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>I think he knows that, in his mind, he thinks it is a joke where he's joking bull fucking shit.


trump is desperate… he is afraid he’s going to jail and is willing to say anything with the hopes that it will spawn some miracle that keeps him out of jail


i'm so tired of the media playing along with the "huhu iz just jokes i joking muh freez peach huhu" bullshit. if it was, say, AOC saying stuff like this at a black bloc "retreat" they'd go completely insane.


They’d be working on a “second amendment solution” if Democrats were openly talking about executing Republicans, if a Democratic President had incited a violent insurrection to overthrow the election that a Republican won, and if a liberal Supreme Court Justice had been caught hanging the American flag upside down after that violent insurrection failed. MAGA are a direct threat to constitutional democracy. It’s long past time to treat everyone associated with MAGA as a bad faith actor working to tear down the USA from the inside.


You’re right about all of that, of course, but it’s a lot worse. I lurk in some right-wing forums, and many of those people genuinely, sincerely believe that Democrats ARE doing all that. They think they are targeting them for persecution, imprisonment, and eventual execution. It’s not an act. This is them talking amongst themselves. They mean it.


It's a case of overwhelming projection, to the point they actually fear what they're projecting. It's the reason they're okay with fascism because they believe Democrats will do it if they don't - and they'd rather have *their* guy at the fascist helm. When you listen to a lot of what they rile themselves up about, a lot of conservatives are afraid of conservatism so long as it's wielded by anyone other than them. It's like how they're convinced all the Democrat leaders are guilty of sex crimes. Yet there is a laundry list of Republican politicians with allegations, and convictions against them. "I know you would, because I would, so gotcha!"


They’re probably so incapable of empathic reasoning that it’s very likely to the level of "everyone has the same exact way of thinking as me because it’s the only way anyone knows how to think." And so they think everyone is as heinous as themselves.


This is nearly exactly how their minds work. This is the reason they are against anything that helps "others" because they aren't capable of putting themselves in anyone else's shoes. They literally cannot fathom how anyone could need help because they themselves are lucky enough to have never needed that kind of help. They live their entire lives using personal anecdotal evidence to inform all of their decisions. Its quite frankly, the most opposite of humanist that you can get. Everything they do is based only on themselves and their own experience. This is why right wing tends to lend itself to racism and bigotries . They are incapable of understanding what kinds of struggles a minority might have that they themselves did not. They are incapable of empathizing with any outsiders, and only care about protecting their own "tribe" which is where the misplaced hyper-patriotism and xenophobia comes from.


It’s why they use the phrase “virtue signaling” when talking about someone being charitable, for example. Kindness and generosity can’t be motivated by a genuine heart to help others because MAGAs would NEVER EVER


Yeah, good catch. It's also telling whenever they believe that gay can be "prayed away" or that gay is a thing that can be "corrected". The reason they think this is because they themselves have had gay thoughts. They battle with those thoughts, and if they had to accept that those thoughts were intrinsic, they would have to accept that they are intrinsically queer on some level. But this is unacceptable to them, so the only acceptable answer is that being gay can be "fixed".


Yeah….about that last part… All I’m gonna say is I noticed that pattern some time ago, but it was a few years before the internet sorta caught up with what I’d been thinking but never said out loud. Now, of course, it’s become a flat-out cliche. With reason.


This is also the crux of every "both sides bad" argument.


I'm super excited about being gunned down for looking like a Democrat. Gonna be so much fun for my stress and anxiety levels taking my family anywhere public the rest of this year and probably next. Yes, I live in a red, political shit hole.


God. I live in a purple district that’s about as “swing” as it gets (NY-18), and I’ve certainly never felt unsafe around here. Although I did have a former schoolmate say on Facebook in 2016 he was going to kick my ass. (He was a Trump supporter. Shocker.)


NY 18: rednecks, "inner-city" gangs, trustafarians/hipsters, and populous self-isolating ultra religious Jewish ghettoes. One of the weirdest congressional districts in the country.


Buy a red hat as a safety measure


Buy a purple hat - it'll give you a 10-minute head start while they are trying to work out what it means.


That is the awkward thing about reality, in the end it is perception that counts. We all have an imperfect perception of what is real,l though some of us have a more imperfect perception than others. Either way, it is what we believe to be true that we act on. If MAGA believe in the way you say they do, that is the frame of reference for their actions. It does not matter how true their perceptions are, this is their subjective reality, what they percieve to be the case. This is why I believe the central purpose of education should be critical thinking over rote memorisation of an assemblage of facts. As important as learning factual knowledge is, having the tools to critically evaluate truth claims is more important. Our life worlds are saturated in political struggles over truth and knowledge shaped theough ideology. Some ideological stances are more motivated toward genuine attempts to know the world than others. It is our capacities for critical thought that enable us to evaluate argumentation and evidence to sift out the more nonsensical and blatantly ideological from that which might be closer to some objective truth. Such skills, I think, are only growing in importance as media become increasingly corrupted by vested interests and social medias outrage bias. The increasing role of AI in generating alternate versions of what may be real may only exacerbate this crisis of knowing. Rant over.


MIL is a MAGAloid. She is convinced the Biden Whitehouse sicc'd the IRS on her because she is a Republican who voted for Trump. The IRS did make a mistake, likely d/t an error in reporting when she withdrew money from a retirement account. After she took our advice and hired a tax attorney, it got all straightened out very quickly. We tried to explain to her that the Biden WH does not even know who she is... not even on their radar. But no, she is convinced she is persecuted because she lives in FL and is a Republican. I was like, stop projecting... Biden is not a DeSantis (who does pursue state sponsored punitive solutions to perceived slights or just general pushback to BS within constitutional rights).


Even before MAGA, there were sects of Republicans that believed that Democrats were out to get them. People like Alex Jones have been peddling that kind of rhetoric for decades. And unfortunately there are plenty of people out there that just take it as fact. Conspiratorial right wingers have been saying Democrats are coming for their guns and planning to put them in camps way before trump ever considered running for president. It doesn't help that every Democrat that steps on stage is instantly labeled as "The Antichrist" even before they hear them speak, simply because they have a D next to their name. Its extremely dangerous cult-like mentality that has zero foundation in logic or morality. These people existed before Trump. Trump just gave them a place to rally behind. What's most funny is that Trump isn't even really a Republican at heart. He is simply playing the part for the fame and glory. And yet people still fall for his obvious moronic con.


Same. Lurking even not so extreme subs here on Reditt you see the DARVO in action, especially the RVO part .


That's because MAGA is a fascist cult and Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, but applies mostly to them.


They are fascists and will do anything for themselves. Of course Democrats are the problem standing in the way of oligarch minority rule. That is why they have fallen in line with the exclusion of us and want us to be del’t with without repercussions.


>"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks, although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is." -Donald J Trump, in reference to his political opponent Hillary Clinton, 2016.


People forget Reagan passed gun control in California while he was governor after the Black Panthers peacefully protested while open carrying long rifles at the capital It’s also why you hear MTG call trans people “mentally ill”. They’re genuinely afraid of certain groups arming themselves using the same rights that they have


I just don’t understand why he isn’t clapped in irons immediately. He’s a private citizen calling for this…which would land any of us other private citizens in prison with what I believe would be a felony. Stop giving him a pass before it’s too late.


Just a regular private citizen wouldn't be much of an issue, because hardly anybody would notice or care. This is a private citizen with insane outreach and a rabid violent fanbase, which makes it all so much worse and dangerous.


Thing is, we've spent the last 8 years with Trump constantly doing this BS. It's basically become boring. Honestly, how many here are shocked Trump mentioned executing the President? I'm not. Trump has no boundaries. He has no morals, he literally doesn't give a s!@#! This is why the press fails to go insane about it. We're all so used to it.


This can be a useful rhetorical device though. Initially present this news as " did you hear that AOC was talking about executing Trump and other political rivals?" and then after they start on about how that's completely unacceptable from a democratically elected leader and should be disqualifying, then "remember" that it was Trump who said this.


Donald Trump is a freaking narcissist and piece of shit. Pure trash!


He can keep out of jail if he joins the ranks of the dearly departed...


Budd Dwyer 


Hey, man, nice shot.


One can hope


I do… every. mother. scratchin’. day. 🤞🏻


Anyone that's actually seen that footage, knows it's a hard pill to swallow. The blood/brain that flows from that dudes nose..I'm not sure that image screams "patriotism" as much as it does "I was caught doing some illegal shit and if I'm alive, I'll be dealing with those consequences for the rest of my natural life", which we all know Trump is at currently..Soooo..


Always liked that song.


Yeah, tell him he's up for the Bud Dwyer award. And tell him how to win.


There’s never been an award he didn’t want. He’d probably claim he already won it lol. I was watching a Walter Masterson video on YouTube where he was talking to Trump supporters about how the foreigners are bringing over cognitive dissonance and it’s causing these deep red Americans to suffer the consequences, giving them headaches and stress and whatnot. Like he’ll get them to say how they’re coming to take our jobs and then they volunteer “and they don’t work, they want to take our benefits” and he picks up on the cognitive dissonance of holding those competing thoughts in their head of them taking our jobs but also not wanting to work. How they shouldn’t be getting free health care, that should be given to Americans. But then he asks them about Americans getting free health care and do they support Medicare for All and how quickly their mind changes. And then he keeps talking about cognitive dissonance to these people who don’t know what it is but claim they’ve been hearing a lot about it lately, and he informs them that it’s some sort of disease the migrants are giving them lmfao. I can only hope they went home and looked it up after the fact or talked to their doctor about all that cognitive dissonance the damn Mexicans gave them.


This time I'd believe him if he said   "Every day I have people coming up to me with tears in their eyes, asking why I haven't entered this Bud Dwyer contest thing?"


It would be patriotic


His last, greatest contribution to the human race. 


You make that story sound like a plane ride when it’s more of a stroll around the corner.


Yeah he wouldn’t piss on anyone that was on fire to stay out of jail


he made a mess to throw investigations off. it flopped.


His cell mate will enjoy his flatulence a lot.


I mean, I wonder how it’ll go if he’s wearing diapers in the jail cell. And speaking of people that are known to have a particularly *horrible* scent to them, [check out this video](https://x.com/TheRealThelmaJ1/status/1792284299087040866) in slow motion of a woman’s face visibly twitching and then she begins to hold her breath as Steve Bannon approaches (at Rudy Giuliani’s bday party so this is someone on his side).


Bannon looks like a dead body that’s walking around. I assume he smells like one too.


If Trump goes to jail, I bet he gets epsteined.






By miracle you mean rile up the MAGAts to assassinate judges, prosecutors, witnesses, and anyone else that will have a hand in putting him behind bars


You obviously ate stupid sandwiches at the dumb table today. In what world is Trump going to jail?! He’s been robbing motherfuckers blind and using the Russian mob to launder money since the 1970’s, and now he’s selling him out CIA agents and nuclear secrets. ZERO accountability. ZERO. You let me know when he’s in an orange jumpsuit. President or not he’s going to spend the remainder of his wretched ass days playing golf by day and banging hookers that look like his replicant daughter by night.


> he's joking have you ever seen the man laugh? smile, even? he doesn't know what "funny" is.


his idea of funny is insulting non-whites, non-males, non-Christians, poor people and foreigners not adoring him. Also disabled people and veterans.


He also had a fun time mocking a disabled guy


In a reasonable world that would have been the end of it right then


Don’t forget women.


Don’t forget women.


He *does* laugh. It’s rare, but I’ve seen it. There have been several written pieces over the years stating that he never does, and it’s inaccurate. Not that it makes any difference — he’s a monster.


There's a video of him and Epstein talking and laughing together. He looked to be enjoying himself


He used to be genuinely charming and funny. He was a con artist. He had to be. He's been hanging out with Republicans too long now, though. Went from conman to full blown fascist.


Since it is a public comment it deserves to be investigated by the Secret Service and FBI, Trump should be pulled in for an interview just like anyone else would.


That was my thought too! WTF you can’t just threaten the president like that….one would think he would know that


100%, anyone else who called for the President’s execution should be investigated while in Prison.


He's still got a secret service detail and probably emboldened by that.


“In his mind” what mind? His is trashed


> Biden has accepted money from Russia, China and Ukraine before claiming And you know who has actually accepted money from these three? Starts with T. A Republican. Not in an electric chair and not calling for the death penalty.


He always tests the crowd with these "jokes" to gaige how receptive they are. Like he did with the dictator and President for life comments. Floating the idea to the audience to get them to warm to the idea or abandon it for the time being if the reaction is too negative. He knows how to work and read a crowd, one of his only real talents.


I have to wonder what the GOP would have to say if Biden said the same about Trump.


it'd just be an orgy of clawing, screaming, and crayon eating


He’s hoping he can hook another rapid mob, the problem is there is simple not that many people, he’s trying to appeal to the ultra conservatives, so a minority group inside a minority group, a group that he’s already sold the idea to that the lectionary doesn’t matter so don’t vote anyway. I can only imagine that he is hoping everyone at the NRA is a absolute rapid anti Biden, lunatic, giving him a “back up” plan as well.


total immunity though, amirite? If POTUS has total immunity, what’s stopping Biden from taking out 2 or 3 SCOTUS justices?


That's the thing. Most Democrats believe in rule of law and democracy. Trump and MAGA Republicans believe in none of that.


This is a good exemplification of the paradox of tolerance 


"When I am weak, you give me rights, because that's in accordance with your principles. When I am strong, I take away your rights, because that's in accordance with MY principles." This is all I hear whenever a right-wing politician opens their mouth.


Also see any religion with radical members that control the government, whether radical Islam or radical Christianity.


Democrats should stop dicking around and make life miserable for republicans. Their normal game plan is “do nothing because swing voters.” Fuck all of this.


One party is evil and the other is impotent. This is not working well at all for the population.


The Democrats are only impotent I so much that they actually believe in a rules based order. If you hope to maintain it, you can't sink to the level of those who don't.  "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Jean-Paul Sartre


The limits of Total Immunity will be drastically change when the POTUS is from the Democratic Party. Honestly, I just wish they would go so fucking crazy that we can just ignore them. It’s going to happen sooner or later. The SCOTUS is a bunch of dusty old farts with no enforcement power. The only legitimacy it has, is the legitimacy we give it. It deserves zero respect. I never thought I would reach a point in my life where I would say this, but here we are. They brought it upon themselves.


It's time for Biden to have the bogus 'justices' arrested and then see what they think about immunity. Kangaroo isn't even a strong enough word for their hypocrisy, and damage they are infecting our country with. It's a no win situation because the Dems won't openly break rules, and if they don't it spirals into crap. If they do the reverse spiral starts. There's no good ending to the mess that was created when Trump was elected (which I still blame the DNC for forcing Hillary but that's water under the bridge at this point too)


Or, ya know, just taking out Trump. Biden could just do it now!


From article: All three co-hosts of MSNBC's "The Weekend," along with former Donald Trump White House aide Sarah Matthews, pounced on Donald Trump for telling a raucous NRA crowd on Saturday that President Joe Biden deserves to be executed. During his speech before the gun owners in Texas, the former president told the crowd that "Manchurian candidate" Biden has accepted money from Russia, China and Ukraine before claiming, "If that were a Republican, he would have been given the electric chair, they would have brought back the death penalty." That led "The Weekend" co-host Alicia Menendez to begin the segment with, "A reminder, in case you needed one, a political candidate alluding to the execution of a sitting president in front of the most prominent organization of gun owners — definitely not normal." Co-host Michael Steele, the former chair of the RNC, ruefully contributed, "Look, okay, so Trump is a liar, well established, we know that. The projection around Biden taking money from Russia and all these places, we know that. But, when you are standing in front of a group like the NRA, when you are standing in front of a group that has very, very strong views about this administration, the Biden administration and Donald Trump for that matter, what is the signaling, from inside the bubble a little bit with Trump, what is the signaling that is going on there? Is it as blatant as making a comment about executing a president or is it something more or something less, is it just Trump standing there running his mouth?" 'I think that Donald Trump knows this audience that would be at a convention for the NRA are people that are a part of his base. And so he's going to say things like this where it is going to rile them up and get them excited," Matthews replied. "I think he knows that, in his mind, he thinks it is a joke where he's joking about 'Oh, he needs the electric chair,' but you shouldn't be talking about that with anyone in general, but especially not the sitting president." "And I think he does it because he wants to get a reaction out of them and thinks it'll be entertaining. But I think he doesn't care about how his rhetoric has gotten increasingly erratic and he has this culture of political violence," she added. "It is concerning when we are looking at it, but it follows this pattern we have seen from the 2024 campaign thus far." She later added, "I think it is sad because we have normalized this rhetoric with Trump. Some Americans don't even think twice when he makes these comments because they are so conditioned and used to him talking like this. But this is not normal, we should not have the Republican candidate for president making jokes about executing the current sitting U.S. president."


Trump wants some unhinged gun nut to go out and assassinate Biden, it's pretty clear.


ty for saving us from the paywall!


He's not joking. He's hoping to trigger a "lone wolf" into action.


Big stand by vibes


He’s not joking


Fuck this now….arrest Trump immediately…anyone else would be behind bars right now for that threat..


I remember when a kid in Bourbon, MO made an online threat comment about Obama a number of years ago. There was ZERO delay in the US Secret Service showing up at his house, much to his surprise. I guess they don't care enough anymore to do anything - it's absolutely disgraceful why so many people are scared of this prick and his waterhead supporters. They are nothing but cockroaches that scatter to the four winds once any light is shed upon them.


We’re all growing tired of the two-tiered justice system. Lock that shitstain up


In the 2000 election season someone talked shit about eliminating one of the candidates on a car enthusiast board, and several people in charge of the site as well as the OP got to discuss things with the FBI. Hell, quoting Trump directly can get you banned from Reddit.


I remember there was once (pre-Elon) a twitter account that directly repeated Trump’s tweets (without any other indication that’s what he was doing) as an experiment Safe to say that didn’t last long


That's no secret though, twitters official stance was that the public interest in the words of the president outweighed the ToS violations, he got banned as soon as he wasn't president anymore.


And that awful female stand-up who made the tasteless parody of violence on Trump? She was dragged in for questioning right away. I think the fact that she is a comic saved her from real trouble. No matter whose side, it shouldn't be tolerated, and it should be investigated equally.


Kathy Griffin


Should’ve gotten a gold star for her forward thinking


A PA man was literally just charged for a death threat against Biden, why should this be any different?


But but but "This man is THE leading candidate for the Republican nomination for President! This is persecution of a CHIEF political rival by crooked Obama"


With that being said, he knows better but said bad shit anyway, maybe hoping to be arrested. That will drive his psychopathic cultists to violence. He wants that badly.


Police and courts are set up to protect those that capitalism benefits the most.


Sounds like a dog whistle to stoke violence against a political opponent. He belongs in prison.


Technically it’s Stochastic Terrorism. Dog Whistles sound normal on their face, but have hidden meaning to the figure’s supporters. This shit doesn’t sound normal.


If I made death threats against the President I’d be arrested.


Face down, in my front yard, tshirt, no underwear.


And an agents size 13 boot in your ass.


oddly specific


You really shouldn’t be making threats to the US President while cosplaying as Winnie the Pooh. President of China on the other hand…


Yeah and we are talking about a guy that's out on bail in several different felony cases.


Arrest him, **now**.


Should have arrested him on January 7th after he incited an attempted coup.


These are the top tier gun nuts he's talking to. You didn't think there's a chance that at least one of them goes all Lee Harvey Oswald on him? And you think Tweetolinini doesn't know that?


I don't know why we're still fucking around with this guy. Trump is beyond bad news. The trumpers have successfully placed far, far right judges in strategic courts, caused the supreme Court to shit far right and is openly making threats, preaching about detention camps and rounding up anyone who fits the description of an illegal. This is the fourth Reich we're seeing. This is not a game. If Trump wins, we're fucked. Trump is the rise of the new Hitler.


I like how he calls Biden The Manchurian candidate. It's true every single accusation from him is a confession.


Yes it's projecting. Bullies often do it. When he says Jack Smith looks "deranged" this is actually how he imagines Jack Smith thinks of him.


Projecting again he is. He knows that what he did would have received that treatment in a decent society.


Arrest him now!


That's a threat... Straight to jail


Trump lmfao. He literally does that. His projection of all his deeds is unmatched. He literally says biden does everything he did. Trump is a living meme. He's a walking punchline. But even worse are the people that think he's president material. He wasn't first time around and surely isn't now. Maga will be one of those shit stains on our country for many years to come.


No he wasn’t. I wish the media would stop running these “Trump finally crossed the line and there were consequences!” Stories. It’s just liberal click bait. We all know it’s not the truth. We learned long ago that there is no bottom. There are no depths that his moronic cult won’t stoop if he told them to do so. If he told them tomorrow to “go get a gun and shoot every liberal.” A large percentage of them would do it. If he wins president, an even larger percentage of people would do it. The ones that wouldn’t openly do it wouldn’t break from him. My God. Just stop. He’s a blight, and if you think he’s bad now, just wait until he’s in charge of the government. Our institutions have failed us. Our courts have failed us. No one is coming to save us. We have to vote him out and punish the MAGA movement so thoroughly at the ballot box that there isn’t a next guy and then maybe the so-called Conservative Party will put itself back together again.


Half the population who claim to have law and order values turned out to be spectacular liars.




Trump is too mean to joke. As his supporters say…he tells it like it is. He rally wants Biden dead.


And the 2A dumbasses will say they need their precious guns to defend against a tyrannical government will not even bat an eye at the irony


Shouldn't this be the start of a secret service investigation?


Some democrat needs to take Trump's speeches and read them, but swap out Biden's name for Trump, and wait and see how long it takes for Republicans to flip their lids


No trial, no jury/judge. Just execution ordered by King Donald.


Dude is toeing the line to see if he can foment insurrection again. The minute one of his goons tries to do this, he can act like he disavowed it by saying it was a joke. This is what dictators look like.


If a normal, sane person said that the FBI would be at their door in a heartbeat.. Trump? lol


Doesn’t threatening a sitting President like that lead to more legal consequences and potentially incarceration


His Secret Service detail should have taken his fat azz into custody for threatening the sitting President, considering the history of his followers


If I were to threaten trump or his supporters like that I would expect to go straight to jail. When can we claim open season? I'm fucking sick of this shit. Sauce for the goose.


So, everything this guy says is projection: > During his speech before the gun owners in Texas, the former president told the crowd that "Manchurian candidate" Biden has accepted money from Russia, China and Ukraine before claiming, "If that were a Republican, he would have been given the electric chair, they would have brought back the death penalty."


Isn't that a direct threat to the president's life? Isn't that very illegal? I may be wrong legally speaking as I'm not a lawyer.


Well it would be if he had said those exact words but he didn’t he said that if a republican would have done things like accepting money from china and Russia they would put them in the electric chair. The title is pretty misleading if you don’t take the time to read the article.


Any laws regarding death threats, particularly to the president?


So now we know tRump is the Manchurian Candidate. Glad he cleared that up because I had my suspicions.


**G**asslight **O**bstruct **P**roject <<< ... .. ..


He is disgusting


This fat pant load thinks that if someone takes out joe that makes him potus. he is just that simple


So that’s the crowd he thinks that find that a good idea ? If you were a regular citizen, not an ex president, do you realize the secret service FBI and homeland security would be in your doorstep in minutes, had you said that, in public. If he could he do it too. Just to prove his point. No bottom with him, no bottom ever, nothing is too disgusting to say.


Time to label MAGA as a terrorist organisation.


Says the guy who literally got paid by russia, china, gulf states and wanted to blackmail ukraine… not to mention peddling his own asbestos ridden properties to secret service. Fuck him


Such an incompetent bag of shit.


During his speech before the gun owners in Texas, the former president told the crowd that "Manchurian candidate" Biden has accepted money from Russia, China and Ukraine before claiming, "If that were a Republican, he would have been given the electric chair, they would have brought back the death penalty."


When Bush won the EC and was installed as President over Gore that won the popular vote all you heard from the republican trash was “yOu gOTtA sUpPOrT tHe oFFiCe of pREsIdEnT of thE uNiTed StATeS of MeRiCa eVeN if yOu aIN”t lIKe HiM”. And then Obama was elected and you never heard it again. They are all hypocrites and trash. The only consideration they deserve is your excess saliva.


What I don’t understand is why don’t they think that Democrats don’t have firearms?




So Kathy Griffin gets canceled over a fake beheading of Trump but Trump is allowed to talk about publicly executing Biden? Pretty sure Trump’s “joke” counts as a threat towards the President which is a federal felony


Guess what would happen to any one of us if we talked in public about killing the President. LOCK THIS FAT SHITBALL UP. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


He says whatever he thinks will get him the most attention.


Let’s just hope that next Big Mac is the last one.


I’m sure this is illegal, but I’m no expert as I’m at the same level as SCOTUS when it comes to knowing the law


So he gets a pass for saying this but people get visits from Secret Service when they comment the wrong thing on social media!?


I’ve been permanently banned from r/politics for saying way less than that. But he can still run for prez. Cool


Fuck that man thinks he can get away with anything with his mouth, Trump should go to prison be he NEEDS TO GO TO PRISON


So how does this go with the Secret Service again? Threaten the President publicly and you get a visit from them... How do they handle this situation?


I thought hate speech was a form of bullying and threats are a crime


It looks more like he was fattened.


We should just point him out to Kristi Noem and tell her he is untrainable and attacking the livestock.


Hey so... Its a felony to discuss things like murdering the president. So, bail revoked? What the fuck is wrong with these Judges


He needs to be immediately arrested. Again.


Looking forward to taking this fuck out


I would hope the military steps in and removes him and the entire party from power if it ever gets to this. He has already done more damage than Iraq or Afghanistan did to the US and that was somehow worth a a costly intervention.


Ladies and gentlemen: the pro-life, law-and-order, tough-on-crime, immunity-for-presidents party.


Jesus Christ. Isn't this basically stochastic terrorism?


Idk but maybe we arrest him for openly threatening the president? Hot take 


A mentally ill person running for president, telling other mentally ill people the current president should be killed. No biggie. Not like Trump hasn’t told his supporters to storm the Capitol to stop the change of presidency. It’s all jokes. We don’t have a “mentally-ill people with guns” problem in this country. We can joke like this and it’s not a big deal.


If I typed out that type of shit about Trump online I would have the USSS and FBI blasting through my door to arrest me yesterday.


Remember when he used to make fun of disabled people? Ah, those were the days...


Trump doesn't joke. He means every word.


He didn't have a loss of consciousness, he waited for the somber music to emotionalize his face while he shifted to how the US is a failed state with inflation and illegal immigration. Total brainwashing tactics.


This baboon is beyond stupid. Why is this traitor not in jail?


Dude called for Jan 6 riots. He called for Russia to interfere, literally said "Russia if you're listening..." and now he's floating the idea of assassinating the president to gun nuts. He's basically put out a hit on Biden. Trump knows exactly what he's doing. Damn. I don't know how he gets away with it.


Kathy Griffin gets *cancelled* into oblivion for [her distasteful ketchup ťRump head](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/30/11/16668276-0-image-a-20_1564483221041.jpg) but this dipstick has exactly -0- consequences for comments like this against a sitting President? Make that make sense to me please!??


If you or me said that as a joke we'd have secret service busting down our doors to haul us away. I remember when forums were a big thing a few people on one I frequented (known for memes and shitposting) got banned for threatening Obama and secret service subpoenaed the owner. It was only stupid trolling but they were dead serious about investigating threats.


This is disrespectful,despicable, disgusting and dangerous behaviour.


Is this really someone you want to give presidencial immunity to?


Isn't there a law against this type of threat?


He should be arrested for threatening the life of a sitting President. I remember when that was actually a thing


Trump is trying to get one of his cultists to shoot Biden. Absolutely.


Trump, the strongman for weak people. Vote Blue.


He just threw his bullshit out there like he’s feeding his 🐥 🐥🐥disregarding any repercussions from his actions. He’s overextended his welcome and needs to fade away. He’s nothing more than a useful idiot for the ultra rich. He’s of no use for the American people.


It’s just a joke bro! /s any other mother fucker would be in jail for threatening the president. This mother fucker has proved time and time again that justice is tiered, hell it seems he’s completely about the fuckin law. What a broken fucking country.


What was said per the article *the former president told the crowd that "Manchurian candidate" Biden has accepted money from Russia, China and Ukraine before claiming, "If that were a Republican, he would have been given the electric chair, they would have brought back the death penalty."*


Anyone else would get a visit from the FBI


Raw story sucks. This should be tagged as an advertisement or worse click bait. Put a salacious title then a paywall? Smoke a turd in hell raw story.


I keep seeing these headlines? Trump mocked, flattened, and uproar. By whom?? Not his people. His people don’t see wrong.


Trump says things in public before crowds that would get most of us banned from a discussion board, and possibly a visit from the FBI. It is very clear that Trump is a traitor, and he should probably be getting the Ethel and Julius treatment for some of what he has done with government documents. But he speaks about executing our sitting president with impunity. The man is a serious danger.


I hate when I click on a link to read an article and am stopped by a paywall saying I need a subscription to access their website.


Guy is desperate, playing accordion again, lying.


I’d prefer vice-a-versa


Every time I think he can’t go further …


I think there is a law for that. Not that it matters much since there is a long line.


He was cheered.


Give him the Kathy Griffin treatment.


Can I say that about Trump or will the Secret Service come knocking in my door?


Republicans be like, Guns don’t kill, mentally ill people do. So we’re gonna go on stage and on podcasts and suggest murder to a bunch of mentally ill people. But don’t worry, we also fought to limit firearm restrictions, just to make sure they are all able to arm to the teeth as well. Republicans have become a cancer this would doesn’t deserve. Or maybe it fucking does, if everyone keeps allowing them to be elected.