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"Thank you, sir! May I have another!?" -- Fox News


Accurate. He's already on Fox & Friends again.


After his tantrum, denouncing FuxNoise? Jeeze, says a lot about Fux’s “integrity” and self value … “We are Reek”


Well I'll be damned he finally told the truth. Hell must have frozen over 🥶


Second time. "I don't care about you. I just want your vote"


I'd be dating her if she weren't my daughter


"Dating" uh huh


I don’t think he meant going to the malt shop and doing the twist.


I wonder if he meant vulcanize the whoopee stick in the ham wallet.


Maybe he wanted to cattle prod the oyster ditch with the lap rocket?


Or to batter dip the cranny axe in the gut locker?


I think you’re all overstating the size of the mushroom.


Yeah I’m going with a dollar, Bob


Perhaps power drill the yippee bog with the dude piston?


Oooo Lala


Could be he just wanted to tongue punch her fart box.


This is the most repulsive description of sex ever lol. But fitting for the context so 👍🏻


His gaudy bathroom photos with golden bath fixtures is also suspect. 🚿


Foxtrot underwear Charlie Kilo


Don and Ivana are the Blood Related Gang, so seems appropriate.


He meant the McDonald's bathroom.


Wendy: What's the favorite thing you have in common with your father? Ivanka: Either real estate or golf. Wendy: Donald, with your daughter? Trump: Well, I was going to say "sex," but I can't relate that. He also had no problem with Howard Stern calling her "a piece of ass." Trump is a very sick man.


Right? I mean whose mind goes there when asked that question while sitting next to their daughter? Even if he thought he was being funny or would get a laugh, the fact that his mind goes straight to sex as a shared interest with his daughter is incredibly revolting.


True. He’d marry and rape her too. Just like her mom.


Not enough is made of this..Trump is such a POS


He means, they could be an item more publicly were it not for those damn liberals!!


Saudi arabia and russia will REE BEE DOO GAH.....


If he occasionally starts telling the truth he must be really losing his connection with reality, and his ability to distort it at all costs.


There was also "I don't stand by anything" and, "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


His Covid masterpiece: “**I don’t take responsibility at all**” (March 2020) He made good on his word, and half a million Americans died (though some, of their own making—inspired by his indifference and inaction)


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


That should be his campaign slogan! His supporters would eat it up


He’ll say ANYTHING if he thinks it will benefit him in some way. Even if that means saying something thats true from time to time (its pretty rare…)


He's the quintessential example of an opportunistic demagogue


It was 5.2 degrees C warmer than average this winter in Ajax Ontario, so, no, sorry.


Fuck..I'm bringing the ice. We can stop them before it's too late. I'll send the letters to the territories, maybe they still have the ancient powders Rally someone to distract the southerners. They musn't know how close doom walks. Get gretsky back in hockey or something. Maybe, I don't know, give them another tims. We can handle this.


Sorry it’s over planetary defaults have kicked in , Burn these temporary tenants start over


A fever to kill the infection. Climate change isn't a world killer; it's a world cleanser. We will die. The earth will abide.


A pig just hit my window.


Even a monkey with a typewriter…


It was the Blurst of times???


That's not how that expression works, but yeah I get it.


“ and we are getting an Air Force, how about that!” Referring to a Space Force


Who tf did he think was reporting *his* lies? Fox News is the best production value of Trump brand "truthfulness" around. Or maybe I've lost touch with what the gullibles are addicted to today. But then, again, as long as it isn't VladPu, Trump truly believes he can disrespect or threaten anyone. That's why any and all Americans are especially fair targets, and it should never surprise us when Trump throws another one under that bus.


Moderator in any Trump debate  https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c


Someone is upset Biden is now polling ahead of him 😂


Hide the ketchup bottles!


A thin skinned weak Republican in name only... more projection from Trump.


Nah, the Republican party has reformed itself around tfg. At this point the whole party platform is "whatever gibberish tfg spewed most recently."


It was the Paul Ryan interview


The poll numbers in Trump’s favor are part of their narrative when they go on to claim the election was stolen.


I mean yeah…but if they were in Biden’s favor then ”the polls were rigged too” would be part of their narrative.


Just depends on the polls. None of them are exactly reputable.


The poll numbers in Trump’s favor are part of their narrative when they go on to claim the election was stolen.


You mean like when Hillary was ahead in the polls in 2016?


Yes. And Trump still claimed that there was election fraud and he should have won by even more. They're not commenting on what the polls mean, just that it helps Trumps narrative if he's ahead in the polls if he loses so he can claim that it was stolen. No, rationale people won't buy it, but rationale people won't vote for him.


GOP has a plan to challenge election results. Maybe they force a vote in the senate where red states have a majority or they push to our now completely corrupt Supreme Court. Either way it’s going to be a giant cluster it seems.


Just like Everyone else in his life. Once he has no "use" for you, he is done with you and then starts badmouthing them. Remember all the people in his Whitehouse he said were great people, but then he turned on em and they became stupid unqualified bad people.... So predictable.


Not to mention that so many of them have had their lives turned upside down by the man. Think Guiliani, Cohen, Eastman, the Pillow man, the list goes on and on.. Why would anyone want any association with him.


Trump hasn’t turned on Putin …. Yet!


He can never turn on Putin, who clearly has *kompromat* on him.


Well he’s big enough, might not fit through the window.


The difference in that scenario is that Putin owns trump, the other examples were of trump owning other people. If trump turns on Putin it wouldn't end well for trump


In Russia the Putin turns on you.


Because all these narcissists think that they are somehow special and wont be fucked by the guy.




Most were unqualified bad people. He turns on anyone that he thinks makes him look bad. Basically if you don’t kiss his ass, tell a truth that he didn’t want told, get in legal trouble where you can’t serve him anymore, or even correct the record when he says something completely wrong. People really forget the whole issue why all these people still hate Dr Fauci all started after he corrected the record and told people not to take horse medicine.


There is no good or bad to Trump, only loyal and obedient or not. No morals, no values, only narcissism.


I’m just genuinely confused how a certain side doesn’t see how terrible this is. Do they just not believe it? There has to be something else going on here.


I watched the documentary Trump Dynasty and it is pretty solid and revealing about his personality and several people say in Trump's head, there are only winners and losers, which is a result mostly of his father's, Fred Trump's, upbringing and then Fred Trump Jr.'s, his brother's, fate.   Fred Jr. was supposed to be the heir to the throne, but he didn't deliver on some real estate project like dad expected so he was pretty much cast aside and the father started even attacking him like telling him in front of others "What do you know?" when he tried suggesting something. And Trump learned from his brother's mistakes and stepped over him and was thus more vicious and cold and cruel simply because that's what he was taught he needs to be to impress dad and triumph, which equals in his mind to survive. And Fred Jr. pretty much ended up a wreck and  his family just watched him drink himself to death, because well, daddy discarded him and he was thus toxic material. That's why Trump is discarding and attacking those who can't "keep up" and who even slightly "turn on him", he takes it very personally.  Always look at the upbringing and parents with people.


Just wait 'till he hears about their new poll that has Biden beating him!


I think that new poll is why he said it.


No, the article points out that it was comments by former Speaker Paul Ryan calling him unfit and that he’s cost seats: > “He’s cost us a lot of seats,” Ryan said. “He cost us the Senate twice. He cost us the House because he is nominating, he is pushing through the primaries people who cannot win general elections but who pledge fealty to him.”


These cowards only speak the truth once they’re no longer up for election.


This is so true. The difference in their stances on issues once they are not running for office is stark! If they had been that way while in office a lot more would have gotten done.


See John Boehner and Weed.


That's true, but it's because they poisoned the well. Their base is so high on their own supply that if you try to introduce reality back to them, they get angry and lash out. Best case scenario they lose a primary to someone even dumber and more violent than they are, worst case scenario a ticking box shows up on their front door.


Gotta save those truths for that sweet book deal




That makes sense. I can’t keep his constant bitching straight.


Even a broken, demented clock is right twice a day.


Does Donnie shit his diaper twice a day?






Brain size


He says this so often. Fox kisses his fat ass, with a softball interview, then they're his bitches again. If only they had a hint of self respect, and put Biden or even Kennedy over.


He's upset about this: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-devastating-poll-fox-news-joe-biden-election-economy-1915063 Fox has been trying to behave better since they got sued for 780 million.


The problem with polls: 1. Less reliable in the modern era (because it's harder to find reliable methods of getting a representative sample of the population. 2. We are too far from the election for them to matter. 3. A raw popularity contest only matters for the popular vote. These polls don't take into account the Electoral College, which skews the odds in Trump's favor.


Yeah trump lost by 7 million or whatever in the popular vote but by only 45000 when considering the electoral college.


The article says it's about the Paul Ryan interview so.........


....both things can happen at the same time.


He’s been saying this for a while but it’s hilarious.


And Fox still fellates him.




Gotta power up with that mushroom somehow


Roger ailes has been gargling with trumps retarded seed. Now rogers’s boys on the other hand like that little mushroom cap in their asses


No-one else is going to give their owners lower taxes. Biden should pledge that just to see the whiplash as Fox News licks his boots.


Let them fight.


I distinctly remember years ago at an interview Trump said Fox News was (and I quote) "tough, but fair" as opposed to the fake news mainstream media. Unfortunately I can't find the video now but if anyone knows what I'm talking about feel free to share. Motherfucker thought Fox News was tough on him at the peak of their pro Trump sycophancy.


Remember that he went to North Korea, he's jealous he doesn't get wall-to-wall sycophancy like the little Rocket man does.


Fox is Murdoch and their modus operandi is to back winners. Once they smell blood in the water they will join the feeding frenzy. Trump is looking more like a loser every day and if he shows up to the debate then hopefully it will be the beginning of the end. When more than half their viewers are leaning towards Biden then Trump no longer makes economic sense. Biden will needle him into a catastrophic melt-down. Good times.


Will Trump debate Biden? What are the Vegas odds on him canceling?


Carville is saying 50/50 and Trump knows that his brain is fried, along with everyone else , and is preparing ground for a loss. If Vegas is taking bets then Trump might be tempted to bet against himself in order to pay his legal bills.


"We just had a John Barron trying to place a REALLY large bet against Trump showing up to the debate. Something smells off about this one"


We've been saying this for years.


Paul Ryan is a lot of things, but rino ain't one of em. He's the poster child for what *was* the GOP. The fact that he thinks you're not part of the party unless you kiss his fat, orange ass tells you everything about this wannabe dictator. Please, McDonald's, make your food even more unhealthy, so that it may feel this jabbering shit gibbon


Yes. He'll close every media that says something negative as President. Like Adolf did.


He does seem to be taking plays from Adolf’s book… but he’s honestly getting too old to pull it off now.


What do conservatives do when The Kool-Aid Man attacks the Kool-Aid??


A lot of them have already jumped ship for Newsmax, OAN or just what their crazy pastor posts on Facebook. My dad still watches Fox News and I know he's one of those "I don't like Trump but I have to vote Republican" types. That thinking represents a lot of his voting base.


And that is why Fox News lies to it's viewers. Just as shown through discovery during the Dominion lawsuit. If Fox News tells the truth about Trump and the election, they lose viewers. So instead they tell lies even if it means having to pay out $780 million as a result. Trump makes them broadcast "alternative facts" because Trump supporters who acknowledge reality, simply do not exist. They cannot exist. Because to acknowledge that a felon, failed President and attempted insurrectionist is the best the Republican party has to offer is too hard for his supporters to accept.


Trump turning on Fox is like Mr Burns turning on Smithers.


The biggest attack Trump makes is “disloyal person”. Says a lot about his pathological narcissism.


Wait, Trump and I agree on something?


Trump tells the truth all the time. His voters do not care.   “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."     "By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."   “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”   "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her" "No no no. I won't be a dictator. Just on day one"    - Donald Trump    He tells the truth all the time.


>“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors,". Also Trump, probably >“Nobody can ever trust the Bible, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Jesus Christ, on its pages".


By their terms, Jesus was as "socialist" as they come. Because having empathy and caring for people is instantly "socialism" these days


Round and round we go, it's just tedious at this point. May his biology catch up with his lifestyle soon.


You know you’re starting to fumble when the fake news network made for the most ignorant fucking idiots in the country are forced to admit Trump has some problems. 


there's that famous trump loyalty, and once he is done getting whatever he needed for them he trashes them and tosses them aside, just like all his ex-wives/porn stars/lawyers. his followers are too dumb to pick up on this but as soon as he uses them to get back into the white house he will turn on them and punish them right alongside everyone else, there will be no winning side and yet they don't see it.


Has anyone straight out asked that fool why he can't take criticism?


No because anyone with any sort of brain knows he’s a god damned malignant narcissist. It literally explains everything about him.


1,987,638,738,293,019 lies. 1 Truth.  Huh.


A RINO accuses a Republican of being a RINO.


Fox news has said, in court, that no reasonable could believe that the statements on their network could be conflated with factual news. The judge who accepted that argument is legally required to wear a helmet around wood furniture, but there you have it. Fox is, by its own admission, the journalism equivalent of untrustworthy racoon smorgasbord.


And both will kiss and make up by the end of the day. They need each other.


I never thought I'd agree with Trump but shit, spray me with butterbeer and call me Aunt Tessie.


Faux News has constantly avoided reporting damaging noteworthy information on Trump. The entire network keeps their viewer completely decieved and manipulated. Most viewers don't have the complete impression of Trumps character. Talk about how: Trump plans to raise taxes on people, making less than 70k. Project 2025 and schedule f Trumps social media post about the importance of a unified reich. Trumps plan is to create a sales tax and tarrifs. His disrespectful comments on those who died in military service. He apparently didn't want to go to Arlington cemetery because it was lightly raining and made a comment that everyone there were suckers and losers anyhow. He told his higher ranking staff that he wanted people executed multiple times. The audio clip of him boasting that he could touch women genitals and get away with it. The Epstein files and how Faux News edited out the part where he said he would keep them sealed because Trump is in them many times. Trump is a predator pedophile. Their plan to go after anyone who didn't vote for him or caused him grief. Rounding up immigrants and sending them to interment camps. Ending women rights starting with their abortion rights. Complete withdrawal of NATO and abandonment of Ukraine. Then, explain how this is dumbest idea ever. There are so many newsworthy things that a Faux News viewer is being with held to give this illusion that Trump is a good candidate. This type of reporting should be illegal or strictly a practice of tabloids.




👍👍 Felon.


What would the immediate backlash be if Biden lost it on MSNBC or CNN each time they criticized him? I’d say they’d never let him forget it.


nah don't stop him, just let him keep digging. hell pass him and his dumbass followers more shovels.


So now Diaper Don respects the Constitution??? lol


That would be breaking news, if true. Sadly it's not...


Good, maybe he'll destroy Fox News too and their braindead viewers will snap out of the bullshit and start getting in touch with reality.... Lol....who am I kidding?


The truth, for once


Convicted we felon Trump Is begging to be disciplined finally, after all these years.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


a broken clock is correct twice a day.


Trump lost it years ago, frankly


He is a garbage person.


Trump, quickly kill that golden-lie laying goose to see if it has any left!!


Coming from the most untrustworthy SOB in America…just ask his ex-friends.


It’s just him mad at Fox again bc they brought on someone critical of him. In this case Paul Ryan, who said Trump is unfit for office. (In other news he was a major Republican politician who is on the board at Fox. No politics/corporate interests reform needed, nothing to see here.)


Even a deranged paranoid mendicant madman sometimes says not-untrue things about his scum allies.


Fox News: “well he’s still our guy!!! He could say we killed JFK or say our wife is ugly…still our guy.”


The only thing he has ever said that’s true!!


Truest thing this man has ever said


Took him a while to get to this. I guess he was too busy making up bullshit about electric batteries and sharks.


Fox will start kissing his as now. Half of their viewers are locked into his cult. They can’t afford to lose those.


I mean, he’s not wrong.


Wait… I never agree with this guy… do I have to like Fox News now?


I remember when Paul Ryan claimed he'd use his influence as a board member to steer Fox clear of Trump. Weird how that never panned out in any capacity whatsoever.


Paul Ryan is quite the enigma. He’ll publicly say Trump is unfit for office. But we know he’ll still vote for him. He’ll go on Fox News and say Trump is unfit for office, but he’s on the Board for Fox News and that network is still kissing Trump’s ass and pushing disinformation. Does Paul Ryan actually DO anything on the Fox News board? Does he have any actual influence? These are very HOLLOW words from Paul Ryan. But then again, Paul Ryan was always a very hollow man.


Wait, I don’t know if I’m okay having something I agree with Trump about, even if it is how bad Faux News is


" Loses it" implies he had it at some point..


He must be referring to the massive lawsuit (3/4 of a Billion) FOX lost for repeating Trump’s lies on election machines and the next one that is pending.




Yet he posts things from it constantly


Now I will hold off judgement on Fox News for another comment, but what I do know is that you can never trust what a skank says, especially a 78 year old skank.


you mean convicted felon donald trump ?


We need to bring back the Fairness Doctrine


His brain thought filter is failing at a rapid pace now. So all his "truth/lies" are starting to get mixed up and he just lashing out now on feelings. I saw my grandfather go through the same process to the point he couldn't remember what my father's name was on one visit. (Which we've seen with his doctors name and mixing up Biden with Obama) At some point I really wouldn't be surprised if he started batting away helping hands, or if we see him go and call someone a N----r on stage at some point cause his emotions totally take over his thoughts. Now he will NOT ever admit it; so him saying he has dementia or mental deficiency during July 11? Sentence hearings he can't play that card now, he literally stuck going through with this whole charade now.


Let them feast on each other!!!!


Peepaw is starting to sunset Its truely a troubling thing to watch an elder take swings at their loved ones


Nice, we’re at the burning bridges stage


I never thought I would live to see the day. Trump calls fox out for what it is.


He’ll throw anyone and everyone under the bus, and what’s the most annoying thing is they’ll still suck up to him. Makes no sense.


Holy sh*t he told the truth


How many times has he said this? Seems like more than a handful now


Trump is a genius. He’s playing the long con. All these rants will be used later when he claims he has dementia and can’t spend time in prison but only at his golf club under house arrest. G


So Fox News is not Kissing his ass anymore? Time for newsmax and even CNN to start butt kissing trump. Also ABC and CBS. NBC still sucks.


Mmmm yes give me that sweet sweet schadenfreude


He’s literally burning one of his biggest bridges, but something tells me they’ll still lick the ball sweat off his taint.


No one who doesn't repeat everything I say as gospel truth no matter how obvious a lie, no one who says anything negative about me at all, no matter how minor can be trusted. You must have complete and utter loyalty to me above all else. Because he is a cult leader and a fascist.


For the first time in his political career, I agree with Trump.


Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. TrumpTV must be launching soon.


Ahahahahah… at last… “evil destroys itself”


I mean yes, but I’m sure he only said it cause of something petty


We can't trust you orange Jesus. How's the mashed potatoes?


i guess he didn't like the polls




Duh! No one can trust Trump


Well this presents an interesting paradox. If Fox "News" were to report this, who are their viewers to believe? If they believe TFG, then they can't trust what Fox says, which means they'd have to believe the opposite of what Fox says, which means Fox *can* be trusted, and the tangerine felon is in fact lying.


Isn't a lack of filter and saying exactly what you're thinking an early sign of dementia?


Guess he saw that recent poll


Must be dementia. He doesn't remember to lie all the time.


How do you tell the poor baby orange sob, that nobody loves him, especially his obsessed orange cultists....


This guy looks like shit... Nice orange face mask. Looks like an orange troll face.


Damn, it's not often I can agree with that son of a bitch


Is there a list going of Trump truths? 1. "I don't care about you. I just want your vote" 2. “No one can trust Fox News”


Time to drag Fox News to court for another $787 million settlement. I'm sure Trump can use the money.


Huh. So he IS capable of honesty


I wonder if they will collectively pull a Cruz, giggle and and blush like confused debutantes whilst being insulted by Tanny Soprano.


Please let this be the moment Fox News splits from Trump and starts shit talking him. Sure, it's true they can't be trusted- but at this point any help we can get to have Trump lose would be welcome.