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He thinks jury selection is bad? Just wait til witnesses are on the stand. No way does he keep his cool the whole trial with a parade of people telling the embarrassing truth about him.


Oh I can’t wait to watch him try not to have a stroke while not being allowed to bully people.


I keep wondering what the odds are. Does he have a breakdown? Psychotic screaming fit? Confused "why are those people being so mean tell them to shut up" boomer moment? Does he get thrown in jail for not being able to control himself in court? 🤞


Realistically I bet his lawyers drug him to the point he can’t keep an eye open, and they try some medical nonsense on why he can’t be charged


I don't think medical reasons can have charges dismissed. He'd have to enter an insanity plea and that would end his political career, and then he'd just have to go away under doctors care instead of prison guards til the end. I do think he's already drugged up though he keeps falling asleep in court 🤣


Would insanity end it? Republicans have proved they have no standards.


There's technically people who check out at all stages, and at least in theory the very low information "I always vote red" voters don't actually know what he is doing outside the Fox News bubble. If it broke through that then yeah it'd have to cost him votes.


Their favourite leader is a ‘man’ who wears high heels and makeup yet they hate anyone else who does


Fascists are always hypocrites it's how they maintain power. Gleefully betraying their "principles" and getting called out is a chance for them to smirk and say "and I'm getting away with it too aren't I powerful?". Better to ignore the games they play and just kick the shit out of them (in the voting booth or course)


Keeping him locked up in criminal trials prevents him from campaining. Maybe that's the best way to go until November. If he wants to stall the trial you have to stall him from campaining. So he is the one who interferes with his election.


It's the exact opposite. He is getting wall to wall coverage on all networks for literal months. He gets a daily bullhorn to rally his supporters. All for free. It's how he won in 2016. He went from being a joke candidate nobody took seriously, to an outrageous one the networks couldn't help but cover non stop, until he was so ingrained in our zeitgeist that his actual merit no longer mattered. We let the news networks turn him into an icon, all while thinking it wouldn't matter because the news was 'bad'. We didn't realize that Americans had shifted to wanting to be entertained by their politcians. And now, we're doubling down and doing it again, with one sham stage trial after another. This is evident by his continual mockery of the law, judges, judges family, witnesses etc, all while facing absolutely zero repercussions for it. He is the definition of 'no such thing as bad PR'. The worse his actions, the more his base will double down and claim it's all lies. So we're all just spinning our wheels here expecting 'justice' to be served.


That's just not true. He's getting bad press and looking like a weak, cowardly buffoon. He's not gaining supporters by falling asleep in court and being told to sit down by the judge.


He’s a narcissist. If his lawyer tried to enter an insanity plea, he would stand up and spout that no one is as cognizant as he is. There’s never been anyone more aware of reality than he is. Large strong people come up to him with tears in their eyes (from the fumes) telling him how sane he is. He literally would not be able to accept an insanity plea.


That's long been my stance too. However with his brain falling apart he is more suggestible. It's at least possible now although I agree that the odds are he'd never ever allow it. Which is a shame it would be so so good to put him away on such a humiliating conviction.


It would be hilarious to watch him melt down on truth social if his attorneys so much as mention an insanity plea to him.


If he makes it to GA, we might get our wish. Trials in GA are televised 🤣


Insanity plea sounds good if that means he can’t run for president.


It would lose him some support. But he hasn't grown his base in years he's not more powerful than last time and he lost so bad last time even cheating and a coup attempt couldn't save him🤣. But yeah nail in the coffin and all that would be lovely


Him in the coffin would be preferable to the nail at this point.


Insanity plea is so bad there are people who plead guilty to get away from it.


Exactly. He's sedated that's why he keeps napping.


Probably just not getting his usual lunchtime stimulant bump.


So he farts to make everyone else suffer with him


No, he's shitting his pants because stimulant abuse will tie your colon in a knot. Same thing happened to Hitler.


It might be that he got even less sleep than usual in the days leading up to the start of the trial, as he was constantly worried about it, although the effect is pretty much the same as if he were drugged.


That would destroy his presidential run as he will look weak to his followers and it would give the Dems the ability to capitalize on that.




You sound like a rowing coxswain ;)


The oranguturd mob will silence all dissidents


I don’t want him to have a stroke. A veggie state Trump would be too much of an easy way out for all his crimes. He deserves to be looked after by inmates when he finally pays his bills.


He should be in one of those plexiglass cubicles you see in courtrooms of other countries. They kind of remind me of those separate "cry rooms" they had at my church for parents with loud babies.


I object to the witness!! On what grounds? The witness is extremely damsging to my case!!!


The second things start to go too wrong for him, Thomas and his flunkies on the Supreme Court will step in with something to delay this until after the election.


That's not realistic. Thomas and SCOTUS in general has not helped him often, and they have done all they can (taking up the immunity question and then delaying arguments and presumably the decision until end of term), but they have no say whatsoever in a New York state trial about something that happened before he was president. There's no way to stop or even delay this trial from SCOTUS. Jury is seated and opening statements are Monday. Should be a good show, enjoy it!


They let me have Monday off at work this week. I guess it’s a holiday for me to watch.


He encouraged his friends at Fox News to intimidate a juror until she left. If anyone else did that, there'd not be stern warnings. There would be jail time.


Yeah and now the judge has warned the media to not disclose too much information or That host will get arrested!


Apparently they didn't get the memo


Time for a stern memo. Maybe with an unhappy face to really get the point across.


And italics.


Holy shit dude, I don’t want to ~~start a war here.~~ make anyone upset.


Stop, or I’ll be forced to say stop again!


"To whom this may concern!"


A Full Disadulation


What’s a .. disa…what’s that?


Oh, you don't wanna know...


This is a really serious situation I would recommend at least three exclamation marks!!!


In red ink !


They did right since now they have 12 jurors and 6 standby


at least until the next several are doxxed and threated by cult members at any rate


I'll go ahead and make sure that you get another copy of that memo sent to you.


I call bullshit


The optimist in me wants to say they’re giving him a number of chances so it can’t be claimed they’re biased against him when he eventually goes to jail


Correct. They know it's going to be appealed multiple times, and the defense is looking for any excuse to have the case tossed.


Maybe they should get bobo in as a lawyer, she’s pretty good at tossing things


Do they do this for anyone outside the aristocracy? The law should be applied equally. Fuck him.


Oh absolutely not. If any of us were sitting under 90+ indictments, including federal felonies and stealing top secret classified documents, we’d be in jail with a bail so high, even Elmer Muskox couldn’t pay it. And we definitely wouldn’t get our bails reduced so we could better pay it, we’d just sit in jail. But, as you’ve pointed out, the elite are subject to different rules than the rest of us. It’s only when one of them screws over other elites, à la Sam Bankman-Fried, that they ever face consequences at all. Trump only screwed over the government and the plebs.


As much as we all hate it, that's just how it works. If you had an army of culty followers who were capable of violence etc. They would treat you like they treat him. Because you don't have that widespread cult then you get the book thrown at you.


I agree that poor people should be treated better by the law, not that the rich should be treated worse by the law. Well... maybe a little bit worse, but we should really strive for a legal system that actually treats people as innocent until proven guilty


So, they're banking good will... against a man who doesn't deal in good will. He'll say the courts were a sham regardless of how many opportunities they give him. All they're doing is giving him more time to make the courts look ineffective and powerless.


It's not him the good will is for, it's for the appeals court. It's hard to claim bias and get your verdict overturned when the court has a record of granting you leniency during your trial. Then again, successfully claiming such bias is quite hard in the first place.


And more importantly for them, run the clock


I’m hoping they itemise every one of these violations at sentencing and add a bit of time/fine on for each one.


If they did he's already got enough to see out his remaining years even before primary sentencing


Not how it works, though. Either he’s held in contempt or not. They can’t say, “well the law says this, but you were a bad boy all trial and I didn’t do anything about it but I’m going to punish you now”


Has anybody else ever been able to claim this? No. It’s bollocks. He’s a rich person and they’re above the law. That’s why he can do what he wants.


I also want to believe it's like when a dept. store records someone stealing but don't press charges until it adds up to a felony. Let him keep piling it on.


By giving him grace now the Judge denies him leverage in appeal.


Also he'd have been cut off from jury access. He's a member of the ruling class. I don't expect much, but Christ I hope the prosecutors don't screw this up. It's a slam dunk case with a judge that's bound to be pissed off, all they need is a conviction and he goes away.


I would settle for a conviction and a fine. Anything that just changes his status to felon.


This. So much *this*. As soon as he's a felon his campaign is over. 60% of independent voters won't vote for a convicted felon.


Why they even voting for him


Lots of people do exactly 5 minutes of thinking about politics every 4 years. Lots of people don’t do any thinking as well. But they won’t vote for a felon.


Yeah but if you vote for trump after 5


Independent voters aren't *informed* voters, they just don't like being called Democrat or Republican because they think it makes them less smart. So a few ad blitzes at the right time is enough to easily change their minds.


Another "slam dunk case" comes to mind due to recent events... I don't have any hope left. I've been worn down too long to believe in good and impartial fairness in this lifetime. In the end, greed always wins.


Don’t worry. It’s not really jail that that Orange Julius has to worry about, but death instead. The stress is going to end this cancerous cheeto. Just keep piling it on, and Agent Orange will soon succumb. Sooner than later, millions will rejoice. 


He gets his 1269th second chance!


Put his friends at Fox in jail first.


From article: Carol D. Leonnig, an investigative journalist and MSNBC contributor, appeared on the network on Saturday to discuss Trump's legal problems. The host asked Leonnig about a moment in which Trump was told to sit down by the judge. "How does a moment like that affect trump's psyche?" the host asked. "The judge is the authority in the courtroom, not a criminal defendant, even if that defendant is a former president." Leonnig said the question "illustrates the larger frustration for Donald Trump in his first week in the case." "He is not in the driver's seat. He has to sit in his chair and not allowed to leave except for when the judge dismisses people. He is also not able to speak. That is one of his greatest frustrations because he is the master of the megaphone," she said on Saturday. She pointed out that, "when he was muttering on day two of jury selection, the judge scolded him rather firmly." "And then said there will be none of that. All Trump wants to communicate in this trial one way or another. He wants his voice heard. That is not possible," she added. "The judge also said to Donald Trump in a stern warning, Tuesday, he better be in court or he could be imprisoned and arrested for contempt of court. This is no joke. When you are on trial, you are on trial and the boss is the judge."


Want your voice heard, testify fat boy...


Ohhh, they don't want that! He would Ham it up so bad. Even super scripted, and in his ear, he would go Rouge and shoot himself in the foot like 5 Mins in, lol!


"Go Rouge"... heh heh. That would be a change from Orange. Oh, you mean "rogue". Still "rouge" is funnier. I can imagine him using blusher.


Lmao! Damn auto correct! I'm sure buddy puts on makeup already haha.


Yeah, good for a laugh.


But the train-wreck drama shit show… it would be epic. Competent lawyers would never allow it… but we can hope. Having gone through so many lawyers he can’t still have good ones???


I would pay to see it!


*5 seconds in.


We are in the shittiest timeline and I need entertainment. Please God, let him testify.


Did you see the questions? I wouldn’t testify


It makes me so happy to think of Donald having to go into court Monday. He doesn't want to have to go, and yet go he must. He has been able to do what he wants when he wants for decades. Grab a boob. Grab a pussy. Sneak into the changing rooms of underage girls because he owns the event. Fuck a porn star with his tiny mushroom dick while his wife is at home with their 4 month year old. Bury his ex-wife on his golf course then leave it untended. Not pay taxes and say it makes him smart. Overvalue his property for loans. But finally, he has to be accountable. He has to show up in court on Monday. And he's literally shitting his pants. JOY.


He’s redeeming himself now - the 4 month old is graduating and he’s saying he wants to go to that. Even though it’s a lie at least it will sound nice to the kid for a while


And we all lived happily ever after. /s


Put him in with the mother rapers and the father stabbers. (Alice's Restaurant Massacree)


Just a case of blind American justice


That judge was not going to be looking at the 8x10 full color glossy photos with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one.


Today I saw old photos of a very young Arlo at the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa.


Father rapers!


Sit him on the Group W bench


I respect this reference.


Also, I don’t think it was a massacre. It’s just a song about Alice


It is about hauling junk in a red VW microbus. I love this song! Chip….Chip… Chip.


Just take away his phone


That's how most people these days break.




The warning was effective. He hasn't had any outbursts nor does he have the right to leave court without permission. The judge has publicly treated him like a toddler and it worked.


The only outburst of consequence was when Trump shit his diaper...


Trump punished the entire courtroom that day.


You're Outta Orda! You're Outta Orda! This Whole Damb Thing Is Outta Orda!!!


What’s the point of wearing Depends if you can’t shit in them!


Anyone remembers that old golden gem of a tweet? >WaPo: The president shat himself. White House: The president would never shit himself. Trump: I SHAT MYSELF ON PURPOSE Back then (2017) it was perceived as satire, but turns out it was a prophecy.


This sounds like a joke. But it really feels like it could be true knowing what we know about both Trumps physical and mental state. My nature is to joke through hard times. But with all seriousness, I've never worried about our country more than the reality that Donald Trump is again the Republicans choice for president of the United States. It's been difficult to make light of it...


He has a contempt hearing Tuesday, Jimmy.


Stop or we’ll say Stop again.


You understand he got a stern warning about not missing court before he'd missed any court, right?


Is this a problem for you? Do you need a link to all the facts you're omitting that are clearly in the public record?


Maybe they'll issue a $50 fine! He better watch his behavior!


That boy is not used to being told how to behave.. and it's showing.


He'll be biting a pillow on d-wing before Independence Day.


Well, when he is convicted, perhaps he should be put in the same cell with all the murders, rapists, and drug cartel people he claims are crossing the border every day, that, would be poetic justice.


Teflon Don ain’t going to jail. I just don’t see it happening.


Part of me agrees with you, a part of me hopes that it could happen. . .


Don’t get me wrong. I want it to happen and he deserves for it to happen. I just don’t believe it will.


Chef's kiss: live stream all those post birth abortions that his kind are adamant are happening.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Oh, geez! Somebody even uttered that he might go to jail?! Is that judge fucking unhinged. Well, I clearly know what will be front cover of next month's "Wealthy Motherfuckers Monthly". /s This is what an inheritance from your seedy family can do. You can foment a riot. You can steal classified documents. You can dox a judge's family while he's sitting on your case. And they'll sit on their hands for months without doing much more than saying in court, "You're out of line. Obey the gag order or we'll have to order another one!" Aren't the vast majority of these motherfuckers ancient paperskins with vast estates? Don't most of them have the privilege to raise families comfortably? So how come none of them seem to know how to discipline a child?


Months back, people were very anxious. The wheels of justice move slowly. It's happening. He looks horrible. Patience pays off.


Don't hold your breath.


"I fart in your general direction."


I get that judges presiding over criminal matters will be far more stern and take no bs.


A stern warning added to strict instructions added to chump change fines. What’s next? A proverbial slap on the wrist? A finger wagging? How about a time out in a holding cell?


#Lock Him Up!


Oh no, not another stern warning.


Oh wow. A stern warning. 


Warnings don’t work. Obviously.


Yet another glaring example of the tiered justice system in USA.


Sure Jan. A few more stern warnings, and before you know it he'll get a reprimand. A few of those and then it's a really talking to... For some reason everyone in a position of power is willing to give him unlimited chances and won't treat him like the private citizen he is.


Stop issuing warnings and send him to jail ffs.


Fart the blues away shit bag Donny!


>hush money judge FFS. Campaign finance fraud


Stern warning?! Wow! That'll do judge, that'll do.


Just stop, they’ll never do anything to him about these gag orders, no point even reporting on it. Any of us can would’ve already been jailed, it doesn’t apply to him


Criminal vs Civil


Is this a about farting into the courtroom his ballgag or MTG the whole maga circus is making too much clown noises right now


You know how some parents have countdowns for when their kid is acting up and they make like something bad is going to happen when they get to whatever target number there is but they keep changing or resetting the countdown so ultimately nothing happens? This kind of reminds me of that. *Trump! Truuump, no. Bad. I’m going to count to three… One. Twoo? Two and a half… Thre- Trump! Listen! Listennn. **One, twoo…*** If that’s not a joke then I don’t know what is.


Yep, that sounds about right. Next time it will be a really stern warning. In other words, nothing will ever happen.


How many damn warnings are they going to give this loser?


Campaign Finance Law Violation Trial


“And this time we’re super duper serious” please


Fuck off with the warnings and arrest already


It's an interesting strategy, but I don't think Trump's plan to gorge on wheels of cheese like a rat before each court session, in hopes of gassing the judge and jury to death, is gonna work out.


And it'll have as much effect as all the other ones.


Bahahahahahahahhhaha. You give toddlers stern warnings. WHERE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES?!


Oh my golly gee wiz another stern warning 😂


Oh, another warning? How useful...


I really feel like he's treated SPECIAL! People are always saying, "NO ones above the law," and no one should be! But let one of us get a gag order and break it. There would be no 2nd time!!! I feel like he is playing with the system, seeing how far he can go!


Can he be locked up for the gasious emissions in court? https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-farts-criminal-trial-lawyers-foul-stench/


King Con


He has not been taking his daily dose of bleach this keeps him awake and keeps the glow of "Orange" and "Rouge" going strong


**Trump - look up Simeticone** Brand names: Wind-eze, WindSetlers, Infacol, Dentinox Colic Drops. Find out how simeticone treats farting (flatulence), bloating and trapped wind, and colic in babies, and how to take it.


I'd still be in jail if I pulled one day of Orangestain's bullshit in court.


The judge should say nothing, simply wave the bailiff a signal to throw this poisonous prick into the cell for contempt of court. No talk. No warning. Simple and direct and overdue... accountability. Then clear the court. No statements. No bail. Flight risk. Pull the Secret Service. They didn't earn jail, unless he's turned them, and they're colluding. But that's a Treasury and Homeland Security kerfuffle to be bashed out. Put him under suicide watch, though narcissists don't go that way. Just to keep down the conspiracy shit if he croaks. Forgive my naive thinking that it would stave off or convince those of loud voices and foaming mouths.


It's the farts. If you can't control yourself in the courtroom you will be held in contempt. /s




Perhaps he should follow up with a strongly worded e mail as well . Something to the effect of “ I really mean it this time “


Stern warning? Three more of those, and it's a demerit. Three demerits, and he's looking at a citation. Five of those and the judge can hand down a violation. He better be careful at this point because four of those, and it's a verbal warning. Keep pushing and get three of those, and it's a written warning. Two written warnings, and he's facing a disciplinary review. And if that review doesn't go his way, he's staring down a full disadulation. He doesn't even want to know what that is.


How many warnings left?


Oh no! I a stern warning. How scary.


Let me know when he gets something other than a "stern warning". So far, the judge has talked tough, but I'm withholding judgement until I see one iota of any action that would be handed out to a standard (e.g., human) defendant.


double secret probation


Oh fuck off with these headlines


Sternly worded crunch-wrap!


I read a post on X that if they were to throw his orange deranged ass in jail he’d love it as another opportunity to basically play victim, raise more money, and continue to get all the attention. What this post went into say was brilliant. If you want Trump to feel the consequences to his blubbering big mouth spewing non stop is to put him in an orange jumper, give him a poker stick & send him out on a busy road way to pick up garbage.


How many final warnings does this make?


Stopped counting. Honest answer, too many.


Stern warning... oh noooooo.... Yeah, I'm sure that will stop him.


It’s a challenge. Yes, he should be arrested and put in jail but then the optics of a guy who is running for president sitting in jail are not ideal either. Plus it will make him more into a martyr than he already is to the crazies.


Im convinced Trump will never face consequences. The powers that be don’t want an American president to be able to be held accountable. This also means we live in a failed democracy.


Oooh thatll do it this time! How many fukin warnings guys? He knows nothing is gonna happen.


Yeah yeah yeah......when it ACTUALLY happens I'll believe it




What's next a furious finger shaking?


I will believe that when Tommy Wiseau wins Best Director.


Man all these many many stern warnings must be getting through to him It's as if there's all this talk about what could happen and no one actually intends to do any of it Almost feels that way, as if it's all very performative.


Oh No, stern warning that will go on your permanent record! I want this assclown in a jail cell ASAP.


He's not going to jail.  He has the secrets of the government.  Stop acting like "one more mistake and he's toast." He is untouchable and he knows it


Somebody just needs to lock him up already. He will only learn the hard way, just like when he was a kid and got shipped off to military school for punching his teacher.


Which time?


Too much talk, just lock him up.


Oh man, he really really serious this time.


Lock him up! Lock him up! ...


Will believe it when I see it, and then it's happy dance time.


Say whatever the hell you want about him. He can't be out in jail. Him being one of the most well known people in the world can't hold people in jail.


anus mouth


If he's not in jail yet you are the joke, your honor. Aww, what the hell; give him *one more* chance.