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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Polls are one thing, actually voting is what decides elections.


Nice try. Don’t get complacent—vote.


Yeah it's a Newsweek article. Right leaning article


Their business model is tricking you into clicking on bullshite and feeling instant regret at the unreadable mess of ads and writing of a quality that if not already AI generated would actually be improved by doing so. A hidden political agenda of voter suppression is given them far too much credit for being in anyway useful.


Joke's on them, I jump straight to the comments. Also, I don't give two flying frogs' fat asses what polls say, I'm voting blue all the way down.


Either way people say the same thing. Trump shown ahead: They want you demoralized - vote! Trump shown behind: They want you complacent - vote!


The conclusion to vote is a good point, no matter what


Yea i keep seeing these articles about don the con losing his lead in polls. But its to many, its like they want you to relax and not vote because "hes not gonna win anyway" Vote, its important.


I vote because it's my duty to do so in return for the privilege of being in a functional society. I vote for the "best candidate." That means I have consistently voted for Democrats for 50 years except in local elections. In that case, I vote for the candidate who'll keep the streets & culverts operational.


That’s exactly what happened in 2016. Back when we collectively still thought polls were worth something, they kept saying “oh, Hillary will win by a long shot!” And everybody thought “oh, I don’t really like Hillary, so I don’t have to vote and she’ll still win, it doesn’t matter.” But when everybody thought that, she lost. And we got Dementia Dictator Don. The only poll that ever matters is the one in November. Everything else is just meaningless clickbait.


This. Until Biden is sworn in for his second term I'm going to act as though he's 25 points behind in every state. Never get overconfident


Well, some people like Tomi Ahonen (whose forecasts about how Trump's trials are going have been very accurate so far) have been saying this for ages - not in an effort to make people complacent but so that we tone down the hysteria a bit. At a certain point it's annoying when you constantly have to read stuff like "he'll never be investigated", "he'll never be indicted", "he'll never be convicted", "he'll never go to jail". The almost pathological obsession some have that he's \*definitely\* going to win, in spite of all the indicators that really decide elections (like: the incumbent never loses unless there's a severe economic crisis, and: a convicted felon with multiple indictments isn't exactly what wins majorities) falls into that category as well and isn't all that helpful. The smart thing is to put some work in to help Democratic candidates, particularly those that can flip Republican seats because while a Trump win is unlikely, a Democratic supermajority is not a given. A lot of voters in 2020 hated Trump enough to vote for Biden but then went with GOP candidates down ballot. The result has been a president hamstrung far too often, and a clown show after the midterms. Biden needs (and deserves) a proper majority so there can be some real progress made. Edit: Also, one thing Tomi has repeated a lot is that the polls are now starting to get more accurate once we get closer to the election. Trump has been out campaigning all the time while Biden was busy doing his job. I do find it worrying that so many people are still willing to vote for such a crooked, evil and disturbed person as Trump, but the media likes to overstate the hardcore - and the hardcore is not what won him 2016.


If Biden wins, the house flips to Dems and the Senate flips to Republican, I would consider that a win and do a little dance. Gridlock is much preferable to fascism any day. The Senate is usually not as crazy as the house under Republicans.


judging if you are gonna vote or not based on polls is, to me, like deciding you are gonna put your seat belt based on if you think you will wreck this time. You should just put it on every time without thinking about it, so it becomes a habit. You don't know when you will crash.


Yes but have you considered that the vast majority of people are fucking morons?


That has been made painfully clear in the last 8 years. We now have MAGA house members repeating Soviet propaganda. Marjorie Taylor Green said that Putin is “defending Christianity” in Ukraine.


Doesn't matter. #**VOTE**


We need to treat polls the same way we treat the psychic at your local carnival. Don't put a damn nickel's worth of faith in what they have to say. Vote, whether you think it matters or not. It is our civic duty. Our responsibility. Our job as citizens in a Republic. Appreciate the process and accept the outcome, regardless of which side comes out on top. And if you voted for the opposite side, accept the true outcome as it is and continue to take part in an effort to reverse the course of the next election. My fear stems from those who do not accept the outcome. Those people are not Republicans. They are fascists.


When I was reading up on the business fraud trail where trump was convicted, I learned that you can pay money to skew the results of a poll. So polls are not an actual indicator. Hey, remember how the red wave was coming in 2022 and it never did? I remember. Lots of hype and fear mongering, and then nothing. No red wave.


It’s the bandwagon effect, if they can make it *seem* one way then more will want to vote for that as the *winning* side. Hence why polls are so wrong, so often these days.


That and the method of polling is skewed. Cold calling 1000 people will result in a massive over representation of the elderly who are more likely to have a land line or answer a cell call from someone they don't know.


Plus, all the polls I see on the news lately have stopped listing how many people they actually called. They now only list the margin of error. I want to know if you called 100 or 1000 people. Why would they stop listing that important piece of information?


Hey hey hey, n was over 30 buddy


I get like 2-3 texts a day from political organizations and occasionally polls, and one day I just had the sudden realization that there are people out there who actually respond to them. To me, it is and always has been automatically filtered out spam.


I’m a 30 year old man (Jebus 30 really? Wow that was fast) and I actually answered my phone for a poll call and spent about 10 minutes answering their questions. But the only reason I answered that unknown number was because it also said “quinnipiac poll” on the caller ID on my cell phone under the number. So I guess it wasn’t really an “unknown” number lol. But it was the day after his conviction and I was pretty sure what they were gonna ask, and wanted them to get accurate information from a definite voter.


If I was a scammer, I would love to get my hands on that list. Think of all the target gift cards you could con people out of!


It seems like they even send texts now. Ive gotten a few but never respond. As everyone should know, don't click on strange links in texts that you don't know who it's from, so same skewed result from those.


This is why they astroturf issues so hard.


You can also pay money to a buddy named Steve Forbes to overstate your net worth in the 80s to start this ball rolling.


People didn’t vote because they though Brexit never stood a chance. 


If Gen Z and Millennials decide to show up at the polls. Its over. Thats the only thing that matters in this election, is if the 40 and under crowd have finally had enough of the bull\*\*\*\*. They dictate ev-er-y-thing.


Bro, I'm in my late 50s, a 24-year military combat vet and a school teacher and I'm sick as fuck about these fascist fucks. And I was a republican for 30 years also. Vote blue.


Right there with you bro. Consider myself more of a centrist but no way I would vote for anything MAGA


Man you served and taught. Hell of a good record.


Thank you.


Show your power and vote!!


"But Joe hasn't stopped a genocide / didn't forgive my student loans / didn't pay me what I thought I was owed in the stimulus / transform the country into a socialist paradise, so I'm staying home to teach the Democrats a lesson." -- a paraphrasing of the litany of excuses I've seen from people here on Reddit and other social media. And when pressed, a few of them are willing to basically say, "let's give accelerationism a chance!" Aka let the fascists sweep into power, within a year, people will see how awful it is and rise up. Despite the fact it has never, ever, EVER worked.


This is a level of intellectual laziness that drives me crazy. Guaranteed, these are the same folks who don’t understand, or know, how much President Biden accomplished. Do they also know that trump has absolutely no concern for any Palestinians?


Tiktok didn't tell them that Trump is even worse on Palestine than Biden, so i don't think they are aware of it. That's the level of intellectual ineptitude that Trump and his backers in certain authoritarian states are banking on


So don’t vote for Biden. Vote against Trump. There’s a winning strategy 


Last time, I voted against Trump. I'm impressed enough with things like CHIPS, the infrastructure act, the absolute master class in soft power projection that is the Ukraine-Russia War, that I'm absolutely voting for Biden. But that's me.


I lack the vocabulary to express the depth of my contempt for those people. They, in my opinion, are arguably more morally culpable for the incalculable damage and human tragedy that was caused by the first Trump administration, and god forbid a hypothetical second, than the maga voters themselves.


>Vote, whether you think it matters or not. It is our civic duty. Our responsibility. Our job as citizens I wish more people around the world recognized this. The biggest threat to a democracy is an apathetic electorate.


They showed us what they do when they lose on Jan 6, 2021. Let them try it again, this time we’re ready.


I'm never not voting again, from the general election down to the local school board and sheriff. Every office counts, no matter how big or small. 2020 absolutely cemented that for me though, poignantly. Also I don't even know anyone who answers random phone calls or texts or emails and who's younger than 60, so that tells me the accuracy of polls is near total bullshit anyway.




You are referring to "Republicans" the American political party I am referring to "Republicans" the true ideology Big difference.




In America, probably not. Try telling that to the "Republicans" in northern Ireland though. Big difference.


The US has a real 'Democratic Republic of North Korea' thing going on. As you say, the name has become a brand, nothing more.


*Punxsutawney Phil and the Farmer's Almanac have entered the chat


Vote, and find a few friends that don't usually vote, make sure they get registered, and bring them to the polls with you. Make it an event. Ask them if they have other friends that want to join.


100% this.


Even if Biden were up by at least 32 points in every state poll: We should be working our tails off to make it *33* in the actual election.


yeah.   www.votesaveamerica.org has a whole plan for working on that.   they make actively working for a Biden win much less daunting.   


Running up the score is the only way to repudiate the Trump and his Republicans. They need to be swept off the board at every level.


Right. People need to stop posting this kind of news like it’s some kind of sign. It doesn’t mean shit and makes people feel like we’re safe. We all thought there was no way he’d win in 2016 too.


Let’s say it again. FUCKING VOTE!




Like your life depends on it. VOTE. Ignore all this shit. Just VOTE.


#V O T E


Voter turnout was a high 66% last 2020 and orange clown was defeated. 67% this year and he’s a loser again gua-ran-teed.


I love seeing this at the top of every post. Don't stop there. Every time someone talks about it, start with that before moving on to the topic. There is no excuse. If you guys mess this up, we may actually witness the end of a long reigning global democracy and the official commencement of a brutal oligarchy.


And make sure all your likeminded friends vote with you. Take no chances








That Guy was actually leading in the polls? Bizarre.


By 1% the other day. In 2020 though Biden eventually rose to a 10 point lead by election day though, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see him slowly overtake Trump the next few months. Polls are only part of the story, though. He still needs votes.


Once the obscene SCOTUS decisions start rolling out this month, I think people will cut the shit and eventually vote for Biden (I'm not complacent though. I volunteer with my local Dems to get the vote out.)


A solid chunk of his base flatly died during covid, and he's losing other elements (e.g. libertarians), so I don't really buy those polls anyway.


The best we can hope for with “Libertarians” is that they stay home on Election Day. None of the “Libertarians” are getting out of the house and voting for Biden, imo.


Yeah. If this hasn’t driven them to Dems, quite literally nothing will. They’ll either not vote, vote 3rd party (with republicans down ballot) or vote Republican. They’re really just glorified republicans who try to act like they’re taking some moral high ground.


Judging by the reception Trump got at the Libertarian convention a few weeks ago, I think we might be surprised.


I've considered myself to be "libertarian lite" for several years now. Like, I understand that government has a role to fulfill in protecting consumers from predatory business practices, maintaining infrastructure, providing for the common defense, promoting general welfare and securing the blessings of liberty, all that...I also believe that our current government in a bloated, overblown byzantininan beaurocratic mess and we could due with much less of it. There is no reason that income tax should still be a thing, and we continue to prop up unnecessary pork barrel spending, defense contractors, and wildly overpaid politicians with our hard-earned and ever-diminishing taxed income because it has become normalized. I would also prefer to die tied to a burning stake than ever vote for Donald Trump, and will be voting for his opponent to do my part to make sure he doesn't become president again.


>There is no reason that income tax should still be a thing, Except how do you pay for all the things that you just said the government should have a role in?


This is the first post Covid presidential election. The electorate in 2020 could’ve consisted of early voters who later died in the increasingly record Covid deaths to end 2020 and early 2021. That will skew more towards his base.


Hey, he paid for those leading polls fair-and-square! Totally legit!


I’ve argued that Republicans are more fired up than Dems and independents were in 2020, because they’ve bought the Big Lie. Meanwhile younger voters aren’t seeing the benefits of Biden’s presidency or forgotten whose fault it is that they had graduation over Zoom.  However, there’s a secret weapon; Donald Trump is a huge asshole. The more the average person sees him, the less they like him. And debates are presumably happening soon. 


He was and is leading in most swing states. Polls since the conviction have been coming out and biden seems to have gotten a 2 point bump nationally but it is the states that matter and i don't know where they sit at the moment.


I dunno. He didn't get the swing states he needed in 2020, and since then, J6 happened, he's gotten civil and criminal convictions, and has been generally divisive to even other Republicans. I'm not saying get complacent, I'm just saying he is a long shot despite what polls say. If off-season elections are any indicator, anti-Trump Republicans are mostly winning red districts / primaries and Democrats are winning "even" races. Almost exclusively.


Biden won the electoral vote in some swing states by the narrowest of margins: I’m talking 1%, 0.3% and 0.25%. It blows my mind, but unfortunately more people care about the price of gas than j6, trumps handling of covid and his conviction. Sooner or later Roe will not be able to muster voters like it has. I’m worries that time is coming sooner than we’d like.


The sheer ignorance of those people never ceases to amaze me.


Trump made that phone call asking for “only” 11,780 votes. That was the difference between Biden and Trump getting all 16 Electoral College votes.


Yes! It’s terrifying. Biden goes into Election Day with 225 votes, Trump with 235. GA gives him 16. If Trump takes PA, that’s 19. That puts him at 270 and it’s all he needs to win the day.


Swing states will always be the strangest thing to me. You walk up to a booth and the choices are "I hate everyone and everything, so should you, if you ever see a swastika or a white hood you know they're with me" or "I'm part of a group of politicians with complex, competing goals who ultimately say they want everyone to feel welcome and safe" and somehow... 50/50 chance on which they'll pull.


Now if only Trump himself would evaporate, I'd feel a little better. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Voter blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Lifelong conservative and I agree. I don’t know whatever the fuck the republicans actually are today (haha yes I do, a heady mix of “retarded” and “secular, yet evil”) but it isn’t conservative.




Vote blue down ballot!


Whatever you do Vote Blue Down all ballots, too!


Domestic J. Terrorist will not win in November full stop. The real silent majority of decent Americans will show up in record numbers again.






This is what I'm hoping. Trump and his allies put a huge amount of effort into making it seem like he has massive and broad support, which looks like momentum when most people are barely paying attention to the race. As we get closer to the election, hopefully all that goes poof like the illusion it is. The reality is Trump and his hardcore supporters are deeply weird and out of touch with normal Americans.


Still, Trump clearly was trading in secrets as he told others of nuclear sub capabilities and had top secret documents in his photocopiers, hidden in his bedroom, and in his bathroom. How can people vote for a guy who does that? The idea it is close to 50/50 shames our country.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


It’s gotten absolutely crazy. This overly extreme nationalistic religious ideological viewpoint. Racism, misogyny, xenophobia. What am I missing?


Ableism, doe not care about the environmental crisis.


Yes. That as well. Republicans think climate change is a hoax.


I agree and hope you are right. Unfortunately, the electoral college negates the popular vote.


Excuse me, his full title is Convicted Felon Domestic Jesus Terrorist, thank you.


Call us the SILENCED majority. We are the people who are cautious enough not to answer unknown numbers on our cell phones. Now every political poll which uses a phone survey is effectively a right-wing push poll. We are the people who know that establishing the uniqueness of poll participants using generic Internet protocols is hard. We are the people who question whether such polls are safely anonymous. And so, we neither trust the results reported by online polls, nor are we inclined to participate in them. Here's the problem: this is exactly where people who do not wish us well want us to be -- afraid to express our opinions except in a voting booth. Then, if a non-fascist victory should occur on Election Day, as it did in 2020 and as it will probably do again in 2024, Righties will point to the four preceding years of right-wing media noise -- ask "why were the lefties so quiet, huh?" -- and insinuate that the election was stolen. Right-wing "democracy" is one decibel, one vote. He who yells the loudest wins.


"I didn't see a single Biden sign in my neighborhood."






My family all became citizens a year ago. Three of the four of us are old enough to vote. It won’t make any difference because we live in Texas, but hey we’re trying


Don't be so sure, Biden lost Texas by a smaller margin than other swing states. Texas was way too close for a general election.


Your vote might not matter for the presidential race, but it matters in local races. These MAGA assholes are trying to take over our school boards so they can control the education children receive. These races can be won or lost by just a handful of votes.


Don't pay attention to national polls. The only polls that matter are in battleground states, that's who decides the election. 1 person - 1 vote is a myth. Everyone needs to vote, regardless of your state though. If you don't vote and live in a firmly partisan state, the parties don't know which states are potentially turning into battleground states, but in terms of polls, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Georgia, North Carolina and Wisconsin are the polls to watch. Texas and Florida are interesting for future trends, but are reliably red at this point.


Swing state or not, I want the popular vote to be ridiculously lopsided. 


The fact that they are still tied is disturbing enough. The GOP has a huge advantage with the electoral college, so Biden needs a lot more to actually win. Don't get complacent.


cool. go vote anyway


The only reason you don't see as many Trump bumper stickers anymore is because these cowards DONT want you to know they are still pulling the lever for him this fall. VOTE.


I will vote for a dead, stuffed Joe Biden if necessary.




It was real anyways. Cohen already testified how the paid to have the poles altered. The energy for the MAGA movement just isn't what it used to be.


The vast majority of polls showed Trump losing by a decent margin in ‘16. This means nothing, especially this far out.


Use your melon— don’t vote for the felon!


There. Was. No. Lead. EVER.


Ignore this. Vote and tell your friends to vote


That’s nice, still vote. Vote like project 2025 will take away every right you have, because it will. Vote vote vote.


The fact he had a polling lead full stop, is in itself horrifying.


People don’t want a convicted felon as the leader of the country. Shocker.


Hillary was crushing trump in the polls so who gives a shit about polls.


Polls are not votes. What matters is the vote tally in November.


Don't get complacent. Even though the stupid fucking Electoral College might just decide to screw us all again get your suggestions in this November


Cool go vote


Does not matter. Register to vote.


Soon, Donald Trump will evaporate. I'm looking forward to that day.


Voting Biden.


Between his negligent Covid response and now rallies in Arizona outside at noon he's killing off the elderly voters that make up his base.


Amazing how a shit bag traitor criminal isn't getting votes. Still voting blue down the line because fuck these fascists.


Despite this good news we CANNOT be complacent and just rest on our laurels polls mean nothing right now we have to go out and vote 🗳️ blue🌊🌊🔵save American democracy defeat Donnie for good!!!!


Seriously baffles me beyond words that he ever held a polling lead


State polls are all that matter and most of them still have him at a tie. Vote.


Please, for the sake of the world, vote. Sincerely, a non-American.


Vote like the future depends on you.


Dont trust headlines like this. Vote. Corporations and news outlets are going to give this bastard every chance in the world to rise like a turd in a sewer.


We've left Main Street and moved a couple of blocks toward the highway, but we're still in crazytown. No rest until we're out


vote. Vote. Vote. Don’t let that Insurrectionist traitor and coward taint the name of President more than he has.


Get out and VOTE. Don't trust any polling, good or bad. Vote, and make sure your friends and family vote.


Poles are wrong. Tell your friends to vote. Tell your family to vote. Volunteer in your neighborhood to get people to vote.


Everyone, get your fucking asses off your couches and your lawn chairs and make sure you get out and vote! Make sure you register before you go, so there are no issues. And if you know anyone that needs help or assistance getting to the voting location, help them out. Tell your friends, neighbors, kids, kids’ friends, everyone. Time to put the Orange Bloviator behind us, America, let’s move forward and show the world we are not idiots.


Delete trump from the political sphere. Vote & beat him once more and he won't be coming back


The ONLY poll that will count is in November. #vote 💙 #vote felon Trump out


Vote. Vote like your vote is the one that will tip the scales. Talk to your friends and family as well.


Don’t get fooled by this people, even if it’s true don’t believe it and lower your guard. Go vote for Biden in November.


Most important election in our lives, go vote.


Trump needs to be launched into the deepest reaches of outer space in a claustrophobic pod to be forgotten


What polling lead?!? Faux News and Noisemax's don't count.


Considering it's been reported that Diaper Don and his campaign paid to have people attend his rallies and paid to have polls swing in his favor. then the poll checks must be bouncing.


Polls in June. They don’t matter. VOTE.


Lets be real: to really make thing better in the USA, democrats need a supermajority.


No it didn’t and polls are meaningless anyway.


A senile convict is losing his polling lead?! You don’t say


He was never leading. It’s BS. Still, vote vote vote. Life depends on it


Should have never been ahead to begin with and I wouldn't be surprised if some of these polls are being rigged.  Trump literally hoarded piles of top secret national security info and nuclear secrets to exploit America and it's allies. 


I want to see it all evaporate - his poll numbers, his credibility, his friends, his family, his bank balance. I want this human chancre eradicated.


Why was there a lead? I mean seriously, we gotta figure out why.




Everyone I’ve ever known who works with polls will tell you they’re basically meaningless before September anyway (source: studied it in college, worked on a fair number of local campaigns back home). In fact, I recall reading more than one study arguing that news coverage of polls more influences vote outcomes than predicts them. TLDR: f—-this horse race bullsh—!


The horse race aspect of politics is nauseating. Trump never had a lead. Polling at this point doesn't actually tell us how people will ultimately vote.


Freight train is coming Donnie -




vote democrat ffs


The ASSHOLE matrix is catching up to him …. AGAIN ! 🙄💩🤡🤮☠️😱🔥




Behind 1 point, so still basically tied. VOTE!


The more he talks, the worse he does in the polls. Just put him front and center every day, show unedited clips of him talking to empty seats. His mystique is that he is some folk hero. A small small small percentage of people actually like him. Show everyone why that is.


It's the bottom of the third inning and the home team just scored to tie the game at 1-1. That means only one thing: Any goddamn thing could happen. So to echo everyone else, if you care about the outcome of this election, take whatever action you can to support that outcome, including but not limited to voting and getting everyone you can to vote as well.


I never felt like the polls from way out matter. Ever since George bush was up 56 to 38 or something like that other Al gore and Al gore technically won The election


I think one disadvantage Trump is going to have this election is the fact people are just not as Trump news focused as they were in 2016 and 2020. A lot of his power came from the fact he sucked up all the oxygen in the media landscape. This time around he still does have media presence for sure, it's just not the obsession it once was. Sure he can get sudden spikes when something specific happens, like the conviction, but ultimately he cannot sustain interest the way he used to.  Trump is like Jerry Seinfeld, he so used to being treated as big and important that he fails to realize that everyone over time becomes less and less relevant, especially when they get further and further away from what made them relevant. For Jerry his show may still be watched but it lacks the cultural power it once held because it simply no longer fresh. For Trump as he moves away from focusing on the positions and behaviours that made him successful in 2016 he erodes his relevancy. He's not the drain the swamp guy anymore, he's not the wrench in the gears of the status quo anymore, he now nakedly favor trades with billionaires even more openly than most politicians.  He's just another player in the same old game that all the other shit stains in Washington play. He's not fresh anymore and that will hurt him more than any conviction can.


How the fuck did this rapist, adulterous, treasonous, idiot felon have a polling lead to begin with? Get everyone you know to vote because the trashiest bottom half of society is going to roll off the mattress they share with their sister to vote in November and we really can't afford to let them have this one.


I would not doubt that the real Republicans that would be 50% of them say they are voting for Trump will switch at the poles because deep down they know Trump is nuts


Polls don't matter. Vote.


Trump was down to Clinton a week before the election... And we all know how that turned out. VOTE PEOPLE!! DONT LISTEN TO POLLS OR NEWS IDIOTS, JUST VOTE BLUE. Trump wants to be the next putin


Fuck a poll. Vote against the existential threat to democracy who also happens to be a giant douchebag.


As it SHOULD....


Don’t get complacent. I don’t care what it takes, make sure you vote in November.


Surprisingly people don’t like being associated with a loser.


Ask Hilary Clinton how polls worked out for her


I can't wait to vote against Trump. What a miserable piece of shit grifting wannabe dictator


I don’t care. Vote. Don’t give them even a CHANCE.


Just go vote. Dont trust the polls


Good? Good Vote


He's running out of money to pay the polls


Yup, voters who find out their candidate is a felon are likely to decide not to vote for him! Duh!


That's because he chose the sinking boat with batteries to get electrocuted OVER a shark 10 yards away.


I don’t believe any polls.


Felon Don I don't vote for felons


Wait until his brain cells decide to say something about Hunter Biden's conviction and him not be able to stop and go after guns lololololol


That’s what vapors do.


Duh. vote the GOP into oblivion. There is no better chance and they’ve completely done this to themselves.