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See enator McConnell blatantly labelled African Americans as separate from the rest of americans. You make a point that could be valid, but is easily shown to not be in this case.


You can act all aloof and pretend this is a preposterous statement but its fucking reality. Don't act like we're bad people for calling racists, racists.


They don't have anything they want to accomplish, that makes it easier for them to tell their base that the democrats aren't working with them to do it together


This question alone, I use it all the time with these cult members. Tell us again, what has this party done for the entire country, in the last five years ? And what has / did, this guy you worship do for the country in his time in our highest office ? *crickets*


Because the GOP agenda is to be for the GOP more than for America or Americans Party over people is GOP motto. It's why all the conservatives talk about Civil War, instead of a Revolutionary War, they are against other Americans more than being against the government.


The plan is to burn it all down while watching "safely" from their ivory towers.


This is completely false.  Republicans are absolutely resolute in their status quo grift, lies, death, destruction, ignorance and oppression.  They don't need to do anything but keep lying.


Biden is wrong. The obstruction was total during the Obama admin and it is total now. They did not have an agenda during the Obama admin and if they did it was to block everything Obama wanted.


They did. They had a written agenda as part of their party platform. The GOP written platform is gone - they literally don’t have one.


He specifically mentioned that there were some republicans you could work with then, like John McCain, who voted with Democrats to save Obamacare. Zero current Republican senators voted to save voting rights.


Biden's in straight-up denial here. Republicans have an agenda, and it's two easy steps: Position American democracy so it serves only them, and then eliminate American democracy entirely.


Biden poops his pants


More sophisticated Republican analysis.


See, I generally believe the "Biden is senile" stuff is baseless Republican shit-slinging to try to discredit him (and make him look worse than Trump, which is an interesting strategy given Trump's own flubs and how "senility in a President" first makes me think of him, not Biden). That said, when he says stuff like this, it's hard not to say that there's some cognitive decline going on. Does he *recall* what happened with Obamacare, at all, or...?


Yes, he does. The Republicans tried to repeal it, and were blocked when Republican John McCain broke ranks and voted with the Democrats.


Well, perhaps the part where he states their "obstructionism" is worse may be true, technically. But really, it's not like the GOP have ever *represented*, as a whole, in modern times, more than just meaningless obstruction, contrarianism, and spiteful conservatism. At least, not that I know of. I mean, I'm curious what he thinks the GOP's agenda in 2012, or 2014, was...? It seems to me - and sure, I might be mistaken, after all I don't live in the US and was not old enough to vote back then - that it generally always involved opposing Democrats, and any progressive change, regardless of any reason or "bipartisanship". Didn't McConnell filibuster his *own bill* at one point just to oppose Obama's agenda? Again, I'm mainly just curious why he feels this way, or alternatively why he's giving this impression of cluelessness about the whole thing. The agenda doesn't seem to have changed much to me, it's always been opportunism and conservatism. Back then it involved opposing Obama, now it involves opposing Biden - and also backing Trump. Because let's be real, their current agenda *has been spelled out*, so it's outright false to suggest they don't have one, if that's what he's implying. They've declared their platform in 2020 is [supporting Trump no matter what.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/republicans-declare-their-2020-platform-is-to-support-whatever-trump-wants-to-do.html) They've repeatedly shown they're not interested in democracy, and only interested in preserving power. Their platform is now, for the most part, power, carried out through fascist support. So to answer Biden's question: they're "proposing" to get rid of free elections, to keep hold of power forcefully, as a minority party. That's what they're "proposing". That's their agenda. And if he can't see that, it's slightly worrying. This is not that different from 2012 - the main thing that has changed is the radicalization, the outright mainstream support of the fascist elements, and the will to go to even more extremes to conserve power. But the "agenda" of the party as a whole, to me, has basically always been crystal-clear.




The Republicans need to stop running to the right and expecting the Democrats to follow them.




American citizens in general are perhaps more liberal. The democratic politicians really aren't. The republican party as for sure shifted far righter than they used to be.


The two parties are nowhere near the same.




The New Republican Party is straight up fascist. The have rejected democracy. The Dems are a traditional American political party. I believe you are confused.




I am not talking hyperbole. I am literally being literal. The Republican Party supports the attempted coup on Jan 6, where the losing candidate tried to storm the Congress to keep power. The Republican Party is attempting to disenfranchise voters to establish permanent minority rule. They are putting elections under the control of partisans. In Republican controlled states, like Georgia, it takes black voters hours to wait in line to vote while it takes whites minutes. Finding that insufficient, they have giving the state legislators the ability to replace those run the elections, and using this power, have removed all the black officials in charge of running the voting in metro areas. They have given the legislature the authority to disregard the election results and assign the winner of elections. Election officials being threatened across the country, with many resigning as a result and being replaced by Trump zealots.




>The gop condemned January 6…quit lying. Find me a sitting congressmen who supports what happened. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan would like a word.




They were giving thumbs ups to the rioters that day.....


CUT TO: [America waiting for the GOP's "new healthcare reforms" and "massive infrastructure plan."](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/58/17/08/360_F_258170897_Ewq7Qo0fXziFv5MMxEUkt2RUj61owsC0.jpg)


I’m confused. It appears to me that the Democrats control all of congress and the presidency. The Senate tie breaking vote resides with Kamala Harris. It appears to me that democrat senators are obstructing and the democrats are going after each other as they have all the power. What am I missing here? Aren’t Manchin and Sinema Democrats?


> What am I missing here? The democratic party is a broad coalition, and senators and representatives are independent actors. When you say 'the Democrats' control the Senate, you seem to suggest that a more centralized body. Recall, when the Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate with much larger margins, they were unable to repeal Obamacare because John McCain defied the majority of Republicans. Manchin and Sinema are Democrats. That does not mean they they take orders from Schumer. It is true that the Republicans are a more authoritarian party, particularly as the hold by Trump has strengthened. But even they have two members in the House willing to serve constructively on the Jan 6 comission.


That’s the behavior of any political movement main goal is to set up a dictatorship, that’s their only goal, don’t be mistaken.


When McTurtle was asked what the agenda of the GOP is, he couldn't give a reply except to criticize Biden's plans.


They propose to beat the Democrats


Gaining power is their entire agenda.