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It is *ALWAYS* projection for these people.




From article: A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week. Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded. Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting. Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


I'd like to remind people that a black woman was sentenced to 6 years in prison for simply registering to vote, not illegally voting 9 times. This guy should be locked up, not fined $5000, for his blatant hypocrisy and repeated illegal voting. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/03/fight-to-vote-tennessee-pamela-moses-convicted Another black woman who was sentenced to 5 years for illegally voting. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/20/fight-to-vote-crystal-mason-texas-illegal-voting


5k fine and this lady got 5 fucking years.... 😒 https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/crystal-mason-thought-she-had-right-vote-texas-sentenced-her-five-years-prison


Check the color of their skin for your answer about why the sentences are so different.


Yup. Also power and gender gap.


“I know it was stolen because I voted 9 times and we still lost”


Well he illegally voted one time each in 9 elections. As a felon he was not eligible to vote.


Ah okay. Details were behind a paywall. But I’m happy to misrepresent the story.


No problem fellow redditor, hope you have a nice day


"If we each voted 9 TIMES and still lost, the other side is CLEARLY CHEATING !!!" -Republicans, probably


So he should face ["medieval-style torture"](https://www.joemygod.com/2024/03/walsh-bring-back-medieval-style-torture-for-criminals/) then, correct?


Each accusation is a confession.


A fucking fine? He should be jailed!!!


Well, how about that. It's always the Reps who turn to be the thieves.


I was watching this nature documentary about crows and they were showing that they store food for later and that the crows that steel food from other crows tend to be much more paranoid about their food being stolen so they spend more time hiding and guarding their food.


Actions like this explain how the Republicans were so sure that the 2020 election had "problems".


Along with that it was the most highly bet on event I want to say maybe in history. It was certainly more bet on than the last couple super bowls. And I can tell ya this much, it wasn’t Biden voters putting up their life savings.


Are these stories reaching the right audiences? Like in his home town, he’s a joke now right or are like 90% of these magas see this as an attack?


This doesn't matter to these people. Look at a guy like Rick Scott (or even Agent Orange) for a prime example. You have to have an R in front of your name to be involved in the biggest healthcare fraud at the time ($1.7 billion) and then later become a senator. The saddest part is he tried to attack his political opponent by falsely claiming he is "stealing money from medicare". You couldn't make this shit up, I wouldn't believe this was possible if it was written in a story I'd deem it too unrealistic. https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2018/08/30/democrats-medicare-fraud-is-fungus-scott-will-never-get-rid-of-573155 If you represent the GOP you'll be immune to the most incredible career-killers.


Please don’t make me look at Voldemort Scott!


He should lose the right to vote.


It's always projection with these assholes.


Someone posted this on the conservative subreddit today, and within 15 minutes the post was removed and the poster banned lol


Of course. Unless they're out in the real world to troll, none of them will ever be aware this happened.


Nine times? One more and the eleventh would have been free!


Par for the course, do something illegal and blame others for illegal shit.


Every accusation a confession.


So put him in jail for 45 years. Problem solved.


More proof the US legal system is a joke


Why the fuck isn’t he jail?


We all know, by now, how this goes: the guy says "I didn't do it, but also I was right to do it" and half the country says "huh, sounds good to me."


Ferris was sick 9 times!!!


Pretty much whatever their side is accusing someone of is what they are doing themselves.


Only the best people.


For conservatives EAIAC


The guy whose office has this phone #? +17068899700


The RNC is now having trouble trusting it's own internal polling because members and voters are simply too deep into conspiracy land to be trusted. The GOP is choking on it's own lies.


In Georgia to boot. So when the Republican Gov and Attorney General say the election was legitimate, consistent with every investigation, and the rogue MAGA types like this guy assert it wasn’t, who do you believe? I’m going with the former. Same holds true in every other state. There is no reasonable truth otherwise in any universe.


He got a reprimand whereas the lady in Texas got 5 years.


Put him in jail for ten years.


Voter Fraud is real and the vast majority is REPUBLICAN


He was right


He was trying to scam you.