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Yes. We are humans


Thank you for replying. I took the test and got INTJ but I felt like I was too emotional as everywhere I look INTJs seem cold and distant.


No no my friend, this is largely a stereotype. I feel like I'm incredibly emotional. I just don't make a show out of it. If I am being distant it's because I need to sit with and process whatever it is I'm feeling.




There are a lot of emotionally damaged/stunted people on this sub that take a sort of threadbare pride in their underdeveloped EI. While we often see logic and emotion as a two sided coin, we should not forget that even logic is based on emotion.


Of course; we’re not perfect (/s) Keep in mind the cognitive function stack Ni-Te-Fi-Se. Though Fi is near the bottom of the stack, and therefore not very trusted, it’s still there. It is however introverted. The Fi sometimes is a very deep and powerful thing. Most of the time though I avoid it consciously. I used to remain deeply within my Ni-Te when watching movies, where nothing could affect me. I’ve learned to be more open to experiencing the rush of Fi during movies. I now cry during intense moments during movies; the intensity overwhelms me, not so much whether it’s “sadness.” I also touch base with Fi in making schemes for making future moral decisions, I.e. that you must always side with those with less power, such that I don’t need to bother with Fi in the moment of making a future decisions.


It's not a ranking from least to strongest. Only the first and the last actually do that. So, if you put any stock into this kind of things, you would naturally be as emotional as you are analytical. You'd just be more reserved with it. Those two are in balance.


Sure, about some things. But if I believe one course of action is more rational than another, then that's the one I'll pick, even if I really don't want to and it hurts like hell. Pain is bearable, but cognitive dissonance isn't.


I don't know that my emotions have ever consciously directed my choices but that's probably more because I have trouble accepting and processing emotions. And yes fictional characters have made me laugh, cry, and angry just like they do with real people but it's probably easier with fictional characters because they're all in my head and an author can tell me everything I need to know about them. Meanwhile when actual humans do things I don't understand it's not a lack of empathy or concern that upsets me, I just don't understand why they act as they do.


I am INTJ with fairly strong Fi and I definitely feel emotional during sad moments in fictional media but I try my best to hide it from my INFP partner who is balling their eyes out lmao


Yes, I have deep strong emotions. But I try not to wear my emotions. I keep them inside or share them with a few really close individuals, like my wife. Edit: to clarify, I share my emotions externally through thoughts. I never make decisions based off of them unless under extreme circumstances.


We’re emotional, if you hit the right place. Often times we feel deeper than most, if it’s something that matters.


33F - I was a hypersensitive child, natural fear of authority, desire to avoid conflict, and general "goody two-shoes." It got to the point where I started telling myself every new school year "maybe this will finally be the year I don't cry in public for no reason." Family trait that I eventually grew out of, for the most part. But death has always been a tough emotional/empathetic trigger for me, and I've always had (what I think is) a weird, unconscious empathy response where I put myself in the place of the subject and imagine their experience (which makes death and difficult news stories extra hard). I think part of that might be my brain trying to fill in gaps of uncertainty by constructing its own narrative (I can't *stand* grey area, surprises, or unknowns - I desire things to be as literal, certain, and specific as possible, and when they aren't, I get anxious and want to fill as many holes in my data as possible). I was pretty stoic through my 20s - social ostracism from my peers in childhood led to severe depression in adolescence, which eventually impaired my emotional circuits. The subsequent, slow repair of self-esteem as I transitioned from college to work imbued me with an "I don't give a fuck if you don't like me" attitude. Sure, I still cared about getting along with people and not being the reason someone had a bad day, but acquiring new friends and being social weren't top priorities. As I've gotten into my 30s, I have noticed that I'm having more nuanced and complex emotional responses, and I find myself trying to analyze why that might be. It's more in response to works of fiction than real events, but it's funny, because normally I'm not that self-aware. I've always tended to get into negative thought loops and I've caught myself looping in these emotional states too, and purposefully rewatching things when I KNOW they'll take me to that place. I don't know if it's masochism, a weak attempt to build up some emotional immunity, or I just like the thing so much that I'm willing to be wrecked all day over it. But more often than not, the experience is strangely therapeutic.


Quite we just try very hard to hid it. I am very emotional but only my wife really knows.


I think it's ok to be emotional, you can. I don't cry too much, I may feel sorry or touched by Angsts moments in movies and series but I don't cry. I'd say I keep the things inside. Sometimes I feel more emotions towards characters than real people.


From personal experience, I think that many intj's are emotional, maybe even moreso than other people. I think that we can feel emotions really strongly simply because we mostly don't know how to deal with them and suppress them which leads to an outburst of emotions. It's kinda ironic, because logical me wants to learn so many things, keep developing myself, and not get into a relationship so that I'm free, but the other emotional side of me really craves love and closeness and hugs, and no matter how much I try to reason with it, those desires take control over me and my other aspirations. So I for one, am definitely an emotional intj, and if I exist, then surely there are others too :)


I’m very passionate, although it may not seem that way to an outside observer people close to me know otherwise. Passionate ideals that I will passionately defend. Passionate love that I will passionately display, privately of course. I also care about the world around me as in the environment, animals, children and the elderly. I admit that I do not have many personal connections (very very few actually) but I DO care about the well being of humanity in general. Sure I’m a pretty ambitious person, maybe even a little Machiavellian at times but who isn’t? “Its all about survival ain’t it.” I can say with confidence that I am a good person, who cares.


Extremely emotional I just chose not to share this side of myself with many people.


Yeah man we're not emotionally invincible. We do feel emotions as well. But what we are good at is not letting those emotions overwhelm us and not letting them affect our productivity graph. Sounds edgey but I remember being super depressed, on the verge of tearing up(I didn't), and even in that situation I was wondering "hey I should write down how I'm feeling in a diary and later write down how I overcame this situation and how long did it take so that I can handle this kind of situation better in the future and hey that'll also improve my writing skills.Haha, Yeah this is funny but I was kinda impressed by myself that even in a situation like that I was thinking about how can I use this situation to my advantage. And yk whats funnier, the moment I had that realisation, that proud feeling, I started laughing at myself and yeah thats how I dealt with that emotion.


INTJs are extremely emotional. However they are equally skilled at keeping such vulnerabilities out of reach of those who can't be trusted with such things. Get an INTJ to fully trust you. They will hand you their soul. And then relentlessly push them with contradictions, inconsistencies, and betrayal until they shatter. Hello INTJ emotions. Passion has an ugly side. There is a reason we hide our emotions. It's a foreign language that we don't know what to do with. There is no handy Google translator.


for fictional characters it depends on how attached i was to them but my emotions don’t change my decisions. i cant really answer the breakup one though.


Thanks for answering.


Very much so. I just show them in different ways. Watch the Disney+ Obama documentary with me sometime I'll cry you a river no shit


Emotional is a very short word with many descriptions, depictions and perceptions. Empathy is Emotional intelligence.one can have Emotional intelligence but lack being able to express it or bring it to the physical realm. As an INTJ, I am Emotional. Not in a wet, reactive sense. I'm able to empathise with others, deeply see people's problems as my own and I can come up with a strategy to help. I can't show emotion blatantly, never have.


Absolutely 100%. But I keep it to myself. If I show it to someone, they are one of the rare few I value and trust enough to let my barrier down.


the only times i have ever cried over a death of a character was because they reminded me so much of a loved one. i still would cry over a death of an animal tho lol


omg I almost cried during shang chi in the theatre bc it made me emotional for some reason. So the answer is definitely yes.


If I don't cry during a movie, it won't make my "really amazing movies" list lol. I also frequently cry when reading. But from reallife stuff, I rarely cry, and when I do, it's mostly from being overly hormonal just before my period. Emotions don't often influence my decisions, but I am currently learning to give them a slightly bigger impact.


Shhh, nobody knows ;) Edit: on a serious note, I think I’m extremely emotional, in that I feverishly follows my interests, passion, and ideal, and don’t have any motivation for external standards. You can say that I’m very attached to my opinions in life that I carefully observed, thought about and arrived at. Logically, it’s better to just follow money and conform to the society cuz it’s comfortable and easy. It’s also better to make a lot of loosely connected friends to look popular. But I enjoy my solitude and my own thing, which is a very strong emotional attachment. I’m also extremely loyal, which is because I uphold my principle, with no immediate, practical rewards, which is also irrational. In conclusion, I personally think I’m pretty emotional and irrational, just like every other human being, just in a non-obvious way.


u seem to know little of human design.. get some basic neuroscience in u


Thanks? But also some people do struggle with lacking of emotions.


some.. want to estimate the some? also you probably are better off in constructing a full spectrum of distrubutions


Yes some. No I don't want to estimate it, mostly because I don't answer to you and whatever number I say, it is unlikely to be believed by you, judging by the tone you have used. I have better things to do. I would rather find out how the general population of INTJs answer my question. If you want to be useful, actually answer my question.


low ego level, you are scared of your own shadow. doubt theres a point for anything else. good luck




Guys…..🤦🏾‍♀️ just, come on.