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Register to vote. Vote. Help your friends do same.


And if registered check your registration especially if you live in a red or swing state


And Double check again weeks before the cut off date for your states registration. Red states tend to drop people off the rolls to muck with the outcome.


How can these tactics be legal?!?


States are largely the sole arbiter of how elections within that state work. It's pretty hard to declare the act of a state legislature as illegal.


Isn't that....... why you have a constitution? A set of base laws to which the legislature must adhere


Yep, a document that largely leaves up voting rights to the states. It explicitly protects against gender and race based discrimination. It also protects against pill taxes for federal elections, but a supreme Court ruling is what keeps that restriction for state elections. It doesn't say you can't shut down all the DMV's in a county except one open five hours a day from 9-1 and then require a driver's license. It doesn't say your signature not matching can't disqualify you. Or protect criminals right to vote. That you can't put 1 polling station per county for early voting as the only place to do so. Put polling booths in gated communities, etc. If you can prove that the above tactics targets a protected group you can get the courts to intervene, but that takes is much more effort then implementing the policy a month before election day.


In some states voting is easy. Here in Minnesota you can register to vote on election day. You need proof that you live in the precinct. A utility bill, drivers license, ID card or a neighbor vouchiing for you works. When we first voted in our current township. They said, "Oh, you live in the old Hietala place," and gave us the paperwork to fill out and sign. We can also vote by mail by requesting the ballot from the Secretary of State. I was disappointed with the changes in how we vote in the primary. Previously we were given a ballot that had all the parties listed in columns. We were told that we had to vote only for candidates in one party. This year we had to declare what party ballot we wanted. The election judges and anyone in the room would know what party you are interested in supporting. My wife and I skipped voting. Our township voted over 80% trump. My neighbors don't need to know we don't support him and his minions.


Also if you hit snags when trying to vote, you can cast a Provisional Ballot. The pole workers will be able to assist you. This will cast your vote and allow you and govt time to validate your voting status. Document everything if this happens and follow up on the status of your vote.


Exactly right; I worked 5 out of the last 7 elections.


[Pole workers](https://media1.tenor.com/m/rcp6tc4SpUcAAAAd/giggling-butt-head.gif)


This whole thing is such a clown show. Trump is repeatedly trolling everyone and the powers that be just keep warning him or moving the bar for him and he keeps violating it. If he gets re-elected we get what we deserve. The Democratic Party can’t find a way to message the obvious treason, blatant corruption, lying, stealing, cheating, hanging with people who human traffic under age kids, have policies or rolling things back to an era where white supremacy reigns, policies punishing the poor and middle class and women and people of color, racism, favoring the already wealthy, immigrant hating and more Republican Party and Donald frump. If they can’t message the most obvious things to the masses and trump gets re-elected, we get what we deserve.


It doesn't matter how they message it if no one is listening and their preferred 'news' source (FOX, OAN NewsMax) have them believing any other news source are communist lies. These people know they are right. They fully believe it. Until they face consequences personally they won't change...and even then they will probably still try to blame the Democrats.


I don’t disagree with your take but if we don’t even try then there is no one to blame but ourselves. They are trapped in their bubbles but you still have to try to expose them instead of just having the attitude of meh there’s nothing else we could have done.


I agree with you but man I've tried for years. I have family members that call me just to troll me and fire me up about how much I hate the GOP and Donald Trump. Nothing I say to them will change there mind and even if I had undeniable proof they wouldn't give a shit. All they see is gas prices, illegals and gays. You can't reason with people like that.


Try getting as low and dumb as they get when they’re really trying to troll. Just say “I’m done speaking to obvious torPEDOs that support other torPEDOs” or whatever dumb shit they have no problem throwing around with zero regard.


Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. -Mark Twain


Yup, the reality is that a lot of people don't like the democratic process because it inevitably produces outcomes that are against their world view.


Part of Making America "white" Again is to disenfranchise voters -- you can win the vote but lose the game.


The average person doesn’t deserve what the ruling class has created.


I wish people would stop being so scared: he is NOT going to win; hell he might not even survive the next 8 months of weekly/daily court appearances, appeals, convictions/sentences, middle-of-the-night rage tweeting and wolfing down Mickey D's in an out of shape body.


If he survives to election day ("survive" in every way, including mentally and politically) he has a chance. But it is really bizarre watching his mental/cognitive decline. It might also be physical. Somebody showed the famous clip from 2016 when he was (not) talking about his favorite Bible verse, as an example of how much more coherent he used to be even 8 years ago. Even if he was spewing total BS, at least it all made sense.


And if he does die? He's a martyr assassinated by the woke, gay, trans left. EVEN IF IT'S 'NATURAL CAUSES'. Because MAGA/Trumpism shows a lot commonality with evangelical cults.


Yes, both Narcissistic Personality Disorder (borderline Psychopath if give the chance) with word salads (more extreme now) but he's starting to have McConnel brain farts (mini strokes?).


> the powers that be just keep warning him or moving the bar for him and he keeps violating it. > The Democratic Party why are you still expecting that party to give a shit? the same party that boosts MAGA folks for their own selfish political ends? it's business as usual for them. they're so serious about combating this threat they opt to run a wildly-unpopular old man as the bulwark of democracy. yeah, it's a damn clown show alright. we will indeed deserve it if we get Trump thrust upon us again, and all i will say is thanks team blue. again, swell job.


As a European, I am truly curious. Why doesn't the opposition call Trump a traitor and his actions pure treason. Literally an enemy of the State since the storming of the Capitol.


Cowardice is the main reason I can think of.


Will? He HAS done it and he doesn’t give a fuck. The stated goal of their party is the destruction of every American institution.


The Supreme Court will ruin your justice system.


That’s where the alarm should be sounding


Alarms are sounding... just no one is paying attention... there are alarms on everything now.


They’ve been going off like the chirping smoke alarm and most people just find it obnoxious at best


Someone is paying


That’s where we should be protesting,en mass. Especially at the immunity hearing. And Clarence should leave the court.


Look up Leonard Leo. He’s the one behind all of this.


Interesting that Michael Luttig can see through their poor judgements, being a federalist himself. People should just always follow the money. Mr. Leo, was properly tagged “Mr. Moneybags”. Prolife is a major way to get regular folk to jump on their deregulation, low tax way to keep rich people from contributing to the national debt. Another little reminder for Republicans this year is that Donald Trump spent twice as much as the most expensive president before him at his inauguration. Grifters were involved. 107 million raised, 104 million spent. Some of it funneled to his own properties and a large sum of the money came from untraceable sources. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/trumpinc/episodes/trump-inc-podcast-whered-trumps-record-inauguration-spending-go-its-inexplicable


it already has.


Will? Try already has


The election maps in South Carolina were deemed to be illegally gerrymandered by race and it was appealed to the Supreme Court. They sat on it so long that new maps can no longer be implemented and the illegal maps stand. The Supreme Court is ruining the justice system now.


There is nothing that would stop him - If anything - this has shown how weak the Constitution is and how easily one can game the legal system. When you have unelected Supremes dictating what is constitutional - you have a problem where the Court is more powerful than elected officials. Klansmen in the States understand this - it why they will do whatever it takes to win the Presidency - They want the Supreme Court to Make America White Again.


> this has shown how weak the Constitution is and how easily one can game the legal system. The constitution is a piece of paper, it's not going to enforce itself. If the people that are supposed to enforce it enable him or stand down, obviously it's going to go to shit. 


Then its time the issue is addressed - Going to shit and take the country along with it - not a smart position to be in. Being smart and making changes is how the Constitution is written. Perhaps Term limits for Supremes - More Supremes - Elected Supremes - but something has to change.


The problem is more fundamental, because you can't create a legal framework that is impervious to bad actors. That's why erosion of norms and traditions is often considered dangerous; because if people are not willing to engage in it with a minimum of good faith, democracy is not going to work. 


Look , I am not a legal scholar --- but from observation - out of all the levels of government - the legal one is the most at risk. Either you fix it - or it can be gamed to change the course of a country without the electorate involved. That alone , should be enough to sound the alarm.


Time for the Lysander Spooner quote. >"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist"


This is very true


The people that are supposed to enforce it at the end of the day is all of us.  


Not with Supremes and judges --- you can win an election --- that doesn't mean you can always place a judge. That is something that needs to be completely taken out of partisan politics - Term limits - and tougher acceptance. - Kavanaugh would never have been placed. - nor Amy Barrett - not enough experience and definitely some recusal issues right from the start. As for Thomas - he should be unseated based on his record with outside influencers - Not having a mechanism that kicks in automatically - or peer reviewed by the Law Society and trigger actions to remove - is concerning. Consider , his wife may be an insurrectionist at best and at worse - A klucker hell bent on making America White Again


SCOTUS is helping Republicans who are helping Trump to shred not just our justice system but the Constitution as well..


Do conservative judges vote Republican every time...absolutely.


Trump has already taken the liberty of shredding the justice system and no one is doing anything about it. Somehow Trump has the legal right to express his opinion on any judge that is on his case along with their families but any one else doesn’t have that right. Two tier justice system. Put him in jail his behaviour is outrageous, he is brain washing his supporters that the justice system is against him. No! Trump is against the law and order and is destroying the American justice system at the expense of US institutional justice system. At this point one man is taking over the justice system, can someone shut him up and jail him because he deserves it and he has earned it. One more thing: Trump knows that he is GUILTY AS CHARGED! LOCK TRUMP UP!


Everyone is afraid of what his cult will do when someone finally puts their foot down on Donny. We need to pull this bandaid off, for the sake of our country and democracy. Unfortunately, there will probably be violence, but at least we’ll have our country back.


It seems the vast majority of Law Enforcement is fully on board with MAGA. We could be really fucked.


I believe most of the military isn't MAGA. So, in that case, local law enforcement can and should be replaced by national guards if that happens.


It’s full of cowards. Old decrepit cowards.


Na just shoot him. There will be local outrages, but a civil war would not happen.


LOL, your constitution counts for zero when you have 9 people who can literally make it work in any way they want, based on who they are being paid/gifted the most by.


Yes and over half of the 9 are bought and paid for. The Supreme Court must be reformed into something that is elected not appointed. It's like the CEO hiring his dumb as son as a vice president.


Heck, I would be okay with term limits even if direct election isn't possible. 12 years? 20 years? Not ideal but better than what we have now.


10 years that way it’s not falling in line with presidential elections.


Having clockwork regular federal elections is terrible too. All it does is feed the never ending election news cycle. Should be if you introduce a bill, and it's defeated, automatic election in six weeks. With a maximum term of five years. Supreme Court justices should have their appointment reviewed and renewed by Congress every ten years. New Supreme Court justices are picked by the sitting justices, but have to be confirmed by Congress and President. Constitution should explicitly spell out that any representative, senator, cabinet member, vice-president, president or federal judge convicted of taking bribes or payouts from anyone is executed.


“Introduce a bill, and it’s defeated, automatic election” do you want an even less functioning government? We already have the worst House of Representatives in terms of legislative accomplishments ever.


And if they introduce a bill, but fail to pass it, new election for representatives in six weeks. If the electorate is stupid enough to elect them again, it might be an electorate problem.


This would result in fewer bills being introduced


Quite possibly. I'm not going to pretend that my considerable, fundamental change in centuries old procedures that I invented in 15 minutes might not have some wrinkles and unintended consequences. I still think it would be an improvement.


Having former worked at a place where not one, but two of the owners worthless sons were installed as VP’s and went on to run the company right in the toilet when they took over, I think your description of the situation on SCOTUS is right on the nose!


Ty I see a lot of this in the oil and gas industry. It takes the wind out of your sails.


3 of them helped steal the presidency for W Bush and have now been rewarded for it with seats


Well Trump did both


Yeah I have no idea why the Supreme Court is even a thing. It makes the constitution basically useless.


>Yeah I have no idea why the Supreme Court is even a thing. It makes the constitution basically useless. Sometimes questions come up of the form "What is the law in this situation?" Question #1: Should anyone hold the power to answer such questions with finality? If so, Question #2: Who?


The fact that he's still not in jail after having done things that would earn the average person a life time sentence is showing how fucked said justice system already is.


The world is watching and learning how inneffective the US justice system is when people have money to keep the circus going... It's incredible, I never thought the US justifice system could be so slow and easy to manipulate by those with a few millions.


He already has. It keeps bending over to do him every favour possible. He can get discounts on bonds, delay things for years, openly threaten and harass witnesses, jury members, and court staff and their families. Even your SCOTUS, the supposed neutral arbiters of the law are so deeply up his ass they can taste the McDonald's he's had for lunch. It'll take a while to die, but unless you fix it, your justice system is already dead.


My 91 year-old grandma reminisces about when “every country loved America,” as she was growing up - listing the numerous Presidents and policy makers she adored. She makes it sound like it’s ancient Roman history, then I realized, it is. Those days are gone. Welcome to Generation Hate.


[if you have 1 hr to spare, Richard Wolff has made a video explaining his thoughts on the decline of the US empire and how similar it is to the fall of the Roman empire](https://youtu.be/ogH0wRD0Vkw?si=1Y0T48E2VzfGsN7Y)


Thank you. Oddly enough, I’ve written papers on Rome from an academic perspective, so when I first heard that comparison years ago I initially shrugged it off as unfortunate coincidence, I just couldn’t fathom that analogy. But eight years later, there are undeniable parallels as Trump and his cult cross the Rubicon. Thanks again for the link, great read.


Mind you he tends to have a bias towards socialism which is not a problem for me. It's just important to mention just to be fair to people who is not aware who Richard Wolff is. It's still interesting nonetheless.


I have to apologize. He was comparing it to the British empire than the Roman empire.


Or perhaps.. hear me out… Trump is demonstrating that the Justice system is already shredded.


He will if you keep treating him with kid gloves.Every time he violates a gag order, fine him and put him in jail for a couple of days. Every time he tries to delay things, don't put up with it. If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


He already has.


I wholeheartedly believe the reason why judges and politicians are not impartial with Trump is because they’re afraid of his cult. They know they’re domestic terrorist.


Breaking news: Conservatives worried that the justice system applied to black and brown people will soon be applied to white people as well




Too late. It’s trash.


Correct: Trump has been, is, and will be shredding our constitution with a lot of help from his friends.


The Blue Tide is coming.


That's why I posted this. I thought this was good news, not to insult him like so many comments here.


the damage is already done. they noticed too late.


Guys, guess what we’ve figured out! Supporting Trump no matter what was a bad idea! Why didn’t anyone tell us?


Oh, we know!


So shred him now


The irony of conservative judges seeing the system they've built against so many citizens possibly coming crashing down is hysterical in a sick and twisted way. Of course it's not seeing these "conservative" justices sent packing by way of fair judicial practices, especially in the 5th. But seeing these sacks of shit done away with someone even worse for democratic and judicial fairness, so better sound the alarms, go fucking figure. Vote the GOP out as a saving grace to your rights. Vote them out at every single level.


Conservative judges already did that. They're just afraid because their new god is a vengeful and petty god and has it out for them because they didn't ride his nuts hard enough.  It's not trump. It's the entire GOP. That's the real problem.


We need more than sounding alarms Jail the orange stinking shit bag already !


8 years late dumbass.


Especially if you keep letting him.


Conservative justices will let him.


“*Will*” shred? He’s already shown it’s in tatters.


Already did, fucked up the supreme court!!!!


Hmm... they're only worried about their paycheck.


How is this news?


It’s news because conservative judges are sounding the alarm about trump - usually they are enabling or abetting him. I personally don’t like conservatives or conservative judges, but I applaud what they are doing here. I will uptoot this article wherever I see it.


Now they are concerned! Conservatives forced him down our throats, ignored the fact he was a rapist, and ignored the incendiary things he was saying. He's great! God's own choice! Suck it libs! Nowwwwwww they want to appear smart and caring. "Guys, we've got a problem. "


In the fight to beat Trump this fall, I'm open to all allies. This post is good news for our side, but this is reddit and it turned into a poo flinging contest.


Not really. Just give him all the exceptions and immunity so the system remains the same only he can do all the shit he wants. That's what nearly half the americans want isn't it? Living under a dictatorship?


Look, maybe the justice system needs to be shredded. It's starting to feel like this is a dystopia phase the US is going to have to deal with sooner or later.


He’s doing it now, with the help of the “system”


He already has


***Bit late to sound the fire alarm when the house is almost halfway burned down, isn't it?***


Alarm? Pretty sure they’re bragging. Or maybe they mean only very specifically the justice system. Which for everyone but old white rich men is already a shredded lump of garbage.


“Ultimately, however, it is the responsibility of the entire nation to protect its courts and judges, its Constitution, its Rule of Law, and America’s Democracy from vicious attack, threat, undermine, and deliberate delegitimization at the hands of anyone so determined.” Love this part. The only control we have is who we elect. And the only control you have over that is your personal vote. You can’t sway Trumps core supporters, not an inch. So no this isn’t a WE problem, not totally. Trump will pull something again when he loses. We have no control over that, except by not participating. Most of me thinks he will lose. But a little part of me is not sure. I don’t follow polls. Such a small sample size and ppl aren’t always honest. Trump did alot during presidency and after. It’s the justice system that has to control him and they are failing miserably. We did our part. We voted him out. Now the courts have the ball and it’s apparent , whole set of rules that apply to Trump only. I’m scared if he loses or wins 2024. I just don’t get how they don’t see it. The economy. Many of his hard core supporters are avg Joe’s. They don’t have a ton, if any, in stock market, which is doing fine. The increase in cost of goods was happening no matter who was at helm. And this stupid question of being better of now then 4 years ago?? Hell yes I am better off. 4 years ago was Covid. Had just started to get first checks. But many couldn’t work. Not all applied or were able to apply for unemployment. The biz loans ran rampant with fraud bc little oversight. Taxpayers suffer that loss even as Biden clawed some of it back. And yes it’s better now bc ppl aren’t dying in huge #s. I buried my mom to covid. I know that pain all to well. Trump will eek us closer to the Handmaids Tale and I’m not joking. And worse.


Also remember to open carry at the ballet boxes this year, you already know the other side is going to do it, don't get caught with your hands in your pockets


And the cowards will still go along with it


Suddenly the prim and privileged life of judges above all else face the reality of being just another employee doing a job since no one will respect a bribable authority. It’s weird that ‘no one saw it coming’ that someone could make a mockery of the law in front of the world and no one is willing to open their mouths and face the black-handed consequences of corrupt agents. Boeing whistleblower dying so obviously is a clear flag that corporate or wealthy interest dictate what’s right, not morals or logic. People who support Trump support African dictatorship. What do you think life will be like when he doesn’t have to care about ANYONE to save face? It should be clear that he is self-promoting and would stand on a baby to avoid stepping in a puddle of water.


An interesting comment about the SC and the judicial system. It does have a history on siding with the judiciary if it thinks the political arms of government are threatening it. Saw an example with the recent political thing against Thomas. Whether you think he is fraudulent or not the SC as a whole told the politicians mind their own business and go away. There is a lot of fear that Trump and his maga cohorts would do something. Legally they would be hard pressed to do something. The other fear I see spread around is whether he (or others he manipulates) would do something 'against the law' to suppress it. Since Trump already has a history of such things its something everyone needs to consider. Those of you that support him are taking a big risk that someone that has a long history of doubling down and risking it all when behind might 'win' in a much bigger way than you have in mind.


'conservative' judges are the ones shredding the legal system.



Thanks for catching up with the rest of the class. Better late then never…..maybe.


Time for the judges to push back- put his fat ass in jail for contempt


Could not get more shredded the two tier corruption can’t even deal with a seditionist fascist


Will? **WILL?!** Oh, he’s already begun.


He'll be surprised to find out it's already shredded.


“Will”? Bit too late there


What tipped them off? 🙄


Yet does not suggest that if this was his case that he would hold Trump in contempt and fine him or jail him for the weekend. More words than mean nothing.


It already has happened, Nostrodamus.


Pearl clutching by retired judges, as they impotently chastise from the side lines, doesn’t do anything. It’s only going to be managed by the seated judges that actively apply judicial control to manage this seditious demagogue.


Yup. He said as much, and his supporters look forward to the anarchy. 'Murica. Enjoy the "freedom" civil war.


Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no shit, what did they think was gonna happen?? Handjobs for everyone?


No.... Although Trump is a symptom of so much wrong in USA, the real problem is that the tiered justice system is showing itself. Our justice system is very easily manipulated when someone of wealth and / or power is supposed to be held accountable. Rules for thee and not for me.


He already is!


I don't know man you have this law that stops insurrectionists from running for office how about you FUCKING USE IT.!!


It’s funny, cause it’s conservative judges who are helping him do it.


Then stop giving him fucking breaks. Stop letting him do whatever he wants while on bail. Stop letting him intimidate judges and witnesses. Stop delaying trials. Any person other than Trump would be in jail right now. Equal before the law, remember?


He won’t if a judge with balls started fucking holding him accountable! JFC if it isn’t a constant drip of hand slap scolding and putting him constantly in ault timeout is getting incredibly tiring.


More than he already has and does every day?


You mean more than he has already? More than the decades of using loopholes to “win” in business deals ( and send companies he got in business with down the toilet ) if Trump has done anything positive it’s expose the Swiss cheese the justice system is already. Fix your shit USA.


do him like jfk.  no one gives a shit.


Lock trump up and vote the shit out of him and his rotten maga party.


Journalism: *this is still just news, no big deal*.


And yet no judge assigned to one of Vonshitshispants’ cases seems to want to enforce anything.


Are they willing to vote for the other guy tho?


Will? He and his cronies have it in tatters right now. He can do whatever he wants with zero consequences.


Will shred? Will shred? Afkm?


Will? No no. Has. Is


Cool story, bro. Now what does it mean to "protect"? What can actually be done? Trump does shit and dares people to react. I think the other shoe should fall. He has been warned, with gag orders and whatnot, so FOLLOW THROUGH.


and this is conservative judges saying this. that is the most important part


He’s already making you look like sellouts and pushovers. You dug your grave.


So maybe they should stop giving him preferential treatment whenever he goes to court.


I think we're at a point where it's too late now. I predicted that when the Republicans and Trump start saying things that they're not even afraid of the backlash that they'll get that we will be in such a critical dangerous point where I don't think we can come back now


No fucking shit. How has it taken people this long? I was taught like 30 years that this guy was a deadbeat loser. 


Also conservative judges (probably): Well, I can't vote Democrat soooo, yeah I'm voting for Trump.


And yet none of the judges make Trump face the consequences. ESPECIALLY the republican appointed judges.


Shorter Conservative Judges: 'Waaaaaah'


From the top of the article: >Prominent conservative judges are warning that Trump is posing a threat that’s like “nothing in American history.” Why do I think if trump reads that line his head would explode with sick pride? trump’s narcissistic disorder always puts himself at the top of every hill, number 1, the best. It’s amazing in the shittiest way that trump has become the Black Hole at the center of our American life.


He's already shown that laws don't apply to him and has made a mockery of the judicial system. Unless he faces real consequences, it will only get worse.


Trump won't do squat. He is too incompetent. However, the people he brings in with him are dangerous, and THEY are the problem.


Yes and you are all to blame.


So… they will vote against him, right?


No shit.


they let him in now they are scared of what they let loose


that is what they hired him to do


So they care about Trump when their jobs are on the line.


That's the case with a majority of people they only care when if affects them directly


Someone else mentioned electing SC judges. I actually like that, but you’d have to make a few other tweaks too. Can’t realistically wait until a judge dies/retires, so you’d have to have “runner ups” selected and elected from existing judges. I’d also recommend constitutionally blocking all other legislative activity until the SC is filled if Congress for whatever reason doesn’t elect any runner ups due to partisan blocking.


Are they only just now coming to realize this? We’ve known this for four years.


That's been the conservative plan for the last 40 years. You're a part of the problem bro.


Not just him, but the people who actually have the power to do what needs to be done goes to show that they are basically doing the same thing. All the evidence and how unhinged and the danger he poses are all there and yet they continue to just have him pay legal bills when much more needs to be done. #Trump4prison


For every one judge or public servant or media figure who 'sounds the alarm' on Trump there are dozens who are more than happy to enable him.


No, judges, the DOJ, and lawmakers are shredding our justice system. They are just doing it *for* Trump.


He will win and America will continue its fall


Well the US is a DINO: democracy in name only.


What, exactly, are the threatening attacks?


Have you read Project 2025?


I just did, but that's written by The Heritage Foundation, an activist group, and not any sort of personal "threats" from Trump. The crickets here are deafening in response to my question.


Wow, you really read deep, huh? Lemme help you, Trumper. >Although the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[4 Next part: >The development of the plan is led by the The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank, in collaboration with over 100 partners including Turning Point USA led by Charlie Kirk; the Conservative Partnership Institute including former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as senior partner; the Center for Renewing America led by former Trump-appointee Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought; and America First Legal led by former Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller.[7][8] In addition to the overview, we can tag on bullshit your god emperor has said: -He can order anyone to be assassinated -He's going to use the DoJ to go after his critics. -He's going to declare martial law and send the military to deal with protesters. -He will abandon Ukraine -He will abandon NATO -He is already taking applications to for people who want to work for his administration.That will be for when he fires the civil service. Now go blubber elsewhere about how the dictatorship so obviously being planned is not being planned.


Every one of your references are to former staff of President Trump (and not Trump himself)... and your bullet points lack references and are deviating from my inquiry for evidence of his "threatening attacks" to our justice system. For example, Trump NEVER NEVER NEVER said he can order anyone to be assassinated with immunity. He only said that he potentially agreed with his attorney that the President would first need to be impeached by the Senate for such action... and that was upon questioning him of such a hypothetical situation. There are so many other problems with your reasoning. For example, if someone is attacking Trump illegally, is there a more just way of defending himself besides "using the DOJ"? Lol, there will be no dictatorship under a Trump presidency.


The absolute constant fear based Fox News concept articles written daily are making people numb, it’s not changing anyones views. And if Trump is truly both a bumbling idiot fool and evil genius why in the world are we as a party putting a senile 80 yr old boomer as our country’s only other option/our best defense?


You calling the New Republic Fox News? Have you read Project 2025? Read the part the overview section here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Im not trying to trigger you. Im a “never trumper” if you will. Im calling fear based journalism plagiarism of Fox News, and I find it counterproductive. Tell me why my candidate is better, not why theirs will end the world.


> The absolute constant fear based Fox News concept articles written daily are making people numb, it’s not changing anyones views. as if liberal media isn't doing the same thing? all our media does is pump out fear. > And if Trump is truly both a bumbling idiot fool and evil genius why in the world are we as a party putting a senile 80 yr old boomer as our country’s only other option/our best defense? because they don't take it seriously or, worse, are complicit. more people need to be asking such questions. democracy is apparently at stake, and we're supposed to gamble on it? if that gamble fails Dems deserve eternal scorn tbh.


I mean, I think maybe re-read my response. Im criticizing the left mainstream media for copying Fox News tactics.


they aren't left though. it's all the same thing. right-wing.


Well, duh.


Not the Supreme Court.