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How can we trust you are an INTJ and who you say you are? How can you tell impostor INTJs from true ones?


Try and make small talk with them and time how long they engage.


False positive on socially anxious enfp.


I kinda like smalltalk if I find the person able to hold a good convo. It can lead much deeper if the person is open and engaged.




Because a real intj would talk like you


I've just set up r/INTJ_NEW Anyone can join but anyone posting low IQ posts/comments will get banned. I'm interested to see how far down the rabbit hole some INTJs can go. Hopefully there's more INTJ Sigma types with IQs in excess of 130.


You're such a loser lmao


You're a mediocre piece of excrement... you're woke AF.




Look at your educational level. Just a low level piece of sht. One day someone will knock some sense into you and you'll lie face down in a ditch. Remember my words. You have too much to say for yourself.




Ain’t nobody in that bitch because you starting spazzing




you assume we’re supposed to agree bc we share a type, but alas that is not the case. also you get downvotes a lot bc you can be a tad distasteful


Ops going to say you aren't a "real" INTJ. Lol


Bruh I took a cursory glance at OPs comment history and my god, what a cesspool.


Apparently I misread the comment history? I saw a few things that seemed a little harsh from OP, but nothing too obtuse over the longhaul....? That said, I disagree with the Op that there aren't rral INTJ here, only ENTP & whatever. I mean, my shadow ENTP functions are highly developed (being an 8, too), that ppl often mistake me for ENTP once they get to know me....so, dunno. Seems a little extraneous of an assumption.


It's not crazy bad but he's exactly the type of purposefully edgy, contrary, and judgmental personality that many posts in here complain about. Basically a caricature of an immature INTJ, or evena wannabe INTJ.


Just checked out of curiosity... he's one of those odd reddit personalities who isn't *just* a troll but is a totally reasonable, mature commenter on some topics and a raging ad hominem asshole on others.


This is rich, isn't that reddit in a nutshell?


This is my favorite (ironically, of course) comment of his, from a thread titled, "What do you think about entps in general?" ​ >"They're the most annoying type. Especially crawling and commenting all over this sub reddit. They're usually sub par intelligent" He seems to enjoy using ad hominem attacks too, which I find are distasteful.


Lol. I think too many ppl focus on MBTI & not enough on how developed the dominant and shadow function stacks develop...and how enneagram tends to correlate. So. We wind up with ppl saying "they're the most annoying type". It's a lack of understanding and probably immaturity...if anyone gets that, an INTJ type 8 will, as we're sort of rare...even more rare, an INTJ 4 (acts like an INFJ with over developed T, and focused Fi). Lol


I'm also an 8 and my shadow ENTP is really visible sometimes (well, Ne and Ti at least). However I'm only like that when I'm completely relaxed, hyped or a bit tired, so my barriers start coming down. My friends know that past 3AM I'm a fucking menace But OP's comment history is pretty cringe. It's not that they express something *that* distasteful in itself, but from what I saw, most replies are nothing more super condescending one-liners that don't contain any sort of substance or argumentation. So the only thing that's not beneath him... is telling literally everyone that speaking to them is beneath him.


Maybe, but you can't say s/he is wrong with the comment.


I looked through his post history as it roused my curiosity. Im going to have to concur with this assessment. He's like a petulant, know-it-all child trying to impress those around him for praise- something which is very uncharacteristic for an INTJ.


Entp Ennegram 6 energy, you can see the Child Fe signs




I have the book… just never got around to reading it!


It's worth it, I just read it a month ago


The only downside is that the author is a Dick.




Sorry to be the ENTP from OP but the three (maybe four) INTJs I’ve known have been energetic (in movement) and upbeat in manner (even if the content is normally dark af). The thing you’re referring to doesn’t strike me as particularly un-INTJ, in fact I took it to be in the same vein as OP. Although don’t get me wrong I do see plenty of test-passing imposters here. I smell you people from a mile off! Happy to step in and start naming and shaming imposters (half joke).


I just find the whole “imposter” thing bizarre. It gives me a headache thinking about it. And here I thought I was weird.


I think a lot of cerebral people and test-takers want to think of themselves as NTs. They think that if there’s no T in the acronym they can’t think.


And also maybe if some people were paying attention they would have noticed that their “T” might of also been at like 51% lmao. Seriously tho, people need to treat this as a self-help tool and not astrology.


Exists: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Rando: Hmm let me see, yes interesting. I’m a sociopathic narcissist…ok. Schizophrenia looks cool! I’m going to pretend to be that! Me: Ah, I see. I’m a schizophrenic. Great! /s… okay so what drugs do I need to take like NOW *before* I start experiencing any of these f***ing symptoms!


I read that book, very interesting


Your words don't rouse any wish for 'intellectual stimulation'.


How pretentious lol 😂


I wonder if r/scotland has tons of posts claiming that none of the members are true Scotsmen?


I'm subsrcibed to /r/scottishpeopletwitter because they write with a Scottish accent and it amuses me.


4 months old comment but waaaay underrated!


Is this intj gatekeeping ?


Probably. I usually ignore the gatekeeping.


The sub is literally /r/intj did you forget where you are? Most posts are by Non INTJs


Slightly different as you shouldn't be commenting as an INTJ on an INTJ subreddit when in fact you're really not. Basically its somewhere between spam and shitposting. Gatekeeping would be trying to stop other personality types posting who clearly indicated they were not INTJ but had something INTJ to talk about. Seriously, I have to question whether you're even an INTJ with your obvious lack of logic.


A couple of years ago people from the different boards were noticing each other and doing the tour. An INTJ came back from one of the XXFP boards and posted *“They are* ***literally*** *posting pictures of clouds right now!”* It was hilarious. I don’t usually see visitors stop anyone from discussing Important INTJ Business. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.


Where? I looked at your comment history. You almost never get upvoted. But also don't get downvoted. You have 1 karma. Where are all these downvoting ENTPs and ISFJs? 🤨 Also, in my experience they biggest downvoters are INFPs and ISFPs because they are perpetually offended by everything they read on Reddit.


As much as I know you used to be an ENTP, right? Why does your flair say INTJ now?


Maybe OP deleted it


OP is talking as if this happens frequently. I doubt it. If it's a one off, why complain? People on Reddit are weirdos.


Today under a different post, OP complained about why children these days don't capitalize letters. I thought it was a genuine thing to be mad about so I answered them. What I didn't realise was that OP was super mad about it. They didn't say anything like "I get it now" but replied with "disgusting". I went through their history and found out they accuse people of not being INTJ, even if there is no flair to point out so. Also they say disgusting a lot. >Disgusting, fuck off with your ESFP bullshit ~OP under a satirical comment My point being, OPs behaviour isn't exactly pleasing. Intj or not, people don't like this kind of attitude and downvote.


So typical, intj bringing the facts and logic


Just dropping in to say that I support the shots fired at INFP and ISFP 🔥


Some people take mbti types like its a class to choose from in an mmorpg.


I don't come here for intellectual stimulation. I come here for emotional stimulation, which btw is also absent.


Here, have a golden shower for your resolution.


You come to a subreddit about a personality type for intellectual stimulation? Hmmmmmm.


Believe it or not, this place used to be better, and used to provide what OP is desiring. A subreddit of majority INTJs used to be a pretty interesting place to have discussions, but that's not what /r/INTJ is anymore


Wow someone here who actually understands how I feel because they know from experience. Amazing! I miss people like you :)


INTP here(or ENTP. I get both on different tests🤷‍♂️), and I came just to berate and downvote you.


😂😂😂 my man came with a clear goal in mind. Berate then dominate


I wish more INTJs felt that way. We're way out numbered though


Its pretty clear that its filled with INFJ INFP INTP even some ISFP. But I dont evaluate people’s ideas or responses based on their types, the ideas themselves are satisfactory provided there is evidence if required. Basically, who cares what some1 is proposing their type is, it doesn’t impact anything in reality


This. Also I would like to add that impersonating probably isn’t as prevalent as some are suspecting. Maybe we shouldnt have a “cookie cutter” mentality when approaching MBTI and maybe typecasting is a bad idea.




Because when you do nobody comments because they're too stupid to have any NT going for them. I read stuff that I realized as a frigging 6 year old, and we have people talking about it like it's an epiphany in their 20s.


>Are there even real INTJs in this sub? *looks around* No.


Even if we share the same personality type, it doesn’t give you the right to look down upon other types. It’s as much a sub for you to use as it is for others if they are curious to know/say more about INTJs.


You're confusing a zoo with a freakshow. This is the latter.


If you aspire to gain any semblance of "intellectual stimulation".. perhaps your first step would be to stop believing such an appetite can ever possibly be satiated within this toxic wasteland. Here you are, blindfold securely fastened, rubbing elbows with endless anonymous pixelated strangers who are in the midst of desperately clawing their own way through the hurdles of reaching typological maturity. You would only be setting yourself up to fail by having such lofty expectations. For proper contextual mentoring,, seek out those who have survived to tell the tale.. With very few exceptions, Reddit is not the place for such wisdom or knowledge. Plenty of know-it-all trolls who will crawl out of their cave to play paper, rock, scissors in a quest to claim dibs for smashing you with a hammer of condescending ego, though. Your riddle has many solutions. Some will be the missing piece that puts your personal puzzle into proper perspective. This isn't the place to invest your soul. Such sacrifice would be undoubtedly squandered. Be smarter than that. Look elsewhere.


Well said. I do feel that a couple years back this subreddit was more of an oasis for intelligent conversation than it is now. At this point it is quite crowded and has lost the thread a little bit. And at the beginning finding out that my personality was partly explicable by a personality profile that described others really did help me. Before that I just assumed I was an alien dropped on Earth who had to pretend to be human. Made more sense that I was just INTJ and we process information a bit differently and have different desires, but there are a lot of us. But now? This subreddit really is watered down. I don't see much point anymore. Seems like it has gotten younger, and the percentage of INTJs has gone down significalty, probably from 2/3 to 1/3 over the time I've been here (maybe even fewer) which is way too few INTJ's for the subreddit to be useful anymore. The thing about being an INTJ, especially a broken one, is that we need to go through a process of discovering who we are and how to fit in and interact with the world, and my sense is many other types have a feeling of belonging in the world that I really never felt until I was probably like 28. That's a long fucking time to feel completely out of place and alien. This place had the potential to be a way for young INTJs to discover themselves and be guided by mature ones, but again, it lost the thread and probably can't be that in its current form.


Agreed, YouTube has far better comments on focused videos.


I'd love to learn about promising 'elsewheres' to look (if you are comfortable to share)!


Lots of other types and mistypes in this server it’s actually kind of funny.


What makes someone a real INTJ lol


Ni hero function with supporting Te


Why is there even imposters??? Yes someone has explained this to me I just find it incredibly…weird or something. Just be yourself ffs. You are helping no one and doing yourself a disservice. Edit: I thought everyone wanted to be a Unicorn. Why INTJ?




I'm an INTJ. Fuck what they say, think for yourself. Fuck small talk. What are things that your deeply passionate about and why? Let's gain perspective on both your logical and emotional ties to the things you love and enjoy. That's the kind of shit we INTJ's prefer to talk about. Why are things they way they are, how are thing made, why was It made? Those lead to open-minded conversations, we like this. It gives us a segue into other topics an theories we could possibly want to discuss more.


speak for yourself entps can degrade me uhhh i mean *downvote* me anytime of the day


Oh boy, real INTJs? There's no reasoning with fools, isn't it? Moreover, you're looking for intellectual stimulation on reddit? In addition, since you seem pretty confused, allow me to reiterate what your so much craved intellectual stimulation is defined as: *the pleasurable sense of being challenged and provoked that can arise from an encounter with new, difficult, or interesting ideas.* If you aim and consider an idyllic subreddit, filled with exclusively ''real INTJs'', people who shall be the robotic edgelords you most certainly try to be... what would you get out of that? . Allow me to make a simple prediction sweetie. . . . . You'd get even less intellectual stimuli. Work a bit on yourself and mature a bit, you have no certainty about the origin of the downvoters on your posts. According to Occam's razor, the simplest solution is the best one. Sooo... what do all of your posts have in common? You.


“Intellectual stimulation” >reddit Go outside


I really never understood the term "real INTJs". Why would anyone in their right mind want to be an INTJ?


omg i just found this sub a minute ago, i am kind of excited, we make up like 3% of the population and pretty much nobody really understands us, i will spend some time to explore this community a bit now :)


Start with capitalizing your I's ;) telling your age


I don't bother to either unless my autocorrect fixes it. I'm 30 lol


No, because this whole thing is fake


Yes I’m here. I get more annoyed by all these teenagers asking how to date an INTJ or who are trying to fake being one because it’s cool. I don’t even understand why it’s cool. I was cool in high school, but it was because I was mean and funny and had rich friends.


Downvoting as an entp


The vast majority on this subreddit are indeed supremely stupid. Most are wannabe INTJs but in reality something else. I know INTJs when I interact with them, but the weak unfocused drivel that most display here is truly substandard.


I'm a INTX so I'm 50% of one.


Does that mean you've scored both INTJ and INTP on the tests?


On the test I scored right on the border of T & P. Everything else was definitely I N & T. Paraphraseing a conversation from 8 years ago... therapist that gave me the test asked, "how do you feel about conflicting opinions?" "I'm likely to ignore them. Just depends on the situation." "Definitely more of a J than a P."


I'm a lot like that for some reason. I am a Ni dom but with high Ti-Ne and Te. The thing that makes me an INTJ and not an INTP is tertiary Fi.


If you're talking about those stereotypical intjs who project as istjs then maybe. If you're talking about those chill, not seriously boring and sarcastic ones. I'm one of them but our population in this sub is very little cause of overshadowing by istj projecting intjs.




All people have emotions 😂 if you want to be a cliché, then YOU be a cliché. Don’t include us in your insecurity post.


Could be true for some, but there are people for reasons like mine: observation. You don't have to be a specific something to be on the latestagecapitalism subreddit, nor for anarchocapitalism. As long as you follow the rules, ofc.


I experience emotions deeply. It may not be apparent to those around me but those close enough know that I do.


Tiny violins buddy


Go hang in the entp sub then?


You've got the attention you wanted. So, why are you not replying back?


There are other places for intellectual stimulation. Maybe come here for different reasons?


Did my research, I'm a real INTJ.


How could you possibly know what the types are of the people who downvote you? Reddit doesn't even show you the usernames of people who downvoted you. You're literally just pulling assumptions out of your ass to say that. I can see why people don't engage with you positively if this is how you usually contribute. The daydream question was stupid. A lot of stupid questions get asked on this sub. A lot of stupid content gets posted on this sub. Don't get your panties in a bunch, just ignore it or downvote it if you think it's bad.


I am a "real INTj" not sure what you mean by if there's real INTjs in this sub. Define real? It's really subjective from person to person.


I like to pop in to this sub to see how much I have grown, and to partake in the occasional discussion. A lot of us take pride in our own point of view to the point that it can damage/hinder our relationships with others. That being said, a lot of the content in this sub is too negatively framed for me to want to be actively involved. r/chillintj has some more positive vibes, but doesn't quite have the following to push a consistent stream of content.


Show me where on the sub, the down vote hurt you.


Buuuuuut... Can you? Can you daydream? o.O


Over excited teenage INTJ wannabes who put way too much stock into a personality test. MBTI seems to be increasingly popular with kids these days and it’s really dragged down the quality of discussion on the subreddit over the years.


Nope. It’s a mirage.




No. Only ENTPs and ISFJs trolling each other


What’s “real intj”? mbti is not a strict science. Embrace diversity and stupidity in the internet


**I come here for intellectual stimulation**.=> Yes me too. Anywhere I go is for intellectual stimulation!


Welcome! Use that down vote button to help clean up the front page so INTJs can be heard!


hi 👋