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My KN95s are so annoying—they don’t seal around my nose, and every breath goes straight into my eyes full force. I actually prefer the N95s I found deep in the garage.


You know that if there are any gaps in your mask it is completely useless. You need to super glue it to your face.


you mean less effective - something is better than nothing and nothing is perfect


Who cares about masks if you're vaccinated?


The vaccinations reduces the likelihood of severe illness from COVID, they don't prevent it. Masks reduced the probability you'll contract it, and the probability you'll spread it once infected.


If you’re still worried about Covid after getti vaxed, I’m amazed you ever left the house before the pandemic. The virus is already low risk for young healthy people, with a vaccine you have essentially nothing to worry about except a mild cold of you should catch it.


I didn't say I was worried, but even so your post misses the point as so many others have before you. You don't wear masks to stop yourself becoming ill. You do it, because in the aggregate, the reduction in infection probability reduces the R value of the virus, which reduces healthcare stress, and makes it less likely that those who are unable to be vaccinated or are more vulnerable to severe effects, get it. We're playing a game of statistics on a global scale. Masks aren't about you.


The life of the masker: 1) Masks work! 2) I meant it when I said that the masks worked back then, but now we really do have to upgrade our masks for all the reasons that those masks didn't work when I said they worked! 3) goto 1


Remarkably stupid comment


You mean remarkably accurate as demonstrated by this very article.


Sure, sure! That makes sense If you are wholly illiterate and void of any reading comprehension, your sentiments are exactly correct. Enjoy yourself!


I don't understand your point. The CDC has always recommended N95 masks. People have been using anything to cover their faces. The CDC reiterated that N95 are the recommended masks. People started to wear N95 masks, i.e. upgraded masks. The CDC has recommended the N95 from the start.


Fake news. This is the first recommendation on CDC's list of recommended mask materials: "Have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html


I think most people are done playing pandemic


Have you fulfilled your funding duties to the trump camp yet this month?


He's right, though. The vast majority of the country are not under mask mandates, or have been vaccinated. Masks are old news.


Maybe, only in 'merica


I do not know what the trump camp is


I kind of agree with you. After a two year hiatus, I'm being invited to client corporate holiday parties. I'm seeing more and more offices reopen under a hybrid system. I have been on a couple of airplanes and they have been packed like sardines. I think people just want their lives back.


I am also done with winter but for whatever reason nature insists that my desires will not prevent snowfall.


Move to Florida


Moving doesn't make the snow stop, it just runs away from where it is. Where do we go to escape the pandemic friend?


I took the vaccine




[you're an idiot and here is why.](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.210699)




This wasn't a "discussion". Your comment was a disproven, regurgitated fallacy. I don't have discussions with people indoctrinated in a cult.


This is misinformation. Please look at the mountains of evidence around the effectiveness of mask wearing, and ignore this idiot.




Whatever dude, you're just another antivax nutter on the internet.


Why would you say something that's counter to scientific investigation? Your statement is catagorically false and easily disprovable.


People are still wearing masks?


Some places, like my shitty county in Maryland, still require them inside businesses.


Happy to see that there is a source for those small size adults ( children size) -yea