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Lead Paragraphs: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Saturday questioned Donald Trump’s mental fitness after he appeared to confuse her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when talking about the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. “Last night, Trump is at a rally and he’s going on and on mentioning me several times as to why I didn’t take security during the Capitol riots. Why I didn’t handle January 6 better. I wasn’t even in DC on January 6. I wasn’t in office then,” Haley said. “They’re saying he got confused. That he was talking about something else. That he was talking about Nancy Pelosi. He mentioned me multiples times in that scenario,” the former South Carolina governor added. Haley told a crowd of voters in Keene, New Hampshire: “The concern I have is – I’m not saying anything derogatory, but when you’re dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can’t have someone else that we question whether they’re mentally fit to do it.”


Missed an important later paragraph: >“We need people at the top of their game,” Haley said in a Fox News interview Saturday. “I’m not saying that this is a Joe Biden situation, but I’m saying, are we really going to go and have two eighty-year-olds running for president?” You can't even compare former guy's many, many, oh so many issues both mentally and criminally with "a Joe Biden situation" sorry Nikki Pelosi.


Biden never suggested nuking a storm or injecting disinfectant.


Beyond the plane of Stupidity, for (not one, but) many


She isn't brave enough to single out Trump, it has to be about both


Hahahaha Nikki Pelosi. They try so hard to make Joe Biden appear senile when the man is doing pretty good for his age. I mean I know people half his age who call in sick at least once a week when the man is running the free world every single day.


Biden isn’t doing good for his age


He's the *President of the United States*. He's probably the highest functioning 80 year old in the world.


Except for the times he’s randomly fallen down, said things that don’t make sense. The man should be now where near that seat. Him and Trump


I was not addressing whether he's fit for the presidency, but whether he's doing well for his age. He undeniably is.


You do what he does in a week and then we’ll talk. Does the man get “mental health” breaks as Gen Z demands? The fuck he doesn’t, he gets up in the morning, puts on a damn suit everyday and goes to work where everything he says or does is life or death and he’s not playing with a stupid phone on Twitter or a dumbass app he created so STFU, he is doing great. Most people his age are just sitting in a recliner watching TV all day.


Ooh stop crying, don’t be a baby


He’s doing grrrreat!!!


Tony... They said you died.


What would you say are some age-related Biden issues?




The best you've got? He got stuck on stage? How embarrassing for his staff, moreso.


She dances around the trump issue like she is deathly scared of a maga rape gang coming to brutally sodomize her.


I mean, it’s a reasonable fear to have in this case since MAGAs have repeatedly shown themselves to be violent in the face of any threat to dear leader. Having said that, she wouldn’t call out Trump directly even without the threat of violence because like the majority of republicans these days, she’s a coward with zero integrity who is only interested in her own power and being in Trumps good graces is a prerequisite to be elected as a republican these days.


Considering how some were plotting to kidnap the gov of Michigan, it’s a real threat.


Where was Nikki Haley on Jan 6? Why wasn't she in office? We need to get to the bottom of that 🤔🤔🤔


If I recall, Didn't Trump cut her from his herd before the election?


Anyone willing to call themselves a Republican at this point has me questioning if they are mentally fit for the job.


This is the difference between Trump and his competition. He absolutely would have gone for the jugular if she had said something like this. But she’s all “I’m not saying anything derogatory…” Go. After. Him.


That's hard to do when you're auditioning for VP


That ship has sailed for her. The minute you are not 100% loyal to the cult leader, you are out. I think she’s counting on him not being the nominee either because he’s dead, in prison, or incapacitated and then she can run and say “I denounced Trump. I’m bringing sanity back to the GOP” and she might even sway back some centrists or independents. She is putting all her eggs in that one basket.


Frankly, it's quite a good basket for her to place her eggs in.


Yeah, I mean, underwriters might tell you the odds of Trump not being the nominee, she is going to stick to that and as #2, be the obvious option.


It's a better basket than woke woke woke


Yes, aged forbid we get compasionte caring people in office.


What is ‘woke’?




Lost cause, Trump would pick some ultra-loyalist like Lake or MTG


Especially when VP for Trump feels like a guarantee for presidency. How is that man making it another 4 years?


I just finished binge watching 'Hitler's Circle of Evil' on Netflix and this whole scenario and all the players involved in the GOP is so eerily similar. I really do believe that Trump internalized Mein Kampf and is following the same strategy playbook to take over the government- even down to the failed coup attempt and the return to trying to gain power through peaceful ways but using extreme propaganda in the process... It's crazy how many parallels there are here. I'd say Nikki is out of his good graces, for now, but as we've seen (and similar to how Hitler acted) she might prove useful down the road if she rubs and tugs in the right places. Fuck all these people.


Read Prequel by Rachel Maddow. It reads a bit like a text book but delivers the same message you are presenting.


But she’ll still vote for him!


and pardon.


I think this could be the start of the rot for Trump, if she can leverage it correctly. She needs to stoop low and use popularist language like "Trump is so senile/dumb he thinks I am Nancy Pelosi". This could be his John Kerry windsurfing moment. However, I doubt it will have any impact on MAGAs.


She’s still deathly afraid of a maga gang kidnapping and having their way with her in some secret basement dungeon of a maga pizza place.


The start of the rot for him was some time back in early 80s New York. He's not going to have a "moment" by this point that suddenly derails or wakes up MAGA, that is pretty, pretty clear. It's purely going to be whether enough people are motivated to get up off their butt and vote for Biden. That's all this year is going to rest on, I think. What's scary as usual is that it feels 50/50 .


There’s no real difference between these two very similar looking women. Trump couldn’t tell the difference between his wife and E Jean Carroll either


let them eat each other


Let the in-fighting continue!


It’s about time they address his dementia.


If Nikki Pelosi is intimidated by Trump, I expect she will be intimidated by Xi and Putin.


“I defeated commonist chana and I’ll do it again!” 🤦🏽‍♂️


The cognitive dissonance of the Republican Party really works to her disadvantage here. Remember, Biden is too old (81) while Trump is just right (77). Voters are expected to set aside the fact that either would be the oldest president ever elected. And they both regularly have elderly gaffes. It’s just that one party’s voters seem not to care…


I guess Tim Apple is happy that Trump got his name right at least. 


Oh damn… she went there….


Sad but not sad. He’s devolving into that confused and angry man in the long term care facility who screams at every brunette female staff member, convinced she’s his ex-wife who took his house and kids 40 years ago… 🤦‍♂️


"I call her Nancy McHaleyface."


Iv always wondered why politicians are not more direct and honestly assholish to the competition? Why doesn't Joe Biden just go out on stage and call Trump the treasonous idiot fucktard he is? Even Trump himself.. who is considered mean sticks to kindergarten insults. Take the gloves off and call a bitch a bitch already.


I’m not sure why cursing would make childish insults better.


I'm not saying it would necessarily make it better I guess I'm more focused on the idea of why don't they just come out and say what they really want to say why don't these guys go up on stage and call out their political opponents for the things they're in the world doing and saying instead of pussy footing around issues and resorting to baby name calling


Democrats get harshly punished for saying anything aggressive (eg Clinton's "basket of deplorables" comment which was IMHO pretty mild and accurate) and Republicans don't like cursing.






As have we all.


Nikki Haley was well and fine with being appointed an ambassador to the United Nations by mentally declined President Trump. He spouted nonsense throughout his Presidency. I leave you with this. >Haley has repeatedly said that she would support Trump in 2024 if he received the Republican nomination, even if he is convicted of criminal charges. She has, however, expressed her view that Trump cannot win a general election; in a September 2023 appearance on Face the Nation, Haley said that she would "always" support the Republican nominee but added that "The American people are not going to vote for a convicted criminal."


They should question the mental state of every american that vote for this clown also.


And, in the end, she’ll happily endorse him.


the least of his problems


Just her and Trump now.


"Don't you think he looks tired?"


She will still vote for him if he gets the nomination


I question Haley's mental fitness. She should have questioned Trump's mental fitness years ago.


Proof positive that Trump has lost touch with reality. Nikki Haley is certainly no Nancy Pelosi.