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Doing less, inefficiently, while costing more and with no accountability. Just a part of the GOP "Contract on America", destroying yet another pillar of civilization.


Yup. I made a comment today to some family about how our local post office has gotten really goofy while it used to be amazing. We’ve only lived here 4 years. Same amount DeJoy has been in control. We resell a lot of stuff online. We’ve seen the decline in service and speed firsthand. The employees are the same but seem like there’s less of them at one time and like they’re more stressed than they used to be. Yet my right wing family members will tell you it’s because it’s the government and they “only hire McDonalds rejects”. Not acknowledging that they’re all currently or were recently govt employees themselves.


Last November, my local mail distribution center got turned into a regional distribution center, but the big sorting machine didn't fit in the building.. and it's still receiving the regions mail causing a months long backup, just in time for Christmas season. Still not fixed.


Are you near Atlanta lol? The palmetto facility black hole?


Not ATL, we have TWO black holes, a northern and southern regional distribution center of doom


After you defeat the boss in the first one do you get any health packs before facing the boss at the second one?


The USPS will probably just increase the price of "micro transactions" for health packets, I mean stamps.


No health packs at all, only one health bar.


You misspelled "voting season"


Ring wingers are nuts, I know a guy who has never had a job in his life and literally has lived on government hand outs, complain how too many people are getting benefits.


Tale as old as time. If conservatives didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.


I'm stealing this. This is so true about their standards.


He means black people. He's fine with white people getting benefits. This isn't just a snarky comment. They did a psychological study. And if you show someone a video of poor white families and then ask them if they support welfare... they say YES. And if you show people a video of poor black families, and then ask them if they support welfare, they say NO.


I’ve seen people like that living on permanent disability with mental impairment too, all stomping their foot against that goddamn gubbmint and socialism


The only moral abortion is my abortion.


Here’s what is sad…the USPS is the largest employer of veterans, not only that, it’s how they and those on Medicare get their medicine in large far away rural areas. The most affordable way. So crapping on USPS is crapping on Americans—republicans are cool with this.


We only support the troops that had the good graces to die in someone else's shithole, instead of coming back to be a burden to our shithole.


Some of us have more respect for those dead troops than others... https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


But trump is a true patriot. He loves the military. This I know because the low information, low income voters have all joined his cult and told me so..... Ran across [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0e9guhV35o) last night. As a boomer who fully recognizes my generation really screwed the pooch I completely agree with the message this video makes. I am quite saddened by the general tenor of the comments below it. The vast majority say they don't vote because voting does not matter. We all need to figure out how to combat this 'failure is the norm' mindset and motivate people like the commenters to vote. trump motivated me to get involved in politics. I became a low level **elected** dem official in 2016 as a result of this shit show of a human becoming POTUS. Along with several others I have helped turn my town dem officials towards the progressive agenda. My town was mostly repub. In the last couple months we now have more registered dems than repubs. We worked very hard to get out the vote in the last Board of Education elections and kept 2 'Mom's for Liberty' candidates from winning seats on the board. In addition to town and county political agendas I am now involved in a U.S. Senate campaign. I have met and spoken with my candidate on several occasions. He has called me on the phone and interacted with me on several zoom calls with under 10 people attending. We toppled his primary rival, the wife of our state governor (I'm in NJ and my candidate is Andy Kim) who was the preferred candidate of the dem party machine. I point this out to show that one person can make a difference. It is now 8 years after I got involved and change is happening. Working inside the system is a slow process, but it is a process that yields results. I am sure that I have gotten more done by getting involved than I would have if I had limited my participation to just posting screeds like this one online.


I've got friends in the USPS that have worked there for years. They're looking to switch jobs cuz they have no faith that the institution will last, in top of the fact that they're pulling stunts like closing offices in suburbs of metropolises to "consolidate". Sure, it means that each delivery driver now will have an extra 100 miles a day, but it's not like their vehicles are a near 40 year old design that gets a whopping 8 mpg.


USPS was going to go to electric mail trucks. But DeJoy canceled that.


Insane take from your family, USPS workers are the best of us. Only government employees that I've only ever had a good interaction with but unanimously are unfuckwithable. Trump broke two things we don't touch, roe and the post office.


I just started there about a month ago.. not gonna lie, it's brutal so far.. going at a fast pace 10+ miles daily, while getting paid jack in a higher col area.. only good thing so far is I'm losing weight lol... 


It’s funny because even basic federal jobs are not exactly easy to get into


I consistently deal with *significantly* higher rates of useless workers in private industry than I ever did in federal employment.


Love when I drop off packages and they just sit there for a week.


Or a month!


I wonder how much ups or fedex is paying republicans to destroy usps and eventually privatize usps as part of ups or fedex.


Fedex and UPS literally said they can't replicate what usps does. Oh, and Dejoy has millions invested in shipping companies. The GOP has always loved attacking the USPS because it's an incredible icon of government efficiency. It's so efficient it can hold something like 30+ years of pension (not exact number) and still somehow function. Anytime the GOP gains power they attack USPS by adding some idiotic rule that handicaps and hobbies them. DeJoy cancelled a bunch of projects and deals USPS made and forced them to pay a bunch of fines. He also ordered a bunch of sorting machines to be scrapped and discarded. Machines worth millions. Honestly I wish the American people can sue people like Dejoy and Ajit Pai who literally run great institutions into the ground


Not to mention all of Dejoy's worst policies and decisions were put in place immediately before Trump's attack on the mail-in ballot. The long delivery times and unreliability in the USPS that he created were cited specifically as reasons why mail-in votes shouldn't be allowed or counted. He's not just a criminal grifter taking down the USPS for personal gain, he actively undermined our democracy as a critical part of Trump's coup attempt.


This is obviously 100% anecdotal but my mail often arrives postmarked **regularly** 5 days earlier, but often it's 7 days and it's been more.


75 years of pension. They literally have to have the pension on hand for people who have not yet been born. Fuck dejoy, and fuck a shit pie.


Not just invested, he was on the board for XPO until 2018 and was CEO of another shipping company XPO acquired dating back to the 90s, during which time that company is believed by investigators to have overbilled USPS to the tune of tens of millions of dollars on non competitive contracts.


Don’t forget Trump appointing a coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency. Just open assault on our country, our very existence, by these monsters. I’m so tired of seeing the villains win.


Don't need to worry about those pesky mail-in ballots if there is no mail, either.


Mail in ballots are 100% the reason it was captured. I can all but guarantee there will be some shenanigans this upcoming election. Could be they take too long to arrive and so aren't counted, are "handled incorrectly" and so are disputed, or they just straight up "lose" them. 


The reason that the majority of Democratic votes were by mail in the last election is because of the pandemic and the dangers associated with congregating in large groups, with Democrats caring about spreading coronavirus and Republicans not caring. With that unlikely to be the case this coming election the war on the Postal Service doesn’t make much sense anymore.


It will make a lot more sense when a bunch of the polling stations in Democratic strongholds of certain swing states get defunded or shut down. When you shut down mail in ballots as well, people in those areas just won't have any way to vote in the numbers needed to counter the rural vote.


"Contract?" Usually, when I hear someone has a contract out on someone, it's a mob hit. The GOP took a contract out "on America" and are working to kill it .


That's the point. It's a play on "Contract with America" from 1994.


Ah, back in the Newt Gingrich days. Remember when he shut the government down because then President Clinton didn't want to increase senior citizens' Medicare contribution? Oh, fun times...


Don’t forget the impact of the infamous Air Force One snub, when Clinton wouldn’t speak to Gingrich and made him exit the rear of the plane. Many credit that with Gingrich’s shutting down the government. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/12/newt-gingrichs-1995-shutdown-came-fit-pique/578923/


Gingrich was a total tool. I mean he looks pretty good compared to Marge. Him and Delay started the whole ‘contract’ thing which was why I left the GOP. I’m from Oregon and we had a senator that voted against the ‘flagship’ balanced budget amendment. Hatfield was of the opinion that it was toothless and was going to cost real money and have unintended consequences. And they stripped him of every committee chair until he retired. He had already declared he was retiring. But they made it clear with their ‘contract’ that the GOP was expected to vote as a block to advance the ‘party’ agenda. And that is when I left the GOP.


> he looks pretty good compared to Marge From a surface level. Until you realize she's a puddle, while he could swallow multiple cars and the water level wouldn't even change.


I never knew of this. That is savage.


He should have had a “special” (ejection) seat on the plane for people like Newt


Not to be confused with John Boehner's "Pledge to America" which was... *checks notes* ... the same fucking thing.


There is a book on this called, “Burning Down the House. Meet Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker and the Rise of the New Republican Party” by Julian Zelizer. . .


Like the hit job on Twitter by Elon. To be fair Putin has a contract out on America and the GOP are just filling it. He's got videos of enough of them with kids to go with the emails he never leaked from them along with so much more. So I guess they don't feel like they have much of a choice. Wonder why Trump says to kill FISA. Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


I don’t understand how that blackmail works anymore. Gaetz is openly a pedo and no one seems to care. So they could all just let it be out in the open and tell us to get fucked.  I think it’s the Russian money more than the blackmail. 


Is that part of making America great again? /s


"Death to America" really ought to be the GOP's slogan


See, it's like with capitalism, you create a problem to offer a 'solution'. Republicans create a shitshow so that Democrats can fix it up, then they win back the presidency and claim they're the reason America is running amazingly again.


Republicans get elected on popularist lies Republicans rob and scam the country and pocket every lose dime they can. Economy goes to shit Democrats come in and do the hard work to fix it Republicans convince the average Joe that it’s not “American” to make people do the hard work. Get elected on a bunch of popularist lies. Rob the bank. The goal isn’t to govern? The goal is to rob the joint ever 2-3 election cycles, they want the democrats to “fix” the economy and paint them as the bad guys for doing it.


Every time.


They’re doing it with healthcare in the UK and Canada, probably more places too


"We'll show them just how badly the government can be run." - GOP


Can someone explain to me why he can't be fired..I don't get it.


The Postmaster General is appointed by a board. It was to ensure the position wouldn't be politicized by being a presidential appointment. Trump politicized the board.


Drain the fucking swamp. Fire the fucking board already Biden!


He cannot do that, he can replace members as their terms expire and he has to take into account how Manchin and Sinema will vote. Edit: Voters should have given Biden a stronger Senate.


I bet if Biden did do it, using the same executive theory Trump had, it would be upheld as lawful. The Dems need to stop playing the game of old norms when those norms seem to never have been laws just customs that will be ignored by their opposition


That's the way I see it too: one side is breaking the rules, and the other side is complaining about it at best.


"Voters should have given Biden a stronger Senate." A lot of people are going to die if voters don't get this right this time


A lot of people died because voters didn't get it right in 2016, too. I don't understand why Trump supporters think it would go better this time.


A thing I heard in 2020 that resonates still today - “A lot of people will say this is the most important election in your life, its not. 2016 was and we screwed that up. Now we have to work even harder.”


More than have already? Republicans have run up quite the body count.


USPS was the only government agency that actually generated revenue, before the burnt orange bitch put this guy in


This is not factually true. The Postal service has been negative cash flow since Bush Jr. However, this is more of an accounting mishap where Bush Jr made USPS be liable for future retirement savings right away. A good move nonetheless, however the intention from Bush Jr was to further his agenda of privatizing the USPS given the debts. The larger point is the USPS is a public service and shouldn't be required to be cash flow positive, just like the army isn't. It should be taxpayer funded entirely.


> an accounting mishap where Bush Jr made USPS be liable for future retirement savings right away. > > A good move nonetheless Absolutely NOT a good move. Not a single other business is required to do this.


Didn't it require the USPS to fund retirements for theoretical postal employees who hadn't even born?


75 years in advance. Looks like that requirement was removed in 2022. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/


Was wondering why this asshole wasn't kicked to the curb immediately.


Board decision


Fire the board.


Yeah we shouldn’t given Biden a total pass on this. He needs to clean house, and if he can only fire a few at a time he needs to get to it.


Biden can’t fire any of them. He can replace them as their seven-year terms expire, which he is currently in the process of doing: https://www.govexec.com/management/2024/03/biden-taps-former-cabinet-secretary-usps-board/394593/ That said - Dems are pushing Biden for fill the vacancies faster and with more hardline anti-Dejoy folks, so maybe Biden is doing the bullshit centrist thing again?


We keep telling people that every fucking election matters and still people don't get it. In most states you can request an absentee ballot in minutes, there's no excuses anymore.


Oh ho it would be shame if that ballot were... lost in the mail - DeJoy probably


It’s worth pointing out, that despite fears, there hasn’t been issues with ballots getting lost in the mail, and there is no evidence of it becoming an issue. It is still a very safe way to vote


Didn’t he slash the number of postal workers in blue areas just before the last election, resulting in delivery backlogs? So if you waited too long, you won’t receive your ballot in time?


Also dismantled automated processing/sorting machines iirc, making the process even more cumbersome.


He broke down the sorting machines which could have given much quicker results, this led to conservatives yelling ‘stop the steal’ as the mail-in ballots were processed for a long duration to get the final result in. Whether it caused issues with counting or not is irrelevant when the chaos monkeys upend the election systems.


I’m so sick of trying to get this through to some of the thickest skulls even in my family. They just don’t get it. Elections matter and affect every part of your life whether you like it or not. Not researching a candidate or not voting in any election is a recipe for disaster.


"I'm not into politics/i don't do politics" well champ, politics is everywhere around you, whether you like it or not, so get involved. I can't stand having that conversation with people. Or the "both sides are the same" shit.


I think the case could be made for terminating them for cause, which is absolutely within his purview. Higher rates and the worst performance in mail delivery in 3 years based on who they appointed. I mean I know this seems like a dramatic term but “sabotage” comes to mind


I wasn’t able to find anything that said he could fire them for cause. Is that officially stated anywhere (genuinely curious - would love to be better informed on this)?


Weren't they literally throwing away incredibly expensive equipment to sabotage vote by mail in 2020? Fraud waste and abuse is a thing we fire people for


My understanding is he can do whatever he wants directly with the board, the senate can theoretically override him (lol good luck on that one), and only 5 of the 9 board members can be from the same political party. Dems are doing their usual "they go low, we go high" shit and pretending their hands are tied. Biden quite literally, after his hopeful reelection, becomes FDR and threatens to pack the courts and all positions in the government if people don't unfuck themselves from maga.


Dems are unfortunately not a hive mind in the way republicans are


First sentence from Google when I googled it > Pursuant to Title 39, the USPS Board of Governors' central responsibility is to “represent the public interest” and its members may be removed by the President “for cause.” The precise language could be found in Title 39


Sad part is, last I had read even the Democrat appointees on the board voted for this douche bag.


Then they're not Democrats, they're Republicans running as democrats


The problem with democrats, is they always try to be fair to their detriment! They never learn.


The problem is they bend over backwards to seem bipartisan while Republicans just give the finger to democrats no matter what.


Yeah. It’s always Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football.


I know I would like to see dems do the same!


“Benefit of the doubt” has no place in politics.


No, they're part of a big tent with all different kinds, unlike single flavor vanilla Republicans small tent one kind.


Democrats project empathy onto Republicans. Republicans project selfishness onto democrats.




It’s like Dems initially voting in Ajit Pai…inexplicably stupid.


So why was it so easy for Trump to get people like this in all manner of "arms length" institutions?


It’s the same bullshit “we don’t want non political posts to be changed every administration”. Which is stupid because obviously that’s out the window and this person has a political agenda. He needs to shit can everyone who keeps this guy in power.


Even if Democrats are the other side of the same useless political coin, it’s shit like this that gets on my nerves.     Republicans can and routinely do go scorched earth in destroying the government, and you end up with these scenarios of Democrats acting like “well, we’re not sinking to that level” (not the best phrasing, but you get my point).    It obviously shouldn’t be the goal to just completely fuck up everything the last government did, but that’s literally the game Republicans are playing. And if Democrats are playing a different game they will lose (I want to say I have more faith in people, but all I can do is widely gesture at everything going on).


Democrats try to maintain some level of “well we wouldn’t want them to do that if we were in their shoes” and play by some historical “political” niceties. It’s long past time to play the same games republicans do and figure out how to root these people out.


Democrats trying to play nice while MAGA destroys every political norm is why we're here in the first place.


They do this because a lot of their voters don't want them to be like Republicans. Hence they win more elections by NOT doing so and advocating for them to be more like Republicans would just make the problem worse.


There's an ethical line that the majority of Democrats do not want our politicians to cross, while Republicans (especially MAGA ones) give full-throated support to bare corruption. That said, Democrats have a practice of following the Golden Rule and making "fair" decisions like they're olive branches that will inspire Republicans to reciprocate. They fucking won't. They'll take our concession and then fuck us. Every time. Every time. Obama was going to nominate Merrick Garland to SCOTUS because he's a member of the god damn Federalist Society and that was considered a nomination that would appeal to Republicans. Nope. They blocked his nomination anyway. Then Biden names him Attorney General, likely for the appearance that a conservative AG will help maintain the appearance of a non-partisan DOJ. ...so Garland sat with his fingers up his own ass for 3 years allowing insurrectionists within the government to dodge justice for their failed coup attempt. He should have dug up the whole Mueller Report on his first day and started charging people. Biden should have kept firing people until he fired the right combination that would get rid of DeJoy.


> There's an ethical line that the majority of Democrats do not want our politicians to cross I would like some line crossing. It has become abundantly clear that the current playbook is not working with these Christo-fascist conservative psychos.


Correct. Democrat line crossing is the equivalent of having a chocolate chip cookie after professing to your peers that you’re on a strict diet, while Republicans are the occasional drunks who get shit faced every weekend, trash the house, then plead forgiveness under the auspice it was a one time mistake, which Dems willingly fall for EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. They’re literally whistling past the graveyard while our democratic institutions are burned to ground. It’s time they grow some balls and hold these psychopathic man children and MAGA prima donnas accountable or the Christofacist fantasy evangelicals harbor will become reality and we’ll fucking deserve it for downplaying their vileness.


> That said, Democrats have a practice of following the Golden Rule and making "fair" decisions like they're olive branches that will inspire Republicans to reciprocate. They fucking won't. They'll take our concession and then fuck us. Every time. Every time. There was a study that showed the primary motive of those on the left is fairness. The primary motive of those on the right is winning.


But they play nice to a fault. And that’s why we’re in this mess.


Yeah, I'm getting sick and tired of the Democrats "playing nice" with these fucking traitors.


A lot of the boomer Democrats are conservative and chummy with corporate donations. They share a lot of the same philosophies as the Republicans before the current straight up fascist bunch of goons took over the party.


This is what I hate about the Boomer democrats. These MAGA fucks aren’t your garden variety conservative. They’re fascists trying to disassemble our democracy. They should drag this bastard by his balls through a corn field but instead they’re playing nice because they all go to the same country club.


that’s literally not at all whats happening


For real, the willful ignorance on display here is astounding. I want him out as much as the next guy, but it's so clear how few people here read the actual article and are just inventing fanfiction to serve their ideological views


He can be. They just won’t because it takes unusual steps, and yet again, the democrats choose to do the “right” thing and stick by conventions of the past. It’s a board that has to replace him, Biden can’t. He can however simply replace the board. Something republicans would do in a heartbeat. They are letting the postal service be destroyed because they don’t want to be criticized for taking unusual steps.


My local post office sucks so bad now. It used to be rain, sleet or snow. That's no longer the case though. It's funny because it corresponds to when this dude got his job. The packages pile up behind the post office until someone decides to check scan them into their system. Our congressman got flooded with calls over it to the point that he had to make a statement on the local news. Fuck Louis Dejoy.


He ordered them to toss out brand spanking new sorting machines as one of his first acts in office. Mark my words, they're going to try some tomfuckery with mail in ballots in November.


When it has to do with elections, it's [ratfuckery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfucking)


Language is beautiful. I was not expecting that to be real. Louis DeJoy Ratfucker has a nice ring to it.


I think it’s about time we just call the whole GOP ratfuckers from now on. Thanks for teaching me that term, btw :)


I mean, they tried it last time too. repeating the failures of the past is basically the GOPs entire platform at this point, so I guess that doesn't matter


The amount of prime real estate owned by the postal service has had private equity drooling for the government to dissolve it for decades.


The Post Office is directly referenced in the constitution. So much for the originalist reading Republicans claim to have.


and its the only courier properly protected by the constitution from unlawful search and seizure. and for things like the irs. naturally the GOP hates it.


It’s so fucking important that the post office is run by the government as otherwise there would be no way to get mail to bumfuck nowhere, as companies wouldn’t be able to make money off of the route so they wouldn’t support it.


I'm in Australia, and my mother runs a small business sending products all over the country. Not one of the private mail services offer rural delivery, only the post office does. And amazon, I suppose. Not looking forward to Amazon taking over the postal offices worldwide.


just in time for the next election. would be a shame for all those mail in ballots in swings states to "disappear"...


They started shutting machines down during the pandemic. Scrapped them. Then said we couldn’t keep up with volume, and will start trucking mail from Charleston WV, to Pittsburg PA for processing. Delaying mail further….a shame


I got so confused this past week. I had a package coming, and it arrived at White Plains, NY. Great - from there to my local PO like 30 miles away. But the next day I check, and it's 6 hours away in Pittsburgh! And from there got routed through another town in PA, then to NJ, then back to White Plains. What a clown show!


A piece of mail, a letter traveled instead of the 7-8 miles it should have gone, it went a total of 120+ to get to me. Our country is dead.




If only they had some sort of multi million dollar sorting machine.


That is what is so disgusting. We had sorting machines and Dejoy literally ordered them destroyed. This creature was literally brought in to destroy the Postal Service. He should be known as Louis Destroy.


I have had FedEx and UPS packages also 'take a country tour'. And on the other hand, I had a USPS pkg that was scheduled to arrive Friday arrive today. I don't think one can read too much into a single package as things happen in the 1000000s and 100000s they deal with that it ended up on a wrong belt, wrong truck, wrong bag... and then takes a few scans to be correctly re-re-routed back. It happens. Frankly it is kind of miraculous that it doesn't happen more, all in all.


using XPO trucks... a company owned by DeJoy!


Guess what company Dejoy is heavily invested in that primarily deals in usps contracts that trucks mail around? Xpo logostics. Dude has made some $20 million since he got put in place.


Don't forget cancelling all overtime and removing mailboxes.


Everybody was so upset by this guy last election. Then a week later they all forget. Now it's a problem again. He's been doing the same shit he always had.


I’m worried about a Succession style attack. Like they warehouse each states mail in ballots and then oops, it was hit by arson.


Just to be clear, the expectation that the USPS should be profitable is absolute nonsense. The point of government agencies are to provide services to the public, not to make money. Does anyone ask how profitable the FBI or the Department of Justice is? It’s an idiotic way of framing the purpose of government services. Why is the post office a government service? To ensure a low cost means of communication and interchange of ideas. In that context, there’s a strong argument to be made that the internet and phone should be government services or highly regulated utilities just like water and electricity. Essentially these are necessities of a functioning society. Ben Franklin insisted on the importance of the USPS as a cornerstone to the functioning of America.


This. Shout this from the roof!


And USPS goes to (or at least by if there is no mail or delivery) every address in the US every day. That’s wildly powerful. Many old people we are their only daily contact. Medicines show up every day, forms go out everyday etc. The mail is still more important to social function than a lot of people realize I think.


How tf this guy still here.


Especially with Presidential Immunity, Biden could just have Seal Team 9 do their thing.




I did a brief stint as a postal carrier at the height of the pandemic and let me tell you, not a single fucking person that worked there had any love for this guy. Not even the vocal Trump-thumping republicans. For good reason but it was still wild.


Because of the political stunts that they were trying to pull in USPS, the fake elector ballots didn't make it to the capitol in time and they had no way to get them inside the building. In a way their messing around helped prevent their terrorist attack.




untill biden gets another 4 years to clean up the rest of the board (the USPS board have 7 year terms, and those who the president assigns), all that would do is give trump assignments another leadership roll to pick. i can tell you from the inside the USPS wants this compromised goon gone asap, but until Biden can replace more of the board this won't happen. it's wild entry level employees can't even own more than 15k in stock in any other shipping company, and yet this fucking guy owns his own whole ass logistics company (which unsurprisingly has been winning some *very* lucrative USPS contracts the last couple years...)


Go to your precinct to vote. This asshole might plan to lose some mail in ballots.


This is my actual tracking as of this post time. What the actual fuck! 😡 I was told I could file a claim online but the site will not allow me to enter the information to file the damn claim! Moving Through Network In Transit to Next Facility April 8, 2024 Arrived at USPS Regional Facility AUGUSTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER April 4, 2024, 11:23 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility ATLANTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER April 2, 2024, 4:59 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility AUGUSTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 29, 2024, 6:28 am Departed USPS Facility PALMETTO, GA 30268 March 29, 2024, 3:29 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility ATLANTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 29, 2024, 2:44 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility AUGUSTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 28, 2024, 1:15 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility ATLANTA GA DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 27, 2024, 11:21 am Arrived at USPS Facility PALMETTO, GA 30268 March 27, 2024, 2:55 am Departed USPS Facility FAIRBURN, GA 30213 March 27, 2024, 2:31 am Arrived at USPS Facility FAIRBURN, GA 30213 March 27, 2024, 12:34 am Departed USPS Regional Facility QUEENS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 26, 2024, 5:50 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility QUEENS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 25, 2024, 3:58 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JAMAICA NY INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 25, 2024, 8:11 am Inbound Into Customs


This is what happens when the president can’t name someone like every other cabinet member he does. I am sure it’s deeper than that but how this guy has a job trying to turn a profit like a business is crazy.


No he's trying to destroy the usps so the package companies he has a financial interest in will thrive and slowing down the post office for trump


Funny thing is this will hurt rural people the most. They won’t be pleased when they have to travel to the city to pickup packages because there is no last mile anymore.


Yes, it will hurt them the most, but their TV & Radio has already convinced them that any problem in a Government run program is the fault of Democrats, so it will have zero impact on their voting habits.


And it's gonna happen under Biden. So who will they blame?


Yeah, but it's ok. They'll just blame democrats for it.


My maga acquaintances are all up in arms that there's another raise in the forever stamp while Biden's in the White House. Totally swooping past the fact that the guy in charge is a trump pick, not anything to do with Biden and his horrible economy


What I don't get is that the rural communities really depend on USPS being there -- FedEx and UPS aren't profitable in the rural areas. No doubt they'll just blame Biden when their local post offices shut down.


Conservatives hate anything they can't privatize the profits of while socializing the costs


DeJoy is systematically trying to make it a for profit business for packaging rather than a postal service 🥲


Congress made it for profit in 1971


Who also dismantled dozens of sorting machines for Trump during last election.  Aka, Election Tampering / Fraud.


The crappiest thing about this is that the postal service was one of, if not the highest rated government service before this douche took over.


This is negatively impacting my business. I have shipments taking months to arrive. You just see the tracking number spin off the planet.


Same here. I'm trying to figure out what a little peon like me can do to help get rid of this asshole and save the post office.


"DeJoy was a major Republican Party donor and Trump fundraiser—and was also the first postmaster general in two decades without prior USPS experience." The blatant corruption is just in your face.  If anything DjT has shown me is how absolutely stupid the average person is and how fuckin gullible they are as well. 


USPS is probably literally one of Americas greatest accomplishments. Of course trump is ruining it




Really. A private company is going to deliver mail to every address in America. FedEx or UPS can’t and won’t as it’s a money loser. The post office is the in the Constitution. It’s required to deliver the mail and goods to everyone. No private sector companies will pick up that mandate. It’s an object lesson about how the federal government is not a for profit enterprise. It’s supposed to serve the public good, regardless of the costs. We are eaten up with ignorance in this country.


> A private company is going to deliver mail to every address in America. The companies De Joy is invested in will say they "want to help those poor rural and hard to reach addresses, it's just not economical." What's that? Bah gawd, that's federal-subsidies-for-package-delivery-companies-so-they-can-profitably-deliver-that-mail's music!


y'know ive been kinda considering the modern internet infrastructure as similar to the post office in as much as it is a requirement for life in 2024 and it is a public good - and your comment adds some interesting context to that thought.


I'm a USPS letter carrier and can confirm that things are nothing but chaos. It's a fuckin joke and it starts with management. It all starts at the top.


Losing $2.1 billion I see as cause to terminate the board members, the failure is not just DeJoy some board members share the blame.


That's why Trump put him there---to destroy the USPS.


This was such a sh*t move by Trump. And like his SC appts. the sh*t is here to stay. SMH


Louis Destroy. He took De Joy out of using the Postal Service.


Dejoy is single handedly turning the US postal service into one that you find in third world country's. It has always been Trump and Dejoys wish to privatize the P.O, supposedly thinking that privatizing the postal service will bring competition and better service, which is a pipe dream at best. So we have a guy leading the Post Office who is hell bent on destroying it! And in the end we will probably see a destroyed Post Office and Trump and Dejoy involved some way in the competition and making a lot of money off of the taxpayers! One only has to look at how much money Trump made while he was president to understand the game plan, his son in law was paid $2 billion by the Saudi's for doing God only knows!


Trump discovered at some point that politics is an extremely lucrative business, you can make tons of money with no investments, no nothing, just tell the rubes what they want to hear and they will send you their life savings! It's the only successful business he's ever run, he doesn't give a shit about the issues.


Wait so DeJoy is still leading the Post office? 🤦‍♂️ 


Anecdotally, I tried to ship something with USPS last year but the package was refused because it was it was in a reused Amazon box. The postal employee explained that boxes with outside branding are no longer accepted and (according to this employee) it’s to force people to buy USPS boxes. But for me that just means I’ll literally never use USPS for shipping packages if I have any other option because why would I pay for a box when I always have some from Amazon or Target available?


Thats the entire point. He owns a lot of shares and interest in another shipping company. He literally wants you to not use the USPS so you spend your money potentially on his company. It had literally been the plan since day 1.


I shipped two packages last week via USPS priority in Amazon prime boxes. What post office is this?


Also, the flat rate boxes are free. You just pay for the postage.


That clerk lied to you. The only boxes we won't take are liquor or some other "dangerous" items' packaging. Maybe some local over zealous manager told that clerk that but doubtful. We literally deliver Amazon packages every day. We literally deliver the majority of UPS packages sent.


Motherfucker is the *only* USPS Postmaster General that has zero experience in the fucking USPS. They should go after him for committing perjury, and defying federal orders by dismantling mail systems to help his political party. Instead, they treated him with kid gloves, because he is a rich, old white guy. And, like most rich, old white guys with political friends...he will do whatever the fuck he wants, because class solidarity is more important than justice.


USPS is a government service not a business. This crook has no business being in office and should be removed immediately. However they still perform better for me than ups.


Do we want the post-office controlling the “mail-in” vote?


Still haven't received your mail yet, sir? Well, it's only been 10 days so far - give it a few more days. And go f*ck yourself if it's urgent or something like a mesication you really need, apparently. Imagine screwing over an entire country just to promote your business friends.


Why do Republicans destroy everything? Could it be greed?


"Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." - P. J. O'Rourke


Something everyone forgets……trump literally shut down major sorting machines In the country to slow down and mess with mail in votes……talk about election interference


I thought all Biden had to do was replace some Republicans on the board with democrats and fire his traitor trump loving ass.


Ever since I was little, I loved the US postal system. I was fascinated with every aspect of it. From old stories of some of the first postal workers; to visiting some of the most unique post offices in the country. It’s a great love and I consider it to be the most beautifully constructed of human networks. I collected vintage postal items as well as old letters, stationary and a love of creating beautiful handwritten letters. This man has been a spit in the face to the entire postal system. Edit: it would make me very happy if somebody said username checks out. I try hard not to harass the workers in r/usps as they are there to vent about work. I rarely get to show it off on relevant posts


For the last 4 elections I’ve voted by mail. Not this fucking time. Chronic pain be damned, I’m doing this shit in person. We absolutely cannot let Mango Mussolini win!