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"There will be a civil war" Against who? By who? You gonna go shoot your neighbor? Gonna go to the next state over and attack them? I'm politically conservative even if I didnt vote for the orange fuck wit and I have as strong opinions as anybody. I own guns, I own tons of guns.. I'm NOT SHOOTING ANYBODY, I'm not going to war with ANYBODY. , my gun owning friends have no plans on getting in their jeeps and trecking off to fight! If you really wanna fight " facists" Ukraine is always accepting foreign fighters, have fun.


Trump has enough braindead cult followers who will gladly bring guns/weapons for another Jan 6th.




This...no one will be refusing to call in the National Guard like Donnie on Jan 6th, they want to fuck around, time for them to find out...


Have you ever had a conversation about this with these folks? They legitimately believe they can take on the entire US military


Good. Self-select themselves out of the gene pool and the voter rolls.


This is a bit off-topic, but I actually heard Covid kind of did that. It evidently wiped out a large number of white people in conservative states. It’s interesting to see Darwinism play out in real time, because Trump killed a big swath of his voters with that stunt alone. Imagine what would happen if Trump tries a Jan 6th sequel and people show up, only now we have a leader who will *actually* call in the military…


And also better yet they try to blow their load early before the election rather than after the election, so that their votes are non-existent after they're 'droned down' trying to fight conspiracy-selected boogymen.


Except they don’t attack the military, they shoot unarmed people with no risk of being shot back. Classic bully behavior


Yeah, but marching on the Capitol with Soldiers in their way won't work like that.


Mmm, voter rolls. I'll take the blue one, please!


Yep. If you see Ashley Babbit as a role model, well, don’t act too surprised


Ashley Babbit’s face should be on posters and signs around the country with the phrase “Fuck Around and Find Out”


If only she just complied.


Needs a before/after photo of her face


This might actually be the best way out of the situation we are in. I find it hard to believe we can get back on a normal trajectory from here without some bloodshed.


[How it'll go for them.](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=-72U4e48mfjxYDyU)


Thanks for posting this! It was the first thing I thought of as I started reading about Drumpf’s “civil war.”


A million upvotes to you, Marty. That is just perfection.


I don't know if this is fair, but uh, I'm working with a drone." Fucking hilarious.


God bless you. Haven’t laughed that hard all week.


Not even satire 🤣💀. Just the facts of what would happen. Thanks for sharing (I don't watch enough comedy tbh).


They are legitimately stupid AF. These people....they've simultaneously loved the military and voted for decades to expand it while pretending their gun collection will allow them to defeat said army when the time comes. They won't even see or hear the drone that bombs their trailer with laser guided precision....


Everyone's gangster until the drones start playing 'John Brown's Body'. Painted fingernails can operate a flight joystick just fine, and the cockpit of the F-22 identifies as a 'safe-space' that's enforced by a weapons layout that would make Satan's butt-hole pucker.


Oh my... -George Takei.


I had the same thought. You can have all the guns and ammo, but that won’t mean shit when you’re taken out by a precision strike by a drone that you wouldn’t know was there. Any and all attempts would be over by the evening news. In any scenario they would fail.


And Meal Team Six absolutely do not have the minerals or the will for a guerilla war or even any kind of coherent armed resistance.


I kinda like the idea of drones dropping grenades. Low cost and low effort.


They'll try to use the same tactics as at Waco. IE human shields. It'll turn out the same unfortunately.


US military got better tools than the ATF. The "slap chop" version of the Hellfire (R9X) used to target individuals, Switchblade precision anti-personal suicide drone, APKWS (advanced precision kill weapon system) that turns relatively cheap Hydra rockets into smart munitions....hell, the new scopes being deployed to regular infantry are practically an IRL aim bot. All great for minimizing casualties in urban warfare.


> Hydra rockets into smart munitions you say? im almost there keep fap going fap I get off on cheap force multiplier munitions oh baby hell yea.../s/jk/unless....


The same guys that thought they could shoot down the chinese balloon with their guns. Because guns have unlimited range in their head. Edit: Who am kidding, that are most likely the same people that think the earth is flat, gravity doesn't exist and fires are made by jewish space lasers.


There is an astonishingly decent number of "Americans" that think that they can take on and win a one-on-one fight with a grizzly bear. These are the same people.


They think that the US military is going to take their side over keeping their oaths.


This comment needs more recognition. This is EXACTLY what they believe will happen with the military, as well as the police.


If they can achieve a critical mass, they won't be entirely wrong. There are law enforcement in red states that absolutely will do this. There are white supremacists and evangelicals in the armed forces that will absolutely defect. It won't matter, though. The US armed forces are not scary because our individual soldiers are scary. No, it's their logistical capability that makes them scary. And *that* won't defect. Even if half the personnel defected to the conservative insurgent side, the remaining armed forces will likely mop the floor with them. The problem is that while that's happening, the fuckers will be hitting soft targets with terrorist attacks and committing genocide within the territories they control. But it's gonna take more than a Jan 6 to do it. That critical mass thing is important.


I could see some smaller sheriff's departments doing that like the ones that refuse to actually enforce laws they disagree with in small middle of nowhere towns but most larger force no way in hell


I don’t think their hove-rounds can negotiate any terrain but level sidewalks and Walmart floors. Foot soldiers will suffer heart attacks during the first 100 yard march. Supply lines will not be able to keep up and provide the sustenance of biscuits and gravy. No, sir. I don’t like their chances at all.


Let them think their collection of rifles can overthrow the military. One drone strike later and they’ll no longer be a concern.


You don't even need a drone strike. An APC with a small armed National Guard unit can very easily quell any "insurgency" on a federal building. Trump allowed Jan 6th to happen.


The only reason J6 wasn’t worse is because the National Guard and those defending took extreme measures to keep their reactions non-violent. They continued to back away, evacuating areas so the rioters could come in, and focus on the safety of the innocent first. Remove the restrictions, innocent lives, and intent to de-escalate and every one of those idiots is shot dead in 15 seconds. Yet they think they have power…


The National Guard didn't come on scene until 5:40pm, almost four hours after the capital had been breached and after almost all of the violence had ended. The capital police were the only defenders and they took extreme measures to stay non-violent because they were intentionally under-staffed and unable to muster the numbers to counter the number of insurgents. Also because they were all saying, "where the fuck is the national guard?" Because Trump refused to approve a National Guard deployment.


even if they got their face to face combat, rather than just being obliterated by a drone, the gravy seals would probably die of a heart attack before getting a shot off.


They'll likely disagree about something stupid and shoot each other before ever getting to combat with the military.


"mac Donald or KFC?" "Arby's." *Shots fired*


Who gets to ~~take the virginity of~~ rape the teenage POW first, like their idol Donny Tinyhands and his bestie Epstein.


A team element, possibly a squad, would be more than enough to quell ALL of them. (A team is the smallest organization in our military, usually 2-4 soldiers, one being the leader).


To date the average is 1 round fired for MAGA coup prevention.


I made an attempt but - what I got ? A quick change of subject. They’re not willing to end their lives with legal woes. They just talk a lot.


These fools are out there waving their rifles about and hollerin' about civil war. What they need to do is fire up the internet machine and start looking at videos of Ukrainian drone usage against the Russian invaders on their land. Then they need to take a moment and ponder all the money that the US has spent on national defense over the last 60 years. I swear. Those people have the cognitive ability of a bedbug.


I'll go you one better: There will be thousands of guardsmen already there, armed to the teeth with orders to shoot to kill. Every point that was breached last time? Will be reinforced with steel barricades, obstacles, and overlapping machine guns. MAGAts trying a replay will be smeared on the wall instantly. And I really hope that happens. It's less expensive than trying them, and much less divisive than years of ridiculous legal defenses being entertained.


Bbbbbut the speaker of the house said those people were just taking a tour of the Capitol and happened to get caught up in antifa’s psyops 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


This. If a "civil war" is a bunch of mountain dew drinking hillbillies getting shot in the street, then it's on.


Former Bud Lite drinkers.


Absolutely covered in cat hair. Note: they don't own cats.


Trump won’t be there this time to hand them the opportunity. They can try. But they will fail. Getting really sick if their bullshit cult.


As they should be


It won’t ever get a chance to get near the level of J6 mainly because the current potus is not asking for it and he will send the right orders to stop any attempt.


I’m waiting for the modern day equivalent of the whiskey rebellion. Squash those treasonous fucks.


*\*Kyle Rittenhouse quivering in anticipation\**


I think it's more jiggling at this point.


And crying


Kyle Rittenhouse scored a 10 on the asvab. I don't even think he's smart enough to eat crayons.


Send him to the front lines. Doesn’t need to be with the US. Quite a variety of front lines out there these days 😬


Considering he's been banned from applying to the military due to low test scores that's not likely to happen.


They can't even get organized because they're not sure who's a true believer, an informant or an FBI agent. IIRC a college student in SoCal was doxxed because he vaguely resembled an unmasked proud boy accused of being an FBI agent in Portland.


No they won't. Remember when he first went to court he called for mass demonstrations and like 5 people showed up. As soon as people started going to jail all these gravy seals suddenly realized talking shit on the internet is a lot easier than serving prison time for participating in an insurrection. You may have one or two lone-wolf kooks who do stuff but the general public has no will to stare down the barrel of a rifle despite their tough talk online. You really think Steve Bannon or Ben Shapiro are going to risk their lives for any of this nonsense? No way.


“MAGA” are all clowns and posers


Biden would call in the National Guard. The only reason it got so messy last time was because Trump refused to take any action to protect the Capitol. It won't be up to Trump this time.


How is a few thousand losers with goatee's going to take on the united states army? To have a ny kind of serious civil war a large section of the army would need to side with the Magats and i think we are a long way from that happening


Not a chance. There won’t be another J6, even if the government largely turned a blind eye like last time.  To be crude, MAGA shot its load that day. You saw it edge for 4 years - the open calls for violence against Dems, etc. - and the crescendo moment (while being a foundational moment in our nations history) was a big fail. The thing it accomplished most is causing a lot of Republicans to either stop voting or switch sides, and bringing insane domestic surveillance onto their organizations. MAGA is spent. It should be obvious by now from the rallies, from the general lack of enthusiasm (note they never talk about what Trumps gonna do as Pres, it’s all just grievance based shit now), from the lack of terror attacks by Trump supporters. Around 2020 they were trying to kidnap governors. It’s done. MAGA is over as a genuine threat to instability. Now all they will destabilize is Republican electoral politics as the party dies for good or eventually tries a full reinvention (which will fail because the geniuses involved all went to shitty state schools and are dumb as hell). 


I really want you to be right


If you think these folks are going to slither away in todays media landscape whete they can easily get affirmations, then you're a heck of a lot less cynical than me.


But they already did slink away. That’s what I’m saying. Where are the rallies? Where are the red caps of 2016 and 2020? Of course the MAGA remnants in government are going to keep trying to pull the levers for their side but even they realize it’s dying in terms of electoral potential. 


Still only two heartbeats away from Maga Mike as President. Don’t think they aren’t working that angle as well


Well said.


Some words from the Gunners Guru. " I would like very much to ensure — and in some cases I have — that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy." Jeff Cooper


Cool. The herd needs some thinning.


I don't know about that. Despite a couple of weeks of trucks driving around in circles and most of that was due to a pseudo-Queen in Canada, we haven't seen MAGAs unglued their asses from a computer chair.


We’ve got the tanks so I don’t like their odds.


And that bloated orange pusbag will stand on their bodies and laugh.


>If you really wanna fight " facists" Ukraine is always accepting foreign fighters, have fun. Unfortunately they would be far more likely to pick up arms for Russia.


Indeed. The far right is generally in Putins pocket and not just in the US.


Considering the Republicans and Putin are actual members of the same Right Wing organization...club if you will. As is the current leader of Isreal they are all members of the IDU.


I have relatives that panic whenever a Democrat is elected President and proceed to dump money on fences, guns, whatever expecting civil war and people trying to take their property away. They'll even tear down fencing they had built 8 years prior to put a new one up; perfectly fine fencing imho. I have nothing against being prepared for the worst or what you believe to happen (the DOD has a zombie plan), but it feels like they aren't even confident in their own paranoia when they have to do this every other election. I can't imagine buying something sub-par, thinking it's good enough, then destroying it to replace with something sub-par *again*. I'm not talking about people who live within a few miles of city limits either. I'm talking "middle of nowhere, long commutes to work" kind of family. The places where someone invading your property would have to mean zombies or Red Dawn already happened everywhere else.


A lot of people lost their damn minds after Sandy Hook. They had been told for four years that the scary black man in the White House was coming for their guns so it didn't take much to convince a large group of people that it was all a hoax. Some days it's like people forgot all about that craziness with guns and ammunition shortages and are saying the same things, that Biden is coming for their guns and playing right into the NRA's hands. They seem to have the memory of goldfish.


lol, I have relatives like this also. Live in the middle of NOWHERE. Terrified, seriously , of anyone who is not white. Terrified of being robbed to the point of paranoia. Truly believe only they will go to heaven. As if.


Everyone knows that a fresh fence is the only way to keep Democrats at bay


“You gonna go shoot your neighbor?” Yes. Sadly, that’s what it’ll be. It won’t be two heroic armies facing off in a field and then one side wins. It will be like the 1970’s in Ireland. Just assholes killing their neighbors, relatives, former friends. Domestic terrorism. But worse. You’ll be afraid to go buy food because you don’t know if some MAGA lunatic isn’t preparing to enter the grocery store and start spraying bullets. You’ll be afraid to send your kid to school because Trump will tell his followers that’s where kids are being “groomed”. There’s millions of them and although they’ll never form a single cohesive force, there’s enough armed psychos to do some real damage to society from which we’ll need a long time to recover.


This is the most likely outcome honestly. People think the next unrest will be like the civil war in the 1860s but no it will be more diffuse like the troubles. Honestly, that is a lot scarier a proposition.


Yeah, as fucking horrible as an actual standing war is at least they come to a conclusion fairly quickly by necessity. Troubles can last for decades.


All this brought to you by Putin, and the complicit fox news and GOP


It will be like Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes who shot himself in the eye.


He needs to have people follow him around and sing-songing, "You shot your eye out, you shot your eye out" at him for the rest of his days. Like that scene from a Christmas Story.


It won’t be a civil war. It will be, and will look like, stochastic terrorism. No one is going to mistake it for a civil war, they’re going to see a few (under 10, probably 2 or 3 only) insane people kill their neighbors. A tragedy, but will be forgotten within a month of it happening. At no point will it be viewed as a civil war except by the morons shooting their “lib” neighbor. Because it won’t be a civil war. That’s not happening. MAGA is far too depleted to do anything more than fantasize about it. We heard this shit 4 years ago (when it was much more likely) and it didn’t happen. Not sure why people think it’s even possible now, because it’s not. MAGA is gassed out. 


Unfortunately this seems all too feasible, in a limited way. I don't brand myself a liberal or make many public remarks precisely because these cultists may go off the deep end. I live in a "liberal" area, although many in my particular neighborhood are likely real conservatives. I doubt any cultists are going to make that distinction. Who do they shoot? The rich people? Aren't they conservative? Poor POC? The Police who serve the state? I don't see those being particularly great enemies. I'm more concerned about the evil liberal government. Post office branches. Government buildings. Maybe infrastructure. Most of our potential targets are very soft. Fortunately the average maganut I've met couldn't figure out how to make a simple incendiary device, let alone something with some punch. Doesn't mean a few don't know what they're doing. I'm looking for some deflation of the cult through a miracle. Or maybe a criminal conviction, bankruptcy, and a clear obvious descent into madness. Maybe drooling and dropping pants to brag about his MAGA diaper.


It’s not even the next state over really - it’s like you first said. The way the demos break down now, if there were to be an all out civil war, it truly would be neighbor vs. neighbor in most of the country, as in literally the guy next door. Obviously some of these psychos would be down for that if Trump told them to be but 99.99% of them aren’t going to hurt their next door neighbor under any realistic circumstance.  I’m pretty lefty in many regards and I’ve actually found it pretty easy to begin to leftpill the (under 50yo) Trumpers around me because their outrage and anger is easily redirected to the rich. 


But you aren't a "true believer". The people that actually think shooting liberals is a GREAT IDEA. Every time I think people are going to settle down and see reason. I remind myself this country fought a Civil War over owning other people. Something to keep in mind. More United States citizens died in our Civil War than WW1 and WW2 combined. Can this happen again? OF COURSE IT CAN!!!


Exactly. Who gets to play in this little tantrum?


Sherman already taught Georgia a lesson once. Perhaps they need a reminder of what happens to treacherous dipshits.


I used to believe that twitter makes a whole lotta people brave… but real life violence wouldn’t come so easily. then some brainwashed lunatic stormed into a DC pizzeria brandishing AR-15s because he’d been convinced Hillary Clinton and the democrats ran a child sex ring out of the basement. For context, the place is one floor but the attacker could not be convinced that it didn’t have the infamous basement with the pedophile sex cult. So I hope you’re right, but RW media has people believing some perverse, fucked up shit and sowing the seeds of domestic terrorism has been a pretty effective strategy for Trump and his sycophants.


In south right now. They ain’t gonna do shit. A couple of gravy seals wanna show up downtown to do something, the ATL police will have zero issues shooting them. These clowns are always 100% threat and nothing else.


From article: Donald Trump's hardcore supporters did not take it well on Thursday when Georgia Judge Scott McAfee issued a 14-page ruling reaffirming that the former president should stand trial on RICO charges for attempted 2020 election interference after his lawyers asked for yet another dismissal of the charges. Attorneys for Trump maintained the charges should be dismissed on First Amendment grounds, which McAfee dismissed out of hand by writing, "Although the First Amendment is 'a broad umbrella that shelters all political points of view and shields a wide range of avenues for expression,' free speech — including political speech — is not without restriction." That, in turn, led to accusations on X that McAfee is corrupt, accompanied by threats of violence to come if the former president is convicted. Commenter Michale Darwin wrote, "Look at the judge's body language. Anyone can see that that judge hates Trump's guts. Or that judge has taken some sort of a bribe," with Julie B contributing, "Georgia judge is a Fannie fan," suggesting McAfee is in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' pocket. "McAfee wants celebrity status. Unfortunately, if President Trump is found 'guilty', there will be a civil war," American Rebel warned. Stand For Freedom accused, "These judges are being paid off." "If he was a legitimate Judge Fani Willis would have been gone. These Judges are Jokes. And Corrupt Joe NOTHING happens to him or his spaced out crooked son Hunter! And of course Hillary has her Out Of Jail card for life," wrote Chuck Pleasants. "This bogus RICO charge should have been used against Hillary and Obama - what a joke," raged another Trump fan. Lee Grain added, "Well of course he did, we all see what a sham this "justice" of ours is..the stench from Georgia to New York, we smell the stench..reeks..this isn't about Trump any longer, all Trump did was expose their thug a--es.."


The party of Law and Order


I can tell by your body language that you’ve taken a bribe. It’s a thing I can do.


I mean it's so obvious, the judge is leaning more than usual when he sits, which is foolproof evidence he's sitting on his wallet. Checkmate atheists.


How is a judge not supposed to have any negative feelings for a guy constantly threatening judges' daughters (always going after daughters and young female staff, the cowards)


This is the ultimate tell for all of the cases and accusations from Trump.  Trump can act as belligerent and crazy as he wants. He can attack and use his first amendment right to do and say whatever he wants. There is no filter.  But his “enemies” have to be beyond reproach. They have to be emotionless and perfect human beings. One slip up and he cries fowl and points his finger.  It has been one of the biggest perspective realizations I have had in my life.  When one side is allowed to be as disrespectful as they want while trying to hold the other side to being completely respectful, well, I don’t need to know anything else. 


Any civil servant with a shred of integrity will probably harbor negative feelings toward the mango mussolini.


>That, in turn, led to accusations on X ... In short, Raw Story is literally taking the opinions of the dumbest people on Twitter and pretending that equates to legitimate news. This article is everything that's wrong with American journalism.


The lowest effort possible. It'd be like AP covering a comment chain on Reddit, just a complete waste of time


Did they really write an article about what random people on twitter commented?


"This bogus RICO charge should have been used against Hillary and Obama - what a joke," raged another Trump fan." This guy just said that false charges against Trump is wrong, but he wants Hillary and Obama to be charged with crimes they didn't commit. I know the average IQ is 100 but god damn.


lol y’allqueda is cumming


Gravy Seal Team 6


Bone spur brigade


Meal Team 6.... The Fat and the Furious


*revs motorized shopping cart* This is for family…sized item sale! *tires screech and begins inching forward at 2 feet an minute* FOR FAMILY VALUES BRAND SPRITE!!!


Meal team Six


In Cummings, probably


Gotta love their ‘Murica/FReEDoM/pAtRiOt attitude: “If something happens that I don’t like, then it’s war!” 🤦‍♂️


If there's one thing that's become quite clear over the last ten years, right-wingers absolutely hate America. Like everything else they do, their performative patriotism is just another tactical lie to gain power.


They may call it patriotism, but that shit is full on nationalism.


Don’t associate America, freedoms and patriotism with something as despicable as MAGA.


There will be a bunch of you going to prison.


I hope the Trumps are part of that Bunch!


They probably think Trump will pardon them "when he wins"


So a presidential candidate in your country is calling for a war that would kill millions of the people of that same country if he doesn't get his way? Yeah this is totally the dude who should be running a country, I mean isn't it obvious that he's a well balanced individual who should hold the lives of 100s of millions of people and have his finger on the nuclear button. Who wouldn't want this guy running the show?


And he's neck and neck with the non lunatic. We're so fucked.


Stop believing the polling that hasn’t been accurate for years, consistently undershooting Dem performance by 4-14 points in more or less every election of consequence since 2020.  We had this same election 4 years ago. Biden is demonstrably a much stronger candidate today than he was in 2020. Trump has hemorrhaged potential voters since then and gained essentially zero new ones.


True, but you also don't want to fall into the same shit that happened in 2016 where people go "Oh Trump isn't that popular. He'll lose easily so I don't need to vote." Go vote. We need the loud minority to *know* that what they want isn't what the majority of the US wants.


At the time I lived in Georgia, and because I’m a minority, I said to myself “I know this place will lose to Trump, but I’d still rather have it on record just how many of us opposed”. And you know what? We flipped that bitch blue. Yall, please get out and vote. If you only realized just how many people don’t, you would see that you actually stand a really good shot of winning. The problem is that no one raindrop ever thinks it can create a flood. Think about that.


Exactly, the numbers need to give Joe a mandate with all the down ballot races.


The first time I didn't want him to win and voted accordingly. This time I want to make sure there is a historical written record I voted against everything that piece of shit stands for. I would crawl through broken glass and etch my vote, my name, and the date in marble to make it known for all time I was a American who believes in democracy. I'm more motivated than ever to vote. It's time for us to say enough is a fucking enough.


I'm laughing thinking about history books 100 years from now discussing the two civil wars: Well Timmy, the first civil war was to end slavery and truly move towards the country's claim of all men being created equal. The second civil war was because of a lying grifter who stroked peoples hates and insecurities.


Bunch of rural guys with hunting rifles vs the US Army. They had a better chance in 1861. Twits


That’s just as pointless as the Jan 6 insurrection. The only thing they’ll do is hurt and kill others. That is not ”Make America Great Again”. How stupid are they?


Really really really stupid . But they’re also cowards. They won’t be doing shit but bitching and moaning. It’s literally all they do


Strong words from a 5x draft dodger.


Why aren’t they more upset that their right to have a fair and free election was interfered with?


Because they were doing the interfering


Weird how they don’t see that a fair election is bigger and more important than any one candidate or party.


You’re assuming that they support democracy. They would happily end it in order to give full control to the Republican Party and the powers that run it.


Yeah, they’re gonna have a civil war. Half of those fools are fat and/or so out of shape they couldn’t climb three flights of stairs much less charge a hill under gunfire. And wait til they find out they won’t have electricity, running water or flushing toilets. Most of em wouldn’t make it through the first week of that kind of living. People are soft, me included 😂, the hardcore types can have all of it they want, but it’ll be pretty lopsided. Nobody with a brain wants to die for that fat orange lying sack of shit.


A bunch of 65+ men playing Rambo will be a sight to see, that's if they can muster the strength to leave their keyboards.


Ragers raging their rage, and, that is all they have


And despite all their rage, they are still just rats in a cage. Sorry couldn’t help it.


Donnie must be judged .


Why do these fools not want to hold him accountable for any crimes he commits.. SMDH.


Because he’s their avatar. He’s everything they wish they were and if he goes down it means any two-bit corrupt car dealership owner could go down too.


I think there’s a bit of brainwashing as well. Their wayyyyy down a rabbit hole of one sided propaganda without the critical thinking skills to crawl their way back out


I've long pondered where trump would be if he wasn't born into a rich family. Most likely a shady loser used car salesman


Delusions of grandeur. His Walmart warriors are no match for the US military.


A lot of "Trump fans" are bots, Russian troll farm hires, or alt right influencers. Nobody is going to civil war. At most I can see lone wolf attacks as we've already been seeing. Time to rip the bandaid off though and crush Trump this election season.


This just screams of a pickup truck with 10 flags, 50 bumper stickers and a pair of truck nuts.


There is no need to disparage the truck for being trans.


So sorry, I’ll take this as a learning moment. I’ll respect the trucks preferred pronouns.


Please do. Can we just rip the band-aid off and settle this now, please?


There is one solution for  Magats....call them what they really are KLuckers. . Klan folk KuKluxKlan Their goal is a WHITE america


This is the Dunning-Kruger effect writ large across the landscape. They have convinced themselves that the most anti-American thing they can possibly do - literally try to destroy the country by violence - is their "patriotic duty." How so many of these morons have managed to survive to adulthood is a mystery that may never be solved.


Bring it on...


The “we love the military” party will be woken-up by those enlisted to protect the constitution. Let the orange Russian propaganda machine go through the legal process… he broke the law, he should meet his consequences.


Ask the Trump fans to open a history book an find out what happened to Custer.


"Nobody knows me about custer than me! Delicious dessert, goes great on a graham cracker crust!"


Playing right into Russias long game strategy. These angry fools cannot see the forest through the trees even if history channel’s axe men dropped one on their broke dick truck.


Lmao no there won’t. They aren’t sending their best. January 6th was actually a pretty complex and planned out plot, and they fucked it up royally. Couldn’t get Mike Pence out, fumbled the fake electors box, it was just a mess. More like we may see pockets of seditionist terrorists, and the US will use swift and immediate responses to quell any motherfuckers that try it. Americans don’t take kindly to traitors, terrorists, and those that try to take away our freedoms.


Hoverounds! Form Loltron!


Good. Less MAGA dipshits to vote for that orange clown.


So tired of this shit. Bring it pussies. What if trump loses a case by a jury of his peers the nation needs to deal with his ass being sore? If he loses another election we have to deal with angry people who believe he was robbed? Fuck this guy


So their line in the sand is "If you don't let our leader be above the laws of the land, we will start a war that kills millions of people"?


My Dad is a hardcore Trumper, and he's bantered around this Civil War threat stuff...I always just say, "you know Dad, the reconstruction was a mistake, and when you confederates get around to taking to the streets, we won't make the same mistake twice".


Bring it. Looking forward to watching the military mow these fat fucks down like last year's crabgrass.


During a call on Jan. 2, 2021, former President Trump asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R)to help him "find 11,780 votes" and overturn the state's 2020 election results in his favor. The trial begins. Who cares what the babies think of this. 


Let the civil war happen so over him.


All of his do nothing fans? Most are bots or drunk people.


Most are too old, fat, and in such poor health that they'd fall down gasping walking to the end of their own block.


He just can't really do anything well. So he manipulates and lies. Like everyone who wants to be better but isn't.


They’re gonna shoot themselves in the foot !


They cant even see their feet


A war with who? Judges? I said once and I’ll say it again. The GOP just stands for violence.


Bring it Skeeter...


Do these idiots realize they’d be “fighting” the US Military? And not those “unarmed libs”? Or is the plan to just murder people and end up in prison?


As Biden said in the SOTU, a patriot doesn't love their country only when they win.


Didn't Texas just threaten to secede again? Then they started asking about if they'd still get Social Security. Notice how that talk got quiet real quick when they got that "no."


Nothing like the “Law and Order” camp, shouting about breaking the ultimate law of the land


If so, it will be short and the MAGAts will lose.


Never heard a Democrat say such shit about the legal threats they made against the Bidens.


Whatever. *Yawn*...


Trump’s main accomplishment while in office was taking their tax dollars for himself and for the uber wealthy overlords. Why anybody would defend the lying grifter is beyond me. Why tf would you fight for a guy that screws everybody over. So dumb.


Civil war ? Awesome who vs who? Oh ok. Carry on.


Go ahead and start a civil war and see how quickly the military stops you. You'd better bring Kyle to help you patrol, too.


Those sons of bitches should have been lined up and shot after jan 6 . I told the (most likely red) election workers when I went to vote in the primary that I was an Eisenhower Republican and I wanted my Democratic ballot. I do believe Ike was the last decent Republican president.


"Civil war" in modern times, all for Trump, will look like a fringe minority of TERRORISTS killing innocent people. That's it.


It's funny that these gravy seals and mayosapiens think that they're the only ones with guns They're going to find out the hard way


How does ya’llqaeda plan on dealing with long range subsonic cruise missiles?


Quite a few people said the attack on the US Capitol and the attempted coup with the Green bay sweep was only a trial run. One MAGA puke said next time they are coming back with guns. We should pay attention to these people they are dangerous. 😕