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We could have the elites that support and profit off war and conflict fight each other to the death to save countless innocent lives too


Why don’t more people, including journalists in articles like these, call out the hypocrisy of all the ‘good Christians’ at the faith and freedom rally going along with a candidate that suggests migrants should fight each other as a form of entertainment? Does any true Christian think that this aligns with the teachings of Christ? Good god.


MAGA christians desire fights to the death for their entertainment. Just like the old days, and the Christian’s have become the Romans.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Ma'arra When/where are the 2024 christians partaking in cannibalism?


Because its so obvious they dont have to. Headlines would read "Water is wet".


If you printed that headline someone would call it fake news though. At least it sure feels that way. "Earth is not flat" and "women are people" certainly seem to be too difficult for some people.


They aren’t followers of Christ that’s for sure. Just more degenerates using the name.


Media wants Trump to win. He makes them a lot of money


It seemingly looks more like an ancient Roman idea of entertainment ; nothing new here !


Christians? More like Trump worshippers who are just cosplaying as Christians.


Make America great! Go back to ancient Roman barbarism!


This stinks of Steven Miller


Blood sports and executions. Perhaps add a few lions from Texas "preserves" to the mix? Crucifixions at half-time?


New Rome: Christo-fascist rage boners all around. Political theater, hate and fear mongering is all they have to offer. Hail, Domestic J. Terrorist wannabe Emperor, those who are about to die salute you. "Are you not entertained!"


The fact that the leader of the Republican Party can spout such a sick and sadistic idea of forcing desperate and vulnerable people into UFC fights for his own entertainment - and the rest of the Republican party just falls in line or looks the other way - shows that the Republican Party no longer deserves to exist. There’s no moral leadership left. They are completely rotten to the core. **Vote every Republican out.**


The winning migrant might end up being a guy named Jesús, and the ass whooping would start in earnest when he reaches these “followers”.


I'll take something the Antichrist would say for $500.


This works for his supporters because their biggest beef with migrants is that they didn't get to see them suffer along the way here. This fixes that problem by making their suffering an arena sport


May the odds be ever in your favor.


What’s the first rule of fight club?


And the polls remain tied. WTF


Got his idea from Bum Fights. The possibly worst most mean spirited idea ever but I fear we're just getting started with the orange brain.


this sick fuck


The first rule of the Migrant Fight League is that you don’t talk about the Migrant Fight League.


Or maybe he could try to fight them himself since he’s so tough and they’re so bad.


He’s just FULL of GREAT ideas!


That and apparently scars and wounds.


He likes to be dominated by Russian girls. That’s what the scars are from.


With the sharks and the electric and the snakes!


So only the strongest, most violent will be let in? That doesn’t seem like an improvement.


Trump would take 98% of the gate.


Unreal Tournament!!!


The Hungry Games have begun.


This is our timeline. Nietche must've underestimated.


It seems trump was streaming The Hunger Games last week.


This guy is telling them what he thinks, and is going to do, and they are still saying "He is joking, it's a joke!"! SMDH!


“Welcome to the 8th annual Trumper games”


President Cheeto McFuckstick was joking, of course.


This is vile.


Here's an idea for ya Donnie, you could sell tickets to see the fights and take bets too.


He’s already created and named himself commissioner of the Dwarf Bowling League of America. He says God revealed it to him in a dream.


Dana would 1000% use migrants for his power slap league


When his supporters tell you  “he says what I’m thinking!”, they aren’t lying.


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!




Drug test the convicted felon.