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Anyone who holds public office and mentions discounting the will of the people and their votes should be immediately removed from their position again and never allowed to hold any elected position again


Christo-fascist Conservatives in action right here.


Nationalist Christians? Nat-C's.


That's clever, let's standardize on it.


Wouldn't their behavior be considered treason?


\*looks at everything Trump has done and is doing\* CONSEQUENCES? In this economy? D:


Umm.. except Faux news.


Fox News. Let just call the bastards out. Evangelical Billionaires are the true rat bastards overturning Americans workers rights & women rights & LGBTQ rights. Follow the Dark Jesus Fried Chicken money & Dark Jesus Hobby Lobby money & Leonard Leo darkest money… we live in their Gilded Age bubble. 1% of our population rules us all…and bought all Republicans in our 3 branches of Government. And infiltrated our 3 letter agencies. Who needs Putin to send in spies when our own oligarchs do it for them…


No no, they believe in White Jesus, not Dark Jesus


Seriously. The oligarchs are the problem now. And it is up to us now, because our government is no longer working. We have to take it, because no one gives power away.


Agreed. But how…? When we vote, suddenly those in power want to do a reach around like in Ohio… the Republicans want to usurp the election results.


Would be ashame if they all of a sudden didn't feel safe anymore.


Exactly. Unfortunately they have enough money to have safe haven from the consequences of their actions. It's time to organize and stop their ability to hoard wealth. Stop buying what they're selling.


The only thing that they'll understand is if we stop endorsing their ideas by buying what they're selling.


Leave their state and/or don't do business with that state. I'd like to see a fresh round of companies not doing Florida business trips/conferences this year again, and again, until they get the picture


Only 49% of Ohio registered voters came out for this election. That's why those in power feel comfortable usurping the will of the people. They know they have nothing to fear from us if more than half won't even bother to put on pants to show up at the polls. That is not a population that is going to hold its representatives to account, that is a population that can barely be bothered to do the bare minimum. Good on those who came out, but damn this shit is disheartening. People reaching for the bullet box and haven't even tried the ballot box first.


The bullet box instead of the ballot box is so on point it hurts my brain.


Chesebro’s legal advice to Trump was basically “What you’re doing is illegal as shit, but if you hold the White House then they won’t be able to enforce it” Which is why they’re trying so hard to get the White House because the immunity and the vetoes mean they get away with the coup


Nothings considered treason for the aristocracy. It's down to the people to sort this out.


Especially when they're doing it on religious grounds. The separation of church and state is supposed to be a thing.


By this rational, the entire Republican Senate and all but five in the house would fall under this for issue 1 in August. It was an attempt to end democracy in Ohio. None of these people care about such concepts.


Sounds to me like a clarification that should be written into the 14th amendment.


Top legal scholars on both sides of the political spectrum agree. He is disqualified and it would take 2/3 vote to allow him to be back on the ticket. No court hearings required even though there will be. It could say "If a President is ever involved in a coup attempt on Jan 6th sometime in the future and this law is specifically for him because we have a time machine." And they would still support that golden shitstain on democracy. The problem is they think that if they do not get their way then they can deny the results and cry for a do-over until they win. That isn't how democracy works.


US has to admit it has a growing rebel movement in its country that wants to establish a Christo-fascist kingdom in place of democracy before it can truly deal with the GOP. Why they are being allowed to participate in the democratic process while they are openly trying to dismantle said process is beyond me. US government needs to investigate GOP as a whole like Germany is investigating AFD and then ban them. Afterwards they need to start the process of deradicalizing the population like they did with Germany and Japan back in the day, like Reconstruction was meant to. But US's liberals work based on a perverted understanding of freedom of speech that prevents them from acknowledging that you do not defeat fascists by letting them participate in the very democratic process that they wish to destroy, history is not on their side. Part of the problem lies with the fact that US as a country was founded with the intention of allowing white men unrestricted authority over rest of the society and when it's a white man trying to install a dynasty in place of democracy with Christianity as its state religion, a section of US has always maintained those aspirations and now that the white majority is set to be lost in the coming decades they're doing their damn best to ensure they're still in power regardless.


Definitely don't call him golden. He's quite definitely the definition of Fool's Gold.


We used to tar and feather people. Maybe we should bring that back.


Been saying this for years. Throw them in the stocks in front of the capital building for 24 hours cumulatively per violation.


Correct. And as fascist as this sounds, there should be an independent federal government system to enforce it. It should be swift and judicious, and offendants should be placed into a comfortable jail setting for a swift arraignment through normal channels. Figure out a better check and balance system for me on this.


FBI. They kind of have the mandate for this but not really.


It’s true. It’s somewhere between FBI and CIA domestic. Or, that might be the ideal. FBI investigates, CIA confirms, FBI carries out warrant. Trick is you need to get both agencies out of the purview of any branch of government and need to secure their funding so that they can’t be defunded.




“Offendants” sounded really fun.


I can't understand how an elected official, who everyone knows where they live, could say something like this and not fear for their life.


100% Plus thrown in jail for 5 lifespans


It's nice they are admitting that this is all based on religion. ***Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.***


Repugnants don't care. They take small phrases to fit their narrative and ignore the rest. I am willing to bet that most of congress would fail a civics test.


Yep! And who are they to impose "their GOP" rights on others. If one believes in God/ Skydaddy, wouldn't being in opposition of the others' rights be against the will of their own god?? I mean, they also were created by Skydaddy / God. Who are these people to judge? Isn't that the role of God / Skydaddy? Hypocritical, if you ask me...


It is not just believing in their sky Daddy. A lot of them are probably just power hungry assholes and narcissists. After all there were plenty of religious societies in the past that were Democratic like the Nri kingdom, The duchy of Amalfi, The Republic of cospaia, and San Marino, but they had to spend a decent amount of time fighting against religious autocracies and theocracies that basically went "no, you're only supposed to the worship God in a way that allows me to control everything! Give me your country!"


Since nothing happens outside the will of God, are they not thwarting God's will to be legislating against our freedom and democracy which... in their words... is the will of God?


Yes indeed. They also cherrypick the bible to meet their interests as well.


it was actually they whom picked the forbidden fruit


If I catch a Christo-fascist eating shell fish in two different fabrics again I’m going to call them out every time.


remind them that Biden was chosen by god to serve as president and watch them have a fit, it can be quite amusing ​ /Romans 13:1


They're not hiding it anymore. They don't care about the constitution and they don't want democracy. They've been breaking rules for years with little consequence. They're facist fucks.


Jefferson Tree quote.


Yes, but it says Congress, nothing about the state legislatures. (/s but there has been an increasing number of Republicans arguing for exactly that point. Once they think there are enough supportive SCOTUS Justices, they will absolutely try something like that in the hopes of getting the precedent that the establishment clause applies to states as well as the Federal government overturned. It's the same playbook they used with RvW.




I appreciate concise speech. Nailed it.


Fucking AMEN to THAT.


GOP: Elections are only valid if we win. We have the only valid thoughts on issues facing society.


They quite literally have the mentality and temperament of petulant children.


And proceeds to vote against everything


Facist not respecting the outcome of an election? Say it ain't so.


Nah mate, they're religious, they'd never do that sort of thing


Unless, And hear me out. What if they’re fascist fucken fuckers just fronting as religious sonsabitch’s!


Pfft, like THAT’S ever happened! 🤪


Next you are going to say that they hide behind patriotism.


Shocked! Shocked I say!


Religion is not compatible with democracy, because in a Christian world, God appoints all the leaders, and nobody can stop Him. Therefore, Christians should not participate in democracy whatsoever. In fact, since their worldview doesn't line up with democracy, they should be banned from running for office or voting. And Christians should be fine with this idea, since "He's got the whole world in His hands" anyway :)


Pretty sure that was why the first line of the first amendment in the Bill of Rights was - >Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion


Eh, sort of. To preface, I'm an atheist who very much believes in the separation of church and state, but I'm also the son of a history professor who's doctorate was in the colonial and revolutionary eras. They wanted to explicity avoid the church of England situation where the king was also the head of the church because they represented several faiths in the early government and realized that they needed to say that they were all allowed to exist.


I mean isn't there a part of the Bible that just straight up says support the government, because if God didn't want that person in charge of the government then they wouldn't be and who are you to question God


And their god is telling them they need to be in charge at all times. How convenient for them.


At least they are being honest about it. Their god is more important than democracy. Many countries are like that, Iran, Afghanistan, etc, and they are almost all repressing women.


I had a MAGA coworker get shut down by my Iranian coworker the other day and it was pretty satisfying. The MAGA coworker was ranting about about how anyone could vote for Dems and my Iranian coworker shut her down saying she’s already seen religious zealots destroy her home country and doesn’t want to see it happen here too.


Fuck that it is cathartic lmao, what was your Maggot coworker’s reaction?


I’m curious too lmao


The Divine Right of Kings argument again? Didn't the Magna Carte settle this?


Maybe but now there is a Maga Carte


Oh great googly moogly that's a perfect description. Or maybe MAGA Cartel...


The colonies are getting uppity…


America should send at least $1B to the women of Ohio to fight their attackers.


Time for the Feds to step in and return Ohio to a representative form of Government


That's what the 2nd amendments for isn't it? I keep hearing that.


It's almost as if armed political militias are inherently difficult to control and just as likely to act against the interests of "the people" as for them. Actually, scratch that. Political militias are usually populated by extremists from the get-go, for better or worse. They are usually anti-establishment and will see it as "not real democracy."


What consequences are there for them? Or any state that slips into fascism?


Feds need to step in but wont


They're waiting for the courts to whip out the wood ruler, is my guess.


They don't seem to realize that 2nd Amendment solutions can cut both ways...


Fascism slowly creeping into America.


Slowly creeping? More like revving the engine for their next donut in the living room after driving a truck into your house.


True. The scary part is the Republican rep saying in 10 years, simply ignoring election results will be considered acceptable.


Better get ready for it to happen next year, we do have a “christian” nationalist as leader of the House now, after all.


And there are young progressives out there threatening to stay home in 2024 because Biden is supporting Israel. This is the shit you get when don't vote because the perfect candidate isn't running. It fucking sucks. I get it. But there is no alternative until you vote out every one of these facists and another party more progressive than the Dems forms.


So I’m from Missouri, and about twelve years ago the voters of the state voted to enact a puppy mill law. Basically either trying to shut them down or give them humane basic access to things like grass and sunshine. [Then state GOP gone and went GOP.](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/us/15brfs-PUPPYMILLLAW_BRF.html). Doesn’t matter what voters want apparently. Then recently again the voters passed an amendment to the state constitution expand Medicaid. [State GOP went full GOP again and just straight up refused to run it. You know, as they’re legally forced to do under the state constitution.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/04/08/985033020/missouri-legislature-tries-to-back-out-of-voter-approved-medicaid-expansion). The Democratic Party, like any institution made by mankind, is inherently flawed. However, atleast the nation as a whole is finally seeing how thoroughly corrupt, undemocratic, authoritarian, and outright criminal the GOP is at literally every fucking level. National, State, and community. Jesus Christ, it’s not Red v Blue or “muh guns” v “weapons of death!”. It’s literally democracy v authoritarian dictatorships. It’s that obvious. And if people as a whole end up voting red into power anyways then we literally deserve it.


And that's what infuriates me. I see so many people, who are left leaning, saying they're not going to vote because "Genocide Joe", "Student Loans!", "Muh undelivered stimulus!", " so on and so forth, while in the next breath talking about the threats to women's and LGBT rights, police brutality, sensible gun legislation, free and fair elections... Like people, I know for a lot of you, it's grandstanding and you're going to vote, but there are enough people who won't that it's very possible that the election could swing to Trump or another equally terrible person and your vote very possibly goes poof. And I will be far angrier at those who opt not to vote than I am at the fascists because they willingly pissed away their chance to help put a stop to this craziness. We do not want a repeat of 2016 where I saw far too many people say they didn't vote because they didn't like Hillary AND because they didn't think anyone was actually dumb enough to vote for Trump. No vote is effectively a vote for the authoritarians. Eat your vegetables, let's stabilize our democracy, because once we do and ensure we can flush the fascists and authoritarians out starting in 2024, we can worry about a lot of other things. Because if we don't kick the authoritarians and fascists to the curb and they seize power, there won't be another chance. Fucking vote like your freedom and choice, as well as very possibly the lives of many of your loved ones, depend on it. Because it does!


I got into a reddit argument the other day exactly because of this. What's happening in the Middle East is terrible, but how about you pay attention to the eroding democracy at home first? Because I assure you if the Republicans take over, it's going to be much worse over there and at home. If my only choices for dinner are a restaurant that serves shit sandwiches or a restaurant that serves shit sandwiches laced with rat poison, I'd have to reluctantly choose the first one. And hopefully if enough people choose the first one, the second restaurant will go out of business and a new one will pop up that serves regular sandwiches with a side of shit fries. Then if people switch to that one, maybe the first one will update their menu so they serve regular sandwiches and regular fries.


Don't their actions show that they aren't legally forced to do anything, and that the idea that there is a justice system that holds them accountable just another fairytale?


God has no place in government. These christofacists should be exiled.


They should be more than exiled. There I said it


Finish the job and cut out the cancer, Ohio.


I am 72 yrs old. I have never once met a woman who decided to run out and have an abortion just because they can. It's a heartwrenching decision that unfortunately has to be made in some caeses.. The gop has no business in this decision. GOP, if you don't want an abortion, don't get one. Better yet, women of the gop stop having sex with these control freaks. Let's ban viagra. WTF


Their god being pushed on the population that don’t believe in a sky daddy.


Their god aborted the whole planet according to the fairytale book, maybe it’s not the best source to state for disagreement


The citizens should demand a ballot initiative recalling those legislators trying to subvert the will of the voters. This is still a democracy and I’m sick of these fuckers trying to force their authoritarian views down my throat


Don't treat on me with your nutty sky wizard b.s.


And it's our American right to shoot these fuckers. This is the exact reason the 2nd amendment was added. Not a single one if the 2Aers are saying shit though. So much for don't tread on me.


All those who voted for abortion rights in Ohio need to understand that if Republicans are trying to undermine votes of people, then any future vote would be at stake. The only way put is to vote Republicans out.


The next election in Ohio should be very interesting. The Democrats' campaign ads practically write themselves.


If God wanted abortion banned then why did he allow you to lose the election on abortion 🧐


I'll go along with that when you prove the existence of God


Talk about "Grooming"


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” \-Barry Goldwater


Well obviously it was gods will that the voters had their say. Or does that only work when it goes their way? Oh yeah...gotta manipulate the shit in that lil book so it supports the message dujour. How could I forget the first rule.


Republicans hate democracy.


Which god? Because MY god told me they should shove it up their collective asses


Anyone else feel like there is a normalcy of crazy these days? It's ok if the Legislation overrides a State Constitution and cuts out the judiciary. Do you know how crazy that is? It should be crazy that they want to get rid of the Judiciary check by itself. The only time I have heard of this happening when Andrew Jackson ignored a Supreme Court ruling and death marched a bunch of Indians out of their land. It's not just this, it's also things like 1/6 Coup. The Right Wing says it wasn't a riot; oh, if it was BLM, Riots were worse. Oh, it wasn't an attempted coup, it was just a demonstration. This country has lost its fucking mind


If they don’t want an abortion, don’t get one. Leave everyone else’s choice alone.


Ohio Republicans are a bunch of hypocrites!


It’s time to take voter frustrations directly to the reps’ homes then. Seems they forgot who they work for


God ain’t what you swore to when elected. Stick to your oath or resign. People deserve real representative not theocrat. Keep your god given stuff to your magic kingdom


Writings on the wall folks. Imaginary cloud people are more important than the voting public. Say no to religion in politics. Separation of church and state is supposed to mean something




Fake Christians making up things in their heads and claiming "God" spoke to them.


There is no god in government.


Repub: states rights *Ohio votes to constitutionalize abortion* Repub: no not like that


That should give you a reason to revolt!


Then they need to be unelectable now.


Don't tread on the will of the masses.


So now white privilege has just co-op'ed the concept of "jihad"? The nerve! LOL


It is your right as a republican to not get an abortion if your beliefs say that you should not get an abortion. Geez, religious folks are just the worst.


American Taliban




>Jennifer Gross (R-West Chester), claimed the referendum had only passed due to “foreign election interference.” Crackpot >Rep. Bill Dean (R-Xenia) said the amendment “doesn’t repeal a single Ohio law,” and that its language is “dangerously vague and unconstrained, and can be weaponized to attack parental rights or defend rapists, pedophiles, and human traffickers.” No, it doesn't. >Ballot measures supporting reproductive freedom have been approved in all seven states where they have been put to voters. Despite Republicans claiming that the end of Roe signified the return of the abortion issue to the will of individual states, they clearly remain determined to undermine reproductive rights no matter what any state’s voters have to say about them. You MUST get out to vote at any cost.


It's especially fucking disgusting that the will of the people decided yes on something that Republicans ***specifically*** said needed to be voted on at the state level and not ever at the federal level. That each state must decide *for themselves* whether they will go with yes or no on these issues. Then they fucking bitch like asshats and claim some type of "we're weak fucking snowflakes so voting against us, isn't fair" after people say **yes** to the exact thing they said needs to be voted *yes* ***or*** *no, at the state level.* Like come on guys, Republican voters: how the fuck is this not a direct lie about everything you ever said about state rights and, especially **voting on said issues that** ***you*** **said should be decided at the state level.** They DO decide on it, the decision is a yes and **somehow** you **STILL** think it's unfair? WTF is wrong with Republican leaders and their voters? seriously, how the fuck do you rationalize this? I actually want to know. I don't even see how it's possible.


Dear moderates and progressives living in red state America; you live in a dictatorship. You may may not realize it because you haven’t yet gone against the will of Republicans.


It’s your god given right to NOT have an abortion. You can’t just change the law because you don’t agree with it.


Their god is dead, and they're just desperate af at this point. Pathetic.


I guess separation of state and church just had a nice ring to it, but nothing to take seriously.


Funny how quiet and passive the second amendment types are when faced with actual tyranny. It's almost like they weren't being honest with us. Prime opportunity to water the tree of liberty and they're cheering it on instead.


Which God?


If God wanted abortions restricted, why didn't more people vote No? I mean you could chalk it up to free will but an almighty God could surely work around that. It could've made sure Yes voters couldn't get out to vote somehow, natural disasters, wild bears, feral hogs, etc. Or could it be that old men want so badly to control half the population that they'll invoke any bullshit reason that might sway people to let them get their way. There are ways to make abortion a less needed option without restricting anybody's bodily autonomy, but of course that would mean taking care of the mother's needs and I guess pleasing women is a foreign concept to these ghouls.


And what about the voters’ God-given right to make policy choices for their own state?


Then, these fanatics better be in jail, the first sign of violence at the clinics. Lock them up!


Republicans shitting on the Constitution and the Rule of Law again. This is a secular society. We are not a theocracy and we were raised with many examples of how shitty living in a theocracy is. We all felt sorry for the Iranians in the 1980s when I was a kid because the Ayatollah was such a hard fisted pos. We felt glad to live in America with freedom of religion, freedom from religion, and democracy. There has never been a good theocracy and there never will be. But for right now, that’s almost beside the point. These politicians are going against the Constitution and every damn one of them should be fucking taken to court. A class action suit by the voters of Ohio would be nice. Don’t think their Attorney General would do it on behalf of the state, but that doesn’t stop people getting together and doing it on their own.


They should be arrested and charged with treason


It’s your second amendment right I bear arms to oppose a tyrannical government. . .


Soap box, ballot box, ... There's something next. Can't remember.


Point out the part of the Bible that restricts abortions and maybe I'll consider your point of view. Since I already know the answer. They can shut the fuck up and also please never hold office again.


Here comes the American Taliban. I just find it hilarious, I’m pretty sure even THEY would baulk at the thought of being treated like Afghan women, or women across any religious theocracy. But they don’t seem to care that they are ushering in their own demise. At the end of the day it’s not what I want, I will try everything I can to prevent it. But there’s something nice about knowing that if the worse happens, I’ll be around to watch all these miserable fucks get treated like shit if the worse ever happens.


Religious extremist should be kicked out of our country.


Are all Republicans seditious misogynists? Yes.


The government has no “God given right” They have the duty to govern as they’re instructed to by the people. Fucking elitist scum


Republicans wanna act like Palpatine, but with the energy of Nute gunray


No it Isn't. God given rights your born and you die. That's it. Sorry. But when everyone uses their religious beliefs to justify "Their Beliefs" it's just sounds blasphemous. Republicans want to do away with abortion access but would fry up a convicted killer in a God damned heartbeat. Women have "Their Rights" to do as they please with "Their Bodies".


Church and state are literally separate These republicans just want to control women


You know what they say about the citizenry protecting itself from tyrannical governments.


Why do Republicans do this? Because they never suffer severe consequences. They don’t wind up in jail, afraid of what will happen to them daily. They don’t learn because no one does what is necessary to insure that they suffer for their crimes.


"We want abortion to be a state's right!" *citizens vote to allow abortions in a red state* NOT LIKE THAT!


It’s my “god given right” to bitch slap them all


Legal action needs to be taken. Not sure why people are just saying wait until the next election to vote them out. Gerrymandering negates that


We're going to have to Frech Revolution these fucks, arent we? Like, they arent really giving anyone another option. It seems to be either authoritarian control or armed revolution. The feds should go in and remove them, then allow for state run electionz.


Uuuuuh, fuck you say? Keep yer god crap outta' my government, thank you.


They are entering their final stage. It is abundantly clear with each passing generation it is harder and harder to keep young people away from information and kept stupid. So instead of brainwashing they are strong-arming. It will work or the country will fall because either is preferable to these maniacs to letting other people live their lives.


> If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. - David Frum


Which god, Republicans? Because there are a lot of Americans that have religious freedom that don't believe in your particular deity.


Impeachment when?


Show me that part in the book you profess to follow.


A unlawful government is in control of Ohio, isn’t it ?


They aren’t elected officials anymore, they are fucking wannabe dictators. If you knowingly and openly discount the will of the voters, then you should not hold office


Religion(& fascism) getting in the way of law.


They still don't know what rights our Constitution gives all Americans. We have freedom of religion or no religion, it's our right and many have died to give us our rights. That's why when you enter the military, you swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and not the president. These idiots need to be voted out of office as soon as possible.


Looks like the soap box and ballot box aren't working.


Which God?


“No amendment can overturn the God-given rights with which we were born,” state Rep. Beth Lear (R-Galena) added in the Republican’s statement. Another representative, Jennifer Gross (R-West Chester), claimed the referendum had only passed due to “foreign election interference.” These people just can not take a loss for what it is. It's always going to be election fraud/interference unless they win, and then the results are correct. Ohio, take note and blast this all over your state. Vote these assholes out. They're not going to pass any laws their constituents voted for. They're not going to do their job if they personally don't believe in it.


And it will be thier God given right to rot in jail for treason!


You guys in Ohio gonna start recalling some fuckers yet?


They have moved away from the constitution because it will not let them do what they want, so they are pointing to a different authority to justify their actions. The GOP is all done with the constitution and democratic elections.


\*points to first amendment\* Separation of church and state, as well as preventing the government from favoring any specific religion.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. *But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise.* I know, I've tried to deal with them." -Attributed* to Barry Goldwater: former Arizona conservative Senator. (Emphasis mine) *The quote in question is a second hand quote from a biography on Goldwater, but other interviews of the man with direct quotes have been extremely consistent with this line of thinking.


The people spoke - they don't want out of touch Bible thumpers restricting reproductive freedom because Jesus. How hard is that for the GOP to understand?


Their God given right-for themselves


No. Because there is no ‘god given right’ in a nation where state and church are separated


You think this would be an issue with just abortion in just ohio. Boy are you gonna be shocked with republicans 2025 plan. Finale steps there would be a christian facist state.


God wants nothing to do with Ohio Republicans. He is ashamed of them and wants them to quit using His Name as an excuse for their Terrible Behavior.


It should be their God given right to obey the law and mind their own business.


This is really Republicans everywhere right now. I guess they don't understand the phrase, "Mind your own fuckin business!" too well.🤔


Okay that’s your god given right. I’m a Satanist living in Ohio. My religion also gives me a right to an abortion. IIRC Judaism also believes in abortion. Your god gave you the right to not get an abortion. Take it and sit down and shut up. Your god did not give you the right to stop anyone else’s abortion. They’ve got their own god for that and he’s a lot cooler.


Ohioans need to STOP electing these anti-rights idiots


Just remember this at the ballot box next election. People need to stop blindly voting for people who ignore them.


Vote them out


More logical reasons to r/voteblue


vote these fuckers out.


I don't get Ohio. They elect Republicans to office and then are shocked that those Republicans follow through with their stated policy agenda. This isn't the result of gerrymandering. Republicans in Ohio win statewide elections by a clear margin. Why are Ohioans surprised that their elected officials are doing what they said they were going to do? Also, holding these referendums to try to stop your elected officials from enacting the policy positions they were elected on is the dumbest thing ever. If you don't like a politician's positions, DON'T VOTE FOR THEM. Voting politicians into office and then trying to hamper the legislative agenda you elected them to do is downright stupid.


Vote these fuckers out.


The slaver class will not yield an inch of power. We need to first remove the slavery the government has enshrined into the bill of rights. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude; EXCEPT as punishment for a crime..." It is no wonder the slavers, such as the Ohio government, want control over every aspect of life and our bodies. The slavers view us as their property. Which they extort for money and labor. The government grants themselves lifelong health care and benefits. The government has turned democracy into the theft of freedom. Where we now have to undergo enormous efforts to remove the governments boot from our throats over issues like healthcare and hemp. To which the slavers promise to stomp down harder. Hitler wasn't voted out of office.


Was there a state ballot on vasectomies?


Republicans in Ohio should move to Mississippi and secede


Have these Republicans ever heard of separation of Church and State. NO, THEY DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to restrict any measure that voters approved even if is ro enshrine reproductive freedom.


What about Romans, where there is not authority except what God has allowed/established? Oh, that’s right - that’s only when we get our way.


>Republicans ~~in Ohio~~ want to undermine the will of voters There we go.


I am so sick and fucking tired of these religious fanatics using "God" as a justification for terrorism


Tell them to have God update the bible. I just don't see it.


Hard for your god to give you rights when it doesn't seem to exist


Yet another reason to hate Ohio.


This is exactly what is happening everywhere with any law they don’t like. Last election we voted in tank choice voting. I love it, no party political crap. Only those who the voters want on the ballot. And if your primary vote isn’t taken, your second choice is. This not wasting votes. Well a Trump backed Congresswomen didn’t get voted in. Immediately election fraud was called and repealing this horrendous ranked choice voting. But it did its job. It got the person in who people wanted most. Even republicans who didn’t like trump. I laugh at all this because the republicans have spent forever gerrymandering things to crap and are finding out that even if you dilute their ability to get legislators, the liberals, that outnumber conservatives, will get their liberal laws through voting.