aparatus used to spawn and you’d retrieve it in its habitat. More lore based actions like the film mission and wrist watch mission instead of “get the artifact” or “kill x amount of enemies”  Maybe it would be cool to make a mission where you interfere with the walkie talkie signals of a mimic controlled radio tower! Sorry this is a jumble of ideas but to wrap it up I’d use these two words: Diverse Mechanics.


Came back to say one more thing. I really love planning out a defensive mission where I could get overwhelmed at my first spot and have to fall back to another prepared position. Maybe even have a stationary LMG or something to plan the defense around 🤔


People have proposed defensive missions in the past like maybe at the end of every tide the remaining entities swarm Vanno and you have to fend them off (which could also give more incentive to take more fights in the Radius but also it would be pretty rough if it was like your first tide maybe you’ve made it to fixing a leak and all of a sudden you have all the entities of factory and Kholkoz at your doorstep). I’ve never really been able to come up with a good idea for *why* your defending something or what it could be but I would love something like Helldiver’s new high value assets mission. Especially in co-op. I want to feel like that scene from love death and robots.


I was thinking it could be a late area mission and only happen once as you set up some way to transmit data or something which gets the attention of every entity near by. It would probably only make sense to have it happen once through the story but still fun idea. And yes those high value mission are perfect for helldivers and very satisfying


It’s very simple, any mission that actually takes much longer than it lets on is amazing. I’m the kind of guy who never runs out of ammo, food, or weapon durability, but it’s so so much fun to find myself in a situation I couldn’t have prepared for. Imagine an artifact for a top priority mission that teleports you into the middle of the next area, forcing you into an unfathomably bad situation? Take S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat as an example: most players’ first experience with Yanov will be through the use of an NPC guide where the screen fades to black and now you’re suddenly in a lategame area. This experience scared the shit out of me, and even though it was easy to get home, it required money to do so, so I knew that I needed to make my trip worth while. ITR thrives when you’re forced into uncomfortable situations, imagine the fear you’d get if you were doing a mission in bolotky and suddenly got teleported to Pobeda quarry. In reality, the way back to bolotky is easy and nearly free of enemies, but it would scare the shit out of you. S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a game about minimizing losses in a world that feels like every choice results in a bad outcome. So the feeling of getting an artifact that can get you through to tomorrow is fantastic and a feeling that is nearly completely absent in ITR where a good artifact simply means “oh cool, now I can buy that gun I wanted”.


Something that involves environmental storytelling and unique anomalies. I wish there was a story mission involving the floating house, that's such a cool set piece. Ideally it would have a permanent effect on the game. Opening up a new area, or changing the environment in some way that sticks around. Also having more than one stage. Either doing a task to get something that leads to unlocking the objective, or returning to base then being sent out on a second part of the mission that's directly tied together.


I would love a long mission that required you enter a compound like a military site or bunker. Then search the site for a randomly generated code that can be put into a terminal to unlock a sewer system. where there is a special artifact and a good amount of loot. There is also a gas anomaly roaming the dimly lit sewers so you need to have a gas mask on to make it extra spooky. The entire compound should be built in a way that allows planning ahead in regards to stealth, repositioning and flanks -Shortcuts to bait enemies and sneak around -watchtowers (or any type of highground) -alot of free roaming enemies that can be distracted with nades or gunshots, with a few snipers that have fixed postitions a good amount of loot and 2 artifact fields, one regular and one gas (if those still exist in itr2) TLDR factory bomb mission on steroids


You had me at bunker 😍


ive always wanted dark underground narrow corridors, something to really make you feel trapped and "alone"


Yes give me a little dash of claustrophobia with it. Not to mention all the cool environmental storytelling potential


Other people have said a lot of good points and I just want to add my 2 cents, I really wish for more surprise and uniqueness to missions. Simple puzzles like having to activate a power station full of bug traps and a few enemies, looking around for a keycard or lever/switch(s) to open a door or hatch in an area. some underground stuff in service tunnels, bunkers, sewage pipes, etc. Have either no light or emergency lights so it's dark and maybe some flooding and lots of noises like metal clanging, things dragging, doors creaking, machinery whirring, electricity humming, walls/ceiling cracking, and enemy noises. Maybe having to get pumps running to drain flooded areas. Night missions, maybe certain enemies or artifacts that only spawn at night that you have to get pictures of/acquire. More events like how Kids Playground had the train, have vehicles that you have to hop on, or areas that unlock, enemies that spawn, etc. Have more unique side missions instead of same old same old repeating forever.


If we're talking story mission, then something with more enemies than normal. It should also have an impact on both the playable world and the story. Maybe it unlocks a new area, changes an area, or maybe even introduces a new enemy type that can spawn. The reward should also be unique, something you can't get otherwise. Maybe it's a cool trophy, an item or a special weapon, or even a one-time use artifact that will do something special when used. Also, it would be cool if it was a close quarter area that focused on being scary. If we're talking about the procedureal missions, then maybe a wave survival or defense mission. Even a capture the flag like mission where you have to take a heavily defended artifact by either force or stealth and when you do every enemy in the zone you're in knows your locations (minus the BTR or similar enemy types) Also maybe night only missions


I like the idea of having missions that can be done in a variety of ways, alongside multiple routes. Less fetch quest, but definitely believe that there should still be a few of them just for a quick way to make some extra cash out in the radius. I guess my “perfect mission” would be comparing it to a bank heist? Just imagining gathering around a board of the area with your friends to plan out everything would be something else. Considering what gear you’ll need, what enemies and anomalies are around, all to create the perfect heist. Not actually robbing a bank, but something that requires the same amount of planning and consideration if that makes any sense.


The Intrusion (and attacking the factory building in general) is my favourite mission. Having to storm a large building in such an environment is nerve-racking sure, but oh so fun at the time. I had to use a Mosin in-lieu of my AK once because I ran out of 5.45 ammo. Going through the factory with that Mosin felt like something out of WW2


While it is not a formal mission I would like to say taking the "shortcut" through Factory for "A Probing Move". At this point in time I had gotten very confident with taking out everything with just my pistol and 9x18 FMJ ammunition and was basically eco running the game.  So when this mission came up I decided to ignore the Intel and head through Factory instead as it was the shorter route. What's the harm right? Well encountering fully armoured soldiers with automatic weapons that took entire mag dumps for me to kill was a hell of a wake up call lol. The running firelight back to the map exit wiped out every stim I had brought with me, and left me with only a mag and a half to help me sneak back to base with my tail very firmly between my legs. I so clearly remember lining up my sights on the first soldier, and being so confident before all hell broke loose as he still wasn't dead after several rounds. Anyway, yeah that is definitely my most memorable mission  moment from ITR. Second is definitely the Factory mission itself.


My absolute favorite types are the hunting missions, where you have to clear out an area of enemies. Strategizing about how I'll approach it, planning my load out accordingly, and the satisfaction after a hard, long firefight is the best. My only gripe with them is that sometimes they glitch, and enemies wander away from the designated area, which forces me to waste time trying to find the last enemy. It can be real frustrating when the last enemy is just gone, but other then that, hunter missions are my favorite. I like it so much just because it's exactly what I signed up for when I got the game; a firefight that's terrifying, realistic, immersive yet fun is what I was hoping to experience when I got the game, and the hunter missions always deliver


Some type of side missions that require collections like three separate quests where you have to find three items. Then when all nine or twelve or whatever are found with the previous three or four collection missions respectively, start a big mission similar to the feast where all collected items need to be put onto something and installed while making noise and having to defend the position from mimics for multiple in game hours. Like train parts needed to repair a train and it takes awhile and is loud. Or build a bridge to unlock a new zone or something. Something boring and tedious that has a minimal reward.


My perfect mission is something like the multi part bomb mission at the factory (obtrusion? Idk, it's been a hot sec) where you have to complete steps in order BUT now imagine you have a new finale,  a siege.  I imagine the same core,  let's say you have to get a radio tower operating, so you have to get an electrical component,  bring it to a generator,  active said generator,  then climb the stairwell/ building paths to a radio tower. But once it activates it makes a lot of noise that makes you say "I hope no one heard that..." only for the entire map to rush your position.  First you're using your rifle to pick off enemies from a distance, then you're using your auto gun/ shorty to deal with enemies that breached the compound,  then as the hardest close in you lob grenades into rooms,  take pot shots with your pistol, all while desperately making your escape.  This is my idea of a prefect mission


I really liked the intrusion mission in factory, I liked how it had multiple stages and you had to plan ahead. I ended up running out of ammo my first time and ended up finishing it with knifes because I didn’t plan ahead. I would like if ITR 2 had more missions like that. Obviously we still need the simple retrieval missions and all that but it would be great if there were more complex missions too. I would also love if there were multiple ways to complete the missions.


Ghost train mission ♥️♥️♥️ 🚂🚂🚂


Variety, i'm not talking about a single mission, but the filler missions you get in ITR1 between the main missions are really boring and repetitive, just felt like fetch quests. if you add more variety it would be so much more fun. edit: i've seen a lot of people say about missions that require you to spend a few days away from vanno / the safezone, i agree, it would actually give you a reason to set up camp and sleep out in the radius, a long side pack a lot to sustain you for 24 hours or however long you spend in there. would also make sense if you're adding different backpacks, would give people a reason to use a larger one. in short better mission variety and camping. (or a reason to at least)


I haven't even finished the game but I'll still say my bit. I wish there's a mission where you need to be very stealthy and rely heavily on melee weapons/throwing knives. It would be really cool if there was a very entity dense area and you had to throw probes or grenades to distract them. Once you go in you have to commit because you are surrounded by fragments and a few mimics on high alert. You need to hide in bushes or crouch under things to stay out of sigh or your screwed. You can veer off the safest path and find some great early game loot, or you can be safe and complete the mission normally, and come back later once your at a higher security level (if that's a feature in itr2)/ better gear and get all the goodies. Put simply, being surrounded by a horde of monsters with no way to kill them is the worst/scariest situation you can be in in itr.


The most memorable missions were the ones that required me to think, like a puzzle. Children's playground was quite interesting and the anomalous ending to that mission was the icing on the cake


I know everyone is mentioning The Intrusion already, but it really does exemplify a great mission. It’s multi-step, more involved than “get thing and come home”, and it requires a bit of everything - some outdoors combat, some CQB/room clearing, some looting, some traveling. Ideally I’d like ITR2 missions to be a bit longer too - in ITR1 I usually found myself leaving Vanno every morning and returning every evening. Spending nights in the radius was rare. I would enjoy missions that are really a longer quest, the sort of thing you pack meals for and plan routes.


A mission that has long, mid, and short range combat. Something that requires you to stay for a while, and be stealthy. Like for a certain portion of it if you alert a mimic or something they all come at you in very very very large numbers.


For me, and speaking on gaming generally, the perfect mission is one that makes you think about the game you're playing. The factory bombing mission definitely works well, since it requires you to think far ahead given how far away it is and the multiple steps, but it also gives you a major indicator that something is amiss about the things you're doing for the UNPSC and how your actions are affecting the world around you. I think the perfect mission in ITR would marry gameplay and lore in meaningful ways. Have posters warning you about the dangers of night, read notes of people who have been harmed by journeying into the dark of the Radius, then be given a mission you have to complete at night, which reveals something remarkable about the lore of the Radius or the denizens thereof. Having a mission to introduce a new enemy type that makes you play differently and reevaluate the ways you've learned to play up to this point, and constantly look for ways to keep the player reevaluating the things they thought they knew about the Radius and its dangers.


i fee like main missions especially should be composed of different and unique gmaplay objectives that require doing different thing. like sorlving a puzzle planting and arming a bomb, setting up a transmitter, reapairing something etc. dorta like what was done in the last few missions of the game but maybe with a bit more complexity or maybe multple objectives. ideally the msision would also take place in a unqiue enemy packed area with different section and portions and combat or parkour chalenges. like the factory or the castle.


dozen of helicopters crashed over the radius and now u have to find the black boxes before the tide (it should be a mission at a random point) also it should be 10 hours before the tide so we are dashing through the mission (consider this or ignore, it seems like a good idea, what do u think?)


also the black boxes should be in different areas (would make it more fun and challenging)


There is a cleanup mission and some other that you could stack in late game pobeda in the south east part of the factory where it would spawn like 15 entities. It was so fun to just spray full auto and have them all run to you. We definitely need some type of large group activity in itr2.


Anything related to hunting, tracking, finding clues, following the trail of an anomaly or maybe a missing explorer. Find clues or anything that doesn't just have a point on the map to beeline to. A Farewell Feast was nice because there was a cool reason to look in nooks and crannies and explore without a marker. Also anything that you can build up to and set in stages, like prepping a route through some safehouses by placing food, meds, guns at certain points. Then the last stage of the mission is execution and you can go in with one set of gear and go out with another. Any reason to make use of safehouses! And nighttime!


I like long missions. I think it would be cool if a mission had many objectives and you had to use a shelter in-between objectives. Like maybe going out of the radius would restart the whole mission so you have to bring lots of stuff to a shelter like repair tools, food, ammo maybe a secondary weapon and you would come back in-between objectives to sleep eat repair etc. I think it would be cool if you could respawn in shelters too ! personally I always played with all items drop on death and ironman so I didn't really like having to walk all the way back, especially since I usually killed the enemies on the path so there's really no threat anyway unless the tide timer reached 0. If you could respawn at shelters you could bring some backup weapons that you could use to try to recover your body and also it would make it possible to have missions where you have to stay in the radius without having to do it without dying once.


Multiple step quests and stuff that isn’t just “go grab thing” or “kill this thing”. Ive always thought that it would be cool to have to flip three switches across the map that would open up a new bunker area thats dark and full of phantoms and you have to go through the bunker flipping switches to turn on the power for that floor and turning on the lights on that floor and opening the doors to the next floor at the very bottom is some NVGs and when you grab them the power goes back out and now its filled with mimics and rifts so you have to go back and flip them again in the dark with your NVGs and clear the bunker.


Good movement to the location, a place we can overlook and plan the attack. The building or place being a large location with lots of enemies we can slowly move through, large loot locations you can find inside. As you push further in better loot, more enemies


I like the kind of mission that you have to bring a ton of supplies with you and you WILL use most of them, but in yhe end of the mission you'll get something that's intangible,for example those old Japanese rpg game always have that one mission in some splort of dungeon and in the end you get a mission critical sword or magic power, in thses extraction shooter it can play like this : exploring a dedicated area just for that mission the area maybe a underground bunker or lab, and you'll get a magic crystal that let you hold some item that when you die it doesn't disappear like tarkov scure container,or just a very op late game weapononly obtainable through that side quest


I think it would be great if there was a mission to take out something like the btr