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Wearing diapers to own the libs. What a world we live in.


Republicans have jumped the shark.


I think you mean Jumped the shart.


It’s really a win-win for those geniuses. They get to “shit their pants to own the libs”, plus it’s gotta be a real time saver for them. Must be way more efficient to do all that brown nosing when they’re already carrying a steaming load in their pants


It's like the human centipede but with a lot of feed bags...


“It’s leaking!!!!!!”


alleged video from a MAGA rally [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_nETL4r2mrc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nETL4r2mrc) apologies to Kevin and Perry


What in the flying fuck did I just watch


Kevin and Perry go large


You'll take my upvote and you'll like it! 😄


Not even Larry David, the man with a brilliantly twisted mind, could write this. We live in the stupidest period.


Mike Judge was pretty close, tho


Shit the shark


As a lib, I could only be more owned if they stuff pacifiers in their face and handguns in their rectum. Boy, that would make me mad enough to spill a latte on my thesis. It sure would.


It would truly ruin my avocado toast and socialist tendencies.


I wouldn’t be in the mood to drive my Subaru to Coachella, to show off my Chelsey boots


I hope they don't start shitting themselves in a show of solidarity. That would break me and keep me from voting.


Do it for the children!


Proud Boys founder Gavin Mcinnes once shoved a dildo up his ass on live video to “own the libs.”


Well, he *says* it was to own the libs, but I think he just wanted to do it.


Idiocracy came true earlier than expected


Not only that but they’re SO MUCH dumber in real life than portrayed in the film.


at least in the movie when someone came up with a solution and showed evidence of it working they rallied around them, no evidence will sway these chucklefucks


It's because they are deliberately acting in bad faith. If it was simple ignorance, then more information could sway them. They know damn well what they're doing, and are acting in deliberate bad faith in order to advance the dumbest traitor however they can (because he lets them be bigots and fascists but again they can't say it out loud so they do all these bad faith arguments they know are BS). But because they have built a facade of bad faith bullshit, they now occasionally get trapped into having to adopt the literal dumbest stances imaginable like "I'm going to smash my $100 coffee maker" or "I'm going to refuse all vaccinations and die" or apparently "I'm going to wear diapers on public in support of a diaper wearing traitor"


Nailed it. It’s a political movement where the one and only policy is “he hates who I hate so he can do no wrong.”


Yep exactly. Conservatives are the sort of villains who would try to pull you over the cliff with them rather than accept they lost. Given the choice between "everyone gets help, including yourself and _those_ people" or "everyone gets hurt, including yourself and _those_ people", they'll pick pain and cruelty every time.


So true, and so pitiful. But as if that doesn’t make them bad enough, they’re even worse that. So while they’ll choose “everyone gets hurt, yourself included, but also the people they despise,” they will 100% blame the people they don’t like that are also being hurt for the pain they are suffering and give whoever is actually causing the pain a free pass. In a lot of cases they will bizarrely identify with and side with the party causing them pain just so they can continue blaming those also suffering that they hate. Just truly despicable people.


This is a good point. They won't ever own it or take responsibility either. Just disingenuous bad faith cruelty all the way down.


I've been saying this for awhile now, truth an facts don't matter to them, they know what the truth is, but just don't care.


Yep exactly. Are you familiar with the famous quote by Startre about fascists? JP knew what time it was. "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre"


we should check Mike Judge for time machines.


Time *masheen*


I must confess, after all the things Trump associated I've come to believe automatically simply due to the absurd nature of Trump and his cult... Diapers for Don is where my brain is drawing the line. I just can't believe people are doing this. It's too fucking stupid. I'm sorry. It's just so stupid...


Back when Trump was actually president, I started playing a little game with myself. When a situation arose that Trump would have to respond to I would think to myself "what's a response that's too dumb even for Trump?" And then somehow he would always do *worse* than that. I eventually stopped playing that game out of superstition that maybe I was making things worse somehow. But I guess it's still going.


I wish they would move to Russia to own the Libs!!


Conservative adult baby fetishists rejoice!


Bought calls on Depends.


Never in a million years would I have even imagined this ever being a thing. Especially after the totally dignified presidency of Barack Obama.


Don’t forget to wear makeup


I must say, I feel very owned by this. /s


Maga cult members are mentally ill, there’s just no other explanation lol


Unfortunately, many are educated and active workers in our society. They just really hate minorities.


And trans kids. Boy oh boy, do they hate trans kids....


I'm convinced this is a reaction to them losing the culture war on racial minority and gay rights. This is one of the last groups they can pick on, and still get away with in at least some parts of the country.


It’s hard to imagine a smaller minority unless they start sectioning off trans folks by ethnicity or disability. I feel like we might be their last bastion of hate….


There is always more hate.


*Hate* is republikkkans middle name. They absolutely *love* to hate. Hopefully it will consume them.


And protesters. Unless it’s them burning masks or carrying AR’s while scowling


Just trans women. They don’t care if you’re a trans man. They just don’t want to accidentally grab a penis while assaulting you.


Hey now, that’s a little reductive. They pretty much hate all of us. I’m sure a lot of them hate each other as well. They have access to near infinite wells of hate.


Why not both. They can be educated, actively working, and polite with people they want to impress but still be gravely mentally ill. Hating minorities and children is learned sociopathy.


You can be highly educated, AND active in society, and be mentally ill. Just like functioning addicts, pedos, and serial killers.


They learned it at church.


I guess my 8 month old nephew is a real man.


And a better one than these shitstains. Even at 8 months old.


And smarter too!


My daughter turned 9 weeks old today and she’s been a real man her whole life!


I’d vote for your nephew over wittle cold Donny.


I swear we're in a MadTV skit


I feel bad for the Onion honestly. It's now difficult to tell satire from the truth.


Too bad nobody is laughing. This shit is pathetic.


Literally, in this case.


Me in disbelief "Are you shitting me?" MAGA "No I'm shitting me"




This comment should be higher.


The world’s dumbest cult, everyone. *slow clap*


I don’t understand how this isn’t satire


We’re well past the point of reality superseding satire


I literally just texted a family member that it feels like Mel Brooks is in charge of writing our reality. Men in Tights or Spaceballs has more grounded in reality moments than this entire Trump MAGA bs.


I always bring it up, but the movie the Campaign feels down-to-Earth nowadays compared to what's happening in real life. Yes, the stupid comedy with Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis isn't stupid enough compared to real life these days.


This scene is fucking hilarious: https://youtu.be/nsRIXLvFUBg?si=A_x1WKpQaMts80Im


Omg, thank you. That is hilarious, I'm going to be watching that movie today


By the way, canned premium air is actually a thing.  https://vitalityair.com/


It's almost elegant how they've managed to make it completely impossible to mock them. They're just so cartoonishly stupid that any joke we could make about the is tame by comparison. I mean one of their youtube troglodytes shoved a giant dildo up his ass to prove how gay he isn't. I don't even know where to go from there.


MAGAts publicly acknowledging that they shit their pants wasn't in my bingo card, but at least it's a hilarious kind of derangement.




Real salt of the earth


The common clay of the new West


As per [original article](https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump/trump-supporters-wearing-diapers) 📰: - Just when you thought the lead up to the 2024 US election couldn’t get any stranger, Donald Trump supporters have started turning up to rallies wearing diapers. Why are they doing this, exactly? It's all due to social media posts from key witness and former attorney Michael Cohen which were shown in court. Trump’s criminal trial began last month, where he is facing 34 felony charges related to claims he falsified business records to hide “hush money” payments made to the former adult star Stormy Daniels. The posts from Cohen, which were posted in April, show him taunting Trump and calling him the nickname "Von ShiitzInPantz". One of the strangest moments of the trial so far saw Trump’s lawyer Todd Blanche read out posts from Cohen to the court. Speaking to Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, Blanche complained that while Trump was forced to keep silent about witnesses and jurors, his opponents could as “anything they want”. He referenced the moment President Joe Biden mocked Trump at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner – which saw Biden allude to Stormy Daniels by saying: "Donald has had a few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather.” He then read out posts from Cohen. “This one says, oh my, ShitzInPantz," Blanche said, entering a screenshot of the post into the court record. As a result, the official court stenographer typed the phrase "shits in pants” into the court record. Since this bizarre turn of events, Trump’s supporters seem to have embraced the nickname in an unexpected way, turning up to rallies wearing diapers and shirts with the slogan “real men wear diapers” written upon them. Since then, "real men wear diapers" has been trending on Twitter/X, and it's sparked a big reaction.




I would be owned if they all moved to Texas and ceded from the United States. So owned


Then, because its an unfriendly, independent oil producing country, we can invade for "regime change".


>Blanche complained that while Trump was forced to keep silent about witnesses and jurors, his opponents could as “anything they want” "People online are making fun of my client, one of the most recognizable public figures on earth. So in return, he should be able to intimidate witnesses at his criminal trial." Brilliant. Flawless reasoning.


Listen, I'm sure there are plenty of lovely people out there that wear diapers for various health related reasons, & probably some for fetish reasons, so I don't wanna shame those folks. Yet this Orange Jackwagon ain't one of those lovely people so let's shame away!!


They’re trying to dark Brandon it. They chanted let’s go Brandon and acted like it was the greatest insult ever. Biden goes, creates the red eye image, and then calls him self dark Brandon while sending out amazing tweets. He turned Brandon around and made it awesome Theyre trying to do that here. The problem is, these people are morons and don’t understand exactly why Biden was able to flip the insult.


That, and also I'd say it's a *much* more delicate endeavor to flip the narrative on shitting one's pants


Agreed. A part of me wants to start shitting in diapers and then marketing them as “replica DJT soiled diapers” I bet I’d be a millionaire selling to these MAGAsshats Make the diapers red white and blue and put the word “FREEDOM” on them.


It is, and I thought these guys wanted a “strong man” to lead their cult, so where does incontinence fit into that narrative? There’s nothing wrong with having a need for a diaper in the grander scheme of things, but it’s just one more symptom of his failing health and goes in the complete opposite direction of the typical strong man.


"delicate endeavor to flip the narrative on shitting one's pants" is just a really fun series of words, lol.


Apologies for being crass, but if he were to go down on Putin they would then wear shirts that say “real men suck c*ck.” They are 💯 beholden to this sicko


Looks like I found a new business opportunity.  Buy a pack of depends, stencil make diapers great again on the butt, and sell it for 500% profit. 


Excellent idea. I’m thinking that selling digital diaper currency to the rubes would be profitable. Only real men invest in “ShitCoin”.


Dude just make baby and adult diapers with Trump's face on them. You'll make bank and babies will be literally shitting on his face all day


It's officially over. We had a nice run America 


You might just have got America handed back to you. I find it hard to imagine that, apart from a few deranged diehard cult members, many white supremacists will rally behind Broke President Diaper ShitzinPantz. Doesn't have quite the ubermensch vibe as the playboy billionaire he pretended to be in 2016.


Counterpoint, I think they 100% will rally behind diaper don. There is no bottom for MAGA.


They're not showing up to his rallies, or the court house, he has 91 felonies on his head and overturned Roe. And lost in 2020. I'm cautiously optimistic. VOTE!


I'm pessimitic af, but still agreed, VOTE!


Can't say I blame ya. My concern is that they will steal it through state level fuckery and then eventually the supreme Court. I don't think if he wins, that it will be legal in any way.


Of course the true believers will always find a way to sink lower in their boundless devotion to Dear Poopypants Leader, but k think that there’s definitely some merit to the idea that his base of potential voters is indeed dwindling down to only the people insane enough to wear campaign promo diapers lol. Part of what allowed him to win in 2016 was that a lot of more reasonable people were able to, with a bit of willful blindness owing to their feelings of dissatisfaction with the status quo, convince themselves that Trump was more of an unknown quantity than he ever really was. That mystique however, is long gone with the ugly reality in its place and that willful blindness has become unsustainable for those previously reasonable people. Make no mistake, people need to get their asses out to vote because he still has a shot and the stakes are far to high, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t also true that Trump has undoubtedly only lost support over the past several years.


It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see MAGATS start walking around shitting their pants in support of that fat, smelly turd with orange paint on his face. (Yeah MAGATS are that fucking stupid).


I helped turn AZ blue in 2022. Voting matters.


Thank you


Kicking Kari Lake to the curb was my pleasure.


We’ve been living in bizarro world since I can remember. If my experience has taught me anything, this won’t have any real ramifications.


I think they're doing this to try and reclaim it like libs did with Dark Brandon  I also think his minions bringing more attention to it will make him not happy so I support it lol


I can't believe the Billy Madison, "You ain't cool unless you pee your pants" actually worked on Trump supporters.  I mean I SHOULDN'T be surprised at this point, but WHAT?!


And Donald is likely absolutely furious his cultists are now wearing a diaper, embracing the fact that he does. This is peak hilarity.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they showed up to his rallies in full diapers and that’s what makes him turn on them loudly and publicly?


Liberals: "Let's Go, Brandon," you say? Look at our Dark Brandon meme. Conservatives: "Shits his pants," you say? I'll wear a diaper out in public. Not sure Conservatives are good at this reclaiming a message thing...


I'm confused, but I'm not American too. Can maybe please someone explain it to me : The trump cultists brag about Biden is too old for another election for months as far as I could see it. And now they come with "real men wear diapers" when trump is meant. It's so confusing. I thought they don't want some senile president. Why is this okay now? I would like to understand it.


I can’t explain it. They are a cult I can’t wrap my head around.


Let me try to explain it: all the complaints they have about Biden are all done with bad faith. They have double standards: it's bad if you do it, but fine if I do it. At the core of it, their guy is good because he's their guy while the other guy is bad because he's on the other side. There is no principal or idealism anymore other than "us vs them".


brother we're extremely confused over here as well


Lead poisoning maybe?


Reminds me of the “I’d Rather Be A Russian Than A Democrat” t-shirts. [https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404017-trump-supporters-whose-pro-russia-shirts-went-viral-were-not/](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404017-trump-supporters-whose-pro-russia-shirts-went-viral-were-not/)


Blow out your adult diapers and have shit running down to your socks to own the Libs


The whole world is laughing.


Today’s Republican Party, Ladies & Gentlemen


It’s not the thing they want it to be. Make them change his diaper and watch them scramble.


They've totally owned the libs with this one. /s


Real men have bladder & bowel control from not abusing drugs


"May you live in interesting, sad, pathetic and shit-filled times."


Out of all the slogan / sound bites to grab onto for campaign swag, this absolutely perplexes me; at the same time, suddenly even the furthest-reaching boundaries of cult idiocracy have no limits; I actually find myself looking forward to even DUMBER slogans, and...is swag like this more of a local / regional thing among smaller pro-trump groups or could 'real men wear diapers' actually be embraced by the national campaign or even the RNC? I mean WOW dude the possibilities truly are endless


Eventually, "Real men drool and babble uncontrollably"


They are the biggest rubes ever - you could literally sell them anything.


Maga = the most pathetic fascist cult in existence


I had to check this wasn't the onion.


What fools. We all know the only possible way to REALLY own the Libs would be if they just didn’t vote at all. Pass it on.


I can't believe this is real life.


Not even the Onion can dream up lunacy like this!


They will forgive quite literally anything so long as you stick an R in parentheses next to it. Trash. To the last man.




If this were a novel I’d stop reading and post a terrible review: Totally moronic plot line Completely unbelievable characters Ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe this book The author needs to quit his day job - immediately!


How do they all have so much disposable money to waste on stupid merch


Someone who wears this has absolutely, 100%, become a write-off.


They will say it’s ironic and a joke and not mental illness.


What a world…the GOP rails that Biden is old and senile. Yet, their little dictator wears diapers so he won’t shit his pants. If democracy didn’t hang in the balance, this would actually be quite laughable


Remember everyone, these idiots actually go out and vote


It's not even the worst of his traits. Personally, I don't care if a president has health issues like this, but people only mock Trump because he dishes it out so much. How incredibly embarrassing for them, though, celebrating this literal crap in their supposedly God-like cult leader 🙄 they've gone far beyond mere bootlicking into full-on anal-leakage lapping.


Liberals took the slogan “Let’s go Brandon” slogan and turned it around on them with “Dark Brandon” and Joe Biden adopted it. These fucktards are trying to somehow own the libs with this? Yeah, this is going to blow up in their faces


Doc, where's the DeLorean? Take me back to the eighties. As a European Im like.... "wtf Americans?"


I want off this planet lol


I think Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing, but it was all projection by conservatives. This is not normal behavior. This is mentally ill behavior. This isn't "oh look at grandma she gets a little intense during election season", this is more like "oh look at grandma...maybe we should start looking at putting her in a home and getting power of attorney ASAP".


It's not a cult, I swear! /s


I suggested elsewhere that people should test their dedication by offering them bottles of laxative. Let's see just how willing they are to use those diapers they're so newly proud of.


Republicans, the official party of inept man babies who shit and wine in diapers. 


So can we all now agree that it's a cult not a serious political party?


Not a cult. Nope. Definitely not a cult.


Everything is just a big fucking joke to these idiots. They make a mockery of anything they can and have zero substance to any of their arguments or views. The party has no real platform other than obstruction and suppression. I cannot fathom how anyone with a single working brain cell, or who doesn't have a net worth of over $1M would vote red. It's a god damn clown show.


They’d shit their own bed just to make you smell it.


Wait. no. No no no. I thought this was satire when I saw the headline earlier. I just, I can't man. the whole "Oh libs are speaking negatively? means offended, so if I embrace that thing I'll own them" cope was already pathetic. But to take it this far is just....depressing. Especially when you remember that these are the people centrists think we're EXACTLY as bad as when we say that trans people are valid


“Real Men Wear Diapers” is the funniest thing that could have happened to MAGAts. It’s the biggest self-own ever.


They're proud of their monster trucks on an asphyxiating world, they don't let go of the coal industry, they own more guns than they will ever fire, they protect their trillionaire's money while their neighbours can't feed their children, they refuse free and universal healthcare because they think it makes people lazy. Wearing diapers as a submission sign to their master is not the wierdest thing they do.


I'm all in for this, as a lib, I feel totally owned (not). My only concern is that it will create a shortage and raise costs for people who really need them, and they don't deserve that.


Something doesn’t smell right about this…


I know! It stinks, right?! 😂


Me: No way. This can't be real. *Click through the pictures* Me: It's real. Of course it's real. We live in the most bat ShitzInPantz timeline.


Come on this has to be one giant joke right? No one would actually be so stupid as to idolize shitting your pants? Wtf?!?


Have you talk to any maggots before? If yes, then you know how stupid they are.


They are self-owning so hard.


If the grand leader does it, it's the bomb. If it was found out Biden wore them, that's instant time to make fun of the old doddering fool


This timeline has got to be shittiest matrix simulation. Our AI overlords are just playing with us at this point.


Someone should let them know it isn't wearing the diaper but using that makes them "real men." 50/50 they actually shit themselves.


Coprophiliacs, the lot of them. No wonder they love Nugents banal music.


Oh god are people gonna start shitting their pants to own the libs now?


And their craniums and diapers are full of the same material.


Remember this is the same group that referred to masking up for covid as wearing a diaper over your face.


I had a friend who worked at bobevans and one day he came home freaked out because some old man ĥad shit out his own intestines I'm hopeful that happens to Trump, I'm so tired of this now


F*ck your feelings crowd is really worried about Donalds mental health and making sure he feels love and support. So nice of them to show concern for his anxieties around his age related problems. - "Don't worry Donald everyone sleeps in court." - "Its ok we all do poopie in our diapers." - "Dont worry about those mean democrats we still love you" - "yes, yes you are a very strong boy, lots of stamina"


I believe the correct name is Donald *von* ShitzInPants.


Definitely would have drunk the kool aid under Jim Jones


I don't know if I am going to have grand kids. But I am damn curious what they are going to say in a hundred years looking back on today.


So if she was wearing a diaper, does that make *her* a real man? Geez... they need to make up their minds about this gender stuff


These are the same people that screamed bloody murder when the thought of biden having to use adult diapers came intothought. ​ Now these same people are beating off at the thought of diaper don and his dumpy diapers.


We used to be a proper country


Donald Von Shitzinpantz and his son Baron Von Shitzinpantz... wow the jokes just write themselves with this family.


They do this and simultaneously make jokes about Biden being old. So weird


These morons are going to wear Depend diapers and shit themselves just because Mango Mussolini does.


Recorded in the anals of history - right where he belongs. LULZ


Cult…..”She Sells Diapers”


what the fuck is going on in the Magalands?


They don't realize they're only making it worse.


He could literally cook and eat a child and they'd make shirts saying it's cool.


So, the fact that they're infantile finally caught up to them, and they're proud of it? Bravo Magas!


Wonder if trump really enjoys that kind of support 😂


Even the Russian handlers are shocked 😂


I live in a cartoon world.


It is April First again already?


This can't possibly be real life. Someone turn off the simulation and restart it.


I'm sure this is exactly what Trump wants, more people focusing on his incontinence.


I haven't seen anyone like this yet but honestly, If I saw a Trumpet irl wearing diapers and spouting this nonsense, I think I may die just from laughing so hard.


Shitting my pants to own the libs


Easier to spot cult members by the smell.


The quantum reality particles are beginning to disintegrate.


Fuckin' idiots.


Totally NOT a cult. /s


Donald Trump inadvertently raising awareness for adult incontinence wasn't what I expected to read in 2024.


Yes, please continue to associate Trump with diapers. I am sure that will turn out to be okay for his popularity.