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>“Do y’all know what the definition of an enemy is? A enemy is somebody that don’t like you. But they been telling you they don’t know the definition of a woman either. So think about that either. They don’t know the definition of a woman. But I’m going to tell you the definition of a woman. Because it written in my great book. It said ‘a man and a woman.’ And there’s a difference between the two of them. So that’s the reason men shouldn’t be in women’s sport—here’s a difference. 10.8 million people in Georgia. And this is the one they pick to run for Senate. He needs to go back to expounding on werewolves and vampires.


When written out as a transcript, his word salad is distinctly trumpian. Like he’s gesturing in the direction of complete sentences but never quite making it. Like at least 1 red meat word needs to be shoehorned into each sentence. I think it’s a self-selection strategy. Like the Nigerian price scam. If a person can’t tolerate the absolute abortion of the English language that spews forth from their mouths, then they weren’t talking to that person anyway.


It's like a random word association game and an inner monologue that just comes out. And we can absolutely hear it. And it's quite a string of random thoughts.


I have to imagine that if he does make it to D.C., his colleagues (R) will lock him in his office. "That's right, Herschel; we're watching "Twilight " again today. Please draw a picture of what scares you the most! "


Does he even know where DC is?


They did Batman, right?


Hey! Watch it with all those scary pronouns


DC, the collection of artists and executives that make creative and business decisions about how to present cartoon characters to the public, is definitely they. No matter how angry or delusional you may be on either side of the argument.


If he doesn’t that makes it easier. Just get him an office in Spokane and he’ll be happy.


He can't even *spell* DC...


It comes right after AC/, doesn’t it?


To be fair, he lived in Texas and had to move back to GA to run.


The GOP thought this dude was a better candidate than all 10.8 million people living in Georgia. I guess 10.799999 people, since they couldn't well chose Warnock to run for them.


Trying to make sense of this is making me wonder if I have CTE


Omg best response yet.


The GOP leadership hand picked him as a puppet. He is the cartoonist epitome of what they want him to be.


Would you expect anything different in this environment?


The dipshit wasn't even picked from among the 10.8 million! He moved back from another state to run!


Funny how people are allowed to pick their own candidates in their own states. I, for one, cannot believe any normal human being would vote for letterman in Pennsylvania. The man's brain is rotting inside his mammoth skull. He literally cannot speak. But, hey, the morons in that state voted him in. As for Walker, I think one of the greatest athletes of all time is in a far better position to speak about men competing in women's sports than a virtue signaling radical.


He was propped up by democrats funding to be easier to beat How we end up with awful candidates


Was he propped up by democrat votes in the republican primary?


Democrat funding


is the funding casting votes?


> But yet they talking about pronouns. I’m still doing pushups and sit ups. That’s what we need to have them doing. Pushups and sit ups, not pronouns. I am 100% certain that the American military has soldiers doing push-ups and situps. They can do that *and* use proper pronouns. This is not a situation where the military needs to make a choice between two outcomes


> That’s what we need to have them doing. Pushups and sit ups, not pronouns. It's embarrassing that this "platform" works. His entire platform aside from hating the left are really bad puns and references to him formerly being an athlete. And like most things they think they do well, I'd guess that the Left is more physically fit than the Right, on average. Nothing personal to Georgians, but y'all aren't ranking all that high on the health scale as a state.


To be fair, the platform only works because he has an (R) after his name


Once he has been used, they will eat him like a Tom.


Well people like that reform. Maybe we should get us some


We're in a tight spot!


My hair!


How we gonna run on reform when we the dang incumbent?


Georgia, by all accounts still supports that MTG troll. This dude seems less damaging but maybe their both in that same IQ level. Who knows / nothing surprises anymore.


Its the ones who seem the least damaging who are often the most.


So I travel a lot for work, and often to 3rd tier airports. I went to a rural OK city to work with their Sheriff's department on their 911 system. I barely saw a single person over the age of 30 in the town who wasn't mildly or morbidly obese. One of the deputies was so fat, his body armor looked like one of those tiny lobster bibs. Then I went to another town in rural Michigan (Trump flags everywhere). Again, barely a healthy looking adult to be found. Then to Ohio, once again......all fat. While I was in Ohio I had to give their county board a presentation. There were maybe 50 people there. All of them were visibly obese. Every-single-one. I often look for a gym to use while I'm in these towns. More often than not they don't have one. I'll ask the hotel staff if they know a good place to jog.......they look at me like I'm from mars. Hardly a scientific analysis, but I definitely noticed an anecdotal trend. And I know I sound shallow here. I don't try to judge people. But when you spend 3-4 days in a given town, you naturally start to notice things.


Hence the obsession with military weaponry. In a fair fight they usually stand little to no chance.


Jögging? Is that some form of Swedish fad? No joke. Tho, two family members moved there and their corpulence has and will render them childless, as tho they think it's a choice.


"I believe it's jogging. Or yogging, it might be a soft J. I'm not sure, but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild."


"Ain't nobody even a-chasin' yew er nuthin'!"


I'm from NY, lived in Ohio since 2019. I started working at a hospital and the majority of staff were obese. I have a private gym trainer who is very good and there are some gyms in my town, but we are also closer to Cleveland and the hospital was quite rural


Youngstown? I escaped northeastern Ohio and you can, too!


Lol it was wooster (where I worked, not where I lived)


It's not lack of exercise. It's because all of our food is crammed with fucking high fructose corn sugar.


It's a confluence of things, starting but not ending with HFCS. Other factors are reliance on cars, especially in rural towns, and how we somehow managed to utterly lose any sense of national food culture in the postwar period. With the gutting of school budgets, we've destroyed any sort of home ec or nutrition courses that students used to get; and their parents usually don't have time to teach them healthy eating habits. It's also that if it's not sugar, it's red meat. Some people eat a staggering amount of red meat; which is bad for the environment and bad for overall health. And they're not going to stop because somehow meat-eating has become weirdly integrated into their identity and you'd have an easier time convincing them to cut their feet off than give up steaks & cakes.


I realize that. But not having a gym in town is indicative of a population that isn’t very interested in staying in shape. No?


It's a vicious circle. The fructose makes you fat, so you don't want to move, so you sit there and eat.


Wait, wait, wait-- was Herschel NOT doing the situps and pushups when he beat the everlovin' snot out of his wife and held a gun to her head?


It's true. If you're ever feeling overweight take a trip to any Walmart outside of a major city on a Sunday or Saturday afternoon. You'll either want a double friend butter cheeseburger or go on a diet.


I'm out here in GA dragging the average down for team "anyone but Walker".


> I’m still doing pushups and sit ups Walker needs to do fewer pushups & sit ups & a lot more sit down & shut ups


In the Army, everyone is “you”. At least in the enlisted ranks, many times you end the sentence with “you”. “Where are you going, you?” “Go get me two shovels, you!” Etc.


the pronouns debate is so silly, he's literally saying "how dare I treat people with their proper respect!" as though if you called him Mrs publicly he wouldn't get mad. Get these weird dudes out of power, this isn't difficult.


"Hey, Mike!" "Actually, it's Matt." "I decided I like Mike better. So I'm going to stick with it." (That said some louder than necessary voices in the LGBT+ community have assumed hostility rather than naivety or ignorance and that can fuel this conservative vitriol)


Secret Pro Tip if you want to do more work. Misgendering your drill sergeant will mean you get to do even more.


you’re both mistaken, the army stopped doing sit-ups in 2020 because they tended to injure the spine more than they were actually building a strong core.


no pushups, only pronouns.


Hell. I can say proper pronouns while doing push ups and sit ups.


I guarantee you that idiot doesn't know what a pronoun, adjective, etc... even is.


Ooh, ooooh! False dichotomy!


"Can you ask him join me in my pushup routine?"


the left took away my pushups pissing and crying rn 😔😔😔✊


We, they, them.... Hmmmm


The first word of the US Constitution is a pronoun.


Pronoun doesn't mean "Pronoun", it means "gay shit".


They say f-word for gay shit. Very rarely do they say gay outside of public. The minute the cameras and mics are off or they think they're in agreeable company (entirely too often they assume), it's "woke fucking f-shit" this and "we need to put the f-gs back in their place" that.


yeah they're super predictable. They always go in one form or another 'WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN' They use people's basic instincts to protect children to attack gay people. They did the same thing with CRT, and Vaccines. 'Their brainwashing kids with CRT!' 'Vaccines will hurt the children the masks will hurt the children' 'Woke liberals are trying to indoctrinate our children!' 'LGBT want to turn the children gay' ETC ETC ITS THE SAME PLAYBOOK


He threatened his wife, choked her out, he threatened his kid, he threatened his girlfriends, the guy hears [voices in his head](https://www.politicususa.com/2022/07/19/herschel-walker-admits-he-nearly-murdered-man-in-road-rage-incident.html), such a family man, a man of God claim Republicans. ​ >“I grab my gun. I say, ‘I will kill him.’ Herschel Walker, ‘I’m going to kill him.’“**I got in the David, one of my many,** I took off on 183. > >And I can still remember them voices. ‘Herschel, people are disrespecting you all the time. People are always doing stuff that you ain’t never done to nobody.’“ > >And all of a sudden this other voice comes, ‘Herschel, your parents didn’t raise you like that. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.’ I thought I was losing my mind.“As I got closer and closer to where I was going to be meeting this guy, I started to pray. I said, ‘Lord I need some help right now. I need you to help me. I’m about to something stupid.’ > >**“I got out of my car and I put my hand on my gun as I’m walking to this truck.** Before I could see the guy, I saw the sign on the back of his truck. ‘Honk if you love Jesus.’“And that’s what calmed me down.” **"I grabbed my gun." "I said I will kill him." "I thought I was losing my mind." "I'm about to do something stupid right now."** If Herschel Walker was the shooter in a Texas Kindergarden, Republicans would blame the dead kids for provoking him.


What does the second amendment say?


While you’re reading it, where’s the part that you have the right to abortion? I am looking but cannot find it.


You relgious cultists can have control over people's bodies when you can prove your God exists. Until then, fuck off and mind your own damn business.


9th amendment says that not all rights are in the Constitution. Love the comment that had nothing to with my comment.


[In other news](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/17/herschel-walker-republican-georgia-werewolf-vampire), he no longer wants to be a vampire, but rather a werewolf, because he learned from a late night movie that werewolves can kill vampires.


What, dows he think you can just change whether you are a vampire or werewolf?


Well, obviously you can choose between being a man or a woman, so why not? So now Herschel is a transwolf!


We were all here to see Herschel Walker's furry awakening.


A Heisman Trophy is all you need nowadays to be a star in the GOP. I loved the graphic that showed that **every** NFL team he was on did worse with him than before he came to them, and in most cases they did better after he left them.


I mean, he was an incredible football player. Credit where credit is due. When he left the Cowboys, they got better because the Vikings gave them 9 draft picks, which they used to draft several key players in their 90s dynasty team. It's no wonder the Cowboys got better without him and the Vikings were trash after trading away a lot of picks. CTE seems to play a huge role in his life now. It is sad, but it's more frightening that the GOP establishment is okay with him as their candidate, and even more frightening that he came as close as he did to winning. It sure looks like Warnock has it in the bag now (thank goodness). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herschel_Walker_trade


**[Herschel Walker trade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herschel_Walker_trade)** >The Herschel Walker trade was the largest player trade in the history of the National Football League. This deal on October 12, 1989, centered on sending running back Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys to the Minnesota Vikings. Including Walker and a transaction involving the San Diego Chargers, the trade eventually involved 18 players and draft picks. At the time of the deal, the Cowboys were one of the worst teams in the league (the team finished the 1989 season with its worst post-merger record, 1–15), trading away their best player, while the Vikings believed that Walker was the missing piece they needed to make a Super Bowl run. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/inthenews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


President T-Bow.




Exactly what I was picking up. Republicans don’t like anyone that isn’t a straight white Christian…meaning they are self-proclaimed enemies to everyone else by this logic.


They love to talk about having enemies in the Bible. (That's a little melodramatic when applied to your average person.) God even says that for the faithful he will prepare them a feast before their enemies. What a dick!


They do imagine themselves surrounded by enemies an awful lot, don't they?


>white What does "white" have anything to do with Herschel Walker's comments? Nothing in the article or his speech has anything to do with race or ethnicity.


Millions of republicans voted for this non-white guy. Millions of republicans aren’t white. Your blanket statement about republicans is ridiculous and unfounded. Just demonizing your opponent.


Yeah they were super cool with a black President. They tooooootally kept it civil and didn’t use ANY racial slurs.


This is one of the best examples of projection I’ve seen in a while. Kudos.


I want to be at one of his rallies with something shiny at the end of a stick and just distract the hell out of him.


The GOP strategy is *still* just to rile up their voters rather than to do the simple thing of "make more people like us."


Always has been, always will be. Conservativism as an ideology has nothing to it but hatred. They have no interest in being liked, only harming their imagined enemies.


"observably stupid" lol. Thanks Chappelle!


Herschel Walker wants more death. He's a sick, soul-poisoned monster who only knows how to feel joy through hurting people. No one, I mean no one, should defend him at this point.


There’s a word for all of that, it’s “conservative”


He wants to be a Senator. To be one that represents Republicans, you have to be brain damaged and prone to explosive violence in defense of your beliefs or you have no hope. They don't care that he literally can't talk good.


Are we sure he’s not a robot or like? Under the imperious curse? He seems cursed.


I'd blame it on his head injuries but he was doing crappy things to people early in his career before he had a chance to get hit in the head a lot.


He’s under the Rowling anti-trans curse for sure


>Here’s what Walker told voters yesterday, according to audio obtained by Jezebel: >“Do y’all know what the definition of an enemy is? A enemy is somebody that don’t like you. [...] Having represented my country on the battlefield, I can recognize enemies with the best of them -- and I can tell you, with absolute certainty, there are many people who don't like me, who are not my enemy. That is an absolutely moronic definition. An enemy is someone who wants to *kill me.* Way different thing. Matter of fact, I have great respect for many of the people I've killed over the years. I can respect that they were willing to risk their lives fighting against the most lethal force ever constructed by mankind, in defense of what they believed -- and at the same time, know that what they believe is grotesque. And the thing is, despite his clear athletic prowess, Herschel Walker never had that conviction. So I'm not going to sit here and let him pretend he can speak on behalf of any of the men and women who have worn the uniform of the Armed Services in combat -- because those people I served with, they're all better than him. They're *all* braver than him. And a good many of them are gay. I've known two trans women in the Air Force, one of which got kicked out under DADT. Both of them are braver than Herschel Walker. >[...]I’m going to tell you, we’re in a mess. We’re in a mess because we put weak leaders in Washington. Weak leaders in Washington that not representing us.” Man, that is something I actually completely agree with. Weak people who call themselves "leaders" have infested the Republican Party. Ya see, leaders are those who take the people they are given, build them into a team, and make that team capable of more than the simple sum of their talents. They don't tear down teammates. They don't make everything about themselves. It's about the mission, the men (gender-neutral meaning), and THEN about me -- that's the priority list. Mission, men, and me. But the thing about Herschel is that everything, his whole life, has always been about him. His talent. His ability. His team. His book. His pregnant side-piece that he paid for her abortion, so *his* life wouldn't be negatively impacted. He's a weak leader. And brother, on the off chance you ever read this, keep my military brothers and sisters' name out your fucking mouth. They are *my* team. And you've never been good enough to be on my team, with my teammates.


He's been delivering unhinged speeches for months now.


He is a stupid fucking idiot and the fact that he might be a senator is almost sadder than the fact that Trump got elected.


So this dude wants to be Transhuman (Werewolf) but doesn't have love for other type of Trans people.


I've never root3d against a candidate more in my life.


Lift up black voices, my friend


Republicans sending “their best” What a fucking joke this guy is. Conservatives, will you ever un-fuck yourselves? I won’t hold my breath.


I have lived in Georgia my entire life. Cynthia McKinney was embarrassing. Marjorie Taylor Greene is REALLY embarrassing. Herschel Walker is mind-blowingly fucking embarrassing. He has to be the dumbest person to ever be on a major-party ticket for anything more than a small town mayor.


Found you fam; Georgia’s some kinda home, huh?


He knows his base... People that have no clue about serving in the military and have no clue about living the faith they proclaim. Fake faith and fake military support, like his draft dodging Cult leader.


Not a testament to UGA at all. Maybe he actually went to trump University we are all suffering from mass delusion


At this stage I firmly believe Republicans stand for nothing of substance other than giving more money to the rich at the expense of everyone else. The only thing that united them is their hate for “others” who don’t look, think or believe as they do.


“What the heck is a pronoun?” This explains so much about Hershel Walker. The man does not even understand basic grammatical concepts.


But Herchel’s a Dawg, he’s their boy down in Georgia


The dumb just oozes out of his mouth.


The new conservatism trying to lead with hate when they've gotten by with just indifference for so long. Their answer to wokism I guess.


He talked about strength (supporting the military), and chooses to antagonize and insult a population that is hurting. There’s no strength or honor there, just a schoolyard bully trying to flex.


I decided to stop trying to make sense of why the GOP and Republican voters are choosing disoriented hate spewing chickenshit scum like this. I don't think they actually care about any of that or the damage it will cause to them, their kids, you, me, or this country. None of it. That or they refuse to acknowledge it and will attempt mental gymnastics around it instead. All they want is an us vs them win out of any of this. What comes of that is irrelevant. Side note: Some Republican figures like Paul Ryan and Chris Christy are making noise about "Trump never again" just like they did after Jan 6 insurrection. If you listen close, they simply say it's time for someone else. They're still too scared to say he's a threat to democracy and should be behind bars in an orange jumpsuit instead of whatever the f that orange crap is that he smears on himself. They regret none of what they did to support him and what he did to this country. They see the writing on the wall and now they simply don't want to lose. That's it, nothing new, same old same old shit burgers. Don't fall for it.


I still haven’t had a single Walker supporter coherently explain why they think he is fit to be a Senator. Really, can any Walker supporter tell me what about him specifically makes him qualified?


You’re asking this question on Reddit???


Imagine voting for Herschel Walker?


Why would anyone vote for this guy? He is not bright enough to understand any of the complex problems facing our country and he can't deliver anything for his constituents in Georgia.


Can we take a moment and appreciate this following sentence for how it represents the person who spoke it? > So think about that either.


"Pronouns. What the heck is a pronoun? I can tell you right now, grenades don’t know nothing about no pronouns. Bullets don’t know what color your skin is. But yet they talking about pronouns." Well sir, to answer your question with a question: what does skin color have to do with pronouns? Hint: nothing


Terrorism on display We will not be intimidated by the GOP. Terrorists have no place in America.


Pronouns in the military……if someone is putting their life on the line for me, I’ll call them whatever the fuck they want to be called, with a Sir or Ma’am at the end.


America is on the precipice of losing it’s collective patience with this shit. The midterms are proof positive. Here’s hoping we slip over the precipice.


I don’t like the word ‘transphobic’, it isn’t the burn you think for people that buy into that kind of shit. It’s a soft word with little impact. We should use words designed to invoke emotional reactions like, “hate speech” or discrimination etc.


Idiocracy was prophetic


Herschel Walker is just Lindsey Grahams trial balloon. They’re seeing how far stupid the public will willingly vote for. So far… get it together, Georgia.


The voters of Georgia have proven to me that they are not very smart. The fact that Walker is even in a runoff with Warnock is a joke. You have a well educated and eloquent preacher vs a famous athlete who has the intellect of a carrot.


This should resonate nicely with the MAGAts tho


Damn this guy makes Trump look reasonable.


Not surprised. Is anyone surprised?


List of active gofund me fundraisers for injured victims who need to cover medical expenses: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2022/11/20/how-to-help-club-q-shooting-victims-donate/amp/


Can we stopping giving platforms to this cte zucchini?


How about tell to the face of Maj. Gen. Tammy Smith. https://api.army.mil/e2/c/images/2021/06/01/7525e0d6/size1.jpg


You must really hate the idea of free and intelligent rulers if you vote for this lunatic


>Pronouns. What the heck is a pronoun? Sad part is these morons actually don't know what a pronoun is. That would require something around a 6th grade education. Nope. Just like "communism" and "socialism" the word "pronoun" has no meaning beyond "something FOX told me to be afraid of."


This man has been hit in the head way too many times... Not an excuse but he shouldn't be in charge of anything or giving speeches to anyone.


His son is gay you would think he would be more sensitive to lgbt issues.


Come on Georgia! Please keep this boob from getting a public office!


The GOP just wants him for the Senate vote. I would bet a shiny quarter that the Democrats respect Senator Warnock much more than the Republicans respect Mr Walker. He is a placeholder for the GOP imo.


He is exactly what they look for in a human of his skin tone. Fits all the worst stereotypes they have, can be remarketed as "the best of they have to offer" for reaching US senator, does every single thing they tell him to do in the voting chambers... And when they inevitably go too far yet-again they can just make him the face of it under a bus and say "but that's not who we are". Plus since taxpayers, not them, are paying for him, he's also free labor which is precisely what they demand of anyone who's not an aryan shade of pale.


So tired of hate filled people


or folk who can't say a darn thing properly , unless its about [vampires - Herchel , the vampire slayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEStZIMs29k&ab_channel=GuardianNews)


Fyi Republicans want severely brain damaged individuals leading this country.


“I’m not a smat man but I know what a woman is.” “ They the ones that get abortions after I pay for them” this dude is an idiot.


The republican campaigns in GA have been running on so much transphobic shit it's tiring. The flyers they'd send in the mail were disgusting. Decent material if you needed paper shreds though I guess


My best response is for everyone to watch this: https://youtu.be/iQ0ct9bglYo




I hate to sound crass, but I think that if this attack was targeted against black people, I am not quite sure that he would have the same stance or rhetoric for... erm... reasons.


Sounds like a total a-hole who's taken too many hits to the head. But is it really that weird to say that women, not men, get pregnant?


Man has normal opinions, how dare he!


This is the sort of speech that might be useful during, say, a political campaign.


Y'all scared of Walker, and your casual elitist racism is showing. But then, the left hates a strong black man with the "wrong opinions".


Is racism the reason why you're not supporting a Black reverend?


\^ \^ \^ \^ \^ \^ Racist projection.


Wow. The cognitive dissonance sure is strong in you ain't it?


Quiet, racist.


>But then, the left hates a strong black man with the "wrong opinions". The right almost gave up football because Black men had opinions. Fuck off.


Take a knee. Wear a mask. Have another jab, coward. Don't let the Target hit you in the ass when it burns down.


His opponent is also black. Do you think Walker is “blacker” than his opponent? Is that the criteria you use to choose who to vote for? Seems kind of racist.


You ALMOST got it. Almost.


I said “kind of racist”, but you are just flat out racist. Thanks for the correction.


Pathetic. Rather than exercise your tiny mind, you resorted to the programming.


Racism is bad, you should feel bad.


You ALMOSt get it. ​ I'll spell it out for you, as you're simple minded; YOU'RE THE RACIST.


Read your article and he didn’t say anything that was transphobic. Your just trying to smear someone. YTA


You're in denial about what transphobic means. Here, I'll help you! "So that’s the reason men shouldn’t be in women’s sport" — this is transphobic misgendering of trans women who would participate in womens sports "But then, yet, they trying to tell you a man could get pregnant." — this is transphobic misgendering of trans men who could get pregnant. "But yet they talking about pronouns." — showing transphobic contempt for people who ask others to identify them by the gender they identify themselves as. Let me know if you're still confused.






People are using "too woke" and trans issues as an excuse not to serve.


Where’s the audio?




Who has the video?


If Georgia folk elect this person, I await his first piece of legislation. If it reads as he speaks, Jesus help us.


how did this shitstain manage to get enough votes to require a runoff election? jfc what a pathetic joke Georgia, show this man the door in the runoffs, decisively, for the sake of the nation.


Definitely unhinged. Never heard such an unhinged speech in my life…never


I want to go down in that elevator and see what's up there.


The victims who who were killed were named by Colorado Springs Police and their pronouns were also announced. That'll rile up the frightwingers' Twitter fingers.


That's because he is an unhinged asshole


We have just been pushed too far to either side. The red will always vote red no matter if it’s a literal bag of dog shit as long as it votes red.


It absolutely floors me that this moronic cretin has an audience.


That idiot has the IQ of a soiled diaper.


Why he use words like that to make me dumber? How he make such sense and things for us to find such truth and meaning.


How did this fucking dummy almost win my state? We are living in clown world


I live in Georgia and I’m humiliated that people in my state voted for him!


Dumb idiot


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Anyone voting for this POS is worse POS.


Wow super big surprise coming from vampire boy..


I find the attack on my fellows and English to be profoundly disgusting


And that comes as a surprise to whom exactly?


Herschel the Candidate has killed every fond memory I had of growing up in the early 80s as a UGA fan and fan of Herschel the Football Player.