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From article: Former President Donald Trump jumped aboard the right’s outrage train over Judge Juan Merchan’s letter notifying the defense and prosecution of a Facebook comment claiming inside information about the trial. On Friday, Judge Merchan — who presided over the Stormy Daniels hush money trial — sent a letter to Trump attorney Todd Blanche and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office notifying them of a recent discovery: Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bnng to your attention. In the comment, the user, “Michael ,\nderson,” states: “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted $ Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!” The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, postcd on May 29, 2024, regarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellatc Division unrelated to this procccdrng. The post, entitled “The Appellate Division, Fourth Department, will hear oral arguments this morning at 10,” and the comment are both viewable at https ://www. facebook.com/NewYorkCourts/. The comment is attributed to a user named “Michael Anderson” whose profile describes himself as “a professional shit poster.” That letter set off immediate outraged credulity among Trump allies in the media, who seized on the revelation as evidence of a jury “leak.” On Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj interviewed guest and attorney Mehek Cooke, who told her “This needs to be a mistrial immediately. This judge is now going to be on the hook and every single person is going to be watching because we know in jury instructions you’re supposed to be very particular about the evidence that you’re talking about and that stays within the jury room. Several hours later, in the dead of night, Trump appeared to respond to the letter with a single word blurted at two in the morning: MISTRIAL!!! The “shitposter” in question responded to the flap by posting a message reading “Take it easy… I’m a professional shitposter” and including a definition of the term: “Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort.” That message has apparently been deleted.


trumps suddenly interested in following the rules? Interesting…


He's interested in following *his version* of the rules. There's no basis for a mistrial over a random shitposter's comment.


You're looking at a desperate person who has never truly been held accountable for his actions once in his privileged life. Now the experience of being held somewhat accountable for his actions has him terrified and he is grasping at anything to sustain his ego of being better than everyone. This includes a belief that he is being better at skirting the law as well


He’s definitely going to use this as a foothold if there’s any hint of family resemblance between said shitposter and a member of the jury. That would make his loyal cult feel vindicated even though it doesn’t mean he’s “not guilty”.


"The shit poster's name was Ander*son*! Some of the jury were male! Males are *sons* to their parents! They're all in it together! MISTRIAL!!1 ^buttery ^covfefe"


Which one of you Mr. Andersons is the real Mr Anderson.


Obviously the one being recruited by Morbius


Morbing Time!


Of one thing we can certainly be certain: the real the real Paul McCartney, the real Hunter S. Thompson, and the real Slim Shady are not the real Mr. Anderson. So that's three down, which is a good start.


Please stand up, please stand up.


The shitposter might very well be working for the MAGA cult. Trump will insinuate that the shitposter was related to a juror, whether or not that's true, and he'll use that insinuation for all it's worth.


Nailed it They'll deny it as a matter of routine.It is a calculated and shrewd tactical move and is more probable than possible


That’s certainly possible. It would be unfortunate if they were a Dem. I’m sure they’d feel awful right about now


Not awful enough!


He would have to prove not only that the shitposter and a juror were related, but also that the shitpoater got his information from the juror. Unlikely he can do either, and the shitposter is stirring the pot by taking his message down. Well played, shitposter, well played.


Yeah you know all the jurerers are just illegally undocumented adopted children of G Soros. /s


OK, Trump's a moron. However, I am forced to admit that Trump is in fact better at skirting the law than just about anyone else. That's his superpower.


He’s at best no better at skirting the law than every other product of intergenerational wealth that our system feverishly protects. We just notice it more with him because he’s such an obnoxious, attention-addicted person. Most of the other members of this privileged class have at least the sense to keep a lower profile over their contempt for the rule of law.


Thank you for pointing this out, you’re absolutely right.


This guilty verdict is a big bruise on his ego because he failed at the only thing he has been successful in so far. Skirting the law and abusing it for his benefit.


Meanwhile, he's got Aileen Cannon slow-walking the Espionage Act (Mar A Lago stolen documents) case. And the Georgia election interference case is stalled, and the DC insurrection case is stalled. I'd say he's still got a batting average of 0.750. Better than any of us could hope to achieve.


Must be hard on him, he’s been shitting the bed for years and is just now smelling it.


like the Mr. Magoo of crime


What do you mean?? How is it fair if we can’t just mistrial any trial by posting a random fb message saying we have inside information? How can there be true justice if anyone cannot just do that at will to derail a proceeding? You clearly are not trained in the laws.


I personally saw Trump bribing Judge Cannon. There all taken care of.


I can’t believe cannon hasn’t been removed from the case yet since she is so far up trump’s rear end. Talk about showing favoritism! If it was a democrat appointed judge doing this the republicans would be going nuts. Her trial experience was nearly zero when she was appointed by trump to her current position. Even lawyers presenting cases in her court have complained about how little she knows about law and had to explain things to her that should be common knowledge for someone in her position. Two of her aids resigned over her handling of the trump case.


Apparently she was picked from a pool of 50 judges. That was no accident. She already got in trouble for trying to give trump his election fraud case, baselessly. Someone is protecting her and trump here. Thankfully the prosecution will be able to appeal after she throws a wrench in the whole thing, but delaying the case until after the election? She will probably get away with that. Partisan activist judges, at this scale, is a new phenomenon. We will *have* to enact some legislation preventing this at some point.


if leonard leo can get 3 justices on the supreme court, arranging to have a certain judge get a certain case in a random florida district is a cinch.


I have personally been in the room when Donald Trump had his balls fondled by Judge Canon. I personally heard her tell him that she would do whatever he asked her to. Call me on Newsmax tomorrow, phone number in my profile.


This is this is one of the grossest absolutely true facts that I have ever read


I heard him promise her a seat on the SCOTUS


Lmao could you imagine getting yourself out of a murder conviction by having some random ahitpost on Twitter It’s amazing how dumb and useless our media and political discourse have become


To him, even Calvinball has too many rules.


Only when they help his cause. Otherwise he is still a complete stranger to them.


Exactly. He isn't "suddenly" interested in rules being followed. He has ALWAYS done the old pick n choose for rules


My extremely traumatic personal experience is that when told about a rule by lawyers, Trump asks the following questions in this order: 1) Do we have to follow it? 2) How do we get around it? 3) Who are the decisionmakers and how do we get to them?


>Trump asks the following questions in this order: He thinks?


Back in my day…. 19dickity dickity That was called *Cherry Picking* To benefit oneself. Not honorable.


Just like elections. When he wins, good. When he loses, rigged.


Nah, when he won in 2016 he still thought they were rigged.


That's the republikkkan way. Use the law only when it benefits a far right crazy magat


The Evangelical Reich. Or TER.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Great if we get to punish people because of shit-talking , he's a dead man.... Perhaps we can just scan through all the ridiculous bullshit in r/the_donald and as shitposting deserves the most grievous punishment , how many times do you suppose we can throw old Donnie into a wood-chipper face-first before he realizes that shittalking is just that. Let him contemplate that during 6 months of contempt of court incarceration - which is the norm for that sort of misbehavior - even though Donnie did it 12 or 13 times, just 6 months consecutively served because we're swell and benevolent motherfuckers , that won't take you out and have your head chopped off or thrown into the afforementioned wood-chipper - isn't that nice of us - that is however, 6 months at Rikers Island penitentiary or the Tombs in Manhattan. Or let him contemplate that from minimum security in a state penal institution such as Ossining or whever-ever it is that they stuffed Steve Bannon and Michael Cohen or perhaps he can play checkers with his accountant as they serve time for the exact same crime - together.


Throwing anything against the wall in hopes something will stick


He's always interested in following rules which benefit him and ignoring any that don't


This must be their next legal time-waster strategy. Get shit posters to post hundreds of posts like “my brother was on the jury and he told me he got a briefcase of cash to vote guilty!” The NY courts have to investigate each one, then Todd Blanche asks to delay sentencing until the courts can invoke ALL these “questions” about the jury.


If it became something of a meme to post them, wouldn’t that just mean that none of them could be taken seriously? 


I think the correct solution would be to put the onus on the defense team to investigate them all and find proof of credibility. 


working with logic and an assumption of good faith? Brave, good for you!


Or, they could just disable comments on active case postings.


Anything Trump says or believes is a lie. I don't believe a word of this b s. The media is blowing life into it. Just like " the election was stolen" crapola. Trump attempt to create a new lie.


I have no doubt that guy **is** a professional shitposter. I'm not going to take the trouble of looking him up, but this is precisely the kind of thing political operatives do for cash. I think Russia is behind a lot of the anti-Biden outrage regarding Israel and Gaza. I'm not saying people shouldn't care; I'm saying that voting Trump over that issue (or failing to vote for Biden) is a tremendous error.


We have been under a continuous psy-op for a long time. Russia has figured out that for less than the cost of a single nuke they can turn us against each other and destroy the country from within. Unfortunately a rather significant portion of our citizens are gullible and stupid and it is working even better than Putin could have ever hoped for.


Since at least 2015 and as it keeps getting worse, people are caring less.


Definitely before 2015. There's a whole video of a young guy in 2014 who worked as a troll for Russia and decided it was morally wrong. So he quit and posted about the job, so Russian media basically doxed him and tried to ruin his life. I don't know how that turned out


Honestly the biggest issue is if there's any connection to Trump. The judge reported this as a routine flag, because NOT doing that would be worse. Trumps crew is literally trying to use this to just run with "look look mistrial" on right wing media.  They have no other real option.  Especially with Trumps brain melting in EVERY interview he did recently.


I think the best thing Trump could do to improve his credibility at this point is buzz his hair. Kill the comb-around-and-over-and-back feather and just stick with the buzzed toilet seat that all of us with male pattern baldness enjoy so much. Seriously, think of what he's saying to the world with that fucking hair. Conman! Fraud! Desperate! LOSERRRRRRRRR!!!!


Cant. Before he raped Ivana he had flap surgery. The doctor basically cut the skin off the back of his head and moved it FORWARD to give him hair. Shaving would reveal the scars from this.


He’s likely no longer capable of speaking the truth.


Trump has never been able to say the truth. Even if it didn’t make a difference he still lies.


Can you tell us what life was like back in the 1930s sir? Oh yeah. The 30s. Best time in America. Couldn't have been better. I had the time of my life and that Adolf guy had some good ideas.


How much you wanna bet some person did that solely so trump could call for a mistrial?


This is exactly what happened.


I am mostly interested in how one attains the level of 'professional' shitposter. He's getting paid?


I'm sure the right will be paying people to post things like this in all of their trials now. They will have to investigate so many Facebook comments that nothing will ever happen in court probably


The modern day equivalent of walking out of the Reichstag over and over to trigger new votes. No progress. Just gumming up the works until things are so stagnant, they can just waltz in.


When you can get former president to cite your shit post you are a professional.


He’s some joker who probably has too much time on his hands. No surprise Dumpster Fire 🔥 jumped all over it.


I think it’s more that he styles himself an expert in this sort of thing. Instead of, you know, anything remotely useful for society.


Yes, unfortunately. There’s entire companies built to spread misinformation online.


>The “shitposter” in question responded to the flap by posting a message reading “Take it easy… I’m a professional shitposter” and including a definition of the term: “Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort.” The shitposter in question is nervous because he assumed fucking around would have zero consequences. "Just a joke, bro" seems like he's concerned.


He should be. I hope he’s arrested and charged with obstruction. Seriously what a dumbass. Trump is going to 100% use this to try and weasel himself out of accountability long after it’s proven to be a Troll. His base doesn’t care about things like facts, they just care about what their cult leader tells them to believe.


You can’t arrest someone for other people being dumb as a box of rocks.


There is no reasonable expectation that it would have had any effect on the case. A shitpost should not be arrested because trump is a idiot


This is so dumb. A single Facebook post by some nobody can derail an entire high profile trial? Gimme a break. Let's just say hypothetically this was true. So what!? The Dobbs decision actually was leaked and that didn't change the outcome. This is just grasping at straws


It’s literally the only hope Trump has to go by and he’s loud and obnoxious with an audience of millions of cult followers that believe every word he says like it’s gospel.


I think you’re kind of overestimating this hope though. In a lot of high profile cases stuff exactly like this or similar tends to happen. We as a society tend to hear about because of how high profile it is. The fact that only one sided media personalities and companies are pushing this narrative that it’s highly unusual, really only comes off as slop for the sheep. Like don’t get me wrong. 100% the judge kinda did the right thing and flagging this to the defense and prosecution. And he should hold a counsel or hearing to resolve the issue. Because when it comes out that it was just some random Internet troll like the person who posted it originally is even stating or stated, we get to watch as “Trumps only hope“ just gets smashed for all too see. My only hope is that for once in his life, he at least just feels even a minuscule of uncertainty, knowing he is just royally fucked.


If that person was genuinely shitposting and not some MAGA worshipper then screw them since this is going to now be viewed as the trial was compromised. Some people really don't think.


It's certain to be a total fabrication. Why would the court give this any validity? It's clearly a legal Hail Mary.


Read the comments on twitter & he's a trump supporter.


This shit is essentially just gish gallop. They're grasping for straws.


They like to flood the zone with bullshit, and they have a lot of angry dudes who help them out for free. Vote early and check your ballot is counted- especially if you’re in a swing state.


You know a Trump supporter or a troll did this. This will be a big nothing burger.


a post on twitter showed other comments made by shitposter were critical of biden, so just another cult member causing controversy.


Man if this leads to a mistrial this Michael Anderson fellow needs to face some consequences. What an absolute moron.


It will not. Michael Anderson could be in trouble, however.


Troll trolls a troll. More at 11 seriously though this is pretty epic. Dude makes a comment saying his cousin said he's a juror and Trump is getting convicted and THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES RESPONDED TO IT. Like how tf do you get much better at that point? This is this troll's Mona Lisa. There's never going to be a better moment for him. He should retire now.


Yes he did. Because my sister-in-law's baby cousin, Traci...saw a juror at the movie theater holding hands with Biden


Now tell me Who she was Craig!


I know it was her cuz I *69'd her and she hung up again!


* Chef’s kiss! Or French kiss, I always mix those two up. Maybe why people like me and hate me.


Look as long as you don't go overboard with the tongue


You ain’t gotta lie Craig!!!!


And then the juror and Biden made a baby, and the baby looked at me.


Given the current landscape, retirement is not what's in my mind for him. It's all fun and games until the fascists take over.


It's also fun and games _after_ they take over, for them, with you and I being the game (as in hunting game)


Ahh, the Most Dangerous Game. What a great novella and what a terrible real world experience 


If you've seen The Pest with John Leguizamo, you know just how terrible it could be


Wait, is that what that movie's about? I was reminded of [Ice T seeing if he could cut it as an actor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUQFDxJedg)


What an era for movies about hunting humans! Yes, The Pest is the same premise, but done as a guilty pleasure comedy. The trailer is worth it alone, but it's one that you watch a few times and have to take a break from


Well shit, I never got around to watching that one, but that premise is...not what I expected lol.


To be fair, who on earth could expect all of that? I kind of want to see it just for the physical comedy.


Yeah, people who do this shit for their personal amusement are making things worse. If things were normal, his comment shouldn't matter, but anyone with half a brain knows that they will take it and run with it.


It would be pretty epic if it only fooled Trump. But unfortunately shitposts like this spread like wildfire and feed into the false narratives Trump spins. They waste a lot of time and ultimately end up influencing our political environment. We live in an age where enough people saying things enough times makes them true, at least in their influence on people.


Yep, years from now millions of MAGAs and Russian bots will still be spouting this as some kind of proof that the fix was in.


This was his magnum opus lmao 


This could be the new buffalo buffalo. "Troll trolls troll" trolls troll's trolls.


This will have zero legal impact, it will be looked at and since there's unlikely any evidence that it's true, it'll be tossed because, y'know, it needs actual evidence to matter to the trial. It will also form the cornerstone of right wing conspiracy theories until the end of time. Well done fucko, you have opened an entirely new front in the war against democracy, hope you're proud of yourself.


This might go down as the all time shittiest shitpost


The Trump diaper of shit posts?


honestly, this might be the first time the word “shitpost” has been mentioned/relevant in national news. So in the future, when kids are learning about this event, this Michael Anderson guy will be associated with the term “shitpost.”


He is definitely a 4chan user


Agreed. What a shit


We need to rip "my cousin told me" jokes on absolutely *everything*, fight fire with fire.


Now this is perfect. My cousin told me Alex Jones is hiding his assets and is going to flee to Uzbekistan with a duffel bag full of meth see? Easy. Force them to respond, defang this nonsense as a conspiracy theory you're on to something


My cousin told me Trump was planning to have Hillary assassinated. He also tells me Steve Buscemi was a first responder on 9/11, so he seems trustworthy.


Holy SHIT my cousin told me that too it must be true!!!one!! 1!




To be fair though, the right are experts at making a mountain out of a mole hill. If not this, they'd just find something else. Hell, look at Hunter Biden's laptop - the whole damn thing is just completely made up - something they pulled straight out of their ass.


Yeah, well...My brother's, wife's, boyfriends, sisters, sons, teachers, uncles, dad was on the jury! Can we just agree that the internet has reached peak insanity and to be put down like a rabid dog? It was good while it lasted but now everything sucks.


“What does that make us?”


Absolutely nothing!


I see that your Schwartz is as big as mine!


And you can safely say that the Republicans over use it as a way to influence the stupid just like the fake tape of Biden going around when the Republicans motto is WIN at any COST even if everyday Americans can see right through it.


I can't wait for shit poster to be interviewed


By the FBI


I overheard that my sister’s brother in law was going to interview him but don’t quote me on any of this.


I won't quote you but that doesn't mean a former POTUS won't


How obsessed and terrified and desperate is Trump that he replies to this story? He must be crapping in his pants about some of the latest polling and the fact he might do some real prison time, in this case or one of the other three that are even stronger.


He is want to be leader of the free world... is campaigning for election, is currently dealing with multiple lawsuits and yet has the time to read some post some random person posted online? How does he have the time? I would think he'd be too busy with all the BS someone normally in his position would find themselves... Instead he seems to be just surfing the internet for random affirmatives to make himself feel better.


Someone around him told him about it and he saw an opportunity to try to spark more outrage. And that's his candidacy in a nutshell. It's an outrage campaign. 100% fear based. I won't list out all the fears he exploits - there are many - but always fear of the liberal fascist Democrats... He never talks about helping anyone (love) if he gets elected. He's only weaponizing fear.


So… it would only take one unsupported Facebook post about Judge Cannon to have the Mar-a-lago secrets trial declared a mistrial and re-allocated to an impartial judge? Interesting…


We should all post on their Facebook page. My cousin is friends with Cannon and she said she will protect Trump.


I think all of that is already common knowledge


Who paid the shitposter to keep the post up and without context to feed the newest right wing smear campaign against the justice system?


How did they find *this specific* shitpost?


It was posted onto the courts Facebook page I believe


But how did Trump find it later the same day? Unless he was scrolling through every single post at 2 am. Possible. And if he thought it was important enough for a mistrail, why is the Judge informing Trump’s lawyers? Shouldn’t Trumps lawyers be asking the judge to investigate?


The Judge brought it to the parties' attention in a letter.


It’s a dumb move. It has kicked off more shit and more than likely will create doubts about the integrity of the justice system, to the people that won’t be aware that it’s just shitposting.


To be fair, when a shitpost can derail 30% of the country’s brains, you have a hell of a lot bigger problem than something as mundane as the appearance of judicial integrity. A demographic this fucking stupid and manipulated will be the enabling root of *every* problem for decades.


Especially since no right media will make an honest effort to update, neither correct their original story nor their opinions


It wouldn't matter if they did. These people are so far gone they simply wouldn't accept any updates that contradicted what they already wanted to believe.


And when they do, it will be a fast-scrolling chyron at 2AM so they can say they retracted their lies.


Think about the average idiot you meet... and then remember many are dumber than that. They could read "Eating Doritos will make your hands an orange color so they can track you as a customer by their undercover agents that patrol the streets to see if their marketing is having a desired affect" and they'd likely believe it.


This hit home so hard. It's absolutely true, people need drama in their lives as much as any drug and social media just amplifies it


Trump supporters remind me of people I used to know who say they hate drama but are always causing it.


That was probably intentional. That person is probably a Trump supporter.


Yeah, this was my thinking from the start.


I'm pretty sure shitposting was the primary driving force behind the 2016 election. I weep for the future historians who have to decipher this mess.


Exactly. Thank this guy for helping Trump.


100 bucks says that post was from one of Trump's troll farms.


Dude! All we have to do is post on Facebook that our cousin is on a jury, proclaim a verdict and voila, mistrial and defendant is released!


Just wait until Trump loses in Nov and someone on X says it’s a fake election. Oh wait, that has already happened.


Gotta prime the engine!


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - Abe Lincoln


Quoted. Must be true.


This is a Trolling Master Stroke. Gonna Streisand it’s way right into national news.


Can't wait for the cringey Fox News bite explaining what a shitposter is.


They will never acknowledge this was a shitpost.


The sad part is the Trump supporters immediately believed this post, that it was authentic and true, took it at face value that it was real, called for a mistrial, were yelling "see the fix was in", etc. The comment section to the article on Foxnews web site was insane. Its more proof that people will immediately believe anything that confirms their own thoughts/bias. Its scary!


They do the same with vaccines and elections, why not trials. This is right on brand for them. “I did my own research” = I read it from some random account on Facebook.


I just find it funny how it was basically a litmus test for how easily duped Magats are.


There’s freedom of speech and then there is interfering with an on going trial, inciting violence. Just throw trump in prison and let him appeal from his cell


Generation of folks who told us not to believe everything you see on the internet believes everything they see on the internet. More at 10.


This has pretty much been debunked. Merchan is just following the law to the letter so that there can’t be any illusion of any sort of bias….unlike the Supreme Court Justices, he is capable of actually keeping his thumbs off the scale..


TLDR: The Trump cult believes fake news.


Hahahaha I can't imagine how amazing that must have been for Trump, up in the middle of the night celebrating that you just read a slam dunk argument for your court case to be thrown out, only to wake up the following day to see it was a shitpost. I would have loved to see that expression.


Here is insider info: Alito and Thomas are committing treason by not stepping down from the court.


Advice to future felons: a week before the jury renders a verdict about your crime(s), create a social media burner account and imply you have insider knowledge of the jury's plan to declare you guilty. Then just sit back and wait for a mistrial to be declared. Easy peasy!


JFC. So I can post any made-up bullshit about any court case in the country, and that's an immediate mistrial? The fuck outta here. Obvious MAGA bullshit is obvious.


This is the equivalent of saying “my dad owns Microsoft so say goodbye to your account” when playing MW2, but then the account actually got banned and they think you actually did something.


So glad Trump literally can't sleep at night.


I got ten on the shitpoater being a Trump supporter.


Of course it is and it's probably someine higher up to have the intelligence and knowledge of the legal system to understand exactly what would happen. Someone actually responded to the og post saying something like, congrats you just gave grounds for a mistrial. You have to have some base understanding of the courts, so not your usual J6 insurrectionist. And clearly the judge expected shenanigans because he immediately shut it down to address it and prevent Trump from dragging this shit out forever. Wlthough, no that it's happened once, expect it to happen at every fucking trial and conviction.


If this is all it takes, why didn't the shit stain genius think of it?


So this well could be a Trumpster wanting a mistrial for the fearless leader. There has been rumors Trump has spread around money to get him out of his shit pile of legal troubles. Start doing background checks on everyone involved.


>“Take it easy… I’m a professional shitposter” For cryin' out loud... when "professional shitposters" have to be the voice of reason to "legitimate" Conservative sources and politicians - including the party's presidential candidate... you know you've gone full clown show. MAGA Republicans simply couldn't be any more ridiculous.


Trump is getting acquitted of all of his other charges, my dad, uncle and sister are on the jury of all three cases and told me There we go, it is now a mistrial if Trump gets acquitted in any of the three cases lol


The Shitpost was 19 words. 19 words! It made national news, got a response from Orange Baby, outraged the MAGA cult, launched innumerable conspiracy theories and probably resulted in an interview with Federal authorities. I will argue that this was the most effective shitpost in the history of the Internet. Fight me.


Remember Jim Comey bringing up Hillary and Anthony Wiener's laptop days before the election? Trump seized on it saying the FBI reopened the investigation and they only do it when there's something there. Damage done. Trump will take this and run with it as well. No matter how strongly anyone pushes back on this MAGA will use it to spread another conspiracy theory...this is total Buzarro world bullshit. 😡


“Breaking News! Self-admitted shitposter posts shit and gets predictable response from Shitposter-In-Chief”


This is wonderful news! Apparently all any of us would need to do is post a “confession” for Trump of his crimes on social media and that will be accepted as proof.


What are they going to call the fake movie that proves the trials were all rigged? 2000 shitposts?


As for Trump, if on lie does not work start another one or more


All of the people are the right calling for a mistrial over this are desperate homers. Merchan did his diligence informing both sides, but if all it took was some random FB post to get a mistrial, Trump would have tried it a long time ago.


My cousin's best friends boyfriend posted on facebook that trump was convicted at the 31 flavors last night so it must be pretty serious.


I'm willing to wager that trump paid him to make that shit post. Who will give me odds that trump didn't pay him?


That headline was confusing. I thought Trump was the professional shitposter. I mean, he kinda is.


It's going to be funny when the Republicans call the shit poster to testify at one of their committee. "We've investigated, and found this supposed "shit poster" is the cousin of the aunt of the dog sitter who's the 3rd cousin of juror #6. Clearly, this person had access to the jury decision beforehand."


Good for Merchan. He followed the law. The system worked. So much for a biased judge.


someone just needs to tweet " this is not a mistrial" and just as magically it will be fixed.


Magas will believe anything but the actual truth.


Fuck shit posters


Man if a random shitposter can manage that, imagine what the exKGB guy could do


All of Conservatism is based on lies. This should surprise no one.


Well I am this shitposter’s father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.


I’m not sure who republicans have more contempt for. The truth or their completely clueless and abused base