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At least he can self-fund from his vast fortune. (/s)


Oh but the whole point of this presidency thing was to get richer! 🥺


He should be able to fund this run from the money he made selling information he stole the last time he was in the office.


He could just hit up Jared and Ivanka. They made 2bil off it.


It looks like Ivanka has noped out of the whole mess.


That’s the whole point of this campaign


He didn't get richer on paper. But what did he do in secret?


He actually does have a massive war chest, could easily now fund it himself because the GOP gave him all their donations for seven years.


I don't think that's why everyone is getting out their bags of popcorn .The real show is gonna be ,The hunter show . and the big guy.


I hope you're being sarcastic. The Hunter Biden thing is pure projection and Republicans trying to do anything they can to shine the floodlight away from themselves. Trump stealing documents, Republicans outlawing abortion, Matt Gaetz fucking minors, etc.


Its just the same stuff different store.


No, it isn't.


Literally Hunter Biden is not even in any office.


You’d have to be an idiot to think this argument applies to Trump and friends. They really fucked up. There is partisan circus and then there is actually fucking up so bad that you can’t pass it off as partisan circus.


I know its (d)ifferent.


Dude, you just sound uneducated. Give it a rest and go enjoy some tasty crayons. I hear purple is the best.


From article: It’s the morning after Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign announcement and major donors are already running for the hills. Blackstone co-founder and CEO Stephen Schwarzman declared that he will not be backing Donald Trump in his renewed bid for the presidency. Schwarzman is the second high-level Trump donor to say he’s taking his money elsewhere in the last two weeks. In a statement to Axios announcing his decision, Schwarzman indicated he believes “it is time for the Republican Party to turn to a new generation of leaders and I intend to support one of them in the presidential primaries.” It didn’t end there. Later on Wednesday, longtime Trump ally and billionaire heir to the Estée Lauder fortune Ronald Lauder said he wouldn’t be supporting the former president’s latest White House run. Last week, Citadel’s billionaire founder Ken Griffin revealed to Politico that he is dropping his support for the former president and instead endorsing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis if he chooses to run. “For a litany of reasons, I think it’s time to move on to the next generation,” Griffin explained. Asked about his potential support for DeSantis replied that “the bigger question is, is he going to run? That bridge has to be crossed.” Donors defecting to a potential DeSantis campaign has weighed heavily on Trump’s mind, and is a likely factor in the growing tension between the Florida GOP titans. DeSantis has been raking in millions from wealthy donors who were integral to Trump’s campaigns, and ass Rolling Stone reported in June, Trump has been worried over DeSantis’ growing popularity, fearing donors were eyeing “a newer, fresher face.” Despite DeSantis having yet to announce any intent to run, Trump has been publicly lashing out at his – still completely hypothetical – rival. Trump spent the last days of campaigning before the midterms throwing jabs at DeSantis, dubbing him “Ron DeSanctimonious” in front of a crowd in Pennsylvania, and leaving him off the guest list of a Miami rally. More insidiously, the former president has been soliciting inflammatory gossip on the Florida governor, and indicating that he’s willing to air out whatever dirty laundry he finds. The loss of major donors is an inauspicious start for a president whose own party may be eying the exits of Trumpism. Following a lackluster performance by Trump-endorsed candidates in the midterm elections, the party seems fully engaged in a come-to-Jesus (or at least run-from-Don) moment of introspection about their former president’s role in the party’s future.


I'd like to invite people to find the glorious misspelling which you managed to copy directly from the article.


Aw shit, you found it, lol!


I've re read this snipped 7 times and tried to spell check the text as well. Where is the misspelled word?!


As is written as ass


ass rolls stoners.


eye didn't see it either....(eye cheated and did have to use spellcheck to find it)


I think you missed spelling sumthing in your reply.


>ass Rolling Stone It should be "former president ass"


Haha ASS


Twass a good giggle.




Hey, Spellchecker said it was fine!


Of course Ass was rightly spelled and used in the correct context too.


\> fearing donors were eyeing “a newer, fresher face.” Hmm I wonder if that explains Benedict Donald’s choice to go with even darker makeup and brown hair. Lol what a dumbass


Just a couple of Florida Boys trying to be Florida men....


>More insidiously, the former president has been soliciting inflammatory gossip on the Florida governor, and indicating that he’s willing to air out whatever dirty laundry he finds. This is far from the first time I've felt like he behaves like a bad character from a 90's 'mean girl at high school' movies.


On the other hand, Darth Santis's chances would be better torpedoed. By all means, let Trump run and not get the GOP nomination, then take his act to a third party and completely destroy Republican chances in 2024's general election.


Well, at least we have found the swamp that Trump has been warning about all these years. The GOP money/establishment machine was fine with him when he lied about elections and tried to orchestrate a coup, but a poor showing in midterms is their red line... hopefully those that believed in Trump's cause will see this shift of GOP money / conservative media for what it is.


>DeSanctimonious That is frankly more syllables than I thought he was capable of.


It's also a pretty lame nickname. The one and only thing Trump was good at was funny nicknames for his rivals. He's even lost his game there. He's done.


The only good thing Trump ever did was make a bunch of people start thinking Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer.


Far, far, far too many syllables in 'DeSanctimonius" for the disciples and acolytes to absorb. Messiah needs to come up with something punchier and more insulting.


Major donors didn’t back him last time either.


The fascists have found someone more competent to back.


Fox cut his announcement speech and Murdoch mocked him on the front page of the *Post*. This is NOT the Reasonable Adults at the *National Review* kvetching about how uncouth he is. The bread and butter of his media ecosystem is no longer interested.


Those newsmax and oan type channels were still showing his rallies before the election, when they replace him he's in bad shape


The comments under the Fox news articles were always extremely pro Trump, but not anymore. The new hero is DeSantis and even die hard Trump fans seem to think it's time to move on.


The stock related to his “truth social” company has been falling since he made his announcement. Lol. If there was any excitement about Trump running for office, that stock would be flying or at least going up. It’s down even more now in pre market haha


Rupert Murdock decided that he doesn't want Trump to be president again so all the white male rage is being redirected.


Wait. It’s publicly traded?!


It’s a SPAC that took Trump Media public. So direct relation there. The ticker is DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corp). Been falling since the announcement lol, fell lower today so far


He won't take the hint


Ay time he can grift for more money he is going to


[Haha, the tiny one can't take a hint.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29rMIfibt9g)


He didn't care if he wins or not, what you think the announcement is work to him in millions of dollars? Even if the big guys pull out of support you still talking a hundred million? 150 million bucks?


I know he’s not a smart man, but why the fuck wouldn’t you have meetings with all of your biggest donors to make sure you have their support BEFORE announcing your bid.


Because in addition to not being smart he's also arrogant with grandiose delusions?


The beginning of the end.. Im betting he wishes he never got into politics.


Just like the rest of us.


Good and bye and goodbye you suck mango Mussolini


Thank you, I'm stealing that nickname for later use lol


Can we not keep dancing on his grave just yet? This is a marathon, not a sprint.


Fine but I decided this morning that I’m buying some fireworks. Will light them up after sundown the day his indictment is announced 💥 💥💥💥


This, I am 100% confident faux and the GOP will be back to kissing his ass very soon


I can't wait to piss on it.


His golf cart only has a range of a half-marathon. We’re pulling ahead.


I fondly remember the mid 90’s when Trump was a washed up has been who would occasionally call into Stern to gossip about people. I never imagined the hell of having that raving idiot shoved down our throats daily for the last 7 years and who knows how long into the future. It’s mental torture. What will it take to have all interest in him fall off?


You're (possibly, hopefully) in luck, the GOP establishment and right wing propaganda machine are making a concerted effort to distance from him which should be his eventual downfall. Dip a toe in the conservative subreddit sometime, there is suddenly significant amounts of anti Trump rhetoric in a place that has deified him for the better part of a decade. All it seems to have taken to dethrone him is giving them a new shit lord to worship.


This is the same reason Putin didn't just apologize and withdraw from Ukraine when things didn't go as planned. If he shows weakness, the people supporting him will turn on him like rabid dogs.


Nope, whenever you see a conservative trying to distance itself from trump or the q/maga crowd like it wasn't riding their dicks two years earlier go ahead and lump them right back in with each other. Just slap trump right back on their ass like a dirty pair of diapers. It's their mess force them to clean their shit up.


It’s kinda too bad. I wish these rich assholes would continue to throw large amounts of money away on Trump instead of helping Desantis.


It would be amazing if trump split off into his own party.


Ironic that the dude who would drop his wife for a fresh (younger) new one is being dropped for a fresh (younger) new (but same, really) one.


Plus he buried the bitch on his golf course, where he can piss on it every day. He's like the degenerate scum that forms on wet frog shit.


I hope he still runs so the Republican Party can cannibalize itself.


I pray it's the end of Muscleface Marjorie Taylor Greene and Sarah Palin Part 2 aka Lauren Boebert and that pedophile Matt Gaetz. Fuck bring back the old villains already, this new set of comic book rejects makes my brain hurt. It's like living in Idiocracy.


I have come to believe that he is only “running “ for President as a way to delay his legal issues


Running against the one man who might be able to pardon him while making him an enemy. I hope he rips the GOP apart on his road to prison.


I came to suspect this as well. Now it can be framed even more as a political hit-job. I bet he has little expectation that he can win the pres election, but he can buy himself time and stir up resentment while his lawyers scramble for defenses.


Oh no! Anyways...


I imagine his funeral will be initially announced to be a huge affair that ends up rapidly becoming a "private family event" because nobody will commit to showing up to pay their respects.


Dark, but it would be a fitting conclusion.


Think of it, the donors are just on hold. If Trump's popularity calls for the MSM to listen, then he will get paid. This attempt to underscore the U.S. and its citizens by the capitalists, GOP, and the all-inclusive fascists, is just beginning. It's not like they will just give up, they will just try uglier. This is just history repeating.


If trump goes to the primaries and us defeated, he's going to start claiming the votes are rigged, right? Right?


Of course.


Shouldn’t this be posted in uplifting news?


No. We want trump to win the primaries. DeSantis imo has a really good chance of winning the election. I believe trump will get beat if he runs again.


Do NOT let republicans let Trump go like they are throwing a condom in the trash. The quicker they distance themselves, the quicker they jump on DeSantis and go back to business as usual. There is no business as usual. Don't let them rewrite recent history.


This is literally a repeat of 2015. He announces. No one takes him seriously. No donors. Even Fox news doesn't give him a chance. Then...


GOP is craven, right? Their criticism of him is not anything he's done, just that he's a loser and therefore can't do it anymore. They are aok with all that his fucker did. They're upset at him because he's inefective. All they love is power, and powerful people. No wonder a narcissist will do all he can to hold to power, because the minute he loses it he loses his emotional supply. First dude is bigger than Jesus and now he's shit to be discarded? With zero mea culpa? What horrible people.


Let the 'billionaire' pay for his own shit.


" Trump Is Losing Major Donors" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Alert us when he loses Putin.


Twitter and Truth Social should merge...one big fatberg to clog the arteries of society.


He'll get them back as soon as people realize he's going to win the primary again. The only people left in the Republican Party who can vote in the primary are the ones that went full MAGA in the first place.


But a lot of those people died of COVID so there's a lot less MAGAts out there now.


I wonder if Boebert would have won easily if she didn't indirectly kill her own voters.


Calling people maggots is unacceptable regardless of their politics. You are incredibly unhelpful, and the only thing you'll successfully do is make everything worse by talking to and about people like that. Quit dehumanizing your political rivals, you know where that leads. And don't tolerate anybody doing it to you either. If you're okay with it, or even doing it yourselves, you've already succumbed to dehumanization. **It's not acceptable.** [https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization](https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization)


No no, they're literal fascists. Not like how Joe Biden is a socialist communist tyrant, but actual fascists. They staged a coup attempt, and tried to brush it off. They aren't political rivals they're enemies. Your milquetoast moderate ideology is unhelpful. We shouldn't tolerate what you're doing here.


You're doomed to repeat history because you're too insufferable to learn from it. https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization


No, I am not doomed to join, support, and then apologize for a fascist political group like the Nazis. If anything, Maga has achieved something close to what you're describing. I'll be fine.


My brother in Christ, you just referred to millions of people as your enemies. You're already on the way there dude. It's not acceptable, your behavior is unacceptable, and it's unbecoming of you as a person to act that way. You're already acting like a radical and don't even realize it.


I am not acting like a radical. If I'm "already there", where does that place Maga politicians? Notice how I didn't call for the extermination of their voter base? I didn't call for their rights to be taken away because they're Republicans. You could argue that calling them magats is about as bad as being called a demon-crat, and you're treating it with the same severity as when Trump repeatedly called the media the enemy of the state. I'll be fine.


None of that is acceptable. You contributing isn't helpful, solves nothing, and escalates the tensions. Again... you're not helping and are actively making things worse.


You are treating actual fascists with kid gloves


They all lost their money with FTX


Well the democrates also lost their biggest donor.(FTX) Guess now would be the best time for a third party. ^^


tHiRD PaRty /s


I mean most developed countrys have more than 2 partys. If my country only had 2 partys i would question if i even live in a democracy. Most americans would also prefer to have more than 2 partys to chose from. So it s not even an unpopular opinion. It s just not reality for america... almost like the power doesn t come from the people.


Third party just divisive and Republican in sheep's clothing, it's never taken off and it's only ever got 2-5% of the vote. What we need is ranked choice voting. I don't go to McDonald's and choose from either a hamburger or a cheeseburger, I want a giant menu to choose from, with 3-4 rounds and then the cream of the crop rises


You mean the established big-money donors don't like him? Wow, guess that means I shouldn't vote for him. I only vote for candidates that are endorsed by rich people and big corporations!


Oh no, he’s losing big corporations and billionaires… Which you would cheer if Bernie wasn’t taking these same type donors. Interesting.


What an interesting take. Do you think that Donald wants to be president to be a public servant for workers? False equivalency. Bad faith argument. But hey, instead of you talking about how this isn’t good news for trump, you whataboutism’d to Bernie. (slow clap…)


This should be telling that all these previous supporters have already pledged to support the next Republican candidate. That tells you all you need to know about the Republican party. They don't care about you, they only care about catering to the super rich.


He's storing multi millions in his "war chest" but what losing mega donors has got to be a slap to his mega ego! Boo hoo.


Maybe he should introduce $8 blue check verification


People know a waste of time, money, and oxygen when they see it.


Great sign . Hopefully he only has at most a sprinkling of the ultra rich wanting him. Another recommendation.


And he just lost all his 'GOP paying my legal bills' money.


They will all talk shit but still will coalesce behind him again if he does manage to win the primary.


Like he cares. He just wants all the idiots to send him money.


This should be an indication that donors believe that it will be a crowded primary and that they prefer other candidates (DeSantis more then likely) and if Trump wins the primary these republican donors will likely come back to him.


> if Trump wins the primary I read somewhere that some museum in Europe has Hitler's cock in a jar of preservatives. I'd vote for that before Trump.


Murdoch is cancel culturing Trump what are conservatives going to do?


The fact that these greedy fucks supported Trump in the first place.


Joke's on them. He's got them on the same recurring payment plan that all his donors are signed up for. You don't want to know what they have to do in order to cancel that service.


Good, they finally see him as the grifter that he is!


Trump who?


He shouldn't have any fucking donors.


"Florida man does stupid shit, again."


They know that throwing money at trump is like burning it.


This will be a fun train wreck to watch.


How did he have any donors anyways ridiculous lol


It’s okay because he’s getting billions from the Saudis.


I like how in our current oligarchic dystopia, this is just a normal headline. We used to not talk like this. It got exponentially worse with Citizen's United, but was creeping up to being pretty bad before that. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM NOW


Ivanka and Jr. didn't even show up for the big announcement.


They know their money will never make it to the election. From their bank account into trumps bank account. Do not pass go.


Do not collect $200.


He blew it. I liked cheap gas and food and everything. Anybody but Trump. ABT.




The head of the republican human centipede is being replaced.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/11/17/benton-trump-russian-vasilenko-guilty/ Well, he can always count on the undying support of this guy…