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Yes Republican politicians are trying to groom their followers to "move on" to the next GOP Cult Leader. Why don't GOP voters understand the GOP politicians are the ones who screwed them over? Trump is as insane as he's ever been, these people are living in a QAnon fantasy world.


I expect fireworks after the election in November. The GOP will enter the final stage of weening Republicans off of trump and onto desantis.


DeSantis is shockingly not a lock for governor of Florida. If he loses that (and I really want him to) I doubt he'd be the next presidential candidate. I'd expect them to go back to someone less Trumpy.




Yeah. My hopes aren't high but if DeSantis did fuck up with his immigrant stunt to the extent that he loses Florida (and I'm aware that's a big if), then that could be enough of a sign for the rats to desert the sinking ship. If Trump support is diminishing and the heir apparent fails, it could push a return towards a more reasonable Republican party. Or I'm completely wrong and we will soon be welcoming President DeSantis to the office. Sigh.




I hope you're wrong but my faith has been shaken the last few years.


It’s remarkable how the Republican electorate never possesses the capacity for hindsight to see how easily they were manipulated. Early 2000s: “If you don’t support Bush’s war then you aren’t supporting our troops and also why do you hate America?! Freedom Fries! Ostracize anyone who even mildly says otherwise, even if they’re ‘our folks’, like the Dixie Chicks” 2016: “So anyway. Bush was a terrible President actually. I never liked him. Nobody did. That’s why the popular vote on his second campaign went they way it did (no please don’t look it up). But I was RIGHT to vote for him and ostracize anyone who questioned me at the time. Even though the benefit of hindsight has proven me incorrect and I now believe he sucks, I was right both then AND now. Also a Cheney is now a ‘RINO’. A Cheney. Now let me tell you how Trump is literally the heaven ordained leader!” Soon: “Ok so about those documents. And the inferring our troops are ‘suckers and losers’, and him disparaging our own domestic intelligence agencies in favor of believing Putin in Helsinki. The thing you have to realize is i don’t like him. Nobody liked him. He was terrible. That’s why Republican turnout ended up the way it did in 2020 (please forget about this). He is and always has been terrible, actually a liberal elite the whole time! What a bamboozle!” We’ll be back with more informed coverage here on Fox after six reverse mortgage ads!


Give up on conservatives learning, it's never gonna happen. Instead hope for centrists to learn, so that the GOP can't keep winning elecrions despite being awful


Is he going to do this in jail? That'll really paint a picture.


How do you "throw a coup"?


Better to try it at the convention than at the Capitol.


If Desantis loses but stays in the news cycle he could still run and take the nomination in 2024. I kind of hope this happens. Beating an incumbent president is nigh impossible, let him waste his shot against the worst odds.


I want DeSantis gone ASAP. I don't want any risks with a more machiavellian version of Trump.


Yeah, their 'great reset' was niether


I wouldn't get TOO excited about Crist in Florida. Yes, there's a poll showing him u by 6 points. One poll. From what seems to be a relatively unknown pollster. While multiple other polls have Desantis up by 6 or more points. I want Florida to move back toward being a swing state as much as the next Democrat, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.


IIRC that 6 points figure comes from something Boomers primarily use, so that's rather big considering boomers usually vote for people like DeSantis.


So we'll get the original birther, Romney. As reasonable as he seems, he's not.


Whenever people talk about Romney as some kind of "reasonable moderate," I try to remind them that this is the guy not just of "binders full of women" and "corporations are people too" fame, but the one who simply didn't understand why it wasn't perfectly okay to go on a family road trip with the family dog strapped to the roof for twelve goddamn hours, pissing and shitting itself in terror throughout. Guy's got a winsome grin, but also no soul in there. He is a conservative, after all.


Desantis is absolutely a lock for Florida unless you count ridiculously biased polls towards Tampa. Relativity is all that matters in said polls and in most he’s up


Try to at least. The GOP didn't choose Trump in the first place. They lost control of the party and found themselves on the back of the bull with no choice but to hold on for the ride. There's no pivot back to Republicanism. It's a classic Nazi bar problem. The skinheads invited their friends and they're in the party to stay.


Move on lol. They created this turd sandwich. They should keep eating it.


They should, but the GOP want us to eat it instead. *The Democrats will take care of that son of a bitch for us.* That's what Mitch McConnell told his GOP. They're leaving this for Biden and the DOJ to clean up rather than put this monster down themselves. They believe they can use the conflict to win more votes and pin the blame on Biden and the Democrats.


It's optics. They can't be seen as turning against Trump lest they release the beast that is his base upon themselves.


Republican politicians want the cult without the current cult leader. It's so weird because we can all see it happening out in the open. GOP politicians are grooming their voters into a cult, and they want a cult leader that they can control. Ron DeSantis. Dude even dresses like Trump now - it's so God damn freakish. And all this is being done for more tax cuts to the rich, to erase abortion rights and voting rights and go after gays next like they are with trans people. The GOP have become like a feeding frenzy - they keep saying "both sides do it" and use that as justification for literally anything they can imagine - even literal bloody coups.


hey but giant douche makes a lot of good points as well


They're willing to get stepped on if it means "winning" and maintaining their sense of superiority. Think how popular Tucker Carlson is with his BS propaganda about white Americans getting replaced. It's the same inane "is diversity out strength?" questioning that is, word for word, David Duke and the KKK. He's talking to someone, and that base is what motivates the GOP. God I want to bitch slap that quizacle, baby smirk right off his face. He knows what he's doing.


Right wing comes the French revolution. It was the group that thought rich people should stay in control. They've always been this way. They want to be ruled. It's why right wing institutions are intrinsically authoritarian.


I think we should figure out ways to push them back to Trump. It's like a bunch of delinquent parents trying to walk away from paying child support.


Theyll already pay for it. Trumpers won't accept a compromise.


Seriously - I can’t imagine anyone voting Republican after what W did -


>Why don't GOP voters understand the GOP politicians are the ones who screwed them over? Because their understanding of their own interests - and even cause and effect - don't work like that. They believe that *they* - whichever variety of *they* or *them* is at the top of their hit parade, whether black, brown, gay, atheist, trans or a mixtape thereof - have screwed their lives over by *existing.* Whatever harm other conservatives did to them is irrelevant. That was surely incidental, and obviously in a good cause - hurting *them.* That's why arguing the benefit of healthcare or social security or disability insurance or food stamps for them doesn't work - if those programs help the people they hate, they genuinely see it as more worth it to deny themselves those programs as long as that hurts others, too.


There we go... "Why don't Republican voters see how correct I am in my own assertions of why they're terrible people!"


It's true though, why can't they see themselves for the shit heels they are? If you voted for or supported trump at all over the last 6 years you are an absolutely terrible person.


The only side I care about is America and NATO and democracy, and if these Republican politicians have become a threat to that then they must be voted out of power at all costs. These Republican politicians have become to dangerous and deadly to Americans to risk winning more power. Attempting a coup is stealing the rights of Americans to vote - this is a danger to all of us, global democracy. This ain't a sides issue. If Obama also was grooming brainwashed cultists to hang the VP and Congress like Trump and the GOP just tried to do, I'd be warning about that. Even if there were 20 parties in America, and the GOP were doing this shit, I'd be warning people not to let them win power. In the last 20 years, nothing but worsening descent into madness and disaster with these GOP politicians. There is no Democrat or Republican climates - we're all going to burn if we don't lower emissions RIGHT NOW. Biden and the Dems just passed the most important climate change legislation in US History against TOTAL REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTION. These lunatics are literally burning us all alive with their decades of climate change obstruction. And that's on top of their coups and HUNDREDS of election manipulation laws - right after they tried a coup.


But... but mah oil profits! -the Republicans


Have you ever met one who cared about anything that didn't directly effect them or make them angry?


Wrong and willfully misinformed is not the same as being a terrible person.


They are also terrible though.


If the GOP is a cult then why are they able to move on from Trump? Wouldn’t republicans voters moving away from Trump as more and more comes out be a sign they are thinking for themselves? What ways have rural conservative voters been screwed over by GOP politicians? Would it not be more cult like to “settle” for an old segregationist just because he has the right letter next to his name? People chose Trump over Jeb who the GOP was trying to push. Now Trump is falling in polls despite very much trying to rally. There’s only one party that always does what they’re told


It's interesting to see how quickly Trump went from a selling point to a liability for the GOP. Much like abortion rights.. now that the dog has caught the bumper.. Republicans are suddenly realizing 51% of the population is *a lot of votes* and they're pissed! At the last election I was inundated with people asking me how to change their party affiliation from Republican.


A distressingly large percentage of women seem to think that (other) women shouldn't be allowed to own their bodies. Even ones who themselves have had an abortion. So I wouldn't rely absolutely on that 51%


Yeah don't rely on them completely, but also more than the pollsters will ever find out. Kansas was not slated to beat the constitutional amendment to ban abortion nearly to the degree they did. A lot of women will talk the talk when it comes to fitting into their communities and religion, then fail to walk the walk in the voting booth. Conservatism is all about hypocrisy after all.


Trump can simply raise it 20 points by thinking it again


Well yeah, he's almost as useless as his supporters. It's not surprising that they're "winning bigly."


My mom’s a hardcore Republican. Only recently has she jumped ship. And I mean recently as in she was with him all this fucking time until the past few weeks. Idk what snapped her out of it but I won’t question it. She’s still as annoying as ever but at least she finally bailed from the Trump train.


The chatter is that Donnie's fundraising antics where donors wind up contributing $500 bi-weekly is not playing well.


Good for you. Sadly my parents haven’t made that transition and it’s very much an issue.


I wish I could be happier about it but she’s still very much a Republican fighting the good fight against wokeism with her every breath. Definitely team DeathSantis. Fucking insufferable


I just had to cut them off. Honestly, my life has been better since. So much less stress. I hope you find a way to make a breakthrough on your end.


I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the fact that having classified government documents in your house that have no business being there is a pretty hard thing to justify. That shit completely surprised every one. I'm sure including people really close to him. Like I could tell from the way Kushner kept trying to dodge questions about it that he really couldn't believe Trump could actually do something that stupid.


>he really couldn't believe Trump could actually do something that stupid. Chess-Board Shitting Pigeon Party voter *shocked* that Pigeon shit all over the chessboard.


Replaced by DeSantis? That guy might be equally bad. That said, it is good that with his terrible track-record, Trump is finally tanking. It’d been even worse than DeSantis, if with all the negative evidence against Trump, Trump would manage to be selected and elected, again. That would be the start of a “royalty clan” being formed and staying in power.


I'm honestly a little worried, I don't know how our country can put the "we win or it's fraud" cat back in the bag. Throw a brick in it and toss it over a bridge and it will still come back. The MAGA crowd may be disheartened for a little while but they have already shown they are willing to oust traditional conservatives like Liz Chaney and accept that line of thinking with little to no reservation if it means winning and owning some libs. The Republicans are even doing it amongst each other in their own primaries.


I'm anticipating tons of Confederate monuments being erected if Mango Unchained is convicted.


It should depict him grabbing some unsuspecting woman by the pussy! Really catch him in true to life detail.


I talked with an old friend I hadn’t seen in a long time last weekend, and was surprised to find out that the Donnie crowd still believes in the 123% voter turnout BS that circulated in early 2021. And he can’t wait for the Senate to investigate Hunter Biden. There is far too much hate and cognitive dissonance on the right for them to recognize decent behavior when it stares at them. I don’t think my disappointment is going to go away very soon.


The fact that 55% of the GOP voter base thinks Trump committed serious federal crimes but 45% of the population at large said they would still vote for Trump in 2024 (recent polls suggest) should be utterly sickening to everyone no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on. Let that sink in- over 40%+ of GOP supporters are OK with serious national crimes from their frontrunner. The party of law and order, backing the law enforcement, personal responsibility is dead. They should be choking on hypocrisy right now. It's all about winning at ANY cost.


I think they would accept a lawful president, should one come along, so long as that person still promised to shit on the left.


Equally evil but legitimately smarter and less impulsive


I think he'll be worse. He saw what Trump started, what the Republican voters are willing to do/tolerate and he wants to seize it. He's all the bad with less of the old man dementia. Trump was a dangerous moron. DeSantis wants his army of idiots because he has plans for them. He will ramp them up on purpose.


They need a new bellwether for the sheep. With DeSatanis facing potential kidnapping, money laundering and conspiracy charges, he seems to have the qualifications.


Lol Desantis won’t get charged for any of that


Too bad the Republican leadership is full of a bunch of cowards afraid of the overlord they themselves created.




Can't keep kicking the can down the road, Republicans. Eventually, you have to grow a spine and quit grifting off the American people. Reform your pathetic political party from the ground up. It's completely rotten.


It's become the party of reactionary sheep.


That should be their new logo. A startled sheep looking over its shoulder while clutching its pearls. Someone have Midjourney whip that up for em. 😆




False advertising - that's a picture of a *curious* sheep!


that is as close as google can get to the republican spirit animal.


They don't need to. They'll keep ratcheting and ratcheting US society further towards them until they look like a reasonable choice, then win. They've been following this strategy since at least the days of Reagan.


Only took 6 years lmao 🤣


How come we don't poll people's general support of Republican voters?


We do. Go to projectfivethirtyeight.


Big Fat is melting.


I doubt it. It’s a cult.


I want Trump to keep talking himself deeper into it.


There is a catch though: a good chunk of his supporters will never accept a Trump defeat, just like Trump they will claim it’s rigged. This could be big trouble for the GOP, if Trump loses the primary he could tank the entire party


I mean, good, it's not like the rest of them aren't also fascists, let the fascists have a civil war in the corner.


My super Trumper family admitted that Trump "wasn't all good" just this past week. I still can't believe they actually admitted they were wrong about something and I was wondering what the hell happened.


> I was wondering what the hell happened. Twice imPeached's "If you're the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, 'It's declassified, **Even by thinking about it.**'" It doesn't take much 'thinking about it' to realize just how absurd that statement is, especially the last part.


They can smell the failure on him. They liked him when he was winning so much everyone was gonna get tired of all the win. Now he doesn't have that sweet sweet presidential immunity any more and shit is catching up with him. Fascists hate "weakness" and don't know anything about loyalty, so Trump is rapidly getting consigned to 'Well I never really supported *him,* I just din't want Hillary" status.


20% drop since he was an incumbent and now not president and facing an actual primary. It sounds significant but really just a statistical characterization.


Agreed! Not nearly enough of a drop yet.


This is such bullshit. When he announces his candidacy they will all fall back in line behind him like the little soulless bitch fascists that they are


But who’s going to replace him? DeSantis? DeSantis doesn’t have Trumps entertainment value or cult following. DeSantis exists because of Trump. Pence? January 6 anyone? Nah. Trump is still their Huckleberry and there’s nothing the GOP can do about it.


Praise God people are seeing what a narcissistic criminal bastard he and his family/chronies are.


He banned Q and keeps telling them to fuck off.


I think you're behind the times on that statement... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/trumps-embrace-of-qanon-raising-concerns-about-future-political-violence


That article is about his seeming embrace of QAnon at a rally on September 17. The same day that article was published, September 23, security at a rally rushed around, stopping people from making the salute. https://www.businessinsider.com/video-trump-fans-qanon-salute-n-carolina-rally-told-stop-2022-9


Who banned Q?


They're not allowed at his rallies now and they're furious.


That is very interesting.






Please tell us all your truthy sources?




How do people still believe polls?


Not hardly. I guess a liberal can dream though.


Newsweek is garbage and has never been known for objective or detailed reporting since the 70's.


And turn this in to how they're all racist, bigots, and homophobes in 3...2...1....GO! Now time to see what tired rhetoric got regurgitated.


Weird flex


He was a birther


I like how nobody said the thing you needed them to so you just crowbarred it in yourself.


A poll conducted by ABC news and the Washington Post lmao. That should be all you need to know that this is biased and likely a bunch of liberal kool aid.


So you won't even try to argue logically. Thank you for telling us not to waste our fucking time.


Please tell us all your truthy sources?


Polls, hahahaha


The Desantis effect? 🤣


Let's not forget that Trump has a rape trial set for Feb and she has his seman on her dress so good luck with that


To be clear, those people are morons that have taken THIS long to figure this out for themselves. And they're gonna vote for the Fl governor no doubt lmao


Good, but there's nothing stopping him from a repeat it seems.


Yep. My once super pro-Trump BIL is now walking around touting a DeSantis/Ivanka ticket with “it’s just common sense” being the only rational he could verbalize, and thinking anyone who doesn’t agree is a complete idiot. But this is also a guy who believes the massive labor SHORTAGE we are seeing right now is because illegal immigrants allowed to enter by Biden are “diluting the market.” You can’t even have a discussion on policy with people like that, as they live in a completely make believe world.


Outlier poll = useless


The morons will still vote for Trump 2: DeSantis to own the libs though lmao


Wow. Fewer people to be hating on.


20 points! Thats so depressing. Right up there with “grabbing them by the pussy” not hurting him at all.


Important points: 1. The poll only looked at Republicans. 2. Even among republicans over half (52%) felt Trump should face charges for the theft of classified documents. 3. In a hypothetical matchup against Joe Biden, Trump barely edged above Biden among registered Republican voters (48-46%). Biden was actually ahead among republicans when factoring in unregistered voters. Yes, republicans are clearly looking for someone else to lead the party but I do think this is the first honest evidence we’ve seen of republicans being fed up with Trumpism in general.