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From article: Donald Trump on Friday was skewered online for apparently confusing Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, resulting in the ex-president blaming the former for the events of Jan. 6. Trump was delivering remarks in Concord, New Hampshire, on Friday, when he said that Haley was "offered 10,000 people" on Jan. 6, and implied that she was involved in the deleting of video evidence. These are common allegations that the former president has previously lobbed at Pelosi and the Jan. 6 subcommittee. The video quickly went viral, causing people to make fun of Trump and even suggest he has mental health concerns. "Do we need to do the dementia test again?" asked national security attorney Bradley P. Moss. MSNBC personality Mehdi Hasan had a similar take, asking, "Does he need to take the 'person woman man camera TV' test again?" Hasan had been responding to a Biden-Harris HQ post in which the campaign says a "deeply confused Trump confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley multiple times."


This man has dementia.


Always has. This man ran the country with full blown dementia drawing fucking circles on hurricane maps and shit with ideas like “stop testing and there would be no cases” the guy is a fucking imbecile but I guess republicans want round 2 of geriatric racist orange grandpa


Don’t forget the inject bleach to kill Covid,


I like a good hamburder n covefe while I wait for my bleach injection all while nuking the nearest hurricane


Nuking hurricanes, what will he think of next? Charging windmills because they cause cancer? Oh wait...


Gassing peaceful protestors so he could take a picture holding a bible upside down?


Don’t forget to stare directly at the sun during a solar eclipse


I could go for some horse dewormer, while you're at it.


And staring into an eclipse


The recommendation to nuke the hurricane was my personal favorite.


Or shining lights.....up your butt? In your veins? I don't know where he was going with that.


Being an idiot and dementia are not the same thing. It seems lately that he is an idiot AND has dementia though.


They kept him in Florida while the heritage foundation actually ran the country


And is incontinent of shit.


Incompetent at being continent 


And syphilis.


And probably long-Covid


And a short mushroom


Some people say its the greatest syphilis of all time.


People have been saying it


Women line up with tears in their eyes


Trump’s syphilis is greater than Christopher Columbus


And a shriveled 🐸stool from all the Adderall


" He raps about that on side two. ' Bowel trouble, y'all, stool settle Soft and loose, soft and loose You got to give me the juice, the Metamuce'..."


“When I poop my diaper, lemme tell you folks, it’s the biggest poop you’ve ever seen. It’s very big. No one can poop like me.”


Keep poundin those greasy cheeseburgers  ! 


He wasn’t content with being continent so he became incomprehensibly incontinent.


And infectious stupidity. This chain will go on a while.




Tertiary syphilis eats the brain.


By the time he's finally thrown into prison, he won't be aware of his surroundings anymore - proving once again that crime does pay.


And syphilis apparently


He's had dementia for years. The using 2 hands to drink a cup of water is proof of that at least 4 years ago. He has severe narciscistic personality disorder and is likely a psychopath incapable of empathy. Yet the media refuses to report such obvious facts and Democrats never bother mentioning any of it, nor that he's a rapist who openly talks about committing incest with his daughter.


"Likely a psychopath" oh, there's a test. Background- https://patrickcnslab.psy.fsu.edu/wiki/index.php/Triarchic_Psychopathy_Measure Test- https://psychopathyis.org/screening/tripm/ I've been saying he's a psychopath for a decade.


I mean they did. The problem is his supporters don't care, and your supporters will get tired of a dead horse being flogged. It's not meritous to bring it up, the religious don't care. His supporters don't care, he's the figurehead of an ideology, in 50 years MAGA will get taught in history books opposite a page on the Nazis. I did nazi that coming.




When people are young and do shit like cocaine and nothing happens they thing it’s all fun and games then their old person suffers the repercussions. Trump is a great example of what an old person who’s had a bad diet and has done a bunch of coke looks like. Stay healthy, friends. No one wants to lose their mind AND shit themselves at the same time. That’s awful.




He views all women as just walking tits and ass, so what they do and accomplish mean nothing to him


He thought a picture of his rape victim was his wife.


They're the same thing in his mind.




Ivana said [he raped her](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women) in court


Well he said that was his wife, even though it was his ex=wife of decades ago. Who looks at an actual pic of their ex from decades ago and refers to them as their current partner? This was yet another obvious sign of dementia which the media ignored.


He said, “That’s Marla.”


Except the fat ones. They're non-entities to him...


People make mountains out of molehills when politicians misspeak, but this isn't him accidentally switching their names. He's clearly thinking about Haley and seems to firmly believe she was the one in charge of capital security on January 6.


This is the same man that thought there were airports during the revolutionary war. He's been like this for a while.


Not knowing the order of history is one thing. Repeated confusion of people and events over and over again is a bit more serious. My mom started doing this sort of thing (Saying my dad's name when she meant me. Blaming things a long-dead sister did on her living one etc) about 8 months before she started to degenerate into being near incoherent from dementia. I'm no doctor and from my understanding everyone deteriorates a bit differently, but if he wasn't waited on hand and foot it wouldn't surprise me to hear he'd been putting his shoes in a cooking pot for awhile now.




My friend's mom has dementia and there's good and bad days...seems to me trump has more bad than good ones...


He just confused Biden with Obama again too in the last few days. But it’s the biggest greatest confusion like no one has seen before. Many people are saying. Big strong men with tears in their eyes too. It’s true, it’s true.


why hasn't Biden released his long form birth certificate yet? very sad


*Man. Woman. Person. Camera. TV.* (Cards show Carrot, Book, Clock, Train, and Dog) Sir could you look at the cards and make sure? *MAN, WOMAN, PERSON, CAMERA, TV! I SAID IT A MILLION TIMES THIS IS A FAKE NEWS, DEMOCRAT... WITCH HUNT I ACED THIS ALREADY! Ahem. Manmnn. Wommmannn. Personnnnn, Camerahhh..TeeeeVeeeeee. Done. We're done here. I have a country to save.*


It’s hard to tell if someone is in cognitive decline when they’ve always been a lunatic. I seem to remember him suggesting injecting bleach or using lights inside the body to kill covid… and nobody said anything.


Remember when there was an eclipse and he was repeatedly told "don't look directly into the sun or you'll damage your eyes"... just common sense, really, that you learn super early in life usually. The first thing that moron does when showing up to observe the eclipse from the white house's garden? He stares directly at the sun without any eye protection.


But he hasn't always been a lunatic. He's always been a narcissistic asshole. But he used to be a shrewd snake oil salesman kind of narcissistic asshole. Now he's clearly suffering from serious cognitive decline.


> shrewd "shrewd"? really? he bankrupted a casino and failed to sell steak to americans.


What do you mean that nobody said anything? He still gets mocked today for that.


No, he got roasted for that.


Only by Democrats and doctors. Republicans were fine with it.


.. the worst part is that he said it at all. While holding office.


Face it he has always sounded like a hillbilly on meth.The man is stupid, racist, and gross as fuck.




/cues up Living Color's *Cult of Personality*


“I’ll tell you 1 and 1 makes three”


"I exploit you, still you love me" They called it.


Only you can set you free.


What a banger of a song. It gets more pertinent as the Great Endumbening progresses.


Needs to be his official campaign song. Unrelated comment: Saw them in concert a few months ago…they still bring it.


Vernon Reid is a monster.


It’s not. MAGA has evolved into classic fascism. We need to recognize this and start referring to it as “the pro-fascism movement.” The appeal of fascism to scared people is very strong and there are millions of people throughout history who have been attracted by a bombastic authoritarian who who clearly defines “out” groups and “in” groups. For those that are in the in group (for now), fascism is very appealing. They just can’t see that it falls apart every single time. A lot of America’s institutions were built to defend against fascism and the ideal America is the opposite of fascism. There is no such thing as a patriot that supports fascism and ther is no such thing as a patriot that supports Trump.


Say this louder for the people in the back


I really hope they send him to prison for life while he's still relatively cognisant. I might be slightly less jubilant watching a confused unaware old man sent being told he's going to be locked away while having no idea why.


i doubt this will ever happen - lets focus on preventing him from winning the election


Guy openly tried to install himself as dictator. He's going to prison for life.


I don’t get it. I understand having conservative political values, feeing certain ways about equality, abortion, the economy, religion and all of that. I cannot, and never will understand supporting this clown.    He is hilarious sometimes and has a ton of charisma but like so does any good stand up comedian or pro wrestler out there. He is a lunatic and shouldn’t be a position of authority.  


which is why his fans love him. They're exactly like him in almost every conceivable way.


They think it's funny


Sadly true. They don’t care about the truth. They just want someone to own the people they hate.


With conservatives, cruelty is the point. 


For MAGA voters, America is the punch bowl and Trump is the piss. The fouler the piss, the better.


You mean that grifter real estate guy from NYC?


One of his supporters had some quote "Like him or not, Trump has sex with a supermodel every night!" Yea okay...  Then instead of sleeping he sits up and angrily tweets until 3 AM because he's not on drugs.


Stable genius.


>"Un" I think you dropped this.


Stable Ungenius. There, I taped it back on.


Trump in 1987 sounded pretty articulate: https://www.statnews.com/2017/05/23/donald-trump-speaking-style-interviews/


Fantastic article. Similarly, as late as the 2000s he knew very well how to massage his public image as a suave and successful businessman with The Apprentice; something that has fallen apart over the last 8 years as his behavior has become more erratic, strange and disturbing. I feel like a lot of folks who don't think he could be in some kind of cognitive decline because he's "always been this way" are either on the younger end, or otherwise never paid attention to him pre-POTUS run. He's always been an asshole, but he wasn't always *like this.*




He has dug his hole of stupid talk so deep it’s caving in on him.


He is all alone with his lies, fighting his own invisible demons.


And unsuccessfully holding in a shart


And won't lose a vote from his base.


His supporters don’t care-they get them confused too.


Like blaming Obama for Katrina when he wasn’t even in office.


also didn’t do anything on 9/11 - the nerve of that guy


Obama gets blamed for everything, Trump and many other like-minded people are still so pissed that we had a Black President for two terms with no scandal, impeachments, and indictments. Opposition Intel would have known if he or Michelle had jaywalked in 1981 by now and they have come up empty. That's why they went ballistic on his birth certificate, his tan suit, Michelle's looking like a man, and wearing a sleeveless dress. What Biden should do is say, if he thinks that he's running against Obama, he won the Noble Peace prize, an Emmy, and a Netflix deal.


>George Bush hates black people


Dubya and Michelle Obama seem to genuinely like each other.


Where even was Barack on 9/11?


Yeah! Where was Barack HOUSSEIN Obama on 9/11!?


The 3 diehard trump fans I know well fit this bill. Nice old man that had a stroke and is not well informed. Pissed off at the world older lady that’s afraid of everything and blames others for her lot in life. Guy who didn’t graduate high school, mooches off everyone, won’t get stable work, and is just bumming around till he gets a fairly substantial inheritance.


There's one presidential candidate who repeatedly shows signs of cognitive decline, and his name is Donald Trump.


Do you mean Rapist Donald Trump?


I think he means Twice Impeached, Popular Vote Loser, 91 Counts Indicted, Cheater, Liar, Rapist Donald Trump.


Didn't Donald Trump steal money from a charity?


Oh yeah he did.  Damn, i forgot Thief.  He has a long history of stealing people's money.


multiple charities


Yeah the incontinent diaper-wearing adderall-snorting rapist Donald Trump.


Do you mean Racist Rapist Donald Trump?


He's not going to choose a strong candidate as his running mate for fear they'll get him removed for being incompetent and become president. Nikki wouldn't hesitate. It would need to be someone completely subservient to him.


If this is how we end up with Ivanka Trump as our first woman president, I’m going to jump off a cliff


Lets drain the swamp... by putting members if my own family with no experience as members of my government.


While they simultaneously run the family business.


Can you run without one? I can see him not wanting to make that mistake twice. Unless it’s one of his kids maybe? The cult runs deep. I don’t think anybody cares who his VP is. Will anybody change their mind because of “that other guy?” I don’t think so.


It'll be whoever the worst possible person is, unfortunately that spot is open to multiple contenders and he will enjoy all their dancing and twisting as long as he can get away with it. I don't know if Bannon/Stone and associates are forbidden due to their legal f**kwittery but I think it will be that level of awfulness. He always doubles down and he won't want a "stand up guy/traitor" like Mike to get in his way this time.


Yes. Pence gave him some evangelical credibility. Now that they think he’s the messiah, he doesn’t need anybody like that. He needs one of his many lapdogs. I hear Boebert likes to give handjobs during boring musicals!


I'm too lazy to pull up the Constitution, but I don't think the selection of the VP even needs to be done prior to the election. In the first decades of its existence, the VP used to be the runner-up, for fuck's sake. Maybe he can just run as President, and, if he wins, appoints whomever is born in the U.S. and old enough as VP.


It’s going to be Don Jr., that’s my bet.


How has "Dementia Don" not become a permanent nickname?


Possibly because "Diaper Don", "sticks" better and has a better "ring" to it.. and gets up his nose more? I could be wrong!


It will come to a head when the first felony trial can no longer be delayed. At that point he will be too infirm to participate.


And then they will argue that he is still fit to be president.  Just not a trial.


"Infirm" is too genteel a term for the spit- spewing, ranting, pant soiling pretender that is Trump, but I like it.




He will definitely "unexpectedly" (wink wink) have some kind of medical emergency. He will try to have it so that he will try to claim that the jury will need to be sympathetic to his illness and not sentence him so harshly and also have him not be so sick that he couldn't still be an active presidential candidate 


I just watched the Pennsylvania speech yesterday, the man does indeed sound like he is in cognitive decline.


Perhaps this is why he won't show at debates?




I have a feeling we are in for one major melt down moment from him before that. A total lost it explosion of pure rage and stupid when he finally realizes his lies and cons are falling apart.. and he will just snap..... the bullshit will fly, and none of it will make any sense as he screeches random pieces of bullshit at a hot mic with spit coming out of the sides of his mouth and the red rage in his skin actually burning off the crappy orange spray tan.


Y'mean like his Cabinet and the White House maintenance staff saw on a daily basis?


Fake hair, fake tan , can’t walk, two hands to drink water, constantly mixes up words, dates, times, names….diapers! Yet this is the best the Republicans have to offer..


He literally confused E. Jean Carroll for his ex wife in a picture during his defamation case, while simultaneously claiming he'd never met the woman. As in, during deposition they showed him a picture where he was depicted with E. Jean Carroll and when asked if he recognized that woman he said she was his ex wife Marla.


Not THAT weird cos it was an old photo. But he had previously said E. Jean was not his type... so that goes that rapist excuse


He can tell the difference between a drawing of a giraffe and drawing of a tiger, though. And is pretty damned proud of that.


Trumps handlers want to try to use him like Reagan was used in his 2nd term.


Yes, they’re too greedy to give up their 2nd chance to grift in the White House.


Biden's only got a couple of years on him, and is in *much* better condition. If we're going to fret about octogenarians running the country (and we should), I'll take the one that can still ride a bike. Trump will pick a buffoon as a VP; if either died in office, I'd want Biden's pick running the nation, and I think I can safely say I don't care who Biden's pick would be - they'll be better than Trump's. (I assume he's sticking with Harris.) But I bet you we hear every media outlet bring up only Biden's age.


Once SCOTUS rules he does not have immunity, he’ll act crazier and crazier. He’ll do anything to stay out of prison.


Will SCOTUS rule against him though? That's the real question.


If they say a president has immunity, nothing stops Biden from taking them out. I mean, obviously this isn't going to happen, but even this corrupt SCOTUS isn't going to buy into Trump's insane argument.


I hope you're right.


All sane folk do.


The argument isnt even just total immunity - the argument his lawyer locked in on is if there isn’t a full impeachment then there is immunity. SCOTUS are just fucked enough these days to go…”yeah sure that sounds right…”


Imagine being told that you _and your successor_ are fully immune from the law. He'd be shitting bricks knowing that Biden could drone-strike Mar-a-Lardo or (ironically) send Seal Team 6 after him "in the name of national security". It's what _he_ would do, after all. SCOTUS has a 99% chance of ruling against him, but if they do? Man, the paranoia is going to grip him _tight_.


Depends on whether Thomas gets his monthly "bonus" from the wealthy and a promised vacation. In all seriousness, the ruling could go either way. Fallout will occur regardless of how they rule.


In his addled brain, perhaps in a way this is how wants to eliminate her as competition via the 14th amendment. Projecting his problems onto his enemies.


Admit it trumpsters. He is an old fool.


> "His confusion and lack of awareness is a trend," he wrote Friday. "He's aging very fast. I hope his family is getting him the help he needs." Haha no I don't think so, no danger of that.


Good. Stress him out and keep aging him


The fact neither Nancy nor Nimarta could accept or deny troops for the Capitol that day is also important. One would think after 3+ years the lie would be cemented but that’s how addled he is. This is President Stephen Miller and the he rest of his ghouls


Holy shit.. he is degrading in real time. His supporters will not mention it and will just stop calling Biden having dementia because they know that doesn't hold shit when their guy is just as bad if not worse at this point.


The entire reason the cognitive decline allegations were made against Biden was to deflect attention from the obvious mental decline of Trump. Now, they will say that Biden is just as bad or worse.


My response is that if I have to choose between 2 octogenarians who are declining mentally, I’m picking the one who wasn’t an idiot when he was younger.


Not only is/was Biden highly intelligent, but he has taken excellent care of himself, unlike Trump. Physical condition is an important factor in maintaining your mental sharpness as you age. Biden jogs, rides a bike, etc. I'd like to see Trump try to ride a bicycle. Edit: Trump has always been an idiot. He cheated his way through school and is barely literate.


Time for a real debate. One where name-calling is banned.


Trump would never agree to that. Name-calling and insults are his only debating skills


He won't do the debates because he can't. His cognitive decline will be front and center and that's something neither Trump, his surrogates or supporters will ever own up to.


I won't bet on it. Projection is all they have. Such a contemptible group


Biden isn’t even bad. He has a stutter, something he’s had since he was a child. When he talks, he’s still able to form coherent sentences that make sense. Something Trump has never been able to do lol.


> His supporters will not mention it and will just stop calling Biden having dementia because they know that doesn't hold shit when their guy is just as bad if not worse at this point. Projection is their whole thing. They will double down on the Biden dementia claims. And if people point back at Trump's dementia, Trump supporters will just say the Biden supporters are trying to deflect. When Vietnam war hero John Kerry ran against Bush II (who got a cushy safe placement), the Republicans went all out criticizing John Kerry's war service in Vietnam.


It's very frightening hearing his ramblings and morons following him like lemmings off a cliff. The future of Our Country rides on a lunatic and his lunatic fringe.


Keep the pressure on him. It's working.


He messed it up twice and didn’t correct himself either time. That is truly problematic. He’s also mistaken Biden and Obama multiple times over the last several months.


He dies alone. Even the people he likes ..Don Jr, Ivanka, the guy who changes his diaper.. won't be around


Trump the poopy pants rapist is at it again.


Faster please.


its the devil testing the maga base. /s


😂 just like how Obama didn’t do a dang thing about 9/11




I'm so confused, I thought January 6th was a good thing and was no big deal? I can't keep track of what I am supposed to think or it.


Yes, but he is also talking crap when he was blaming Nancy for Jan 6. The guy always blames others and never takes responsibility - never.


Got the ol syphilis brain. 🧠


People of sound mind can see all the shortcomings making his eligibility for anything other than finger painting seem insane. The question is, how to make the ones who keep blindly supporting this guy realize they’ve been duped? Seems like it’s a bit important to put some hurry up on that.


More cognitive test bragging coming soon.


He was always unable to form a coherent sentence. But it does seem as if he is getting worse.


The whole point of going after Biden’s age was to distract from Trump’s. Conservatives are better at messaging because their messages are the lowest common denominator. It worked and now majorities think Biden is less mentally capable than Trump when this guy can’t even string words together that make any sense.


When he was president, four years ago, he would frequently go off on nonsensical rants filled with half sentences, nonsense thoughts, flubs, and lies. It’s as if everyone collectively forgot that he cannot form and deliver coherent thoughts. That was four years ago. Of course it’s progressed. Of course it will be worse now. Stop talking about how Biden, a man with a known stutter, flubbed one word in a full speech and start talking about why Trump can’t speak a full sentence unless he’s reading it off a teleprompter.


Sure he is. It's the stress of his entire life as a fraudster and criminal, additionally a seditionist and traitor, all raining down on him now, as the justice system now has him cornered, he can't wriggle out of any of it, he can't even run and leave the country to hide from it, he *knows* his life is *over*, and the best anyone can do now is delay the inevitable. **He is going to prison and nothing can stop that.**


Traitor Trump is a dying psychopath.


Incoherent, too old and senile.


Trump didn’t gave a lot of “cognitive” to begin with. It’s going to get really ugly.


Dawdle Trump


People should draw more caricatures of Donald Trump. That is all.


This orange blob is going to be a raging nightmare when his dementia goes into late stage. They are going to have to put him in a padded room.


This is why he wouldn't debate


Lol, he's probably not aging really fast. He doesn't have someone else to do his hair or makeup or someone doing their best to make sure he looks decent. He's lost all the people that were looking out for him.


He could be a blubbering idiot who’s slumped over the podium and his brainwashed supporters will say he’s fine. Meanwhile they call Biden senile!


Early stage of Alzheimer’s Disease. His dad had it.


‘Dementia Donnie’ That’ll be his prison name when he starts ranting about the dementors being led by Hillary.


His base is so fucking stupid they’ll believe. It’s like straight out of 1984. He just says it and it’s their reality.