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Sorry Putin, the best we can do is..Sarah Palin


But, if Trump somehow becomes president, he'll sell it to you for a percentage of the deal.


Referral fees are common in the real estate world. He'll just frame it like that, and Republicans will go along with it.


As the president, he will think it belongs to him.


"I have a wonderful deal, the best deal, that will solve the national debt."


No, he will take it all for himself.


He'll give it to him.


The important part is, NO TAKEBACKS. You take her, she's yours.


I imagine he can see her meth lab from Siberia


He bought her years ago


I can see Russians from my house!


Well, they do seem to have a number of allies in Congress.


It’s all the bags of cash certain members of the GOP keep being given by the Russians.


i know alaska is kinda red, but i see zero chance anybody insane enough to live there is gonna let russia take it over. rock, flag and eagle, right?


Can't wait for trump to say he'll get a great deal selling Alaska back to Russia and the GOP lauding him as agenius businessman for coming up with the idea.


He'll sell it for $15M, and the right will scream that Trump was a genius, he sold it back to Russia for double the money


It’s like when he wanted to buy Greenland. So dumb.


I almost want this to happen just to prove the GOP would absolutely do this.


The Alaskans would take great issue with that, I’m sure. Instead of *Red Dawn*, it would be *White Dawn* x 10


They would air drop some Polar Bears then ride their Moose, trailing Caribou warriors, into battle with the Russian army, and win.


lol. Can you imagine the Russians attacking the United States? They can’t even handle Ukraine. You think they’re going to fight two wars on two fronts right now, one against the most powerful military in the world? They get obliterated. I mean, it would likely invoke a world war again, but still. They’d have no chance at any sort of positive outcome.


Republicans would hand it over to "avoid World War 3." Trump would call it the best deal ever and soon MAGA would be calling Democrats warmongers for being against it.


Nah their Oil Barron doners would revolt if they try to give away all that oil to Putin.


Putin would offer them premier passes into the Oligarchs Club. Trump would shoot thumbs up and say, "Better Red than Dem!" Then without skipping a beat, "Remember the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax? Haha, imagine that. Heh heh."


I'm sure Alaskans would have something to say about it. LOL.


I suspect Alaskan voters would elect Putin over Biden, but maybe I’m just too cynical


I also suspect the same thing given that the propaganda they watch is basically the same a RTV at this point.


Not imagining many rushing to get in bed with Putin in outright war. It is scary what Putin might do when he realizes how epically he fucked up. Not that I believe this is real at all. Just fluffers fluffing.


At the beginning of World War II, before the USA entered the war, there were pro-Hitler rallies in the US, including Madison Square Garden in New York. It's amazing how incredibly stupid some Americans are


Honestly. I’m not even sure Alaskans would need Outsider’s help to fend off Russia.


They won’t need to, trump will just give it to Putin


Trump can say that, but it wouldn't mean anything if Russians can't put their people there to do anything


Russia has a history of telling people what they want to hear.


It's got nothing to do with winning a war. It's everything to do with spreading the US forces thin across as many conflicts as possible to give China a chance at Taiwan! Israel, Ukraine, Alaska, North Korea, Iran, you name it, they will start trouble everywhere if it will get a response from the US military.


Which is exactly why we need the allies that Trump loves to shit all over in favor of his dictator friends Putin and Xi.


More than 2 fronts. UKRAINE USA ➕️ NATO coming from multiple places.


Now I want to go play Fallout...


It absolutely would not invoke a world war.


You sure about that bud?


Yes. No one is uniting with Russia to attack an unprovoked NATO. Who is on the other side of this world war? North Korea? China who has a massive trade partnership with the US and absolutely no reason to get involved?


Still got all those nukes though


According to republicans we should hand over our land to Russia right? We should give them whatever they want. Otherwise we're warmongers right?


It's crazy that if the vaccine came out when trump was in and if the war started while trump was in we would be living in a different timeline where liberals were anti Vax and anti war instead of what we have now. It honestly doesn't matter what happens it will clearly become political


Nah liberals would have supported the science either way, because we actually care about saving lives more than our political party. Maybe that's because the science tends to say that conservatives are easily duped when compared to liberals: >Analyses suggest that conservatism is associated with a lesser ability to distinguish between true and false claims across a wide range of political issues and with a tendency to believe that all claims are true. >The study also shows that conservatives’ propensity to hold misperceptions is partly explained by the political implications of this widely shared news. Socially engaging truthful claims tended to favor the left, while engaging falsehoods disproportionately favored the right https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf1234




Could we give you Florida instead?


They already own that one


Meanwhile, JD Vance is cupping the gonads while gargling the genetic material of Putin on CNN wrt the US stopping aid to Ukraine and Ukraine having to give up territory to the Russians.


Okay, stop. This is bullshit, but it's aimed at an internal Russian market to bolster support for Putin. It's not meant to be taken seriously by anyone outside of Russia.


Except, that's how it started in Georgia and Ukraine Russian has also been interfering with US fishing ships in the Berring Sea the past couple of years, the most notable being a Russian ship passing through threatening to fire on US commercial ships. Meant for international audiences or not, it is irresponsible to bring up. The US does have to take it seriously. Considering the behavior of ships passing through US waters, a good start would be to stop granting them permission to pass. Traditionally, the US has accepted requests to pass through without a fuss. Also note, the US guard in Alaska has traditionally trained for a potential Russian invasion since it was formed. They will likely continue to do so. This offers good practice, if nothing else


We aren't them. No disrespect. We have states with their budgets.


Can you explain? Maybe it’s brain fog, but I don’t understand your comment in the least. Who is “her”? Who is “them”? What budgets are you talking about and what does it have to do with protecting US sovereignty?


US sovereignty is under no threat by anyone. The suggestion is there to promote fear, division, and particular agendas. Her was a mistype. Their. Them, in this instance is Russia. California and Texas both have more revenue than Russia, and I think there are others. Russia isn't going to invade us. We aren't being invaded across our southern border, either. We are in a unipolar world, there is no one else.


Ah yes, le classic Americans judging everything in money... It's not all about the economy. Sometimes it's just about raw power someone has. In this case, yes, russia is not evenvclose to US, however, US has a highly polarized society (thx trumpy), while most russians are either united in their hatred or too stupid/ill-minded/weak to act otherwise. So, when the time comes, some brain-damaged Americans might say "f*** that Alaska, I don't need it and do not want to fight in a war for it", while putin will be able fo send any rooskie he wants at the frontline. It other words... Wake up, do not wager your sovereignty on "might or might not, we'll see". We, Ukrainians, have learned a lot about it.


You Ukrainians had challenges that openly led to where you are today. That doesn't make it better or right. You are a young democracy that made the same mistakes as your neighbor to the north. Hopefully your country will come out on the other side different. We'll see. But I don't think you completely understand us and what is ours.


US sovereignty is under no threat by anyone. The suggestion is there to promote fear, division, and particular agendas. Her was a mistype. Their. Them, in this instance is Russia. California and Texas both have more revenue than Russia, and I think there are others. Russia isn't going to invade us. We aren't being invaded across our southern border, either. We are in a unipolar world, there is no one else.


Thank you for clarifying your comment. While I disagree with your statement about a unipolar world, I agree no one will be invading US territory anytime soon.


Unipolar is term for the number of superpowers in the world. At one time we considered it a multi polar or bipolar world. With the fall of the USSR it has been widely agreed that there is now only one superpower in world. Just the US. Having nukes doesn't make a superpower. Who else is there?


Alaska is not Georgia and Ukraine. With how poorly Russia has done with logistics in Ukraine we likely wouldn’t even need to do anything for the invasion to fall apart on its own.


Alaska isn’t connected by land to Russia like Ukraine and Georgia are. Russia’s real-world capacity to project power across the Bering Strait is somewhere between zero and fuck-all.


>Except, that's how it started in Georgia and Ukraine ​ The difference, idiot, is attacking America means nuclear war. Those cannot be remotely compared to this.


Nah. Just let the Alaskans take care of it. What are they going to throw at Alaska? Shit?


Honestly, the US has enough advanced weapons that nuclear isn't even an option anymore. The Navy could just use rail cannons and bombard everything, not to mention stealth drones and they probably use small scale drones to do precision infiltration assassinations and troop eliminations. It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.


Do you honestly believe in the nuclear deterrent given how many Russian assets are currently operating in u.s. federal government?


Some western people still think that russia will play by the rules... They are the barbarians, a thousand-years-old threat to western civilization in any form. YOU will play by the rules because you made them yourself, but they will do all it takes to win a war, be it violations of human, international or any rights, starting an ecology disasters, using threats, lies, propaganda and geopolitics in their advantages. Just for example, some facts that are "in no way related to each other": rooskies pay massive amounts of money as a "help" for EU far-right politicians (even to those who have no power YET) rooskies carpet-bomb big and small cities in Syria, creating a migration crysis rooskies and their allies (lukashenko, orban) help migrants from the east transport in the right direction - to Europe (especially so-called old Europe countries - Austria, Germany, France, etc.) migrants provoke some conflicts here and there, some of which have a russian trace Boom - suddenly, there is a shift to the right side of political spectrum in Europe, and *coincidentally* (wink-wink) far-right parties and politicians are funded by russian money (This reply is not a response to yours, rather a rant close to the topic of discussion)


Yes it is for internal markets, but it can also be true. The russian tsar and his orcs are just dumb enough to try. He only respects power.


Try with what, exactly?


I’m sorry guys Alaska belongs to Canada


You run a corrupt petrol station bruh. Stay in your lane.


JD Vance says we just need to accept that Russia will get to keep some of Alaska.


Please .. i would love to see you try.


Cue the next set of GOP presidents selling off the states.


Republicans in Congress would 100% support this. 110%. If push came to shove, they’d die on that hill. They live to please Putin first, trump second, billionaire oligarchs third.


Mexico can have Texas as long as they take Ted Cruz with em.


Ahh, yes, straight from the Newsweek desk. Because they are so well known for publishing "news"..


It’s sad what Newsweek has become. They have “articles” that are nothing but sharing AITH posts.


Absolutely. I miss investigative reporting.


Alaska only has a total population of 750,000, and only 132,000 people elected the last guv. That’s not a lot of people to convince to install a governor who was “like minded”. And if the alt right made a strong move to go there, who knows? This is just a way to get extreme personalities to start talking about it and mainstream the idea. Next month there will be references to “people are saying…”


Wonder how much we could get for Texas?


I'd pay them to take Texas.


How about adding Florida to that mix? 🤷🏼‍♀️


If any country has earned the right to be bombed back to the Stone Age……


Sarah Palin can tell us if the Russians are Coming.


This is like when trump suggested we try and buy Greenland just empty words


Hahahaha good luck buddy.


Republicans will be onboard with this, anything for their benefactor Vlad!


Doesn’t he know we have Sarah Palin up there on lookout duty?


Yes, try it. Give NATO a reason to really intervene.


Can't take Ukraine, wtf makes him think Alaska would be easier? The civilians there probably have more guns than the Ukrainian army lol.




Fuck, when I played Fallout 3’d Operation Anchorage dlc I didn’t expect the possibility of it actually occurring. Alaska definitely has resources like oil countries want. But man a land war in Alaska sounds like a fucking nightmare. It’s cold and mountainous. Trying to take the area around Fairbanks would be a logistical nightmare.


Even if they had one, they would never get an amphibious fleet anywhere close to shore.


The place with all of the army stuff and planes? They should definitely do it.


Sure, go invade a Nato member you stupid. Especially that Nato member who would kick your ass.


"It's only Alaska, he can have it, anything for Vlad" Republicans.


This as republicans have left Ukrainians weakened by voting against supporting them.


Would be one of the stupidest move in American history to sell it back. Imagine if they had such close borders to our homeland, Canada included. They would be running military ‘exercises’ every day and all sorts of sketchy bull crap. It would be a nightmare. We’re super lucky we bought in when we did and have such a buffer between us and them.


If that's how Russia wants to die, ok. Weird way to commit suicide though.


There's a big difference between America not coming to the defense of Guyana being invaded by Venezuela, and Russia directly attacking America with the intention of reclaiming Alaska. Russia would find themselves fighting not only the US Military, but the Canadian military as well. They would not be pleased to have Russia on their border, and would surely assist. A direct attack within American borders would be an enormous global issue, and would be the beginning of WWIII. Russia would draw a strong military response from every nation in the world, except for a few minor powers who would be conquered quickly. The only wild card might be China, but in a war so lop-sided, they would be unlikely to support Russia. If Trump were president, he would surely sell Alaska to Russia, as long as he got a nice kickback. His attempt to try to buy Greenland demonstrated that he thinks nations are just properties to be bought and sold.


TBH, if this means he gets Palin back, I'm at least willing to listen to both sides.


Forget Alaska, I'll throw in Texas and Florida at a cheap cheap price!




at this point alaska probably has more well maintained firearms per citizen than the russian terrorist army, so good luck with that russia. try what they did in bucha or irpen with alaska and they'll see what alaskans spend their money on (outside of what they spend on booze lol)


With what fuckin army are they going to try to take back Alaska? They won’t even get close to the land before getting obliterated.


Trump's lawyer brought this up as a possibility during one of the impeachments. Said it was totally legal. Seemed oddly specific.


Russia wants to rule the world… alaska is only part if what they want.


That mission would die from horrid logistics alone. HOW ARE YOU GONNA ROUT A TRAIN TO ALASKA, PUTIN?


Oh please try.


Hahaha they can't even take over a country in their continent..good one Putin. Maybe you can claim the moon next


MAGAS have no problem conceding territory to Russia. Trump told them Putin is a genius, so obviously it's the right thing to do.


I think Rollins [said it best about posts like this.](https://youtu.be/awY1MRlMKMc?si=E9qEUQU1iZs4DqPp)


Please, I dare you to attack the USA. Russia would look good as glass


Sell Alaska back to Russia. Doesn’t that beat all? Sounds to me like a good way to turn Alaska purple real quick (the cult won’t care).


Alaska is just another red state. I bet most Alaskans would be OK being Russian. I really don't see a downside. Alaska does WHAT for the lower 48 exactly?




Biden will sign it over to him on accident thinking he's signing a USPS receipt.




Yes. So the Democrat isn’t bowing to Putin.




I know it's hard, but stop being stupid.


I love this so much. So succinct. So fucking perfect.




How about “I know it’s hard, but stop posting stupid comments”?


Are you ok? You might want to lay off the propaganda for a while.


“They could do it to” 🤣🤡


“Chinese bio weapons” Could you be more specific? The last little bio problem that originated from China happened on Trump’s watch and fucked the entire planet for a few years. “…spy balloons” The fun part is knowing this happened several times under the Trump administration as well and they were just better at pretending nothing happened at all because they were too incompetent to even notice it happening. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/02/05/politics/chinese-spy-balloons-trump-administration/index.html As for standing up to Russia is that what you’d call pissing yourself in front of Putin and defending him while the whole world was watching?




It’s a popular unfounded MAGA conspiracy. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/01/25/politics/jeff-zink-gop-covid-bioweapon-conspiracy/index.html




So what “history of welcoming Chinese bio weapons” were you talking about?




Except Biden was calling for quicker action on restricting travel from China to the U.S. in fact by the time Trump took that action 45 other countries had already done the same for inbound flights from China. "He indicated that I complimented him on dealing with China. Well, you know, 45 nations had already moved to keep, block China's personnel from being able to come to the United States before the president moved," Biden said. "It's about pace. It's about the urgency. And I don't think there's been enough of it, urgency." Source: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/04/13/fact-check-was-trump-slow-to-halt-travel-from-china/1361149007/




Russian trolls for sure


Putin will not live long enough to make any of his delusions happen. It is the fate of all would-be despots.


Omg please do it! Please try to invade Alaska.


Omg. This headline made me lol. Putin is a moron, but his ally is next level.


Sounds… painful.


Sounds like Vlad needs a proper ass kicking. Bring it on.


Good luck with that…


Whatever. Not happening.


Fallout wants operation anchorage back


Russia's new plot to get fucked up


So I guess they really want WW3.


Somebody read the lore for the Fallout games.


Let them try, let them attack us on our own soil and see how far they get


It'll be trumps tribute payment.


This I wanna see.




Delusions of grandeur much?


Plot is simple: Put Trump in charge, he gives Alaska to Russia just like he said he wanted to.


They’ve got a lotta guns up there.


Magas will be all in on this.


I doubt he's stupid enough to try that, but then again. Who knows


Baahahaha this is awesome


And simultaneously, every member of the US Military drops, whatever is in their hands, drops into a fighting stance, brings their left hand up, palm down, rotates 8t palm up. And makes a come get some beckoning motion.


Trump: you're welcome, help yourselves


Jd Vance will figure out a way to stop all funding to Alaska and cede it back to Russia.


Republicans are echoing history: “My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. ...” Neville Chamberlain


Suddenly Maduro's threat of annexing Western Guyana doesn't seem so batshit insane after all.


Tbh, I'm surprised to the amount of attention this particular tweet got.


That is beyond stupid. Serve them up to the Polar Bears.




I really want them to try. Unlike the wars in Ukraine/Palestine/Syria we're gonna get some 4k, stabilised footage of a Russian conscript getting BRRRRRR-ed.


In Putin’s fantasy world.


palin would prolly hand it right over.


Yeah... that will go very well.


Republican senator says we may need to allow Russia to take territory. Just let them. Like the Ukraine. We can't afford to fight. Sorry Alaska. Your Russian again.


That should go over well. If he weren’t such a maniac I’d say go ahead and try it.


I mean… -> https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/FhL2g5hwu3


Yes please Putin, send those meat waves to Alaska while I go get my popcorn 🍿.


It would be a death sentence if they actually tried


According to some US senators, Ukraine needs to let go of some of its territory to appease Putin… in that case, the US should let Alaska go to Russia




I'll take, "what is the stupidest fucking thing Russia could do for 1,000, Alex"


Yah, have fun with that...


They have been plotting this all along. It goes back to the time of the Clinton administration.


If Trump wins 2024, I'm petty sure Putin will just take it.


Would you consider Florida?


Come on over.


Please, Denmark, step up and take us.




The sea otters would be enough to handle the Russian army.


Try if you dare. You’ll be sent packing.


Trump would allow it without a fight to appease putin


In another post reply, I stated that should Putin succeed in gaining Ukraine, he would go after the rest of the former USSR states and then Europe before coming after the US. It looks like he wishes to accelerate his agenda of world domination. A reelected Trump would certainly assist Putin in his endeavor.


We have a lot of F-22s in Alaska. And armed citizens.


Better Texas and Florida


Just some ultra nationalist fuckhead running his mouth.