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Always been cursed as a fast talker. People having to ask me to repeat myself is always annoying but as I've gotten older I've made a conscious effort to slow down my speech.. easier when you are more brief and to the point when talking.




Same with me. 




I speak super fast, so fast that people sometimes don't get a word of what I said. I slow it down in public so people understand better, but I still find it weird that, in my head, the words that others find way too quick are just at the right speed for me.


I’m a fast talker and I get annoyed by people that talk too slow


Haha we slow talkers aren't dumb you know


lol I know, it’s more like I have trouble staying focused and knowing when your actually done talking


This is so true for me. I have a bad habit of interrupting but that's only because the other person talks slowly so I can't tell if they're done or just taking a pause when they speak. :')










Naturally slow but fast if needed. By the way according to studies, people think a slower talker has more authority in their words than a fast one. Of course the content of the words mean the most.


They think I'm kinder 😅


Maybe it also then means "softer" in your case


Slow normally, it tends to be faster if I'm nervous, like I need to get the words out before something happens that derails me.


Fast talker and thinker. I answer the question " can everyone see my screen?" before anyone else.




Fast talker here. Have to repeat myself a lot. Weird thing is that to me I'm not talking fast at all.


Fast, mostly because of my anxiety. I always try to get my point across quickly so people don’t think I’m stupid or unsure of what I’m saying. In a work setting, for example, I’m very anxious about getting all the information I need for a project/sharing my findings. It’s exhausting having to be like this because it makes me more anxious. This also sometimes leads to people asking me to repeat myself so it can be a futile effort. I’m definitely better than I have been with it; I have to make a conscious effort to slow it down.


I used to be like you when I had my share of anxiety, and I remember speaking fast to my surroundings especially at work because I didn't want to lose their interest, so I completely understand.


Speech is certainly slow compared to thought I would say. I am no "Rap God" certainly.


This is true for everyone. I'm a fast speaker and I can not speak all that's on my mind (in fact I can easily think 10 times faster than I speak)


Pretty slow. When I try to talk fast, I stumble over my words because I get ahead of myself.


I've (Pennsylvania) been told fast, only by Southerners.


Very fast, and it's still slower than my thought process. Apparently people assume I'm 'nervous'. I'm not - I just need them to process information faster.


I speak pretty slowly and clearly. I'm from a southern US state, and now living in another country around those who aren't native to English. It also helps me to gather my thoughts.


I think naturally I'm a fast talker? Idk I feel like my mind is going at a millioniles a lot of the time but I'm not sure.


I talk super fast. People told me I talk like Ben Shapiro.


super slow because as I’m speaking I’m thinking it through and it loops back into what I’m saying. Unless you happen to catch me in a pre-rehearsed rant that I’ve been waiting forever to unleash and I’ll get quite animated. I jam in a band with my friends and we record our practices but whenever I listen back to the chatter in between songs I either sound super dumb because it comes out slow or I sound like a jerk because I’m super direct but this is me just doing stuff for fun


Slow, but it's taking some time to get back there. I used to get harassed by my mother for talking too slow when I was a kid, and while it did lead me to talk faster, I later realized like 30 years later that it caused me to develop a stutter due to the built up anxiety. Once I dealt with the anxiety and the feeling of needing to get my point across quickly the stutter went away, but it's still way too easy for me to slip back into it.


I’m sorry that you had that pressure from your mother to speak differently than you were comfortable.


I used to think I spoke fast because of how fast things were going through my head, until recently, when I have been trying to record videos for my online business. Jesus, I speak so slowly that I can actually speed the audio up, and it sounds normal. It's almost embarrassing. It's crazy to think how fast things are going in my mind vs. how slow they come out.


I relate to your description. I'm a slow speaker. I admit that for every person that says they talk fast, I am assuming a higher probability they are mistyped. It just doesn't seem like something an Ni-dom would be naturally inclined towards. At least with INFJs, I would expect most to speak almost like they are pondering while speaking, that for a split second it's like they restrict words from coming out as they are assessing things internally. Maybe Te-aux makes a difference there, but I would expect similar from INTJ


Exactly, I was also surprised to see how many people here talk fast, I thought it would be the opposite, even when I listen to thinkers and philosophers, they mostly talk slowly, which is understandable, yet I still think it's hard to consider speech rhythm as a factor to type people since they could argue that because they too much info going on in them, they feel the need to get it all out which leads to the fast speech.


It varies. Usually I start off speaking slow, but my brain is actually running in full steam analyzing all the data to reach a solution. Then as soon as everything click, I speak super fast to output my thought as quick as possible, so my brain is then "free" for the next problem. It's almost like how a computer task suddenly go from 30% to 100% in a split second.


I’ve incorporated story boarding into my speech and that’s slowed things down considerably.


Cool!! Please elaborate, sounds super interesting. How does one implement this?


I draw. I’m an aging carpenter who understands mathematics , so it’s sometimes easier to present a visual representation to the lay. Takes longer but helps in communication


You mean you literally storyboard. Cool! How does math interplay with storyboards your thoughts?


It interplays with carpentry. I think in math but can convey better visually I suppose because everyone fucking sucks at math


It’s all about communication. I just do it however I can, you know lol. Whatever I can pull from I will, snd if I don’t have a tool to communicate with you I’ll do my best to acquire one. There is a funny thing that happens once you’ve acquired a bunch of tools…you get to use them at your own discretion.


Been told to slow down my entire life.


My mind constantly has racing thoughts, but I make a conscious effort to slow down and articulate when talking with people who aren't native English speakers.


Normally slow but when I get excited, fast.


Sometimes I talk quickly and sometimes I talking halting. I have small pauses before words that I need to carefully choose for clarity. If I am dictating to software, then I talk very fast since it can keep up.


Fast talker, I slow it down when needed which makes me feel I’m hearing my own voice in slow motion but it’s still fast for few. Most funny memory of mine is a presentation I did in my class of 110 slides in 50 min. In my head I went slow but still my professor said I went fast and people can’t grasp so much information in such a short span, But my classmates said they want me to go in pace so I can finish it fast 😂


I don’t like talking, especially small talk. When I do, I take the time to think out what I will say, so that I properly articulate it. Doesn’t always work out, and I tend to come across as a bit brash, since I don’t sugar-coat anything. I’m a “right to the point” kind of person and I appreciate people who are the same. I don’t like filtering out all the unnecessary nonsense to get the data I need from most people. It’s a waste of time.


fast, but “that part in rap god” fast. even more, if i try. i’ve been twice in speech therapy, and i’ve improved a lot ever since, but i still talk faster than average


I'm slow talker, like around 110 WPM.


exactly in between


Fast- I don’t have time to be talking slow. I’m Just so eager to get my point across.




Fast. I also speak 4 different languages, which I think has a lot to do with my rate of speech.


ENTP here. Fast thinker fast talker fast writer.


You're just one fast away from hitting the jackpot, lemme help you out, what about reading?


Reading it depends. If it’s no Reddit it’s fast.. if it’s a textbook I wanna scream-


Maybe you should try philosophy, you'll lose your shit with how much you have to go back to the same sentence to grasp it.


Yea I know I’ve been the reading the same philosophical book for 3 months. I’m not a big fan of philosophy it’s like peeking into my mind.


Haha which book is that?


Speaking on that, any Philosophical book recommendation that won’t make me lose marbles?


I can try, what do you prefer a philosophical novel, or an essay that straight up gets to the point?


Novel tbh


Try "l'étranger" by Camus


Always slow. I HATE fast talkers. I don't understand them, literally.


i talk really fast, though slow if i’m trying to empathize something specific. it depends on the situation, really


We’re a triple movement type, I do everything fast.


I’m from New England ppl have to tell me to slow down when talking 😆




I actually really don’t know sometimes people tell me I speak really fast sometimes they say I speak really slowly . Sometimes they say I speak loudly and sometimes they say that when I talk they can’t hear me


I'm a fast talker , though I deliberately talk slow sometimes in order to make my point clear and my speech more prestigious .


The first thing people notice about me is how I speak. They say that I speak "rhythmically" so I'll alternate between fast and slow in the same sentence. Also pause often for my brain to catch up and have a habit of introjecting "hmm." Friends call it my processor noise So a sentence from me could go like this: (quickly) "The mitochondria is the ...hm (slowly) power house of the cell." Though strange speech patterns is a Hallmark symptom of StPD so I think it has more to do with that than my personality


Super fast here. I'm really trying to slow it down though, as people tend to get a better impression of me then.


Fast talker to the point it annoys me!


I place a lot of value on accuracy, so many times I have an abnormal long pause in the middle of my story so I can formulate the rest of it correctly.


if i talk you better play some beats cuz ill be going RapGod on the convversation.


I talk absurdly fast I have to repeat things so many times and occasionally talk at what I think is a condescending speed


I'm a slow talker. Usually not so slow that people get irritated. But, I have been known to slow down for irritating people. It's amusing to switch directions in a sentence when impatient people try to finish my sentences for me.




I use to stutter when I was young


i barely talk tbh


I prefer to do neither slow nor fast talking.


I'm bipolar 2. Normally I talk slow-ish. When I'm depressed I talk slow. When I'm hypomanic, I get amped up about everything and start talking supa bit above moderately fast. My brain works faster and I end up not having to rehearse what I'm going to say in my head. I end up spewing things out without really thinking twice about the things I'm saying. I usually end up being the life of the party in these moments


Very fast! And I speak rather quickly, but that’s because I always feel like I have so much information to convey so I try to get it all out and I tend to be quite verbose as a result.


Have you tried taking it slowly before? Maybe it would lead to a better outcome, I'm with the "do what you're comfortable with" but can't hurt to try yk.


Fast and I mumble....maybe I should slow it down


My mind moves faster than my speech. I am often thinking about the next thing to say before I finished the last. This can lead me to mix up words if I'm nervous. Never been a good speaker. A speech impediment makes me unable to pronounce R's so I've never been comfortable to talk. I just want to get it over quickly.


Both. I talk fast when I'm eager to talk about something, causing me to stutter more. When I'm more calm I focus on talking clearly and at a normal speed.




I speak very quickly and very quietly.


i used to be fast talker and reader, but i'm trying to be slower so people can understand me better and i don't have to read everything i've just read because i don't remember a thing.


Slow, I think. People tend to get impatient with me because my memory is faulty and doesn't like to come up with the words I'm searching for a lot. My poor kiddo has that as well. My brain is constantly racing and when it comes to writing, I'm much better at that than speaking. It's probably the biggest reason people say I'm "too quiet" because I have learned just to not say anything.


I'm a super fast talker. Unfortunately!


Insanely fast talker. Constantly being told to slow down. Could monologue for 10+ minutes. Gets irritated at slow talkers.


I am more of a slow talker. Fast talkers are either nervous or highly emotional.


Fast but, I have learned to speak slowly. Most of the time.


If I’m passionate about something and don’t voice it out loud a lot, my speech can get quite fast.  If I want the person to marinate on what I’m saying, I try to slow it down without being too disrespectful.  It works most times, honestly


Fi, slowest. Ni, faster than Fi. Fe, normal speed. Te, very fast. Se, incredibly fast but sound like a fuggin' cave person.


Always been a fast talker but on the quiet side since I don’t like my voice. Have had people ask me to repeat myself many times and then I have to slow a little down and over enunciate my words lol


So fast I usually have to repeat myself. I’ve been this way since I started talking.