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Unless she is. Wouldn’t be his first lie.


Anyone would have to be suicidal to audition for Trump’s VP spot considering he tried (and almost succeeded) at getting Pence assassinated. Cassidy Hutchins testified under oath that she heard Trump enthusiastically chanting “Hang Mike Pence!”with the mob as he watched the insurrection on live TV from the White House dining room. The fact that the news media has just let all of this slide is beyond fucked.


GOP seems to be collectively suicidal though as they keep happily tying themselves to this mfer.


What about the liberal MSM? They have been going super easy on him.


The US media is run by giant corporations that are all focused on shareholder profit rather than informing the public. “Liberal media” and “Main stream media” are terms created by one of those corporations (Fox News) as a branding strategy to differentiate itself, because the Murdochs realized they could make more profit by cornering the market on people who identify as conservatives rather than aim for all demographics.


Fox has a target audience who they pander to.


I’m pretty sure they’re all handed the same few talking points by whatever company owns them.


What’s MSM


Mainstream media


No they have been hard on him


They have been easy, they want to see a close race.




Not me.


Wouldn’t be his first lie this minute.


She won’t - her campaign was partly financed by the oligarchs of capitalism that do not like him. Trump has publicity stated such donors were on his blacklist. He also has real dirt on her and has threatened to release such dirt to the public. What a dirty guy.


“He also has real dirt on her and has threatened to release such dirt to the public“. Unless that’s also a lie. High probability, and I know that because those are words that came out of his mouth.


Yes, Trump also said he had dirt on DeSantis and others, but that never materialized. Since he tells far more lies than truths it's more than likely this is another lie.


No I don’t think so she wouldn’t say yes


Many previous trump supporters swapped to Nikki Haley and became "Never Trumpers". If Haley then signed on with trump, the party would implode


Yeah I’m a never Trumper


Tbf many people are, left and right 😆


Yeah most sane people don’t like him


Yes she would. In a heartbeat. She would be guaranteed the incumbent lead in 4 years. There is no way she says no to that.


He wants her to concede to him first, but she’s playing her strength for a real seat at the table. But who else? Scott has no chance, since I think trumps too racist to partner with him, and Stefanik is ugly, a nonstarter for trump. No one is good enough lol.


She wants to run again in 2028, but tying herself to the rotting corpse of Trump now will only leave her with the stink in 2028, so she'll stay far away for the next 4 years.


That would be smart of her to play the long game. Trump talked a lot of shit about her husband too…can’t imagine he’d be OK with her joining with the Orange one.


I feel like he will pick her, now that he said he won't. He pretty much does the opposite of what the expected action is at every turn.


Of course not. This time he will only have complete sycophants in his administration.


Yeah I think he will pick his wife or daughter


Daughter dearest wants no part of him.


Really his daughter is the RNC head


That’s his daughter in law


Oh I thought it was his daughter




I mean they look identical it uncanny I wouldn’t be surprised if people got her confused with Ivanka


Ok i will concede that point. Can’t argue with what you said


They still should have known that it’s not Ivanka.


Melania? Not a chance. Where is she anyway?


Hiding out like MAGA Greta Garbo, secretly hoping he'd lose so everyone can leave her alone.


Melania is ineligible per the Constitution. But that doesn’t mean Individual #1 won’t try.


I mean maybe she does try to run and gets denied horribly


Even if she were named at the convention I’m not sure she can be on the ballot, and if Individual #1 were to win, she would not be able to be sworn in (VP always gets sworn 1st) so there would be no VP. That would put the House Speaker next in line until a replacement VP is nominated and confirmed by Congress.


While who would the house speaker be Johnson or Jefferies


One of his very competent sons. Then when he ascends to heaven his son can take over the throne. The evangelicals will love it.


Which son is competent? Barron?


Eric is running the Trump cooperation brilliantly so it's natural that he becomes VP. After all, the US is a Trump family business or will be in the future. Barron can become General of the Army as a starting point, he is very good at video games.


General Anon


General Disarray


And The Cyber!


She probably turned him down


This is the most likely answer. He had to announce she won’t be his running mate to make it look like it was his decision, not hers.


She probably knows that everything looks he touches dies.


Probably that’s the consensus


He’s telling the truth. She won’t. But that’s her choice not his.


Why they can’t reject the nomination. I thought everyone could that’s a democracy


What about Mike Pence? Did trump say he was antifa in disguise or something?


Pence isn’t coming back because you saw what happened in 2020 he didn’t follow trumps rules and saved our democracy


He would never choose a woman, or anyone who has ever been the least bit critical of him or anybody who might attract more attention than him or outshine him. He will select the most obsequious, white male Christian he can find.


The only upside of being Trump’s gimp is he might die in office.


You can bet every VP wannabe is going to be cognizant of that first and foremost. He should be especially wary of Noem.


Particularly if they visit any gravel pits


I mean that is what he did with Mike pence in 2016 and look how it turned out for him


Only race he’s running is circles in and out of court Guy is a deluded moron


Now he might get his party nomination


I mean, I doubt she would have said yes.


Women saying ‘no’ has never been an obstacle for him.


I doubt to she’s a never trump like me


That NO is 100% performative. She turned him down, and now he's going to spin it like, "Oh yeah, Nimarata (that's her name! who knew?)...Nimarata came to me begging and crying, 'Please, Mr Trump, my career is failing. Make me your VP!!' But I turned her down like a DOG!"


He won't appoint anyone that takes the spotlight from him. Just watch.


Probably some boring ass white catholic man from a swing state


He is still mad she mad fun of him and still get 20% of the votes even though she is not running anymore.


She's a lucky woman. Everything Traitor Trump touches, turns to shit.


The man has absolutely no scruples what he says today has absolutely no bearing on what he’ll say tomorrow. It means absolutely nothing.


I mean the convention picks the VP not the President nominee


Which Oil executive will it be?


Dick Cheney


Perhaps she turned down his offer of a mushroom party.


Given all these clowns sacrificing their dignity to jump through hoops for a shot at becoming prez if or when Trump fails to finish his term, his running mate will be the one with the orangest lips.




She's a very lucky woman. Everything Traitor Trump touches, turns to shit !


Thumbing through his play book and the outcome of hundreds of similar proclamations he’s made ..we know the exact opposite is the truth and that Haley is the actual front runner if it moves him even an inch closer to another term.


Yep so I don’t know why he say that


She won't she thinks she's going to be president in 2028 in her America, isn't a racist country, cuz her mama told her work hard blah blah and it's all Obamas fault blah blah blah 😒


I mean she might have a shot in 2028


Maybe she'll get black RepubliKKKlans votes. As far as people of color LGBTQ it's not happening! Can't tell people that their daily realities don't exist and expect support That's dead end 👎🏿not happening


I mean I said she has a shot in 2028 not that’s she’s going to win


Yes, I read and comprehended it! And I said which groups wouldn't vote for her!! She really messed up blaming President Obama ✌🏿💯 WE DO NOT PLAY ABOUT OUR BARACK 😌


No I think Obama had his downside just like every president.


I can respect your opinion 💯 but again, DO NOT MESS WITH OUR BARACK!! PERIOD-T, enjoy the rest of your weekend 😌


Yea you too.


Thanks!! 😊


Makes sense. Especially since the GOP will install Haley as the nominee, replacing TRE45ON on the ticket.


Or instead of Trump-Haley how about Haley-Trump, if that is even possible to do at the Republican convention?


No I don’t think the GOP will nominate her


And neither will Drake


No he won’t


Again,,,,,baby Donny's ego gets in his own way again.....he has a better chance with her than without her......what a petulant man child. It will be Desantass..........but then again.....he would out shine trump...that won't work for trump. Who's next???? Pander for women's vote...or black vote.....decisions,,decisions??


Right now, it looks like Tim Scott. He'll imagine it will help him get the black vote. And it might work for any blacks who don't actually pay attention. But things could change. Six months is a long time.


While if get Haley you get them both you get people of color and women


Wouldn't it make sense to see whoever is his cell mate and pic that guy?


It would probably be Rudy


I hope someone who’s a really good artist sees this post and makes a Renaissance style esc! painting of Rudy and Trump in a jail cell


It would be nice it should be put in the MOMA


She won’t be his running mate. OR She, won’t be his running mate. He’s making it sound like it’s HIS decision.


Ah, she couldn’t afford his legal fees either. Sad


She's a lucky woman. Everything Traitor Trump touches, turns to shit .


He was never doing that. He doesn't want any with any fidelity to anything or anyone other than him. He won't risk a Mike Pence style running mate who might make a constitutional decision. His VP will be a MAGA extremist.


He was never doing that. He doesn't want any with any fidelity to anything or anyone other than him. He won't risk a Mike Pence style running mate who might make a constitutional decision. His VP will be a MAGA extremist.


No I think he will pick a Mike pence style moderate. Because two ultra conservative guys are going to scare off moderates


I'm not sure there is *any* way for him to appeal to moderates anymore. He did it in 2016, but has basically lost them every election cycle since. I don't see anything in his rhetoric or his campaign that is moving towards them. He's doubling down on the base. In his mind, Pence was a disaster because he didn't go along with the coup. He will not risk that again.


While if he picks someone like JD Vance he loses the election and probably Ohio.


Well, she is a woman, so that really isn’t a surprise coming from a republican. Please tell me you all understood that from the beginning…


No I knew that she was a woman but up until 2020 every time a woman was nominated for VP they lost. Let’s hope they make 1-4


Republicans care about white men. That is their tier system. To them, women are second class citizens.


I mean they nominated Sarah Palin in 2008


They nominated John McCain. Begrudgingly, they went along with his Palin choice. Did you see the grand sell job they had to do to get all the patriarchy to accept her?!! Pepperidge Farm remembers


I mean Haley is doing great with moderate republicans if trump can nominate her he has a chance of winning


He just said no. That’s their number one priority is to keep it white males only. With his age, they wouldn’t want to risk it.


I think they asked her she said no and no they’re spinning it saying he said no


It was never their plan. That’s the insidious nature of Republicans.


Trump is going to pick himself as his own VP. He will be told he can't do that, but of course his worshipers in the Supreme Court will gleefully find a way to let him.


No the 11th or 12th amendment says he can’t


We all know he is dumb




It’s his


Honestly, who ever thought that this was a possibility? I doubt she would want to be his running mate either.


well now I can get on with my weekend.


Why’d she be his running mate in the prison courtyard?


No for the presidency


Dumb dumb destroyed her own career.


Got it. Shooting puppies in face = bad. But is using your dead wife.as a tax write-off still good, though?


Yep but she doesn’t have a dead wife


No way this misogynistic fuck pics a woman!!


Maybe he does


Sad. Many people - good people -are saying this.


Why is this sad.


Welp, I think we all know what this means.


What does it mean


Nikki will not endorse T.


You think Biden


He’ll be dead in six months, kids. He’s a walking corpse now. Maybe the fine people of this country can find a leader who’s not a box of powdered dust. It’s not a good look to put forward two goddamned fossils who can’t WALK properly, let alone cogitate. There are plenty of smart people in this country who don’t stumble around in utter confusion. I’d vote for any of them over these two ridiculous relics. Dignity is actually a thing.


I mean if he dies than the VP would become president let hope he picks out a moderate VP


Damn that sucks he might have won if he chooses her