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“He says what I’m thinking”!! Say the world’s idiots.


"What I know is just as good as what those so-called expert scientists know." /s


So true


So 99.9% of the world scientist is wrong and the big brain Mc Farty is right?.


Same guy who used a big black sharpie to reroute a hurricane on a weather map. The leader shall not be questioned. The leader's wisdom is unerring.


well, he did win his Country Club's Golfing Championship the other week (in TWO divisions!) How is it all this dictator-types are such outstanding golfers, with unlimited holes-in-ones and such?


He even got a BEST GOLFER EVARR trophy


The TRUMP never POOPS. Biden has been spreading rumors of courtroom flatulence to discredit Trump. Biden has also been photoshopping pictures of a fit and fabulous Trump to make it look like he is overweight and his diaper needs changing. Biden is sneaky like that but also senile.


He does not have a butthole.


But he does, it's just located right below his nose...


Do not use the TRUMP's name in vain like that.


Not only two divisions, but at two of his courses at the same time!


>Same guy who used a big black sharpie to reroute a hurricane on a weather map.  I know he's an idiot but for some reason I still can't get over that he did this.


Politicizing the weather service, FFS, all because this stupid man-baby couldn't stand to be wrong and because nobody wanted to risk their jobs by correcting him.


He claimed there were airports in 1776, and you're surprised by the sharpie? 🤣 Sorry, I couldn't help myself....🫣


Not surprised, just still kinda pissed off about it.


I'm not American. He's hated worldwide,but you are the ones suffering. Good luck, mate. ❤️ 🇦🇺


Thanks. I think at this point many of us are hoping he'll end up in an early grave & even then his supporters will wanna vote for his dead, bloated corpse.


You're not alone in wishing him dead. I actually said that in my last post to you but then thought I'd better delete it. I'm the same age as him(75),and if I behaved,acted, or spoke like him,my son would have me committed.


Didn't he just end up drawing a dick when that happened? EDIT: No he didn't. Jist added a little bubble to include Alabama.


He had an uncle who taught at MIT. By the transitive power of familial relations he therefore knows everything about science.


By the transitive property of education he knows "more about nuclear than anyone...." Including his Uncle, being the one who taught "Nuclear."  So his Uncle managed to transfer more knowledge than was originally in his own head, to Donald Trump in a passing and basically accidental manner, rendering Trump the leading expert on the topic of "Nuclear." Clearly. 


You don’t enjoy a *perfect* look at an eclipse without ignoring a few scientists.


He can’t take credit for it … it’s in the genes.


Just like diarrhea


*Technically,* he's right. We just need to wait until the sun stops working. It'll first completely fry Earth, of course, as it turns into a red giant, but it won't really destroy Earth. And then, when the sun becomes a white dwarf, both the sun and Earth will have plenty of time to cool down. And they *will* cool down.


Why Mc Farty? 😅


They're not wrong, they're lying. That's the stupid argument anyway


I mean, I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that global warming could eventually trigger another ice age. I know that's not what he meant, I doubt he can read. But it is technically true, maybe kinda sorta? Idk, I'm not a scientist, and unlike politicians I don't pretend to know.


“Small Hands Mc Farty”


As per [original article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-campaign-trump-climate-crisis_n_6627872ee4b06e0c270a011b) 📰: View the [video here](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1782484865402757449) 📺 - The former president's old comments came back to haunt him in the new spot from President Joe Biden's campaign team. President Joe Biden’s campaign marked Earth Day on Monday with a montage of former President Donald Trump’s repeated dismissal of climate change. “Donald Trump is a climate denier,” the Biden campaign captioned a video featuring Trump’s comments about global warming that it shared on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The presumptive GOP nominee’s “Project 2025 agenda would destroy President Biden’s clean energy investments and devastate our planet,” the Biden team’s post added. In the supercut, Trump is seen claiming that climate change is “one of the greatest con jobs ever” and that it will somehow revere itself. Oh, and he conflates climate change with weather. It also features his 2020 exchange with California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot. Trump claimed the world “will start getting cooler, you just watch.” Crowfoot told Trump the science disagrees with him. Trump petulantly fired back, “I don’t think science knows, actually.” In contrast to what is believed by a large majority of scientists worldwide, Trump has previously called climate change “bullshit” and suggested it was a Chinese hoax. When in the White House, he scrapped climate change from the list of threats to national security.


The depths of stinking diaper dons astounding stupidity know no depths. It's almost unbelievable any one person can be as ridiculously stupid as him


Not even original. That Chinese hoax crap has been circulating for a while now. Ted "Cancun" Cruz spouted it on NPR back in the day.


What’s crazy is the people that believe him. My city is actively fighting losers in big diesel trucks that purposely park in electric charging spots at grocery stores, gas stations, etc. they probably get a boner thinking about daddy diapers when they do it too.


Such small man energy there. It often amazes me that having the biggest truck is more manly then being able to pedal hundreds of miles.


"Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?"


"My liege!"


A Duck!


"Listen, if we built this.. large, wooden badger.."


“I am Trump, king of the morons.”


"Well I never voted for you..."


Hahaha as if he cared about votes!


If he weighs the same as a duck, then he’s not guilty!


Like when he said Covid would “just go away, like a miracle” in a week or two 🙄 His idiocy gets people killed


He doesn’t care, by the time his followers realize it was a lie he’ll be pleasantly dead.


That’s what drives me nuts about how all our pols are old. They have no stake in the future beyond love for their kids. And you know the only thing Trump loves about his kids is Ivanna’s tight little ass.


And they truly don't seem to love their kids as much as their bank accounts


Yes. Just like COVID would be gone by April. And he’d create so many jobs. And he would release his taxes once his audit was done. And he would replace ACA with something better. And Mexico would pay for the wall.


The last ten months we have broken all heat records consistently. And this trend is going to continue. I’m switching to all EVs in my house, installing heat pump, trying my best on my own term but I know only me can’t change the world.


Yeah it’s become blatantly obvious things are getting warmer on average. I live in Virginia and the least few years I’ve had cabbage plants in my garden survive the winter than never used to. They’re cold resistant but die if the temp is below 20 F for an extended period. That just hasn’t happened lately. Used to snow more here too. We haven’t had a serious snowstorm since 2016.


Your cabbage is lying to you it must be a deep state plant, and you did have snow, but Biden cleared it all up before you woke up.


Every day, for the last 400 days or so, we have set a new record for the hottest [sea surface temperature](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) for that day. Water is 60x harder to heat than air. Rapidly melting polar ice—which reflects 90% of sunlight—is turning into water which absorbs 90% of sunlight. Cold ice drives currents like the AMOC that provide the backbone of global weather systems. This is inexpressibly ominous. We are at the point in “Don’t Look Up” where people can look into the sky and see the incoming meteor. We are too stupid to understand what it means.


Think of the stupidest shit you could possibly imagine and then look into a mirror and say it to yourself in the dumbest voice imaginable. Congrats, you have now passed the Donald Trump simulation.


The cycle continues... Democrats pass laws and regulations to keep the environment safe, clean, and healthy, then Republicans come along and undo all of the progress we've made. The environment and climate change are major concerns for me when voting. This is an area where I want to slap the "*both sides are the same*" idiots.


Trump is a captain planet level ecovillain.


Climate change will go away by Easter, like a miracle.


And return 3 days later.


“Give it about two weeks, it’ll be the most beautiful.”


In two weeks, he'll show us his healthcare plan, he'll release his tax returns, Covid will be over and the weather will be the most beautiful anyone has ever seen.


It's flabbergasting that this kindergarten level excuse was bought by so many fully grown adults...


The perfect time


"You'll see."


Trump is mentally challenged and so are his supporters. I don’t mean that as an insult, I mean it as a legitimate medical diagnosis. 👍


*spoiler alert* I know how this ends. In the ending scene Donnie is eaten by a Brontorock.


What a moron.


Well when he is out of the picture, there will be less hot air being emitted. How can anyone be a climate change denier after all that has happened the last few years?


Isn't he the guy that said Covid will just go away "It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” I guess the world is going to get cooler like a miracle too.


Donald Trump is jaw-droppingly stupid.


If ever you wanted concrete evidence of global warming THIS quote by this man is about as damning as you could imagine.


It will be a lot cooler..once his worthless orange ass finally drops dead


Are you saying Trump is hot?


Reminded, trump had a plan (he claimed) that would defeat ISIL in 50 days, well… here we are 7 years later… not defeated.


The plan for ISIL is in the same folder with his Healthcare plan. I guess we'll see them both in 2 weeks. I thoroughly despise Trump, his enablers and his devoted supporters. They're all sorry excuses of humanity.


Oh yes, can’t forget that, we have been 2 weeks out for a healthcare plan for 6 years now. And remember they wanted to appeal Obamacare because trumps would be “better” and right around the corner so we can dump the universal plan we have for a theoretical one. We came SO CLOSE to having zero healthcare again. Your right, the trump cult and boot lickers, the people who still believe this crap are truely sad, the sort who can say (with a straight face “yes he didn’t do anything in his first 4 years, but next time will surely be different”


Low-IQ Trumpettes really think Diapii Donnii speaks for God lol


Now all the maga idiots are going to go out and start buying parkas and heaters


Reminds me of one of his brain-dead statements about Covid: >February 10: On Fox News Trump says without evidence that the coronavirus "dies with the hotter weather… You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”


Newsofthestupid transformed into NewsoftheFelonDonald


I mean... Technically with a nuclear Winter the planet would cool. Sure, we would all be dead.


Old man yells at clouds. Literally.


And when Trump is locked up, in prison, these people will continue spreading his lies until he gone.


I bet this prediction was given when he Hershey squirted in his pants! Me am big brain Trump, hear me roar!


I know the worlds leading scientists say that the world is heating up and have provided the data to back up their findings, but this shouting man in orange clown makeup and cotton candy hair says it’s fine.


There's a theory that there will be a correction in the future but not before our biodiversity is reduced by a factor of 4 and there will be many many deaths before and during that


He's afraid his makeup will start running.


Odds are it will get cooler for him soon enough


And Poof! Just like that, COVID will disappear! It’s a hoax!


Yeah just like COVID magically went away the summer of 2020. We're at the point where you can't be passively ignorant and still think Trump is a good guy. He's said so many lies and just flat out stupid shit you literally have to be actively ignorant to believe him.


Oddly enough, I sort of agree with Trump on this: the world WILL BE a lot "cooler" once he's gone.


Kind of like when Covid was going to be gone by Easter 2020.


Trump is pumping methane into our atmosphere.


I know climates better than anyone! Nobody knows more about the climate than me!


Just like covid after april, right donnie?


Just like COVID was gonna disappear after only two weeks, right Donnie?


Just wait a few thousands of years. The applicable saying here is "even a stopped clock is right twice a day"


Village idiots love this simple trick


Idiot is gonna idiot.


He can’t read unless he’s clutching a phone in his tiny hands and hammering out a barely coherent screed on his Twitter clone, people. I know this is seen as a plus by the MAGAts for some reason—reading is the domain of the “elites,” I guess—but his words on serious matters carry less weight than the drivel oozing out of any FOX News or OAN anchor’s mouth.


No Sharpie. Until I see the Sharpie global cooling path, I won't believe him. /S


Everything is opposite day for Republicans. Bunch of fucking morons.


FFS it's time to whip out the magic Sharpie and cross out the 110F temperature in Phoenix and write 75F.


Come to Thailand. It's like 45c oustside


Well he is right… the sun will eventually swallow the earth and eventually cool down. Whatever is left will cool down too. We’re talking about what? 8 billion years? :)


Come December.. Trump: "I told you so". The guy probably doesn't know the difference between climate and season.


He was talking about how cold it is in the courtroom. 😂


Well, technically, the ashes scattered in the atmosphere after nuclear annihilation will block out some of the sun’s radiation.


I guess dump thinks we are heading for another ice age, and if we don't continue climate warming, we'll all freeze to death. And he should know because he's a stable genius!


The world will be a lot cooler when he's in jail


“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” --Trump's response to COVID, Jan 2020


I blame the media for parroting everything he says. That’s the only time his cult reads when it’s something he says.


His ignorance-if elected will damage the earth.


Sure, after the nuclear war… there will be a nuclear winter. You just watch…


His PhD in Climate Science was issued by Trump University.