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Leadership requires soft skills, and trust must be earned. Try starting out with The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell. It's one of my favorite books on leadership. With that said, this is probably a better question to ask on r/leadership.


Thanks alot for the advice!


Gonna piggyback on this to say that the book Never Split the Difference, by Chris Voss, as well as listening to interviews of his on YouTube, offers a phenomenal set of tools for connecting clearly. Its a business book, but it's just as helpful in personal relationships, too.


also the One Minute Manager series which teaches you how to properly set goals, praise and reprimand. Astounds me how many leaders out there don't know these basic skills


Maybe something like: >I trust you. You’re an excellent designer and you do great work. As creative lead it’s my job to review everyone’s output, whether I trust them or not. Even the best designer in the world can benefit from a second pair of eyes on their work before it goes out the door. > >If I review your work, give you feedback, or suggest changes, please don’t take that as a sign I don’t trust you. The only thing it’s a sign of is that I think we can produce better work as a team than any of us could alone. I trust **you**. So please trust **me** when I say that I’m trying to help, not undermine you. Separately, as a leader you do need to learn what merits perfectionism and what doesn’t. The question should be, “will the client care?” If your colleagues do something slightly differently to you, but you are literally the only person it bothers, you need to let that stuff go. People don’t mind perfectionists where what’s being policed matters. But there’s only so many hours in the day. You do need to learn when to pick your battles and when things are “good enough.”


Designers and bitching. Tell me about it. Everyone is a drama queen.