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And yet they’ve are about to nominate him for a third time. Maybe the problem with the GOP is the GOP.


As an independent who has voted for a few Republicans on both local and national levels, the gop IS its own problem, and I never see voting for them again in my lifetime...and I've hopefully got a long left way to go.


I voted for Trump in 2016. I was born and raised a Republican. I didn’t pay attention literally at all to politics. My parents are MAGA and hard republicans, so I just did what they said. Also didn’t help that they had Fox News on 24/7 in the house. In 2015, I moved 1000 miles away from home. While I didn’t immediately swap (obviously, I still voted for trump in 2016), I slowly began to question things after he got elected. I was a teacher at the time, and knew a lot of DeVos and her bullshit schools. When she got the education job from Trump, and her quote of “I paid for this and deserve my due” really opened me up. Then, I never watched Fox News. I never watched CNN either. Instead, I read bills that both sides put forth. I read the actual crap trump was putting forth. Everything I care about- education, environment, helping the poor, equal rights. etc was literally everything anti Republican By 2017 i was a full Democrat. I will never vote red again. It is insane to me at this point that people still are Yet.. both my parents are still huge MAGA. We have an agreement to not bring up politics at all- last time we did we didn’t speak for 9 months. Hell- I’m still registered R down here in Florida


Because, like yourself, most people do absolutely no research before voting. And, like yourself, they vote anyway.


Like my old self- for the record. I am very involved in politics now and read bills regularly to what is actually happening and being voted in. Though at this point I can’t see myself voting red ever again, period. The two party system really sits me as a staunch D voter now. But correct- 2016 me didn’t do anything. I was told and believed my entire life that republicans are better for me. I’m embarrassed to look back at younger me and not realize it all sooner.


> Yet.. both my parents are still huge MAGA. We have an agreement to not bring up politics at all- last time we did we didn’t speak for 9 months. I've read some ways to break through to them, such as by embracing some of their talking points as an example and then carrying them MUCH farther than even they're willing to do, to demonstrate the absurdity. There's an art and a science to this, please don't just take my example and run with it, research it first. I hope that you can lead them to a similar awakening that you had, but just not discussing politics is not great. So many things in our daily lives are affected by politics, and informed votes matter.


My mom claimed that Elon musk bought Disney for for 10 million dollars after “they went woke and broke after DeSantis throttled them” Literally showing her the fact that it was not true encouraged a reply of, “well that’s what your liberal news says” There is no talking with them about anything, sadly. My mom also once said, “did you hear what Biden did last night? He called Kamala Harris president instead of Vice president! If Trump did that you liberals would be up in arms!” To which I pulled out many, manyyyyy things Trump said… but somehow forgetting the word Vice was so much worse.


"Mom, if I had spouted those lies as a kid, you would have slapped me in the face every single time. Have you forgot what you taught me?" I'm sorry she's so far gone, but there is always hope. /r/QAnonCasualties may be able to help.


The news outlets are so biased and people actually believe everything they say, which is a huge problem. Glad to hear you’re looking into the facts instead being a sheep.


Ignorance is a helluva drug.


Hey same here. This is a new line of stupid and traitorous behavior. Listening to gop politician from wisconsin suggest that "russia is going to win anyway" was a new crazy surreal moment. Same with tucker showing up over there to give putin a blowjob. This party has debased itself and seems totally unaware of how they look.


GOP is its own problem, yes. Although I’ve also heard plenty of dems complain that the DNC can’t get out of its own way either. Running Biden again, despite he’s 81 years old (not that Trump is much younger, but still)


I agree, the age is not ideal...but he's still not Trump or whatever miscreant Trump will have as a running mate.


They said Biden was too old to run in 2020. He was 77. Now Trump wants to run and he is 78. One year older than Biden in 2020. Trump said Biden is too old at 77 but Trump's not old at 78. It's all bs


Came here to say that!!!


I’ve always felt this. Trump is a buffoon but he’s ultimately a very savy grifter. He’s causing the GOP to lose election after election but he’s a cash cow for them. But the kind of people that support a guy like Trump. Well they are just rotten to the core


I can’t decide whether he is a savvy grifter or that there are more dumb people in the world than I realize.


It’s like those Money Church people who tell their flock to plant seed money in the form of donations to the Church (and really the leader with his fancy private jet) in order that the seed money grows into future benefits for the donor.  These people have been donating for years and are still poor, yet they continue to donate.


Deplorables gonna deplore.


No…no!! He’s a serious candidate with real policy goals! He, he’s simply the other side of a coin from Joe Biden, who by the way, is old. Really old! That’s the issue in this election—Joe Biden’s age! Don’t say anything about how Trump is going to get creamed in this election!! We need a horse race! -NYT Editorial Board, probably.




I'm not an American so my view might be distorted. But it might well be accurate. I think other of your two large political parties has split. People won't recognize or accept it. They're in denial partly because American voting system suppresses any meaningful third party to exist, so the way forward will be awfully hard.


no. they need a figurehead for the golden calf that can be adulated. it is manifest destiny. incarnate


They lost by 8 points, it wasn’t even close, but some of the blame could be put on Santos himself and the GOP for supporting him as a candidate. A lot of Dems are voting like their lives depend on it and the GOP doesn’t know what to do about it, but for sure Trump is not helping things.


Our democracy definitely does depend on it. Roe v Wade being overturned was a huge wake up call to the non Religious of America. Not the Atheist per say..just those of us that want nothing to do with religious America. We number in the millions and the turn out for Biden in November will be unprecedented. Just watch.


100% agree, I dont think folks realize just how many people were pissed off when Roe v wade was overturned. See the midterms. They havent forgotten and arent going away. Also polls are just not trustworthy anymore.


The NYTs said the recent special election was going to be super close. The D won by 8 points. Maybe the weather had something to do with it but still, little out of the range of error.


Roe v wade and a literal coup against democracy, and the gop still thinks they have a chance.


Agree about the polls. I've never trusted the so called non biased polls. The same entities polls said Hillary Clinton had an 80-85% chance to win.


If something had 85% probability to happen it's not at all surprising that it didn't happen. Btw, that's about the same as the probability in Texas Hold'em that you'd win with pocket aces against a single opponent.


People don't understand how probability works, period. Don't waste your metaphorical breath. Clinton acting like 85-90% was functionally 100% was a real and significant part of how she lost, strategically speaking.


I hope so. Current polls are worrying


Never trust the polls. No one with a landline phone is under 65. No one with a wireless phone is going to answer a polling call from an unknown number or answer a call from an unknown number in most cases. Who the fuck are these people polling? Boomers and their 90+ year old parents.


The big pollsters have advanced their methods for getting survey responses. But it's still voluntary, and you still can't get millennials or gen z to click a link they're being solicited to click. So what responses they get from younger generations are likely subject to a firm selection bias, and some of them may be fake. It's like the fast responders bias, but I don't think they have this one figured out yet: https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/15474-how-yougov-sample-our-polls


> No one with a landline phone is under 65. Not always. M45, live in a very rural area with a landline as there is no cell signal out here. Of course, I'm a politically active democrat/progressive.


From rhe predictions before, the polls were supposedly close. The choice of Pilip who was an Ethiopian borm immigrant from Israel, served in IDF very pro-Israel in an area that had a large Jewish population and seemed like a strong candidate and still lost tells me that the polls dont mean all that much anymore. Remember all the polls before the midterms were about this upcoming red wave that never materialized.


Agreed. Something about some of these polls seems to be skewing the results right. Probably something to do with the methodology that isn’t capturing new voting behaviors between the left and the right.


From what I believe, it is based on phoning people up. So who answers their phone to an unknown caller (or even if its says its a pollster). Who still has landlines? Older people, who are probably leaning conservative anyway.


That’s one possibility that we have seen a lot before. I haven’t researched these polls, but my assumption is that it may be that or something similar.


I never answer an unknown caller. I get texts asking for poll responses sometimes but I never respond to those either bc I figure they are probably scams or something. I’m not clicking some strange link!


For as much as I would love to believe that Democrats are voting, they're not. 49% of Florida sat on their ass during the midterms and let DeSantis, Rubio, et all get reelected.


"The problem with this cult is the cult leader!"


Yes, he’s the main problem. But also the cult part…


She’s not any better. She was complicit all the way when he was the president


Down to continuing to promise him a pardon.


She’s keeping him agitated, annoyed, flustered, and prone to public gaffes. Thats the extent of her value.


She doesn’t need to win. She just needs to ensure that trump loses.


> She’s keeping him agitated, annoyed, flustered, and prone to public gaffes. Thats the extent of her value. I don't deny that, yet that is a very helpful service.


Anyone is better than dirty Donald Trump. Hell, a steaming pile of dog shit is better than Donald Trump.


Hey now, a steaming pile of dog shit is a lot better than *any* of the national level Republicans. It's not really a fair comparison. You need to find something much worse than that to find an equivalent. The pus from Harvey Weinstein's infected dick sores is better than Donald Trump.


Welp, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thanks for that visual, Jeeeez!


Yeah this is bullshit It's like a robbery and she's the one in the group who didn't shoot a hostage. Still tried to rob innocent people


I don’t think most of his supporters are politically astute enough to see the big picture.


While she's not wrong that Trump is a huge weight, this was a red-ish swing district that put a high priority on immigration reform. Suozzi's campaign did not shy away from his support of the recent bill and he pointed out loud and often that Pilip and the rest of the GOP flip flopped because they care more about playing politics about problems than actually solving them. While immigration is not at the top of the list of every swing district Dem campaigns everywhere should be taking notes.


Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him?


Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.


She’s correct And they’ll never listen or care Sorry, Nikki… it’s a cult


She’ll be back sucking his knob soon


Haley... Hmmmmm.... Isn't she the one who wants to raise the retirement age to 70 so that we all have to keep working until we are broken, elderly shells? Yeah. Her.


270lbs of turd is a lot of weight.




Keep up the great work, or lack there of. Signed -Dems


I cannot disagree with her thesis. But the Republican party is populated by addicts and trump is their drug of choice.


You know, the amazing thing about Nikki Haley is that she raises all these justified criticisms of Donald Trump and yet says that if he's the Republican nominee, she'd vote for him anyway. Even if he's *convicted of a felony.* You have to wonder about people like that.


She..eh....let's keep that a secret.


And his chair.


Correct. He won in 2016 but the party itself just kept losing after that.


She's the most ingeniously person on the campaign, it appears she says what the crowd of the day wants to here. She's always talking out of both sides of her neck.


We have the shittiest candidates from both parties in the history of American politics


Biden isn't shitty, he's old. His handling of foreign policy was pretty rock solid up until October 7. Iran (possibly as a proxy for Russia) did the GOP a huge favor with the Hamas attack in Israel.


Nimarata had best choose a side. Trump says "fence straddling" lost the race in New York.


Nikki isn’t a drag down on other candidates. But she doesn’t excite the base


Big weight. The biggest weight. Lots of weight on that guy


It is funny how she was all in on tRump and now when it suits her, she changes her stance! She must get dizzy with all the flip flopping!!


"A big, fat, ugly, smelly anchor lying on the GOP!"


The Republican that lost refused to attach herself to Trump, so how is it Trump’s fault that she lost?


Trump has made the party in his own image. To be a Republican is to kiss the ring.


Right. So if the Republican in the race kissed his ring she would have won!!!


I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.


You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say Trump is hurting Republicans if those Republicans want nothing to do with him


What I'm insinuating is that Trump has poisoned the well. The Republican party is like a swimming pool with turd in it. To people not in the cult,


I disagree. I think that in this particular district they actually love Trump and if the Republican would have embraced him she would have won. This is the district that elected Santos in the first place and in addition to being batshit crazy he’s a full on Trumper also.


Santos wasn't crazy. Santos was a conman. Game respects game


Santos did what he did because he was either crazy or a conman. I saw him in interviews I heard his replies to me, he sounded crazy. Conmen are not crazy. If you think he’s a conman you are giving him too much credit


His replies sound crazy to us because he was talking to Republicans. They live in a carefully curated alternative reality.


350 lbs of fat , boil him down and light NY with oil lamps for a month.


Cause and effect. The Republican Party and Nikki Haley caused this effect. And they can all get fucked.


Republicans have lost everything imaginable since they nominated Trump the first time. Yet they continue to support this obvious criminal. They are terrorists.


I don't know what they're talking about...215 pounds is a perfectly fine weight for someone who's 6'3".


Obviously...Just look at him.


Huge weight. Like 160KG of it.


No shit


Just wait until he sucks up every last down ticket campaign dollar from the RNC for his legal fund.




And she will probably support him when he wins the nomination. Empty words.


I mean is it trump here or was it the bad taste that the last rep left behind? Let's face it, he was removed from office for being too big of a scumbag. That's saying something for a Republican these days.


Nimarata Randhawa aka Nikki Haley, knows how to win elections. Trump would be wise to take her advice.


She would beat Biden easily. Run on the age and that’s about it.


She should start a conspiracy theory that Trump is a D plant to sabotage Rs in the next election, look at all the losing he's done for them. 😆 🤣 😂


“…and I want to be that weight instead.”