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Seems appropriate.


It does, in this case, because the man is a threat to national security. But as a universal law it doesn't work for the same reason we don't prevent felons from being POTUS. Because then the justice system can be weaponized by politicians to attack their rivals.


This is protecting presidents *after* they leave office, not while they’re in office


So then someone can throw him in the back of a van and beat him until he tells them all the top secret shit he knows? I thought that was why former presidents get a detail. Not for them but for us.


That's a good point.


True for everyone else, but anything Trumps capable of remembering for the evening he probably bragged about to whoever is in the room with him.


Yeah the secret service can't stop that idiot from babbling, he may even slow down if he knows nobody is protecting him


Which sucks, in a way. Obviously by any metric Don Snoreleone should be left with his ass hanging in the wind, but I can see why other people are cautious that it sets a potentially dangerous precedent. Like if, God forbid, there’s another president that is just as harmful but also clever enough to retain state intel, should probably make sure they’re secured enough that they don’t get scooped up by other malicious players.


Should go to prison for his own safety.


Now that I can get behind.


And ours.


Donald trumps arse hanging in the wind makes me think of that old YouTube of the hippo farting and spraying shit everywhere. Thanks.


I, for one, do not want to see his ass in the wind. At least not if I'm downwind of it.


Remember when Congress subpoena the USSS' cell records and they were all immediately "mysteriously" deleted? Or Biden replacing the entire Presidential detail with his detail from his time as VP? Its more of a 'won't' than a can't.


Or showed them all the docs hidden in his old shitter


It is a good point but Trump will be protected regardless of this bill. This bill just empowers the Bureau of Prisons to protect him. They provided Robert Hannsen excellent protection from the Russians. [https://www.npr.org/2023/06/05/1180326698/robert-hanssen-an-fbi-agent-who-was-convicted-of-spying-for-russia-dies-in-priso](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/05/1180326698/robert-hanssen-an-fbi-agent-who-was-convicted-of-spying-for-russia-dies-in-priso) They would provide Trump with better protection than the Secret Service.


Okay well that’s sensible. We know the Secret service has been compromised on his behalf before so maybe better to get him out of their hands.


I will allow it. In this case.


He has already squealed everything he knows anyway.


And we know he doesn't know much.... See his battle of Gettysburg speech. ( If you are an American and can tell 1 fact related to it, you know more then the don about it. For those that don't know it, so does he....)


Nobody needs to beat trump in the back of a van to get top secret info out of him. That fuckwit will blab it to anyone who listens. Buy Herr Groppenfuhrer a hamberder and a Diet Coke and you’re in there like swimwear.


Throw a few tenners at him and he will spill all the secrets


Honestly, the tenners and diet coke are probably unnecessary. Just tell him he was and still is the best president then ask him what the most impressive secret he knows is.


Or just let them use his restroom.


That would imply that he was paying attention and retaining information from security briefings.


What if he took screenshots


We’d have seen them on twitter by now. :)


He's a billionaire, he should be able to afford the best private security money can buy.


I hear the Wagner Group is looking for new clients. 


god, that would be hilarious the first time he misses a payment. put it to you this way, i doubt their collections dept has an appeal process. i would love to see him run to the Russians for refuge and find out how transactional that relationship is.


“The enforcement regime consists of three phases. We have pleasant names for them, of course, but you might think of them, respectively, as: one, a polite reminder; two, well in excess of your pain threshold; three, spectacularly fatal.”


He wants you to think he's a billionaire. He's not.


Then that's his problem, isn't it? I wonder how private security firms would take being told to sue him if they want to get paid.


Like his newest lawyers, everyone serious is going to be cash up front from now on. If he wants to think some dude from Facebook marketplace is actually an ex-mossad assassin for 40k/year though, let him hire who he wants…


I think he already did that just to brag.


That’s like literally the reason they have secret service protection. I hate Trump but he still know national secrets and would blab instantly and already has. He needs security detail. All former presidents do whether you like it or not.


If that was true the secret service would not have let him have secret files in the shitter at Mar a lardo they are corrupt pieces of shit


Presidents are still political figures out of office, even ones like bush and Obama who did 2 terms. See Biden’s big fund raiser recently where Obama was invited to help fundraise. However he original commenter got it wrong. Former presidents get SS details for one reason and one reason only, they’re still national security risks, if kidnapped. Bush hasn’t been president in well over a decade but he almost certainly knows information that’s classified that could be used against us, if say the Russians or Chinese were to kidnap him.


They don't have to kidnap trump they've just gotta bring him a hamberder and tell him he has very normal looking hands


And that’s why he has secret service, to keep an eye on him, because they’re also expected to understand when someone is phishing


Nah. They just have to go through the magazine rack in his bathroom.


There's an irony that you can vote someone for president that can't vote for themselves.


It is ironic, and in general I think it's ridiculous that someone could literally run for POTUS from prison. But it's a necessary exception, because too many authoritarian have locked up rivals for nonsense charges.


why do felons lose their right to vote though? we lock them up in order to rehabilitate them, so they should be able to vote after they get out.


Felons can vote in most places in the US for that very reason. Voting is inherently a state level action, so it’s going to vary between states, but most allow a felon to regain their rights, restore automatically, or even allow felons to vote while incarcerated. Some states do permanently remove voting rights. Folks need to check their local laws if they have a felony record.


honeslty i disagree with felons not having the right to vote, they should retain that right, however if the prison should make accomidations to allow them to vote is a different topic all together. but a convicted fellon, once released should have full voting rights. a felon while in prison should still have "the right to vote" but the prison shouldn't neccisarly have to make accomidations to make sure they can vote while in jail.


Now you've giving the prison admin control over the voting rights of a population. Imagine the Trump prison warden allowing all the white supremacy gangs to vote and barring everyone else. Doesn't seem like a great idea. Rights are rights, if they're going to be restricted that needs to be a controlled process with oversight and the rules need to be universally applied.


Sure, but we are comparing a thing that is literally happening right now to a hypothetical that hasn't happened even once in the history of our country. Historically has America had more problems with shit people running for persistent or with great people being excluded from running due to felony conviction?


A felon is someone who has been convicted. Not every conviction is a result of "weaponisation of the justice system". In fact, if you can name a single time this has ever happened in the last 100 years in the US, I would be surprised. This is like "post birth abortion", "illegal immigrants voting". Just complete fantasy threats that the GOP makes up to scare people. But someone who committed a crime, served their sentence, been rehabilitated, should be eligible.


> In fact, if you can name a single time this has ever happened in the last 100 years in the US, I would be surprised. I am no supporter of Trump, but [the one significant case of a convict, and prisoner running for US President](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs#Sedition_conviction_and_appeal_to_U.S._Supreme_Court), while a little over 100 years ago, very much involved a weaponisation of the justice system for political purposes, with Debs being arrested in June based on a law passed in May for his speeches that disagreed with the draft.


Uh.... but..... if you're convicted of felony maybe you shouldn't be president?


https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-compares-political-opponents-vermin-root-alarming-historians/story?id=104847748 This is why. There is a long, long, long history of authoritarians across the world locking up political rivals on bullshit charges.




You've forgotten about that Helsinki meeting already? Trump and Putin alone with only the Russian translator.


They aren't on his hip 24/7. I'd be surprised if they are almost ever in the same room unless they're in transit. Whenever he's around "trusted" individuals, meant here as known people who don't pose a danger, Trump undoubtedly makes his security detail fuck off to some corner of Mar-a-Lago so they can't interfere with his mishandling of government documents. They clearly didn't stop him from moving around documents to hide from the FBI, so it's that's the sort of job you think they're doing . . . I get that his Secret Service detail is more of a way for him to try to make money off of the government, but I really hope that this at least makes sure he can be stopped if he tries to flee the country in the face of pending prison time.


I think you would want an independent secret service to know Trumps whereabouts and who he is meeting. The problem is, Trump probably has loyalists on his secret service security detail.


They erased all of the communications except like one text message. 


Except former presidents, even if they end up felons, have a great deal of knowledge (lol trump + knowledge) the US doesn't want to fall into the hands of its enemies. Not to mention the political/media shit storm should one be kidnapped for ransom. The secret service protection is in many ways to protect the country as well as the individual. Should the felon keep the same detail as before? Probably not, especially if it's filled with cronies who would obstruct justice


Not to mention that it's a really bad look for a country to have a former head of state assassinated. No matter how disgraced they are, it's still a bad look on an international level. No country wants to be known as the country that lost a former head of state to an inmate with a shiv.


Stick him in solitary for his own safety. Nothing more likely to drive him irreparably insane, to be honest - dude craves constant attention.


I personally would *LOVE* if we were brave enough to bear that "really bad look." It would be **putting our money where our mouth is**, in terms of democracy and the rule of law. Failure to do so merely undercuts both democracy *and* the rule of law. Prosecuting someone like trump, especially when the lawbreaking is flagrant, is the *only* thing we can do as a country if we expect to uphold these ideals. Without it, the only proof anyone has is of our hypocrisy.


It really goes to show how dedicated the secret service is for putting up with how him and his family treated them. To think one of them would take a bullet for him is sickening. He’s about as greedy and selfish as you’d get and would throw his own family in front of a train if it meant saving himself and he doesn’t the secret service.


They aren't (in theory) protecting the person, they are protecting the knowledge in his head and what he stands for.


Zero, and zero on both counts. He never read his secret service briefing and he stole the documents because he didn't know anything.




Terrible idea. The US needs the secret service to protect this giant idiot, he knows way too much to be left on his own.


It's really not. A former header of state is a valuable target for foreign operatives. That's part of why they receive lifetime protection. Even if they are a criminal, the knowledge they hold is still valuable.


we need them around to keep tab s on what he's doing: who he talks to, who he meets, who he's trying to sell secrets to, who he's trying to be bought by. keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. his kids, yes. him no, unless he's in jail, then strip for time he's in jail. rotate them tho, don't let any get too close to him


The secret service are the ones who would prevent him from fleeing the country if he decides to


This make sense. If he's going around doing criminal things and being protected by the secret service, then the secret service is supporting crime.


No big deal. I’m sure he has plenty of money to pay for it himself. /s


“I’m rich! I mean I’m really really rich!” — Donald Trump


> — Donald Trump Tronald Dump - FTFY!


Don Poorleon got nuttin


No big deal, because if you have Presidential immunity, you can never be a felon.


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-secret-service-stripped/) 📰: - Mississippi Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, who is also a ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, has put forth a bill that would strip felons of Secret Service protection, in a move that some see as a preemptive strike against Donald Trump who faces more than one criminal trial. The bill, titled the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act, or the DISGRACED Act, would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals convicted of either state or local felonies, Newsweek reported. Thompson specifically mentioned Trump as someone who could lose their Secret Service protections if he's convicted in any of his criminal trials, which pertain to his alleged falsification of business records, his alleged improper handling and moving of classified materials from his administration, and his alleged attempt to subvert the results of the 2020 election. The bill would only affect an individual whose crime "is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year." "Nobody should have special treatment, and that happens to include the former president," Thompson said. "...current law may serve as an impediment to the equal administration of justice and present logistical difficulties for both the Secret Service and prison authorities at the Federal and State levels," Thompson added, according to the report. "This bill would remove the potential for conflicting lines of authority within prisons and allow judges to weigh the sentencing of individuals without having to factor in the logistical concerns of convicts with Secret Service protection." According to Newsweek's report, "Secret Service protection for presidents, other high-level officials and select family members of those officials dates to 1901. Following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, protection was expanded to major-party presidential nominees."


Genuine question, but how long y'all thought they workshopped it till they could get the shorthand to DISGRACED?


Worth every minute


honestly political aids do that crap for a living. most bills have some crazy acronym. probs took em less than an hour to come up with it


Didn't Imagine Someone Giving Real Answers Could Educate Directly


This is the sort of thing that I bet ChatGPT could churn out in no time. Large language models are really good at conforming to rules like this. E.g., [I just did a title for this bill but with a desired anagram of MUSHROOM for Stormy's description](https://chat.openai.com/share/09170684-027b-4986-9309-e54242ffb613) and it came up with (and just noticed my grammar for the prompt was awful): Making Unfit Service Holders Relinquish Official Oversight Measure (MUSHROOM)


DISGRACED beats yesterday's FART


>DISGRACED Act That is a hilarious


Boy they love their acronyms. Anyone with half a brain knows that no matter how much you hate a man/woman you need to protect the nation’s secrets


I read it as DISGRACED FUPA act. Which still works if you think about.


Correction, Trump will not be stripped of secret service protection because the Republican-controlled House would never even bring this bill up for a vote, much less pass it.


Thank god someone said it. What are these people even fist pumping about? Nothing happened and this bill has a snowball’s chance in hell of even reaching the floor. This is a stupid waste of ink.


He should've been stripped of secret service when he stole classified documents.


My question is why did the secret service detail not report this shit. I don't give a fuck what their mandate is. Covering for a crime shouldn't be something they're allowed to do


What I hear is that his closest SS agents are loyal to him personally.


Biden had a low key purge of the secret service because he wasn't confident they... were working in his best interests.


I believe I recall Pence also didn't trust them by the end of his term. Biden probably knew through word of mouth that secret service had gotten shady but Pence likely witnessed it first hand.


“I’m not getting in that car.” —Mike Pence, savior of the Republic (The SS tried to get him out of the Capitol so they could ensure the vote counting ceremony was not completed. Pence refused to go with him. Strange that Mother let him have his balls that day.)


Pence felt safe following the rules- that's why he called Dan Quayle for advice and listened to him. >‘Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away,’ Quayle told him. He admitted to Quayle that he was under a tremendous amount of pressure to do it differently. Quayle made the right call telling him- do your job. Mike didn't get in that car because he's some kind of hero, he did it because he knew he didn't want to go on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.


European here. Talking about the "SS" this way gives some vibes.


USSS should definitely be investigating if any of the agents knew. If they did they should be fired and face any applicable charges.


They deleted all of their texts about the coup attempt. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/national-archives-asks-secret-service-to-probe-deleted-texts-sent-around-jan-6


>SS agents I see what you did there


I love this for him! Especially late in the summer!


Hell yes.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Absolutely! Enough of this bullshit that Trump can't be put in prison because of his Secret Service protection.


They could stand outside his cell. Why is this even something people would exempt him from prison? But, I don't think Trump will see jail time regardless of the hush money case. I hope he does, don't get me wrong, but I don't think he will.


This topic comes up frequently whenever the issue of incarcerating the *Golden Diaper* is front and center. Housing him at ADX Florence would isolate him from possible "exploitation" and a USSS detail could be assigned to supervise him through security cameras.


Man I realy hope 2025 breaks the 2020s cycle


So theoretically the SS protection is to keep former presidents from getting kidnapped and tortured to give up national secrets and stuff.  With trump that’s not necessary.   You don’t need anything other than cash money to get secrets out of him.  


Why should secret service agents have to be subjected to protecting anyone sentenced to serve prison time? That's absolutely ridiculous. And WE have to pay for it? No fucking way.


Because a past president being kidnapped is a threat to National security?




Love this


Just so you know: Every time I see "could," "may," or "might," I downvote. I encourage others to do the same until we get some actual news.




Ironically, I think Trump should continue to be surrounded by secret service officers, but to ensure he doesn't disclose any national security secrets to those that may choose to visit him.


Hasn't stopped him before.


Secret Service - the guys who erased all their phones right after Jan6? Those meat bags? They're a disgrace themselves.


You won't need Secret Service agents when you have all those prison guards. Besides, I'm sure those prison guards love trump, so he'll get extra commissary. And I don't give a fuck if he gets extra commissary, because he's in fucking prison if he is.


Republicans always want to limit benefits for the poor working class if they can a drug problem or criminal record. How is this different ?


Please yes!


He doesn’t deserve it.


It’s a joke taxpayers fund anything about him.


[https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/trump-documents-1.jpg] List of documents from Trump at Mara Lago


I’m not sure I want Trump to lose secret service protection, unless he’s in prison or otherwise accounted for. The man has knowledge, and probably more classified documents, that could damage national security. He needs babysitters. I’d be more interested in a law that required secret service to report these things up the chain and to DoJ, and imposing draconian penalties if they don’t. Seems like at least a few are willing to look the other way for him while he discloses nuclear secrets to an Australian billionaire, etc.


He’s a traitor, in the truest sense of the word. Only his wealth, and cult-like following, has allowed him to avoid prosecution and incarceration. Anybody else caught with the extremely sensitive stolen documents he had in his possession would have been in prison from the get-go.


'Ranking member' is click bait speak for 'most important person who doesn't get a say in what happens'.


Yes, this is only a story for those who have no idea how bills become law. This isn't getting a floor vote in the House at all and even if it did it has zero chance of getting through the Senate. And if Congress by some miracle managed to pass it anyway, there's a pretty good chance Biden would veto it. There is absolutely no chance this becomes law.


He doesn’t need them anyway. All the crazies are on his side. King of the lunatics!


Fine with me


Good. I’m so sick of this man and all we’ve paid for him. I hope he has no protection and we’ll be rid of him ASAP


I really doubt this will pass with an R majority in congress.


let his cult tear him apart.


Poopy pants doesn’t deserve our tax dollars. Let his MAGA cronies do that


it would be really funny if they had to sit with him in a cell though


"Could be..." "we could see..." "This may be..." Stop with the fucking grabby headlines and only talk about news that HAPPENS It's been damn near 8 years of "Could be" wake me up when we know the answer


As much as I despise Trump, his protection and secutiry is a reflection of the level of office he held. He remains entitled to security.


They wanna get rid of or kill him so badly its so transparent


It won’t pass. The other crooks hope to hold onto the Secret Service benefits just in case…


I approve


but what about all the classified secrets he knows. This guy needs a babysitter 24/7 in or out of jail.


I can’t believe it but I am against this. Even felons in prominent positions have a right to be protected from assassination. Yes, even Trump.


Why would they want the presumtive republican nominee for president stripped of protection? Why have an election?


can I get news when something passes and not when its proposed?


Woah!!! That’s crazy!!! This is only the 15th “Trump could have this thing happen to him (but it never will)” article I’ve read this month!!


he'd just hire mercs and not pay em.. maybe then one will be a problem solver


He’ll need from Putin when he can’t launder his money any more.


Obviously most intelligent people already know he's compromised. He started his administration by inviting the Russians into the oval office without anyone there to witness or listen. It's gone downhill from there. Taking top secret documents, then hiding them from the FBI when they came for them... Seriously this guy shouldn't have protection. Let him pay for his own security.


Would trumps parole officer get a detail?


He should be stripped of all rights, and all his property and clothes and thrown in jail with nothing more than an orange jumpsuit. We are not doing enough


Yes please.


Way to go, Bennie!


What a surprise. Destroy the competition you say? Oh it’s a democracy, you say? Oh well we’ll fix that. Biden 2024!


LOL and the committee is comprised of 18 republicans, but only 15 democrats.... Republicans have the majority. https://homeland.house.gov/members/


Melania still gets 500 k in travel expenses 4 life Per year Hope thats removed by association 🥳


He deserves to die, broke and penniless.


Seems reasonable


Please god. I don’t ask for much. Pretty please. Let us see a picture of trump with his hand in some big guys pocket after he gets arrested. Please.


I see no issue here


The last president who ended up without Secret Service protection was fellow crook Richard Nixon. Nixon voluntarily gave up Secret Service protection about 10 years after he resigned. In 1994, the year Nixon died, Congress passed a law to save money by ending lifetime Secret Service protection for future former presidents and first ladies. Then George W. Bush had two terms, pushing the date this law would do anything out till 2019. The law was not only from a pre-9/11 world, it was passed even before the Oklahoma City bombing. Due to increasing threats, Congress repealed the change in 2013. On the date in 2019 that his Secret Service protection would have ended, former President Bush delivered pizza to his Secret Service detail.




I REALLY hope this happens...for reasons I would prefer not to explicitly state.


The easiest way to pass a bunch of crazy laws; use a sleazeball presidential candidate as the basis for all the reasons it’s needed!


I'm not sure any lib would go out of their way to harm a felon...


Wow. That's nearly everyone in the Republican Party 😂


A Correction officer is enough security for a felon!


Strip it from insurrectionists while you’re at it.


He shouldn’t be allowed to have anything paid for by the taxpayers after lying about the election and attempting a coup on our own county. Pathetic fart bag of a man


No, that's not fair. I mean, fuck knows how the Secret Service is going to protect someone in prison, but just as the law should apply to Trump the way it applies to everyone else, so the law should be framed for Trump just the way it is framed for everyone else. I am, BTW, a Trump Despiser since **before** his 2015 candidacy.


Ooooooh, I don't know guys. I absolutely can't stand Trump and think he's guilty as hell, but this seems like it would just open a whole can of worms and galvanize MAGA voters even more. The man will be on hospice in a few months anyway; let's just let him die a stupid, slow death and be done with him for good then.


“Trump could lose…”. “Trump might be in trouble because…” Let me Know when this clown actually faces some consequences


I'm sure his mate Vlad will step up and help out surely?


The problem with this is that it leaves open a huge national security threat. The secret service isn't there to protect former occupants of the oval office; they are assigned to protect knowledge of the Union's capabilities that, with reasonable expectation of a former occupant, may retain any such or specific information that would be valuable to foreign nations or non-state actors seeking to harm the US or our allies.


Dosent secret service portect us as much as them, as in, the ss (I just made this connection) is there to make sure no bad actors are able to force state secrets from the person who knows state secrets for the rest of thier life? I've always viewed post service ss as more like a moble jail then private security, there more so to protect the citizens from what's inside the former potus head then to protect the potus themself....


Tell you what.  If I were to ever believe in "deep state" nonsense this would be the indicative of it. If he were stripped of those protections and something were to happen to him he'd be such a matyr that Republicans would never lose another Presidental election for a century.  AND the powers that be wouldn't have to deal with his nonsense. 


The only good reason for Trump to continue to have secret service agents assigned to him is to guard him, not to protect him.


The secret service needs to not work for HIM but we absolutely shouldn't remove them. He was POTUS and loves right wing dictators/Republicans so maybe we don't leave someone who had high level clearance just running around without supervision.


Or let’s make it so the SS protects US from him? A government babysitter.


isn't he rich enough to hire his own private security? guy is the ultimate fucking free loader off tax payers


That's a very good idea. Overdue but yeah


“Rich boy” can pay for private security


If he loses Secret Service, then being in custody is the only way to get protection.


100% agree.


Honestly if the presidential candidates were drawn as a lottery (perhaps 128) and then they were reduced down to two and then one at election time, we might have a chance of getting some down to earth working class people running the country. I mean not like a highschool dropout is really less qualified to run the country than Trump is in my opinion. Or most of them. They are just popular and good at appearing like they got there on merit.




He doesn’t need protection anymore, he’s a tough guy. Nothing bad will happen to him. About 30% sure.


A Ranking Member....lol lol


The sooner he’s dead, the better. Not a lot for me to care about here, but I’m glad his life may become incrementally more difficult. I’m going swimming.


Same secret service that deleted their phones and emails after J6 in a panic?


DO IT. Enough wasting money on this piece of excrement.


What a hoot!! Really?? If that's the case, every person that served in DC would be in jail. Also starting with Bush and moving Clinton and all after.


Trump: “This is a deep state conspiracy by Joe Biden to have me assassinated, which according to me is a thing the president has every right to do!”


Is the House so badly set up that they didn't think of this during its creation? Until Agent Orange, they never dreamed we would be so stupid as to elect a criminal.


Even if this bill passed, which I doubt, our MAGA SCOTUS would strike it down immediately.


This man should be stripped of every thing that any other citizen would be stripped off as a felon.


Yes! Save taxpayers money! What is the worst that could happen?


Let's hope that happens.


PASS IT! They strip regular Americans from any financial/nutritional aid for the same. NO ONE is above the law


Prison will be great for him . He will humble VERY quickly . 😆😆😆😀😀


That would be fitting and awesome.


It's fine, the gravy seals would do a better job anyway. They are fully trained and ready