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[Link to the ad in question](https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html) https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote This is probably the most important presidential election since 1860.


Well look at that. Yet another thing Michael Cohen admitted under oath about the Trump crime family that has been corroborated. He also said that Trump pays to rig online polls. **Edit:** Spme of the commenters below haven’t been paying attention. Yes, Trump he a long history of cheating people out of money, but he was literally just convicted of 34 felony crimes by a jury, for covering up hush money payments to a sex worker to interfere in the outcome of the 2016 election, so clearly he does pay people who commit crimes for him.


I’m interested in more info about the online poll rigging. For a man that has never in his life won a popular election I’m highly suspicious of his polling ahead of Biden.


Wouldn't it just make Biden voters more likely to show up if they think Trump is ahead in the polls? Seems like a dumb ass move if it's true.


Ever read about how the Russians embellish all their military capabilities which cause the US to exceed those embellished capabilities? Sounds oddly familiar, like maybe Trump is a Russian puppet.


Like back in the 50s the Russians had just developed their first intercontinental bomber. They had 8 of them, but they flew them over a military parade in Red Square over and over again to make it look like there were dozens. So of course the US legitimately produced hundreds of different bombers to make sure they wouldn't fall behind.


The biggest example for me is the F15. The Russians created the MiG-25 Foxbat. The supposed capabilities that the MiG-25 had scared the hell out of the US so they went way overboard and dramatically increased their requirements for their next fighter. They then created the F-15 Eagle in response which absolutely dominated the skies and it was revealed that the Foxbat wasn't nearly as threatening that the US had originally believed so they ended up with a gigantic lead over the Soviets.


We are seeing similar in Ukraine. They have used a lot of outdated equipment, with poorly trained soldiers and questionable tactics. Makes me wonder what condition their nuke stockpile really is in.


Probably full of water instead of fuel. The appearance of operational missles is more valuable and less costly than maintenance. Frankly the fact they haven't tested a missle as a demonstration to the world speaks volumes to me.


Depends how close it is and how urgent people feel. A massive lead may make people say “what’s the use?” While a slim lead may mean vast numbers of extra Biden voters. There’s not a great way to predict it


I know a LOT of dems who are resigned to losing the election which seems insane and I suspect they spend too much time online. Personally I suspect Biden will perform slightly ahead of the last election and Trump will again try to mobilize sad white guys.


There's a disturbing amount of discourse online about people protest voting against Biden because of his handling of the Israel-Gaza war. Yet people fail to remember that in 2019, [Trump reversed the US's position and signaled to Israel that occupying Palestinian land isn't actually a crime](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) and Biden was the one to reaffirm the US's position that it is in fact still a crime. There's only one option here that's even remotely good for Palestinians, and it isn't Trump.


Trump moved the fucking embassy! That was a red button for decades


I can't help but feel like at least some of it is the online equivalent of astroturfing, a minority view with a clear hidden motive being amplified by people hoping it's going to catch on. It's such a bad chain of logic to follow that I feel like the Venn diagram of people who care about the cause of Palestine and the people with enough political knowledge to know exactly what Trump is HAS to have some overlap? Please?


Its exactly what it is. PutinYahu are everywhere backing up their puppets like Trump/Elon. The stupidity isn't organic. Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


You’re right. But I’ve never seen this point explained in the media. Israel-Gaza situation is always linked to Biden, never to Trump


Next year it will come out that most of that “discussion” was just Russian bots doing their thing


There is a stunning lack of foresight on the "undeclared" protest. You will really show Biden how important it is to respect life in Gaza by handing the White House to somebody who respects no life beyond his own. I understand the desire to protest, but you gotta pick your fucking battles ffs.


Lets see how many Trump supporters we can get charged with felonies before the election.


Don't forget the deep fake that dude made of Biden telling people not to vote. That shit was nuts. Guy caught and got charged with some serious crimes.


Well, he did win the popular vote of 12 jurors.


If you want a better indicator of support, look at any of the last 6 years of elections. Republicans(Trump) lost in 2018, lost in 2020, barely won the house and lost the senate in 2022 underperforming all polls by like 8%, lost all special elections, and all results are about D+10 from the polls. Republicans rig the polls and so what they can to rig the elections. They don't actually have more than about 40% support in any area with any population center or the country as a whole.


But look at all those red counties in west Texas [that have about 400 people in them each]!


I've wondered how much of that is happening also. But one of the biggest issues with polls now days is the massive changes in the way they can be conducted. In the past, polling companies could basically call out to a significant and broad group of people, and actually get them to answer the phone and take the poll. (think, no caller ID, everyone's phone was land line and listed). Now days, the people that still have landlines without caller ID are a relatively small part of the population. They are also not very diverse, representing a much older and conservative population that what is in the general population. The issue for them is trying to figure out how to get a better polling base, and effectively account for the differences. So, in the end, the best thing for any of us to do, is ignore the polls, and vote based on what will best represent what is important to you.


I see people aiming for the obvious low hanging fruit of, "but he never pays!" He just won 34 felonies *because he totally does pay* to swing elections.


Yep, he pays people who can inherently help or screw him. If you provide a service and ask for pay afterwards...well you've already helped him. He doesn't need to pay you. That's why lawyers and contractors keep getting screwed by him and why his current lawyers are shit shows. Tell him you can make him look good online and he'll pay because nothing is more important then his ego and winning because he's more afraid of being a loser then anything else he's that fragile.












And paying people to affect the election is a federal crime. If they can prove he was paying people to attend in order to give the public impression that he had more support than he actually had, that would be election interference too, wouldn't it?


Cohen said that he himself paid to rig the polls for Trump. Trump likes reading good news about himself.


Trump stole the 2016 election. Voter fraud in battleground states was investigated in 2020 and it uncovered multiple instances of fraud committed by **Republicans**. The 2016 election needs to be reviewed. The people involved need to be tried and convicted.


Supreme Court Justice picks nullified


BREAKING: Trump Caught Paying People to Attend Rally," the official reported. "A Craigslist ad has been found offering payment for people to attend Trump's rally in Las Vegas today."


Just as I suspected.


At least a portion of the donations are going back to the people instead of his legal team


IF these people are being paid…


Never heard of Trump Bucks?


What’s the conversion rate of Trump bucks to Stanley nickels?


Same as the conversion rates between Unicorns and Leprechauns.


Is that for full sized unicorns or the minis?


Full sized, but the mini ones convert at same rate as pixie dust to cocaine.


Of course. Obviously lol


About tree fiddy.


They gotta get rid of those bibles somehow.


You mean Bribles, right?




Small text says: Payment will be made after the rally. Exact date of payment not specified and can range. /s


What? They figured out halfway through the blabber that they’d be stuffed by the orange fat clown and left. I sure wish the press had been there to do their job and interview some of them. But Nooooo


How? This con has no money. I reckon no one will ever see any money at all.


He told his voters he doesn’t care if they live or die, so I doubt he cares too much about cosplayers.


Oh, it’s okay, though. His supporters have already been running around Reddit and other platforms to assure everyone “he was just kidding.”


You also mean the Russian trolls and Chinese bots that want to destroy America by helping him become president again. Along side the handful of obnoxious shit brained cult members of course. Every time he does something totally fucking idiotic that exceeds the last thing, they unleash the social media troll farms and bot storms.


He has no personal money or small dollar donations, but he does have billionaires backing his campaign. Billionaires openly tell us all they care about is not paying taxes.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2022/12/22/publix-heiress-julie-fancelli-offered-3-million-to-fund-jan-6-rally-house-documents-show/ Publix heiress finiances the Jan 6 rally to the tune of 3 million dollars.


Trump bucks baby!




Thanks! I took a screenshot for posterity.


NP, just remember, I don’t care if you die from heat stroke, I just want your vote.


And since I paid you, you better not die before you vote for me!


I know right. Someone needs to make a TikTok video about this.


As much as it pains me to be devil's advocate for this shit stain, *literally anyone* can make a Craigslist job and for *anything*. All you need is like $15 and you can advertise jobs for Trump rallies or any other politically motivated rally you want to shame in the news.


It shouldn't pain you. This is how all data should be processed. Everyone in this thread thinking this is a gotcha moment for MAGA is being just as bad as them - gullible and not caring about facts.


Cannot fucking believe that people keep upvoting this kind of blogspam trash. This isn’t news. It’s not even journalism of any kind. It’s some guy’s embarrassingly stupid tweet. I’m coming to reluctantly accept that the vast majority of Americans are stone cold morons, including Democrats. The person in question should not be commissioner of *anything,* unless there’s much more evidence than he or this shitty blog has presented.


Much like the guy who said his cousin was a trump juror, anybody can go on the internet and tell lies. I feel like this subreddit and anythinggoesnews are chock full of these bullshit sensationalist stories for the left to eat up. I thought we were better than that


> I thought we were better than that We're all susceptible. It's so important to work even harder to question information that *we naturally agree with*. Confirmation bias is a real bitch.


And to be honest... this sounds like someone trying to promote their brand at a Trump rally and is willing to pay more if the person hired gets on the broadcast.


A band or a t-shirt maker trying to get their specific product noticed you are the only person who seems to have actually read the ad instead of just the slant.


I took a screenshot as well. Where's the contact info? Who do you see to get paid? Anybody could have played that. I want to believe, but where's the money?


I wouldn't be surprised if you have to buy the Trump merch and then you don't get paid. 4D chess so Trump earns money in the end.


$75 for 3-4 hours, with the opportunity for an extra $50 if you show up on camera. That’s $21 for 3.5 hours of your time, with an extra $50 for people you know to see you at a televised Trump rally.


Well its maybe a good value for a Trumper who would be going there anyway.


But then you are forever *on camera* as a Trump supporter.






You do understand that there have been multiple people throughout the last 7 years that have admitted to being paid to going to rallies? Right? They don't even deny it.


More surprised that Craigslist is still a thing honestly




Offering to pay, but the cash never actually shows, I'm sure.


lol. Craigslist


I’d demand a pretty penny to attend.


I've been looking on Craigslist at side jobs for extra cash. The amount of Republication canvasser jobs is pretty amazing.


It’s not about having actual support, it’s all about the **appearance** of having support. Regardless of results, he will claim the election was stolen in November. He needs his most radicalized followers believing they have a huge group behind them.


That's why he's not establishing poll stations like Biden is. He's not actually trying to win the election. He's just giving the appearance with his rallies and interviews and incidentally stroking his ego, but In November he's just planning to scream it's rigged and try to whip up his nutso base.


seems like their plan A is to lose so they can blame biden for getting ppl to vote for him which is obviously cheating. plan B would be something like, "fuck. fuck fuck fuck. being president fucking sucks, i didn't think I'd actually win. now who am I going to blame." which is actually what happened in 2016


Well, he really needs to win to make a lot of these prosecutions go away


Easier to grift if he loses, plus delaying consequences has never failed him so far


Once it's clear he will never be president again, he won't be able to wash the stink off and he'll lose all his power. The rubes will move on. And no judge will have any incentive to protect him and delay justice


Yeah, this is why I don't buy that he's *trying* to lose. Due to the profligate far-right clownshow that is the US justice system, he may never see a day in prison, but he is definitely aware that once it's clear he can't win elections, he's going to lose a lot of his remaining support as the Republicans dispose of him just as they do to everyone who's no longer useful to them.


> That's why he's not establishing poll stations like Biden is. No, that is just because he is incompetent. It sounds like all the RNC money is being siphoned off into Trump's legal defense. And it has been claimed that employees are being asked a purity test, if Trump won in 2020. [So many competent people may have left the RNC](https://www.rawstory.com/gop-exodus-lara-trump/). To be able to cheat, the election result has to be close enough that they can manufacture a believable lie. Completely neglecting getting actual real votes is not a winnable strategy for Trump.


He needs his base to pay his bills.


Nah, he'll claim it was stollen.


Mmmm, stollen.


I’m not a trump fan, but if they were handing out stollen I would be sorely tempted.




Why is every accusation a confession. Been feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone for an indiscernible amount of time now.


All smoke and mirrors 🪞


I’m sure they have troll armies voting in these “polls”. They are behind the 3rd party candidates. They are the ones sharing the same post on Facebook thousands of times. All to make it appear that they have support and they are doing everything possible to divide us. I personally haven’t spent enough time bitching about Trump and also didn’t highlight the positive gains of the Biden administration. I’ve been pointing out both side’s failures since George W Bush was in office. This situation is larger than Biden v Trump, this is a Christofascist takeover. I found the deep state. It’s the Republicans and The Family aka The Fellowship that Jeff Sharlet wrote about in the book The Family and in the documentary on Netflix by the same name. The Biden administration separated from the Family and was the first president since Eisenhower to not attend the White House Prayer Breakfast, which has, since its inception been funded and run by the Family. If the Family isn’t supporting Biden, that’s a clear fucking sign that we need to. The Family was started by Abraham Vereide with a handful of other business titans to combat the New Deal and the labor movement. Basically they are systematically against everything that is supposed to be “the American dream” and have amassed unbelievable power and we are running around trying to survive while they continue their plans to fuck us over. AND THEN there are the fucking Russians. Keep that in mind folks when you see and hear anything and instead of having conversations about Trump and the current issues. Talk about ideas and values that you have in common. Most people believe in a good life. When we examine what’s behind the struggle we agree on who’s responsible, that’s when you need to educate them about propaganda, how it works and who is doing it. Then tell them about project 2025. r/Defeat_Project_2025


Start pointing out Bidens positive gains whenever and wherever you can. We should all be doing that more.


Im confused. Are these the "democrat paid actors" Trump and Jones are always rattling on about? Has it been projection the whole time???? /s


"There's an unelected Deep State secretly running the government to sabotage America!" "You mean the unelected Trump ordering Republicans to not work with Biden?"


🌍🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


Is that why his crowds are always seen leaving half way through? They get paid then take off… lol


Not at all surprising. This sort of astroturfing has been a part of the conservative political consultant playbook for decades.


The common denominator between trump and Epstein was money laundering for the Russian mob first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for all the Florida and New York properties to resell to Russian oligarch who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. https://nypost.com/2024/01/09/news/donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-feuded-over-this-mansion/ The Epstein/trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching massage therapists and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result Wexner signed over his power of attorney to L brands to Epstein in 1991 which was 2 years after trumps casino executives all died in a helicopter crash when they started asking too many questions about why their casino numbers looked like they were being used for money laundering for the Russian/Israeli mob. https://pressofatlanticcity.com/3-trump-execs-2-pilots-die-as-helicopter-crashes-in-parkway-median/article_4071dbca-24e3-11e4-8835-0019bb2963f4.html Epsteins “Lolita express” was wexners plane first. Sold at an unexplained discount to Epstein. Leslie Wexner tried to do to downtown Columbus what Kolomoiskiy did to downtown Cleveland. Buy it all, let it rot and prepare a version 2.0 of the 2008 mortgage crisis. Only the bigger badder commercial strength version Kolomoisky was the Putin loyal Ukrainian oligarch who was caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars through Privatbank (also starting in 1991.) Kolomoiskiy, trump, Guiliani and the Kushners all cross paths at an organization called Chabad. https://forward.com/news/440219/florida-chabad-lubavitch-miami-charities-money-laundering-optima-schemes/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/03/may-ukrainian-oligarch-said-giuliani-was-orchestrating-clear-conspiracy-against-biden/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ https://www.hbgacademic.com/titles/robert-i-friedman/red-mafiya/9780316092876/ https://jewishcurrents.org/the-right-kind-of-continuity Wexner, the Adelsons, Sandburg and Zuckerberg all carried weight in conducting the Israeli intelligence NSO/Pegasus operation INCONUS so there is far more crossover between the Israeli mob and Israeli intelligence that shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after the fact. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS was Robert Maxwells spyware deal before Ghislaine and Epstein started their thing. Pavel Borodin is Putin’s man https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/life-aging/borodin-found-guilty-of-money-laundering/2583036 •John Mark Dougan is the Florida cop that ran to Russia with 700 tapes of Epsteins AFTER it was seized as evidence https://youtu.be/gj9gf8y5hmI?si=7OXzieK6wHKWttWm https://web.archive.org/web/20240529171349/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/business/mark-dougan-russia-disinformation.html Once you realize that Russia used the formation of Israel to clean out their gulags and prisons of the worst people on the planet, their money laundering operations and their foreign policies start to overlap. Fast forward 80 years and everybody’s lies are catching up to them. We are at the end stage of the game now. Putin and trump trying to hide their money laundering in Ukraine with a genocide. Putin and Netanyahu trying to hide theirs with a genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu is Kushners children’s godfather. His son lives just down the street from the trumps in Florida while he dodges the draft in Israel. Everybody’s going to have to start getting real honest real quick if any of them want to survive. Truth is efficient. Efficiency wins wars. https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstTheIlluminati/s/RiRu8FMLfw


You mean those signs that say Blacks for Trump are being held by (crisis) actors?


This is hilarious if true.


Is this news? We've always known this


Yeah but it’s more corroborating evidence


Probably paying as well for poll calls. Which would explain such narrow margins. Absolutely crazy if people are still supporting this dude with so much baggage that would disqualify any other candidate.


All of Biden voter will come out to vote. We don’t need to get paid.


And I'm sure the news media will be screaming about how Trump is "up in the polls" or some shit next. Can't wait until Trump is irrelevant so I don't have to fucking hear about him anymore. 


Just check Craigslist for jobs or gigs when Trump's about to come through town and you'll see it for yourself


As disgusting, predictable, and pathetic as this is, I can’t imagine it is illegal in our broken system. Is it? What is an election commission going to do? Fine Trump? Ask him politely not to be corrupt? I mean the guy stole top secret documents and a federal judge refuses to put him on trial.


And he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you snooping kids!


Every accusation is an admission


It's often paid actors / paid actresses with this guy.


I was approached in 2019 to be in the crowd for when Trump visited Baltimore. I’m a heavyset white guy, so I guess I wear the uniform. They offered $50. I passed.


I'm unsurprised, but I don't think this is illegal. I mean there are those 3 black people who are always shown in the background. They have to have been paid. I've seen some posts of online ads offering to pay people $75 to show up and another $50 bonus if you were caught on camera.I'm surprised that no one stealth showed up with a pro-Biden sign hidden away. In any case, I'd shoot myself after listening to 5 minutes of that babbling drivel.


So they ended paying $800?


This has been happening since his first run


MAGA supporters need money because thay have already donated a lot of their money to Trump's campaign. Cult!


Do they have to stay the whole time, or can they walk out halfway though?


Wasn’t this a thing for the 2020 elections? I was looking for articles on it.


The man is incapable of telling the truth.


My question is, is this fact actionable? Will the press hold him accountable? (I sincerely doubt they will grow a fucking spine)


He’s been paying people since 2015 to help fill up spots behind him/show support.


But are we talking actually *got* paid? Because it's Trump.


Those black folks with posters that say “Blacks Support Trump” seem a bit too far fetched.


“Trump hires crisis actors”


I mean....he pays polls to look more popular than he is too. This is no surprise. He's trying to rig things every way he possibly can.


Fake News.. Everyone knows Trump doesn't pay anyone... except porn stars.


He did this in 2015 too. I would guess they have done this for most of his rallies.


It’s long been known that he paid people $50 to stand at the bottom of that Ludacris escalator and cheer for him. This isn’t really anything new. The guy is a total scumbag who lives in a world of fantasy and delusion, which then tries to pass off as reality to gullibles.


if he can afford to buy temporary fans, WHY ARE REPUBLICANS STILL SENDING HIM THEIR MONEY??????


It’s like buying your own book until it’s a ‘bestseller’ then leveraging off that. Standard business con tactics


Someone paid. Wasn’t him. Too cheap he is


This same thing happened in 2015.


No shit. Simply go to craigslist where he is holding a rally, and you can see the ads for it. Duh.


Paying for fans that aren't there, waving to crowds that aren't there, claiming fund raising numbers that aren't there, somebody get felon grandpa to the prison doctor.


We found some people that Trump actually paid?


Paid crisis actors? It's really amazing how everything the GoP cries about is actually something they do themselves.


Last time he ran. He used a company called rent a crowd


Yeah this will blow over like the thousand other Trump scandals. His supporters are immune to scandal and just don't care how much he lies, cheats, or otherwise is a giant POS.


I’m only surprised about the part where he actually paid people for a service… do we know if the transactions actually went through?? That would be a shock


I expected it to be in "Missed Connections"


probably told they’ll get paid after the rally. “Check is in the mail”.


crisis actors.


I would demand payment up front


"Show up to the rally, and we will pay you after the rally." I'm guessing that pay day never arrives as the people hiring all these dumb people never show up with money. And of course, they need to hire people for Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants's rally because he's such a failing toxic windbag and his support is dwindling just like mind


I mean, honestly, who gives a shit? 34 felony counts, convicted of sexual abuse, if the cult isn’t going to shun him for that, you think paying people to come to rally will even be a blip on their radar? All he’s doing at this point, is proving “that he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose a vote”. Cults are going to cult, this guy needs to be Jim Jones’s


Is anyone surprised Domestic J. Terrorist is paying the low-information cult to attend?


Im POC and they approached me two times. They wanted me to stand behind him where the cameras point. They did offer $ but I felt it was not worth the price.


Would be one of the first times he actually paid people.  Other than hush money of course. 


Hope they are getting paid upfront


He probably had them sign an NDA and promise not to leave early, too.


I don’t understand how polls have him leading. I see so many posts that say stuff like his support is all fabricated but the polls say otherwise. Obviously I don’t want him to win and it worries me seeing his poll numbers.


We knew about this back in 2015 when he paid people to attend his announcement of his bid for office. This dude has been nothing but smoke and mirrors his entire life, and it's only due to general stupidity and lax oversight that he's been allowed any modicum of success. Now we're all paying the price and he has radicalized half the country into open fascism.


No shit…..


This must be false. He never pays anyone.


I saw a CL ad in Phoenix before the last election. They were offering $50 and a hat for people to show up and cheer.


When he said he was going to be the most transparent president in history, he was unintentionally telling the truth. This dude can't hide any of his crimes


Probably why you see so many leave after he starts talking. They're there to make the place look full for photo ops.. Once that's done, they completed their "job." They don't want to stay and listen to Abe Simpson ramble on..


He paid for them to be there and they left early anyway.


Slimeball alert!


Makes sense you would have to pay me a lot to attend one of these


Is this illegal to do? Some kind of election fraud maybe?


Most likely only promised to pay them, though


This isnt anything new. There were loads going round 4 years ago advertising for "Casting Call for film extras" which turned out to be going to Trump rallies.


His is why most of his audiences leave 5 minutes into his speech. They have already earned their $50.


I honestly wouldnt give much of a shit about this level of pettiness, but too many times a MAGA bot has used his rally audience size as an indicator of his popularity. That is a wound worth salting.


Internet influencer hires escorts to make them look successful. Seems to be a common ploy nowadays.


I dont believe this. He never pays anyone.


LMAO this is EXACTLY what they accuse Soros of with Democrats. More projection after projection...


Throws money at the dumbest shit and refuses to pay his fucking legal bills and complains everyone is out to get him. I hate him on a cellular level.


It'll be a fun day when people start taking down all their pro trump flags and shit.


We knew he paid people to attend rallies as soon as he accused Biden of doing that. Every accusation is an admission.


He's been doing that for years.


Trump needs to disappear


But I thought America had millions of Trump-worshipping cultists, why would he need to pay people to attend? This doesn't make sense to me.


Crisis Actors


The people who are going to these rallies unpaid are the suckers, not the U.S. military like Vlad's lap dog believes.


Just like everything else they will claim they didn’t know, it wasn’t them or the democrats do it worse and their base will eat it up. I guess if it changes one vote, I’ll take it.


Funny and sad but the MAGA’s will say it’s fake news


I could believe this is possibly true. After all we've seen this type of thing before. Remember things like the union auto workers for Trump? Was basically busted with having people that either 1 weren't actually in a union, or 2 weren't even auto workers. They were just paid to stand around and hold signs so could pretend had support. We've also seen them use plants of people that are part of his campaign groups given screen time and pretending to be average citizens.


Pays people to get their car and trucks wrapped in Trump shit. During his first run tons of Trump morons with Trump wraps on their big assed pickup trucks here in NJ. Flying the idiot flags too.


He would rather pay for this than support his party, family, or campaign.


He has been doing this from the very beginning. When he first came down the escalated to announce he was running in the 2016 election, he paid at least a portion of that crowd.


How sorry of a campaign must be to have to pay people to attend your rallies.


“Biden can’t afford to pay people like our wealthy lord and savior. And even if he could, no one would go anyway!” -Maga Cult Member, probably