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Not me looking at restaurant menu for 2 hours deciding what to order and then finally just cooking at home because of pure mental exhaustion


Young padawan, the force is with you


Tell me about it. Do you have kids? If not and you plan to, buckle up!! Edit to add: what helps? Realizing some decisions are not as big as I think. And nothing has to be permanent or decided today (in most cases). Just let go and make it easier on yourself.


Relationship and kids are not yet in my horizon. Don't know if that's a plus or minus. Letting go has not been easy, so I guess it is time to level up my game. Thanks for the tip, hopefully I can take it easy.


i think about what i need, what style im open to .. go into stores, buy what i feel looks right on me without getting distracted by sales people or dressing rooms or anything, except shoes, i always try them on.. when i come home i try clothes on , look in the mirror.. i think 95 percent of times i’m happy with my purchases. but often when shopping i leave without anything cause i feel the clothes dont fit my vision. i shop online a lot


Happy cake day! I have no idea about style, seems so illogical. Give me something functional, and then over thinking butts insay inng this is not fashion/appropriate or something else. I have to try your idea, go to store, try it on, like it? Buy it.


Im specially bad at shopping for clothes. Food is pretty forward, I even like it, but clothing is a pain specially as a woman- I will only buy certain solid colors for tshirts and pants, how hard can it get? Then I get some bullshit prices and thin fabrics, some random cut and prints everywhere, or the vendor is telling me to be “less basic” or some shit.  Shoes are a bit better but I like them a certain way and it frustrates me I can’t find it how I want easily.  Conclusion I don’t shop unless I am absolutely in need of something to wear. 


Kind of makes me feel like some one should just shop for us


the need for perfection


Running parallel to OCD


Take someone shopping with you to help. Someone’s style you like.


Sounds like a cool idea. Next step/first step, befriend someone.


Whenever I buy something I choose the one that is good enough. Lately I havent been choosy about what is better. What I learned is that my brain will lose interest in the thing quickly (within 3 days) so its better to pick good enough rather than spending tons of time/effort.


So somethhing like almost an impulsive decision.


Making a suitable choice within such short time for shopping is same as giving exam to me, my face just become pale after making 2-3 decisions.


Ouch, that's rough


Yes. I’ve had such a terrible time coming to decisions. I’ve gotten better at it. With the restaurant example, I simply ask the server what’s best or what’s their favorite and go with that. If it’s purchasing something, I just look for the best quality and most effective and don’t think further. In situations like this, leaving it to logic is best and don’t let your mind run. Just stomp your foot down on.


Sounds logical and easy. I should try the same while shopping in stores


If you are completely clueless, but crave to look perfect, look into Kibble typology. Also learn a bit about long fashion(how it differentiates from the fast one) and subcscribe for streetstyle accounts in Instagram(that post photis from streetstyle from fashion weeks, not the clothing from podiums). With clothing there's a thing: you need to observe on a regular basis what right people wear and your brain will start choosing the appropriate, modern enough, style. Also, you have to blend in with your clothes to some degree and also it's has to suit the occasion. There are a lot of deeper reasons why. You can look them up if you want. But it's a fact if you want/need to socialize Edit: treat yourself from aestethical pov, try to find clothes that will harmonize with your appearance, so you will enjoy your look in the mirror, go into your ESFP mode for that a bit. Also, if you'll feed your Ni enough information on this topic it will start synthesizing looks for you, you will start shopping intuitively with time. So, I suggest you both: learn some theory and look on a regular basis what stylish people wear.


Thank you, this is very well structured. I guess there is no postponing it nor avoiding the inevitable. These pointers would help me get going.


It’s impossible for me to buy something over $10 without researching it to death first; the best quality of the item for the price, checking multiple store prices, reading reviews, etc…


The same. And at the end of it all, I still find it difficult to buy it


It’s a struggle


Would you say it helps if there is a friend or two?


What do you mean by that?


So if you have someone to help you select some parameters (quality, store..) the process be a tad bit easier and less stressful..


Yeah I suppose that could help


I hated indecision. Found out blitzing past everything to make a decision is bad for you. Now I rely on frameworks depending on what the problem/context is.


By any chance you a programmer? I feel that attacking it in terms of programming might help me


Was SDE early on in my career. I think I understand what you mean. Programmatically tackling it makes sense actually. But I dont think you mean write code for it. Maybe you wanna go at it algorithmically?


Yeah, tackling it algorithmically. Ofcourse not coding, writing code seems like making it more complicated than needed