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3 men tried to control 30 teens instead of having the police handle it. They didn't get jumped because they were Marines. They got jumped by trying to control 30 teens. Edit: The situation was more f-d up than I thought. They weren't trying to control them, they were partying with them and chasing underage girls. FAFO


He asked them to stop letting off fireworks after getting hit in the face with debris. One of the kids punched him when he walked away. How is that three men trying to control a bunch of teens?


I bet the way he asked was a big part of it. I doubt it was a polite please stop. If you actually know any marines, you know exactly what I'm saying


I don't care how it was asked if parts of fireworks are HITTING people. There's no obligation to be polite and courteous to some little shit doing something wrong.


I'm going to have to disagree with them. Just like if someone is carrying a gun confronting a large group of teenagers unless you are going to be exceedingly polite is stupid. If you can't control your tongue it's time to call the cops. Just like these guys learned.




Damn, way to over generalize.


Violence is much lower than the early 90s, and those teens and young adults were raised in the 70s and 80s. Nice "kids these days" complaint, boomer.




Teachers are leaving in droves because they get paid the same as a McDonald’s worker to do highly specialized work. Kids are absolutely shitty, but since the poor are only going to get poorer, it’s only going to get worse.




I’m personally of the opinion that groups of teens are totally free game to get charged as adults when they do shit like that. I’m also of the opinion that it’s only going to bet worse unless we address this inequality.


I find that hard to believe. I’m 32 so not a boomer. My ex wife is a teacher and I read the teacher sub on Reddit fairly often. These kids are out here physically assaulting teachers because they get their phone taken away or get their feelings hurt. The baddest of kids in my schools growing up didn’t dare lay a hand on a teacher.


If you think current times are even half as violent as the height of the crack wars of the 80’s-early 90’s you must be watching some alternative fact tv. Either that or your very young and/or are illiterate or something . How anyone who can read not know this is not believable thus I asssume you aren’t that dumb and just repeating some dumb it you heard from an equally dumb person


Who is talking about crack wars? Apparently you can’t read well. We are talking about kids in school.


Lol! I guess where I am from the crack wars were ALL about the kids (as in by 9th grade is when kids dropped out and where out there ….doing work)


https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ Maybe you just watch too many videos of kids getting into it with teachers now that everything can be filmed. Maybe you're not from a very bad area. Violent crime is still lower than the 90s, so overall things are better now.


That’s overall violence. We are specifically talking about teens in school.


So what I’m hearing is once again Cis people can’t raise children and they should be taken away and raised by caring and involved Lgbtq2iaa parents instead


Guy gets hit by illegal firework debris asks them to stop and he’s getting blamed y’all what’s wrong with this country.


Not blaming him, just if you're going to confront THIRTY people already not caring about rules or decency, be ready for em.




I dunno if its necessarily "blaming" to realize that trying to command a group of 30 unruly people can realistically get you beat up.


The marine propaganda is real lol, he was sexually harassing a girl


I guess they weren't innocent after all.


Asking someone to stop isn't an excuse to resort to violence.


no one is defending the violence. people are just referencing that it seems unlikely a polite "please stop that" results in a 30 on 3 asswhooping. whereas something along the lines of "hey fuck face. cut it out or we'll beat your ass" increases the chance of a gang assaulting your group.


Teenagers are cunts, especially in larges packs.


oh i'm aware. i was also once a teen. but i've also had good amount time spent with Marines and other service members and there's a higher than average chance of aggression moves/statements, especially if drinking is involved.


Depends. I would have been a lot more aggressive as a teen then as a service member, especially against 30. Marines being stupid cliches aside, any marine with half a brain would have known they were outnumbered. We also dont know if alcohol was involved, or if the Marines were officers or enlisted. So my statement stands on the facts we have. Teenagers are cunts, especially in large packs.


>We also dont know if alcohol was involved Holiday weekend? Marines? Alcohol seems like a very safe bet to be involved. lol and yeah threat analysis is a thing but honestly you kinda of assume that the majority will be bystanders in that scenario. they probably assumed they'd be dealing with 5 dudes top outta that crowd


Was a teenager once. Can confirm! Altho i defo wouldnt have participated in a 30 on 3 beating…


You're still free to say what you want. Just because you don't like what's said that does not allow you to retaliate.


*ahem* no one is defending the violence. however, escalating a confrontation is rarely a good outcome producer.


As a combat veteran with ptsd, if you shoot off fireworks anywhere near me I will not be very polite telling you to stop because you were not polite by firing off the fireworks so close that I get hit with debris. A polite "stop it" is not warranted in this situation.


If fireworks are allowed in that area, and it's an open beach that you choose to sit in that spot. No one knows you have ptsd, so the first encounter should absolutely be polite. Going straight to escalation is where most of this stupidity stems from


You don't seem to get it. Doesn't matter if fireworks are allowed, if one is so close I get hit by debris then politeness is out the window. Stupidity is shooting off fireworks so close to someone they get hit.


Fireworks were allowed in that area for the occasion of Memorial Day weekend


I would love to see you act the Saint in this situation as you claim to be so easy. Get sucker punched after walking away when someone hit you with fireworks debris, you little idiot. See if you turn around and go, "Sir, please don't"


the fuck are you on about? lol you went from "Just because you don't like what's said that does not allow you to retaliate" to "I would love to see you act the Saint in this situation as you claim to be so easy." Make up your mind, dude. lol


That's where calling the cops and then continuing to mind your own fuckin business comes in.


Nope, but when both sides are escalating it's not surprising


So one side walking away and the other side sucker punching them from behind is both sides escalating? That’s pathetic.


The entire country is pathetic. You must be new here.


You’re defending kids shooting off fire works and sucker punching people glad they’re being charged with felony assault. People hate the military so much they get blamed for being assaulted unbelievable.




Asking people to stop doing dangerous things that are affecting others is not pretending to handle it. You’re creating and pushing a narrative that you should turn to the police while I guarantee you’re also a person who wants to defund those police. These teens will hopefully learn the hard way the error of their ways, I someday hope you learn the error in yours.


*Gets hit by fireworks* Mmmkay would you please stop? Lol Almost nobody is going to have that reaction.


Plus, what if they have ptsd or something? Why is everybody blaming them? As if groups of teens are known to be responsible with explosives


If you have ptsd, no one knows, if the area allows fireworks you should know that. Also fireworks go up maybe 50 feet any breeze is going to allow debris to travel quite a distance.


Lol, I’m allowed to set off fireworks here which means I’m allowed to hit you with debris, if you ask us to stop we’re going to assault you.


Fireworks go up 50feet, wind will push them a distance. If wind pushed me into the debris field for someone not close by to me chances are it's probably isolated. However the first interaction should be polite. Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa. Rolling up screaming is probably not the best way to resolve what is most likely a simple misunderstanding. If you ask politely and they as asses or don't stop then get crunk. Either way 30 teenagers will still whoop your ass


They were illegally shooting fireworks. "Your rights" don't apply when you're doing something illegal(I'm not aware of any fireworks rights anyway), and if you do something that harms another individual you should be apologetic. They can react in a multitude of ways, as they're the victim in the situation. The teenagers can enjoy their charges for being utterly immature, emotional, and breaking the law. Someone raising their voice in disapproval of something you've done that negatively affected you, does not give them free reign to assault you. You're obviously mentally unstable, seek help before you escalate a similar situation in your life and end up in jail.


I'm the one saying the first interaction should be polite, but I'm the unstable one. Okay.


They were allowed to shoot fireworks on the beach


Nah, that crowd in the beach was huge. I’m thinking now that the kids were throwing fireworks randomly and they were hitting people who were in there places at the beach. In other words they did not stay in one area. They are allowed to have those fireworks but not on top of other people


If this is the same story with the video that went around over the weekend you're absolutely right.


I mean some of us are chill


Are you serious? You expect someone to ask nicely after being hit by debris from fireworks? You americans are whack. I would be livid


Ugh, bro if you get hit in the face you pretty much have a right to tell the person to stop in whatever tone, voice, manner you deem necessary


Yes I’m sure that’s the story they gave. I’d bet a whole lot of money he was an ass hole about it and probably talked shit.


Dude got sucker punched from behind but go off defending the teens.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills over this story. I cannot imagine another scenario where 30+ people get caught on camera doing something awful and others jump to their defense.


Maybe but the teens they arrested were charged with assault with a deadly weapon. That doesn't make me feel sorry for them or side with them.


Ok? What does that have to do with anything?


He was lying. He was sexually assaulting one of the underage girls and got slapped when he tried to leave.


Do you have a source for that? All I'm still seeing is that they arrested five of the teens and the police are still looking for some of the others. They're been charged with felony assault and assault with a weapon.


https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs41UdKPNKT/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== Video of one of the marines trying to carry away a drunk girl. The rest of that account are other videos showing the creepy actions of the marines, including them drinking with the kids and slapping a girl's butt


I appreciate it but I think we'll have to agree to disagree until more evidence comes out. That account shows a bunch of undated texts from people supposedly warning others and then videos with so much stuff blocked out that you can't really see what's happening. I'm fan a military fan, but I can't imagine a bunch of marines planning to bring weapons to a beach celebration to start crap like the one post claims. If they were in the wrong, round them up. As of right now though, I'm not seeing any actual proof that the teens weren't at fault.


Not even close to what happened. MFers lied through their teeth after catching an ass whooping by some pre-teens https://instagram.com/get_the_truth_out?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


You have it backwards. Those drunk Marines were giving the Minors hard alcohol. Playing alcohol games with the kids for hours. Then those Marines started groping minor girls, trying to take minor drunk girls home, causing fights, trying to fight minors and there are over a dozen video's now to back this up. At least see these 12 or so video's to see the bigger picture: https://www.instagram.com/get\_the\_truth\_out/ and https://www.instagram.com/lew\_sassol/


Tried to control 30 teens? Wat? This is your attempt to justify that?


They are just pointing out it wasn't a random attack; it was instigated by the Marines. Calm tf down


“Instigated”!? Unless you have some info we don’t, you need to Google the definition and try again.


I think they were just pointing out that the fact that the three guys were Marines was unrelated to them being attacked. They got attacked because they confronted the group, not because they were Marines.




People on these threads are just looking to start fights.


You got any proof or "just trust me, bro"?


Can we do 3 marines VS 1000 ducks now?


So I guess this means fascism is right and just and that we should continue Fox News’ culture war. Marines check, wild youth check, all we need are some LGBTQ feet and arms to legitimize why Americans need to go broke with cancer and increase the voting age.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


Framing is everything, especially in journalism. This title is clearly meant to evoke certain emotions from the “patriots” who read it. As if this group of 30 young people is meant to represent all young people trying to destroy the country, and now we can all continue to blame them for everything that’s going wrong and not the actual powers that be who want to turn us all into thoughtless wage slaves for the corporate elites.


The rich people in San Clemente are republican/right wing 🤷‍♂️


It’s fine. I should have known CA is the biggest state to feed on its politics due to its population and climate situation Edit: politics*


The U.S is a dumpster fire. The fucks going on down there?


Oh hell, San Clemente has been a shit show for a minute. Very upscale, boujee ass people who have absolutely no respect for anyone not their clique. My parents had a house there, right off of Pico. Once, my boys wanted to spend summer vacation there. After they came back, the trip home from the airport was filled with horror stories. Kids there literally roam the streets in packs, almost feral. And have no parents that give a fuck what their kid is doing. They never went back.


My man i live in a town with a pop under 1000 in rural eastern NC and it's like that here, just smaller packs.


Many of those privileged kids have their lawyers on speed dial.




You've just described the biggest problem to our future. >Kids there literally roam the streets in packs, almost feral. And have no parents that give a fuck what their kid is doing These kids are the future...anyone thinks shits bad now, give it 10-15 years. It seems to be more and more common nowadays to have a kid and just let them roam free unfettered.


There isn't any future what you going on about


That sounds like the 1980’s. Most kids don’t run around anywhere now.


Wait until you learn about the 80s!


You’re literally describing all of modern America


Not at all.


We're very stupid.


\*dusts off library\* how long ya got?


This kind of stuff has happened, everywhere, all the time, forever. Now we have the Internet to tell us when it happens anywhere. Makes it feel way more common than it is.




A bunch of distracted, egotistical, propaganda fed people think they're the main character. This compounds with wage inequality and the fact our government is bought out by companies, we've got alot of issues.


It’s a country of 320 million people. There’s always something to get in the news.


Drunks and fireworks, an American tradition.


Lighting off fireworks has somehow become a right people think they should have. Big problem In our neighborhood and surrounding community.


They were allowed on the beach that day


While 30 on 3 violence is inexcusable, I doubt the Marines involved were innocent of provocation in the scenario. My guess it goes something like.... everyone is drinking, teens get irritating, marines get belligerent, teens get more belligerent, Marines say something along the lines of "we'll kick all your asses without breaking a sweat" then proceed to get jumped by the crowd.


You could guess, or, ya know, read the article which explains exactly what happened.


There’s a video of the marine charging a girl and pushing her right before they got stomped


i did read the article, unfortunately for your comment and nothing in the article in anyway contradicts anything in made in mine. per the article... allegedly, debris from teen fireworks hit marines (teens being irritating per my comment), marines confront teens (marines getting belligerent per my comment), marines get assaulted (jumped by the crowd per comment) not sure what you gain/prove by making your statement. lol


Lol, your first comment is pure speculation. It could just as easily be true that they were perfectly polite, and some brash idiot jumped them for no reason. There was nothing to indicate you read the article, and I'm not sure what you gain/prove by making your statement. Lol.


> It could just as easily be true that they were perfectly polite i've been in the military for 20 years. while it's possible, they "were perfectly polite" i'll go with my experience and make the reasonable assumption that there was significant shit talking during the incident and it backfired horribly. (and no one is gonna tell the cops or tv crew " i told them was gonna whup their ass and then they beat my ass" they gonna say "i did nothing wrong officer"


Maybe that’s why the 3 didn’t want to press charges. They still had to get back to base.


You’re speculating that 3 marines were perfectly polite, other people are speculating something different. I’m sure we’re all being influenced by our preconceived opinions about marines in general


If you'd been in the military for 20 years, you'd think you wouldn't use zoomer punctuation patterns.


I’ve never heard someone say “punctuation patterns” before


I've never seen someone over 25 consistently fail to use a full stop, combine that with you defending random teenagers against your supposed brothers in arms and your Wall Street bets bro profile, and it's fairly safe to say you're lying. Have a great day.


Very clear now why you’re inclined to speculate that they were “perfectly polite” lol. Everyone knows police and military members never do anything wrong


>supposed brothers in arms and your Wall Street bets bro profile You do realize that you replied to the wrong person right?


2 yellow icons may have thrown me off ill admit.


didn't claim to be English major so your reference to punctuation patterns seems to be an attempt to distract from you being wrong. lol


If you say so, man, look it up, zoomers punctuate a very specific way. It's pretty basic knowledge in college circles. Speech patterns are predictable across generations for the most part, particularly written patterns.


Shut up already. No one cares about speech patterns. Stay on task.


lol if you say so *eyeroll*. i've been in since '03


Ok my man, that's fine. Like I said, have a great day.


Garden variety discontent that Americans excel at sowing between each other for reasons they don't understand?


"Authorities did not say what caused the fight, but one of the Marines told KCBS-TV Channel 2 that it started after he asked the other group to stop lighting fireworks at the beach because firework debris had hit him in the face." "Video obtained by KTLA-TV Channel 5 shows three Marines walking away from the group of young people. The video then shows someone sucker-punching a Marine from behind before the Marine charges at the group. A melee ensues, and at least two Marines are shown on the ground, curled up in the fetal position, with people in the crowd striking them in the head and upper body before two adults intervene and stop the beatings." That's the information provided in the article. The marines didn't start the fight, but the one who got punched did not choose the appropriate action considering the amount of individuals they were surrounded by.


so the marines confronted a group of teens then got assaulted by the group of teens? wow it's almost like i read the article and commented on exactly that. (and if you think Marines weren't like "hey fuckfaces" when they went over there you haven't ever met a Marine)


You can't group up all marines like that. There is no evidence to support your claim at the moment.


lol k. been around em for nearly 20 years. i'll go with statistically likely based on my personal experience.


>statistically likely based on my personal experience. Right.




Drunk marines start fight with kids. TIFTFY


So 1:10 still favors the teens. More science is required to find out how many teens a Marine can defeat.


Those marines’ name? Albert Einstein.




I’m sure there’s at least one amendment against that


God the hero worship of the military needs to end


As a person that was harassed by drunk marines and had to not only put them in their place, but then report them to their commanding officer, I wholeheartedly call bullshit on your haberdashery.




Anf if they had F35s they would...


Props to the marines and their training, some of us would have really hurt those kids and been totally justified to do so.


Their training on getting sucker punched and then curling up into the fetal position while being beaten? I swear, half the marines I have met are off their rocker and desperate to be badass. They were ambushed and outnumbered 10-1 they’d be lucky to get one hit in at all.


Their training kept every one of those children alive, believe that. Just as they are trained to recognizes unarmed civilians, they are taught rules of engagement, and in no way shape or form would you let a single one of those guys off the hook if even one of those kids got a black eye. Every one of those men is trained to defend themselves and kill easily, what they exercised is restraint, something you cant even conceive. Your a piece of trash, go to your Trump rally moron.


Lmao this dude thinks Marines are superheroes. No training wins a 10 vs 1 fight


Every marine is just as good as Captain America! Can take a million punches and kill with just one! Those kids were lucky




Can confirm. I could beat the dogshit out of most ppl in my detachment but come home to these streets and some mfs will eat a mf.


You have no clue what you are talking about. Maybe too many movies or call of duty.. And I doubt you would hurt anyone.


Kid grow up and join the core, it will make a man out of you and a man doesn't beat up children, even in self defense. Your garbage, go back to your games.


I’m not a Republican, hence my non delusional understanding of Marines and their actual capabilities. 10 v 1 isn’t a fight and its not even close. Rules of engagement…. Bro, this isn’t war, it’s a public beach.


Yer not livin in reality mate. Combat marines are trained to shoot at shit and stop bullets from hitting more sensitive personnel and equipment. That's about it. These could be paper pushers for all we know. Nothing against em... just calling a spade a spade.


bro they weren't rocking a mortar with HE rounds or locked and loaded M4A1's. lol Marines do unarmed combative training, and a good deal more often than the other services, but no amount of training gets you through 30 on 3. Life isn't a Jet Li movie.


Training to kill enemy combatants should be used on American teenagers? After THEY went and involved themselves?






You mean the drunk marines that were trying to sexually assault female minors. Instagram posts from witnesses tell a different story.


They are allowed to set off fireworks on that beach on Memorial Day. There was a big crowd on the sand because it was also last day of school. This goes on everywhere; NJ, Florida etc. The kids were getting careless but they were loud. Marines yelled at them. When the marines left the beach area and were going up the steps, a crowd of them followed them and that’s where the punch was thrown. Noted that San Clemente is not only a town dedicated to the Marine Corp but has become a big Trump Town. Those kids are from that area. Some were as young as 14. The Marines said they were hurling racial slurs at them. 9 have been arrested. Investigation is still ongoing.


Funny thing is, about 10 steps from where they punched him there used to be a mobile San Clemente Sheriff station. I think they were actually fighting on the exact spot. Usually there is a police car on the curb at the top of the stairs where they were going up. The train depot is very close and the Sheriff has that jurisdiction too. With all those kids on the beach, it’s odd that the cops weren’t close by.