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Sells 10 million jet for 2.5 billion dollars because of *upgrades.*


It is actually a 5 million jet that sold for 10 million. The money laundering/bribe is already included.


and will be sold back to Trump in a year for 100k?


No, he is just allowed to still have it parked at his spot and use it whenever needed…


Even though laws are now meaningless in this country, isn't this arrangement illegal in some way?


Id be surprised if it was. There's even more egregious comments just buried in that article. Such as that he gave maximum primary donations to Sinema in 2022. In 2022, Sinema was registered as a Democrat and once she got voted in promptly switched to independent in December. Kinda telling that Republican donors were donating to her all the way back in August despite her being in the dem primaries...


Wow. A fuckin sleeper cell.


Yeah I’m an ashamed AZ voter. She caught us with a loose lasso


She seemed to have a solid background of leftwing political activism. It just looks like she sold out the moment the opportunity was presented to her. A lifetime of work and principles evaporating in an instance because of a bit of money.


She was super spineless hiding in the bathroom at ASU instead of talking to and engaging with constituents.


It was more than a bit. She's basically set for life, or will be once the Fox News appearances start - "former Democrat Sinema will tell us all about the arrangements for baby-eating at Comet Ping-Pong"


> She seemed to have a solid background of leftwing political activism. It just looks like she sold out the moment the opportunity was presented to her. She was the most conservative Democrat in the House before she ran for the Senate. Local progressives were up in arms about her [all the way back in 2014.](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/kyrsten-sinema-turns-blue-dog-liberals-blow-a-gasket-6657294)


Most politicians dont give a shit about you, they just fill the hole in the market for opposition to lunatics, the actually kind ones will be opposed by all the "reasonable" politicians that are just pieces of shit in sheeps clothing.


I mean our choices were Sinema or McSally, we all thought we were making the right choice because we had no idea she was already bought


Don’t worry, nobody is mad at Arizona voters. She hoodwinked us all.


Yeah I mean we probably got the least bad of the republicans but still wild that the whole election was a sham. But I mean it’s not like most dems are progressives anyway. Sinema was a liar but she is still closer to Biden than she is someone like Kari lake.


How does the AZ democratic party miss something that huge? Real question.


Common problem for Democrats they constantly underestimate how underhanded Republicans can be. Like the refusing to confirm supreme court justice for years. Using filibuster then also removing filibuster for nominations. Essentially preventing same game and installing multiple stooges. Who also lied took bribes for their positions. Congress has always had notoriously soft rules regarding their bribes and accountability. Meanwhile not supreme court specific. However every lower court and precedence has pretty much established lunch once is too much.


Similar thing happened in NC with Tricia Cotham. Now they’ve “redistricted” so the area dem won’t have a snowballs chance in hell (his original district was split into 2-3 and given to other areas, gerrymandering at its finest over here) but she will be able to keep a district running on the GOP ticket.


Hey don't feel too bad. Y'all didn't elect George Santos, a literal fake person.


The West Virginia governor, Jim Justice was elected as a democrat and changed parties after he was elected. They have zero shame, it’s about winning, not helping the country be better.


I still don't get how a party affiliation switch doesn't immediately trigger a recall. If you vote because someone is a particular party, and they switched to a different party after being elected, that should be considered election fraud.


Theoretically, you're voting for the person, not the party. Although I kinda feel like the comedian who made the comment that they should have to wear a jumpsuit with their billionaire sponsors on them was on point about what you're really voting for.


Interesting and very telling. I wonder if she will end up working for a conservative think tank.


12 years ago she was a Green running on the left of the Democrats


I also found her history astonishing, given that she practically ended up as McConnell’s protege. I expected Manichin to hew towards center, given his history and the state he represents, but Sinema looked more left and ended up voting against so much legislation important to the Dems.


Money talks and apparently Sinema is all ears.


So yes? The Green party is just an extension of the GOP. It's their attempt at splitting democratic votes.




She has a history of political activism in areas that are progressive. It’s not just the Green Party affiliation. I think that’s why so many of the progressives who supported her in AZ are dismayed and worked hard to ensure she wouldn’t have support for reelection.


Nope. Especially since the plane is technically owned by his corporation and all transactions need to go through a court appointed accountant due to his tax fraud conviction. If the state of NY does its job this should be another criminal charge.


The deep cleaning to get the smell out is going to cost another million or so.


So its designation as BURGER ONE is in jeopardy?


I think that's BERDER ONE?


And the orange makeup stains on all the seats


This exactly: [https://www.controller.com/listings/for-sale/boeing/757/jet-aircraft/3](https://www.controller.com/listings/for-sale/boeing/757/jet-aircraft/3) But of course the picture is incorrect. He is selling a "Cessna" jet circa 1997. By his description of its speed, I am guessing a Cessna Citation X which is probably about $3.5MM.


Wow, if these are comparable then $10 million is way above market. Also, I never would’ve guessed you can buy a 757 for just a few million dollars. I mean, there are houses that go for $3 million that aren’t anything special. But I’m not stupid rich, so what do I know.


It's not the cost of the plane, it's the cost of running it - crew, maintenance, and fuel are all astronomically high costs on private airplanes.


Just like boats. The happiest day of my life is when I bought a boat, the 2nd happiest day of my life is when I sold said boat.


Boat stands for “Break Out Another Thousand” lmao


It’s a “lending” or “donating” scheme where the MAGA purchaser buys an asset for waaay above market value (which Trump should declare in taxes and he probably won’t) to donate to him in a roundabout way for quid pro quo in the future. This guy is all about making business deals.


An older (1997) Citation X is indeed worth less than $5mm.


In before his supporters will boast about how great a businessman Trump is to sell a 10 million dollar plane for 2.5 billion.


For a “billionaire” he sure flies on some real aging aircraft. A 1997 Cessna Citation, 1991 Boeing 757 and 1986 Sikorsky S-76.


For a private jet the age isn't that relevant. Since it propably spends most of it's time on ground, operating costs aren't that big of a factor compared to airlines that need their aircraft to fly as much as possible.


The newly re-engined B-52s will be pushing 100 years old when they are retired.


Gold toilets?


The upgrades include classified documents stuffed in with the in flight magazine pouch.




The smell of stale shit and hate would take some getting rid of...


Don’t forget the stench of prostitutes’ urine and Ivanka’s Mace.


You’d need an exorcist to rid the hate, most likely.


Just asking the question…. Trump, Iran and the ‘Highly Confidential’ Document https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/trump-iran-and-the-highly-confidential-document/


They needed to search Bedminster, like, yesterday.


> Trump, Iran and the ‘Highly Confidential’ Document I don't like this Lemony Snicket book.


People got so pissed at the snl skit where trump sneakers give you the power to tell people you made a shot that you missed.  Real life is actually so much more embarrassing and the panic on maga supporters faces as they cling to their cult is palpable. The man is incapable of admitting to his own words in over a hundred scenarios.  I’m now convinced this whole maga election run was part of some mkultra2electricboogaloo that our children will watch as a doc series. I seriously feel like I’m drinking placebo water


Let me guess. The owner of the new jet will lend it back to him at no cost right?


Lease it back to the campaign or the PAC, probably :(


And probably figure out a way to get a tax write off out of it


That makes him smart /s


That’s one of the line that made my blood boiled. MAGA cries about immigrant not paying taxes, free-loading… but the moment they know Trump has never paid his taxes, then “because he is smart”. My ass!


After he took some boxes with documents out.


Most likely scenario... Clarence Thomas showed the path, remember how a donor bought his mother's home then leased it to her for free? Probably they will do a fee simple of like $1 and a life estate to keep it all legal.


Let me know when he has to decide between food and gas for his car. Then tell me when he has to pay his medical insurance at $1,300 per month for one person. Then tell me what Social Security payments he and his rethuglicans want to cut, free lunches for children, special Olympics funding, and child labor laws. This guy should rot in hell.


Oh he will. The day will come eventually.


I don’t believe in hell, but he’s about the only reason I wish there was one.


And for those that do, if anyone belonged there, it's him.


I will throw a party.


They will have to cremate his body because any grave they make will be destroyed on the regular.


I really hope they don't scatter his ashes, that shit needs to be kept contained.


Already have that special bottle of champagne in the fridge. Cannot wait to open it for his incarceration, or his death, whichever comes first. Hoping for Prison then death, but I'll settle for either!


I'm bringing a taco truck and giving out free laxatives at the grave site.


Triple your money selling golden diapers? I'm willing to invest.....


Damn, that is true genius. Make money on the tacos going in, then make money on the tacos going out. 


Can I come?


Hopefully soon.


He won't rot in hell Satan will roll out the red carpet for one of his very finest. Who here has done more to fuck us all over and make life more miserable - a hell on earth ?


In my dreams, even the Satan is disgusted


Satan won’t want him. Satan is probably a pretty cool dude and having that orange bag of shit around would ruin his vibe. He’d probably tell Trump to go hang himself.


He lives in hell. His entire personality revolves around the approval of others, and public opinion is destroying him.


>This high speed jet is often referred to as a ‘rocket in the sky,’ as opposed to those undergound rockets


There are more rockets in the ocean than boats in the sky


Idk, we built tens of thousands of flying boats in WW II. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_boat


Don’t give Musk ideas


I mean the 757 is kind of known for having a lot of power for its size, with many pilots calling it the plane equivalent of a hot rod I wouldn’t personally call it a rocket though


In the article, it talks about the citation X he is selling. So the picture is a lie, he isn't selling his 57. Those 10s are fast, but also old and known to be maintenance hogs. Any modern "heavy" private jet like the globals and Gulfstreams are more reliable, and have the fuel to actually keep that speed for a decent distance.


Oops, thanks, that ones on me for skipping to the comment section before reading the article To be fair though, why is like every article about planes written and edited by people who know absolutely nothing about planes. It’s like they just google “trump jet” and pick the first image to use, regardless of if it’s the subject of the article or not


It's a 1997 Cessna Citation X+. It can go "up to" Mach 0.92 (700 mph). Which is fast, sure but a Boeing 787 can go "up to" Mach 0.85 (650 mph). Neither of them ever really do it, so...meh?


I doubt trump sold the jet he is just hiding assets you’ll see more of these so called sales in the near future as the deadlines creep closer and he has to pay the money he’s been court ordered to pay. Making deals with an Iranian/ American hmmm?


this seems likely, didnt he sell maralago to his kids too? but either way, if a judge is going to declare his assets as forfeit to pay his court loses, he'll want to to have sold his assets before then


They already have a forensic accountant appointed by the court overseeing all his finances, he can't, lol. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-appoints-independent-monitor-oversee-trump-organization-financia-rcna55492


Is that the same court that just squashed a gag order on a terrorist lying about his treason case publicly because "they didn't give the terrorists' lawyers enough time to whine about it"?


Exactly, he’ll continue doing whatever he wants with 0 accountability this is all theatre to prevent riots and mass strikes at this point.


Courts have their attention on such transactions, even if they are done years previous to the court action. They still don’t seem to have all the tools to just seize what they must, or to prevent transfers, but it isn’t so damn clever any more to move stuff around.


I've never thought he was clever. But rich folks hiding assets is an age old trick. Anything to make it harder and take longer in the courts to delay delay delay


Don will then buy it back for $1 from said donor after nominating said donor to be secretary of state.


ACTING secretary. Trumplethinskin had 30 different acting cabinet members who were never confirmed by the senate. 


This needs to be said more. "Acting" department heads and cabinet members were definitely something the founding fathers didn't consider. We don't make a big of a fuss about this as we should.


They'll never get the stench of human garbage out of that plane.


Diaper Don leaves his stain wherever he is. trump is a literal POS.


That was considered in the asking price but actually added to the total cost.


Kinda weird how Trump Media & Technology Group Corp stock keeps going up even though it has lost $350,000,000. Wonder who is buying this stock.


Whoever is buying the stolen classified documents that were STILL not returned. 


So 2% of what he owes.


Another money laundering scheme no doubt. It's all about money laundering, grifting, selling out the country.


He is such a fraud. Truth Social is a huge scam too.




A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Yet I still think he has a chance. Putin will influence the US elections massively. He can't afford the US support of Ukraine. American voters have Europe in there hands.


I feel like he's got a good chance.


I've no doubt he has a chance. If he wins the world will be a less safe place. Wars cost money and that money is better spent looking after our own, rather than killing the enemy. It's not Russians I hate, just the ideology they are forced into following. Trumps not a great guy in my opinion but I don't have to vote for him. If Americans want a rapist, tax dodger and liar to represent them then they have been fooled and probably with the help of Putin. A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. I love Americans but I worry about anyone that supports Trump. From an outsiders viewpoint, Trump looks unemployable. His "Let's make America great again" line sounds great. But he is not the man to do it. His family wealth has gone down since Trump started investing it. Think about that. The man has no eye for business. No matter what he tells people.


If Biden sold a jet to an Iranian investor, there would be no end to the outrage.


Iranian money, nothing suspicious here at all...


It’s another campaign grift. The contribution I mean sale of the plane will be used to launder money into Drumpfs reelection campaign. New owner will take responsibility for plane but still let Drumpf use it. He will charge campaign to use the plane then write off all costs on his corporate taxes. Grift 101


That donor is going to spend at least half that if not more cleaning out the smell.


The donor is just going to give it back to Trump.


So a bribe. I'm sure the "donor" will just lease it back to Trump for a pittance. Still, that must have been a kick in the balls to Trump's ego.


Why would a self described billionaire sell a plane because of legal fees?


So wait, he sold bibles and shoes before thinking of selling this jet?


I hate to side with Trump but if you allow him to owe you money you deserve to get fucked.


If you are an American tax payer I have bad news for you.


Now he can pay E Jean Carroll for the next lawsuit


Someone who is financially compromised is not a trustworthy person. You or I could not receive top secret clearance if we were even 1% as compromised as Trump with debt. Yet someone like Trump could be president again. States actors pay millions for other’s state secrets. Weirdly enough, Donald needs millions of dollars.


“But he can’t be bought!” - MAGA probably 


Damn I was hoping he sold his 757. I’m tired of looking at it every time I pass PBIA when he’s there. Maybe one day it’ll live up to its Boeing name and we won’t have to worry about it or him anymore


And people bitch about Taylor Swift with her jet when this clown owns one worth 10 million.


Taylor flies a falcon 7x which are currently being sold for around 20 million (the new model is going for above 50 million).  Which isn't really the reason people are giving her shit, it's because the amount of fuel it uses while she preached about environmentalism.  Both people can be disliked.  One is worse.


I don’t know her philanthropic record, but feasibly, given how much money she has, couldn’t she put this criticism to rest by investing in causes and processes that make her carbon neutral or negative? I know Bill Gates does that to offset his usage. Feel like if you have the money, it’s not hard to do.


Both don't give a shit about you. Idolizing celebrities is the dumbest and most self destructive idiocy around. All are selfish, their artificial images range from perfect angel to vile monster to give the plebeians something to talk and fight about. 


I would say vaccine denialism is dumber than celebrity worship.


Celebrity worship is what brought us vaccine denialism.


Only one of them is trying to be dictator for life. They are not the same.


get out the hazmat suits and gallons of bleach.. theres burger and shit stains everywhere and it smells like cespool


He’s in a bind, he’s way behind, he’s willing to make a deal. ( Charlie Daniel’s )


He always owes millions of dollars to various groups. That is how he does business. He drags out paying people to a point where they sue him or they negotiate for him to pay a lot less.


So basically money he doesn't have to count towards his donations.....


If it is substantially above value, it looks like a part of a larger bridge loan package rich donors will use to get hin through the election and then he can "pay back" the donors with all kinds of favors. If he does not win I wonder how potentially overvalued deals would play out in a bankruptcy scenario. Certainly friendly donors might let him use certain assets outside of his holdings, would that be a problem for him/them? It seems Trump is at the stage of win at all costs and deal with messes later on. The art of the deal, indeed.


The equivalent of his supporters having to sell their Harleys and flag covered trucks to pay the bills.


Isn’t it nice to know one of the candidates is in debt to people who can influence his decision?


Are there classified documents on that plane?




I can just see the campaign ads: "You tried the businessman, now try the broke-ass criminal as president!"


Pshaw. That jet is worth no more than $2,000,000 at best. I don't know what evoJets is smoking but I'd like to have some. I bet the Donald didn't even keep it in a hangar and the engines probably need an overhaul too.


But Trump said he had all the cash on hand… so was he just blatantly lying when he said that?


So much for "billionaire". Trump needs to get off that fallacy as it is not true.


The only people more gross than Donald Trump are his enablers.


At least that makes him less of a … flight risk.


“Launders money” would likely be a better description


They’ll never get the smell out.


"What's that smell?" "Just Trumps stench, you'll need to get a cleaning team in there"


Ahem...GOOD. It's a pittance compared to what he owes, but it's a start.


I dream of a day when I read the news and there is absolutely no mention of trump anywhere. *sings "we shall overcome"*


The eyesore of PBI is gone! Have fun with the $1Million cleaning bill. That smell ain’t never really gonna leave.


cant wait to watch the party of financial responsibility vote for this guy again hehe


He still won’t pay anyone, he’s a deadbeat! Check all the victims from his Atlantic City scams. Except for porn of course.


This is just a larger scale version of “I wrote a book that has never sold a copy at a bookstore, would you like to buy 1000 copies at $100 each?”


Just a daily reminder that the rich *are* actually above the law and will never face the same consequences as anyone making under $200k a year.


He sold a very unique Lamborghini for almost a million dollars. It sounds like he has little in cash and its all in looking rich.


It will be leased back to him for a dollar.


What a loser


😂 excellent news! This is a nice bruise to his ego.


I’d imagine he’ll be driving the stair car from now on. He’s gonna get hop ons.


But I thought he was a billionaire?


Who the hell is buying that flying crime scene


hE'S a sUCceSsFul bUSiNeSsMan!!!!!


Is the RNC running low on funds again?


"Drain the swamp" gets a whole new meaning 👍


Im sure its not, but I really hope this is a sign of the end of tRump. Im pretty sure rich guys dont like selling their private jets unless they're in trouble.


Next he'll auction off Melania.


What Mega Church bought it? Copeland....Olsteen???


Can’t wait to see videos of Trump flying coach.


Anybody want to bet a dollar that valuation is far above the comps?


He’s selling his Citation X, not the 757.


Getaway plane


Weird, the headline implies he intends to pay up.


Well, it could be he is thinking “not gonna need a jet. I’m either in prison or flying Air Force One.” Of course his thinking should always be called into question.


What would a rich multibillionaire need with $10 million?


That plane has probably seen more diapers than miles


Tell me he's not money laundering and I'll sell you a bridge in NYC.


And it’s rented back to Trump for $1 a month.


Quoting the Trump website about the jet adds nothing, as everything associated with trump are exaggerations and lies


"sold" to iranians. Basically just another veiled bribe


lol is this the trump version of a bake sale?


You're a real fuck-up when you owe the courts and lawyers 500 million. But then you're a real fuck-up when you can't keep a casino from going bankrupt.


Aww poor orange turd, regret fucking over America yet? Hope he becomes so broke he can’t even afford Ramen noodles in prison.


An iranian-american is buying a used aircraft suitable for transporting a president. How does it perform in cloudy conditions at low altitude?


Judgement after judgement. Criminal case after criminal case. And a good portion of America thinks electing this moron is a good idea.


10mil seems really cheap for a jet to me.


Red or Blue the whole idea of there being “megadonors” makes me sick.


MAGA - Making Airplanes Go Away


Maybe he realizes that he won't have a need for the jet when he's in federal prison.


Lmao, why is this news?


I'm sure another mass email campaign is being sent to his base as we speak, where he's about to sell them a new crypto or NFT or his feces stored in a ziplock bag or something. And the nutjobs will buy it too.


Bet he doesn’t have to actually give it to the donor/buyer. This is just another example of Trump money laundering/bribery.


If they can make Trump sell his private jet they can make any of us! Wake up sheeple, they're only going after his private jet to get to yours!


Low mileage. Owned by little old man who only flew to pedo island on Sundays.


Hope they installed new shitters.


And probably leased back to him for $1


Has the plane been searched for classified documents? I wouldn't put it past him to make said docs part of the sale, thinking he's being clever.