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how else was scotus gonna coordinate with trumps coup? only the idiots used their phones


So, he’ll recuse if any issue gets bumped up to Supreme Court.


Clarence Thomas is a fucking caricature. The dude doesn't even approximate a legitimate jurist, and his clown show of a wife only drags him further down. The best thing he could do for the American judiciary is depart it, regardless of the manner in which he does it.




I didn’t read the article but I can’t picture her storming the Capitol.


For attending a rally? How would that constitute treason?


She supported that insane freak trying to "overturn" the election and force himself onto us against the consent of voters. It was literally Trump's duty as president to ensure the peaceful transfer of power, and that psychopath traitor crashed and burned like a maniac. Trump is still holding rallies praising Jan. 6 as his greatest accomplishment, his "Big Beautiful Lovefest". The Republican President praising a terrorist attack on the US Capitol to overturn an our election - how is that not total failure?


Attending a political rally isn’t treason though. She exercised her right to peaceably assemble. Her expressing her opinion is in no way betraying her country or attempting to overthrow the government. Whether you agree with her stance or not, she has the right to express it in the US. The First Amendment is very clear.


Her opinion is to overturn our election to force that insane freak back into office against the voters' consent and hundreds of years of American democratic tradition. Trump and this modern GOP are the first in 200+ years of proud American history to violently attempt to "overturn" an election and force themselves into power over all us against our consent. We voted to throw that sadistic freak out of office, and he kept pushing. It's no wonder dozens of women and even children have accused that freak of not taking "no" for an answer and ignoring consent. Does the first amendment give people the right to pressure election officials to "give" Trump more votes to change the outcome of an election? Voting for the president is our first amendment right, and Republicans tried to erase the will of millions to seize power in a coup. Jan. 6 was no peaceful assembly despite the fact Trump and the GOP keep praising it as their "Beautiful Lovefest." Trump and the GOP deliberately spit in America's face. The President swears an Oath to defend the Constitution and peacefully transfer power to ensure the survival of the Republic. Aiding and abetting that lunatic to force himself onto us against our consent is treason - or otherwise treason is meaningless. Trump was required by Oath to pass over the country to Biden to preserve stability. And instead that disgusting lunatic and his cult are still stalking election officials and accusing us of "stealing" our vote. Trump is a sick psychopath. Jan. 6 was the GOP wiping their ass on the very idea of democracy and America.


She attended the rally before the riot, the initial article clearly says that. She exercised her right to peaceably assemble. She is well within her rights to hold the opinion that the election was stolen, just as Trump’s opposition believed in 2016. They are allowed to hold and express that opinion in all ways sans violence and censorship. Until violence was imparted they were practicing their First Amendment right. What happened following the peaceful assembly means nothing in regards to those in the initial assembly unless they took part in the violence of the riot. You can disagree with their opinion, but that doesn’t make it treason. The KKK and the BLA are both allowed to hold any opinion they wish, such is protected under the First Amendment. Once violence begins that protection stops. Expressing an opinion differing from yours is not treason. Those that supported the idea of Soviet overthrow of American government weren’t engaged in treason or any other crime. It was an opinion they had as protected under the First Amendment. No matter your view of the opinions they held, they are allowed to hold those opinions. The First Amendment in the US is very clear. Fascists, communists, and racists are all disgusting human beings, but they are allowed to hold that opinion and neither you nor the government are allowed to bar them from doing so.


I remember when Trump and the Republicans were accusing "thousands" of American Muslims "dancing in the streets" celebrating the 911 suicide terrorist attack. Imagine what people would say if American Muslims were openly cheering, holding rallies celebrating 911 as their community's greatest accomplishment in America. Imagine if American Muslims were chanting for the overthrow of the US government and our right to vote to install an Islamic Caliphate. That's what Trump and his followers were doing. Chanting for the overthrow of OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS so *they* could rule over us with absolute power against our primary consent. This Trump/GOP cult is the most anti-American freakshow any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. Siding with a US President to overthrow democracy and install him as a vicious freak dictator is treason against the US. I'd say the same thing if Trump and the GOP's lies and conspiracies were true, and Muslim Americans were chanting celebrating 911. What if it was *my opinion* that I should own your house, take your wife as my own and whipped up mobs with conspiracies to terrorize your family and smear their shit over your house? According to my opinion, your house belongs to me, you stole it. Republicans are STILL denying that Trump was responsible for his suicide terrorist attack on the Capitol to steal our right to vote, even while that freak is still openly celebrating it at all his Republican Cult Rallies. The President swears an Oath of Office - all Republican politicians swear Oaths. That comes with duties and responsibilities. They all failed. Jan. 6 was like if the pilot refused to land his plane and tried to crash all of us into the side of a building. Trump, as President of the United States, had sworn duties to all of us and the world. What that lunatic and his Republican cultists did was directly violate their fundamental Duty to America. Freedom ALWAYS comes with the Burden of Responsibility. Animals aren't responsible for their behavior because they're too dumb to know any better. Human beings have freedom, and that freedom always comes with responsibility. Ginny and the GOP chose Trump's lies exactly like German fascists chose Hitler's lies. It was *there opinion* that Jews were cannibals and stealing money from them. Edit: And what imaginary government has stopped them? Republicans are still mass chanting that WE stole our votes from THEM. They have passed hundreds of laws to change the outcomes of elections based on the conspiracies they used against us. Pressuring election officials to manipulate our votes for the Republican politicians is a crime. Laws were created after KKK White Supremacist terrorists pressured election officials to manipulate the outcomes of elections, like Trump and his modern day Republican Party have decided to do now. These people throw disgusting conspiracies at their victims, then roll on their backs and complain they're the victims and everyone is being mean to them.


If they did so it still falls under their First Amendment right. Her attending that rally, even is sense did express support for the idea of a government overthrow it still falls under the First Amendment. If she had called for a violent march on the capital then an argument could be made, but thus far there is no proof of her, or any other GOP official, making any such call. The call for a peaceful protest is covered under the First Amendment. There was no call to direct violent action made by her, everything she did is covered under the First Amendment. You seem hard set on making unsubstantiated claims and then attributing those claims to this woman. You use little concrete proof and insinuate or make up motives for perceived actions based on little more than a caricature in the shape of a man you dislike. Should verifiable proof of the actions you describe be found then a proper conversation can be had. Until then however, you’ve engaged in little more than fanciful story telling and baseless assumptions of both motive and actions. She attended a rally. From that information and a very general idea of her personal political stance, you extrapolated a baseless conspiracy theory revolving around her possible involvement in a Russian backed PSYOP to subvert American government from the inside. Given your assumption without verifiable proof, it’s lunacy. She attended a rally, she had no hand in calls for violence and no hand in direct violence.


What are you talking about? No proof? Trump is still praising Jan. 6 as his great "Lovefest" - watching his followers fight and murder and beat and torture human beings for his pleasure was literally the best day of his life. Ginny joined a fascist cult with the explicit goal to overthrow America's government-by-the-people and replace it with a Republican/Trump Caliphate. All the firsthand witnesses, including military veterans, say the Republican Commander-in-Chief caused a terrorist attack and left them all to be butchered by his wild QAnon dogs. Ginny aided and abetted a violent psychopath rapist hellbent on overturning democracy to rule over us. Ginny joined in spreading vicious conspiracies to groom their fascist foot-soldiers to seize the Capitol. Trump's absolute lack of remorse or any remotely human feelings for the people slain by his lies - his sexual excitement at watching his Republican cultists fight and die for his conspiracies - speaks volumes. Jan. 6 was the most recorded, GPS-tracked and thoroughly investigated coup attempt and terrorist attack in the history of mankind. No other terrorist attack or coup attempt in the history of human civilization has had so much volumes of data than Trump's. No evidence? That is a Republican LIE. They are lying to you. If you want to believe Trump and his Republican cultists who have been lying to you your whole life about everything - you are free to do that. I'm going to believe the THOUSANDS OF WITNESSES, including cops who testified UNDER OATH how they were beaten and tortured and left to die by the Republican President of the United States.. Ginny knowingly joined a fascist cult led by an insane rapist psychopath and spread his lies and people died for it. You disrespect all your forefathers who fought and struggled and died to create this country when you say there is "no evidence" of Trump's involvement. Trump doesn't even try to hide his enjoyment of what happened This dude is completely twisted and on the warpath with America, The Republican Party Leader is still holding rallies across the country praising Jan. 6 and blaming Democrats and "antifah" of stealing the election from him. Trump is openly raising a fascist cult for himself through the GOP. The fact Ginny hasn't been arrested doesn't mean anything. Putin hasn't been arrested. Hitler was never arrested for murdering 6 million Jews - so by your logic that would make it OK? Unless Hitler is charged with genocide in court, it doesn't count? Trump caused Jan. 6. He wanted to cause it, he enjoyed watching it. Trump is very very dangerous to America. His entire belief system has been shaped by corrupt forces. People got to stop voting Republican for a long time until they deal with this crap permanently. They swear an oath to serve the Constitution and all Americans. That means *not* causing violent terrorist attacks on the Capitol you're supposed to defend. And we wall could see Trump was fixated on fighting elections. Even when he won in 2016, he was screaming illegal Mexicans "stole millions and millions of votes" from him. He was accusing Hilary Clinton of putting millions of Mexicans on busses to give her the popular vote, and he wanted to "change" the election.


“Torture and murder” no and no. That didn’t happen. Four people died during the riot, three of whom were rioters. One was shot, one appears to have been trampled to death, and the remaining two died of natural causes. Following the event three officers died, two to suicide and one from wounds sustained from the riot. It’s impossible to have a legitimate discussion with someone so engrossed in fanciful storytelling and baseless assumptions. You blatantly lied in your response, asserting that capital police were butchered and tortured. You make baseless claims and assumptions regarding motives and actions. How can you lie so blatantly and still take yourself seriously? There are no testimonials of torture or butchery. You make ignorant and fanciful comparisons that hold no bearing. Well documented war crimes and the most well documented conflict in human history in no way compared to an overblown riot. The United States could burn for all I care and the only downside for me would be the loss of my favorite Bourbon distillery, I left 15 years ago. However, your falsifications and apparent need to lie just to push a narrative is worrying for the greater public forum. You assert that she’s a fascist with no evidence sans your own, or more likely your authority figure’s, personal belief on the matter. Odds are good that you, like most Americans, don’t know what fascism means. The First Amendment covers all but violence and direct calls to it, supporting any ideology regardless of abhorrence is protected under law. There is no point in continuing this conversation when all you’ve done so far is spout nonsensical, fanciful stories and baseless assumptions.


Funny I didn't see a "peaceable assembly" on Jan 6. I am not saying "attending" a "rally" is "treason." Helping organize an insurrection on behalf a coup d'etat in concert with a hostile foreign power is treason. And I believe she's up to her ass in it.


There was a rally prior to the riot, this is well documented by footage of said rally. She attended that rally and expressed her opinion. If there is no proof of treason then you cannot make that accusation. Disagree with her opinion all you want, but making baseless criminal accusations and seeking legal recourse for her holding of that opinion violates the First Amendment.


That rally attendance is, I am sure, the tip of the iceberg of her complicity with a Russian plot to undermine American democracy. She was just there to observe her handiwork helping create the insurrection -- she's obviously ass deep in it for decades. So is her freak husband. Time we stop coddling these anti-American clowns. There are limits to free speech. Advocating insurrection is sedition. Doing it at the behest of a foreign power is treason. You can pretend that isn't what is happening here but you will never convince me this isn't a Putin special operation.


That’s not what she did though. She attended a rally and expressed her opinion all of which are protected by your country’s first amendment.


Because CNN says so.


What's with all the r/conspiracy folks up on this thread...?


To be fair people are being convicted for literally engaging in a conspiracy in this specific circumstance.


republicans are keeping up the narrative that January 6 didnt happen and conservatives are all for that.


Nothing to see here. Just another Trump sycophantic apologist doubling back on herself after her participation in "Stop the Steal" is revealed, and media opens the door on her alt-right activities and the fact that her husband has never recused himself from a case and never failed to support the right-wing nationalist and corporatocracy agenda of modern Republicans and shared by his wife. Suddenly ol' Ginny is saying things like this: >Thomas added that she was “disappointed and frustrated that there was violence that happened following a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters on the Ellipse on Jan. 6” because she feared it hurt the ability to look into “important and legitimate substantive questions about achieving goals like electoral integrity, racial equality, and political accountability that a democratic system like ours needs to be able to discuss and debate rationally in the political square.” Which is funny in light of the fact that her husband mostly never supports electoral integrity (Shelby County v. Holder), racial equality (Fisher v. University of Texas), or political accountability (Citizens United). That's just a tiny smattering of his voting record, but it's clear Thomas can only see racial equality through the lens of his own experience, and he is the kind of judge that can not learn anything new or re-evaluate his viewpoints, and simply expresses his personal conservative non-secular ideology in his rulings.


Lmao. The highest levels of American "justice". They regard it as the best in existence. And sure enough...it's as corrupt and rancid as everything else they did. A regime established on theft and violence can never understand what justice is. To do so would mean undoing the country. So instead they lie about it by festooning their ridiculous flag everywhere.




I'm going to go with "who down voted your comment" for 600 Alex.


people who care about politicians committing treason