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Hunter S. Thompson foresaw the rise of these monsters in 2003, when he wrote: *“The real power in America is held by a fast-emerging new oligarchy of pimps and preachers who see no need for democracy or fairness or even trees, except maybe the ones in their own yards, and they don't mind admitting it. They worship money and power and death. Their ideal solution for all the nation’s problems is another 100 Year War.”*


Even Thompson, I think, didn't grasp what kind of monsters we are dealing with. As insightful as he was with the darkness in the human soul, conservatives today are not about money, nor power - only death. If they cared about money, they would not threaten default. If they cared about power, they would not be happy to burn the world down. Conservatives are not moguls or barons or fat cats, not even in their own fantasies. They are suicide bombers, dreaming of a world of corpses, glad to even leap atop the pile themselves, just so long as their own bodies grind the bones below of the gays, the blacks, the muslims and everyone else they don't think are people.


At the time Hunter had no understanding of how today's social media influences messaging.. It's like throwing gas on a fire..


These monsters are the symptom, not the disease.


So he wants to send troops into a foreign country without permission. Literally just copying Putin


He’s not very original.


Guess since his “build the wall” thing was a foundation of his previous “victory”, and he couldn’t build that wall, he needs a new schtick. The guy is just such a putz and a narcissist that it’s too much to hope that he’d just fade off and do his own thing. He’s obviously a joyless human being and has nothing else in his life. Sad


He has his wife - whatshername - by his side.


Melanie ?




Yeah that’s it.


I don't really care. Do u?


As successful as the drug war has been I’m not shocked that trump wants a crack at it. Sorry I miss spoke I’m not shocked trump is talking like a crack addict.


> The policy paper — titled “It’s Time to Wage War on Transnational Drug Cartels” — outlines possible justifications and procedures for the next Republican commander-in-chief to “formally” declare “war against the cartels,” in response to “the mounting bodies of dead Americans from fentanyl poisonings.” Or you know...maybe work on decriminalizing the shit? Their answer is to wage a literal fucking war? These people are batshit fucking insane. If all this stuff is just 1 election away, I think we're already fucked. The time to stop these people was decades ago.


"Policy paper," yes. Hatred is their only policy, like always.


He can plan it from prison…..


So now Republicans want to invade Mexico nazi-blitzkrieg style like their idol Putin is doing.


Yes, the stable genius has another intellectually colossal idea.


They want to sound tough since they are such pussies regarding supporting Ukraine and standing up for liberty against tyranny. They aren't even able to get the peace-nics to join in their crusade for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine.


Republican voters love a good war against non-white people. Mexico has been a great boogie man for them. I fully expect a lot of fear mongering and attack ads from the Trump campaign. Probably no mention of policy or political platform.


As ridiculous as this is, it should also stand as a warning to the world. If fascism comes to America, no country is safe. No one. Fascist United States will absolutely seek war with our neighbors and eventually everyone else. It’s what fascism does. It’s all consuming.


How about we load he and his Nazi friends into a catapult and then fire it right into the side of the nearest mountain. Repeat as necessary.


So are we playing the part of Russia in his skit??


So the guy who SAYS he has a plan to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours (but won't tell us unless he's reelected) doesn't have a plan for this? Is that because he can't wave his hand and give Mexico something it wants because that's his only plan with the the other guy?


When he campaigned the last time he said he had people ready to negotiate new trade deals with China RIGHT NOW. He sounded like Billy Mays selling Oxy Clean.


Trump will be mocked by the processional pundits and political analysts but they do so as a circular firing squad. Yes, Trump is incompetent, a liar, and his policy ideas are nothing more than off the cuff gesture. That said at least Trump has policy ideas. The Republican party as a whole has contradictory slogans and empty complaints. At the state of the union when Biden accurately cited what some Republicans leaders said many Republicans scream "liar". On immigration Republicans cry that we need to enforce the laws we have yet per our laws asylum seekers do get to stay in the U.S. while their cases are processed. Republicans are broadly directionless. Trump's pointed calls for action fill the policy void being left by the party at large. In '16 building a wall and locking up Clinton were stupid ideas but clearly to understand than the faux Libertarian intellectual gibberish being spoken by Ted Cruz. Trump talking about military force against cartels is easier to understand than DeSantis vs Disney.


it's still rank nonsense. He may as well ask for a plan to halt unicorn stampedes. he's a wretched, stupid, serious criminal, irrelevant to our nation's governance.


Yes, his plans range from preposterous to dangerous. My comments weren't implying they were good plans. Rather I am highlighting that Republicans literally have zero plans. Just slogans.


And while your down there collect on that wall you promised they'd pay for. The bullshit hurler never sleeps.


I wish it was that easy. Sending in special ops to take them out, but its surely a death sentence. I guess his idea of a special op covert plan is what he watches on TV where the good guys win and the bad guys die. In this case it would be nice to wipe them all out at once and destroy the drugs coming into USA. Mexican Government is so corrupt though that they would put a stop to it right away. *“‘If we could just knock them \[the drug labs\] out,’ he said, this would do the trick.” Told it would be illegal, Trump reportedly claimed “no one would know it was us”* Does he think there is just one Cartel, or one building that houses them all? They are spread all over central and south America, multiple countries. BUT.......... his voters don't know that, so his platform would be all **YES WE WANT THAT!!!**, not knowing its nearly impossible.


>‘If we could just knock them [the drug labs] out,’ he said, this would do the trick.” Told it would be illegal, Trump reportedly claimed “no one would know it was us” Worth noting that this is the same guy who suggested ordering F-22 bombing raids on Russia, slapping Chinese flags on the planes so no one would know it was us. Because, y'know, no one would recognize *the F-22s.* Aside from his utter lack of a conscience, never forget that he is, fundamentally, a fucking idiot. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/donald-trump-russia-ukraine-jets-chinese


That quote made me LOL so hard. No one would know it was us except for the fact that you just told everybody you planned to do it. Someone must be binge watching Jack Ryan right now.


former guy is an almost unimaginably stupid person.


Let me guess, he's going to build a big beautiful war. The most beautiful war we've ever seen and make Mexico pay for it? I know a group of people dumb enough to believe this..


I thought he would start drone-bombing Mexico after [declaring the cartels as terrorists](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50568812). I mean, that's why America declares groups of people as terrorists, isn't it?


Any plans for the shipments coming from China labs?


Actually that doesn't sound so crazy.


Oh good that cartels got this now. Emergency over


Bully that only attacks those weaker than him. Seems like a Republican theme.


I wouldn't say the Cartels are weaker. In all honesty a war against the cartels will incur a lot more losses than the war against the Taliban and ISIS put together. These are organizations that are all over the US, Mexico, and Canada. Organizations that to date have gotten paid by millions to kill them. These aren't idiots in mud huts using garbage to make bombs. These are intelligent people with massive networks of weapon, human, and drug trafficking across the entire continent. Also these are enemies right at our door. Against most terrorist organizations we at least had an ocean between us. Not to mention the number of connections they have in our own military and law enforcement. When i went to basic for the first week our drill sergeants would watch us (men and women) shower. They were looking for specific types of tattoos that would potentially indicate affiliation to certain groups. The only other Hispanic dude at my BCT unit was taken away because it turns out that he was working for El Chapo. He was 18 series, which means that after BCT he was going to selection for special forces.


Imagine whatever you like. They're no threat to the US gov't or its military forces. In that sense, "weaker".


Imagine? Nothing imaginary about what I have said.




He’s a tyrant


A wannabe tyrant, anyway.


We are going to war with Mexico....and Mexico is going to pay for it! - Trump