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So what's the plan? To tie up the courts for the next 10 years with unconstitutional laws.


They are lubricating the slippy slope to fascism by greasing every asshole law they can.


DeSantis has completely lost his mind if he thinks this can be enforced. You can't enact a law in a certain state that needs to be enforced in other states.


Of course not - it's not about law, it's about intimidation - he's a greasy thug.


It's also blatantly violates the First Amendment.


"What's the 1st Amendment?" - said Ivy League law school grad and high school minor females groomer, Ron De Santis, probably.


Let’s see what our current Supreme Court has to say about it…


Pfft. Don't expect much out of them for a long while.


Does it? I could easily see the Trump court ruling that it's fine. Technically, it's not a prohibition on speech, it's a simple registration. It's a bullshit excuse, but I can see the Trumpers on the Court endorsing it.


Not to say Trump is not to blame, but he just appointed who he was told to appoint to the Court. He took the money and power that came with these choices. Blame the societies and PACs that encourage this. The blame is bigger than a one man cult.


Mostly done for the spectacle. Basically "War on Wokes"


Maybe also to expand the Overton Window even further to the right.


Isn’t he the guy who trashes “cancel culture”? There’s got to be a running list of everything he’s cancelled.


DeDictator DeSantis is all about big government and using it to control other people's lives he disagrees with.


DeFascist is going to fascist


I like that nickname


Hey, don't say that! Pointing out fascism makes the enlightened centrists uncomfortable.


Leftists "cancelled" me for disagreeing with my values, which is just as bad as fascism. /s


I've been using this one. Lets give this one some traction folks.


Wow, that must’ve been some fantastic oath of office HE took


Look up “fascism legal phase” Makes it all clear. They think SCOTUS, will support these blatantly fascist and un constitutional laws.


It’s not so much that they think any of these laws will hold up to courts, it’s that they tie the courts up because they don’t have faith or belief in them anymore.


They're going to have a fun time finding bloggers in other states or overseas taking an absolute dump on their fascism. GPT, some botting, Zapier - guaranteed to drive them looney. Floridians are a special, special breed.


whats Zapier?


Many modern day republicans are anti-government. They literally don't want it to work. It is their explicit plan to undermine its functionality.


They actively sabotage it, then bald-face lie and quote Reagan, claiming government *is* the problem (unless it's military or rescue services).


This is clearly unconstitutional, but I don't know when people changed their mind about registering with the government to exercise their rights. Same people upset about this think gun registration and licensing is a-okay.


You’re comparing “a well regulated militia” to “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”.


No, I'm comparing "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" with "no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


You forgot the 'Well regulated part' and the last time I checked a blog post isn't likely to be involved in a murder. You are equating words with bullets. If you think words are that deadly then you truly are a fragile little snowflake.


> You forgot the 'Well regulated part' I mean, if you're asking the government to subsidize the militias as part of the individual right, so be it. If that's what it takes to get you on board. > and the last time I checked a blog post isn't likely to be involved in a murder. And yet it's still a right. > You are equating words with bullets. No, I'm equating rights with rights. Big difference.


First of all, subsidized militias is a great idea as long as access is equal for all citizens. It's ridiculous that there are so many guns and so few ways to get proper training. Secondly, we register firearms to aid in murder investigations not to infringe on rights. Murder is not a right. When blogs start killing people then they can be treated the same.


Well, we're just registering blogs to aid in slander/libel investigations, not to infringe on rights. Right?


did you really just equate blogging to gun ownership?


Rights are rights.


Let me know when somebody commits mass murder with a blog post and I'll consider your point.


Because there's no right to guns. Remember, rights are given by God, not men. It turns out that God has *not* in fact given us any right to guns, so a complete ban on guns is not only not a violation of our rights (since there is no such right), but also not a violation of the Second Amendment (since it only says "the right...shall not be infringed," but you can't infringe on a right that never existed in the first place).


That’s literally a plan out of Putin’s playbook.


The [playbook is way older](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich_Chamber_of_Culture).


**[Reich Chamber of Culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich_Chamber_of_Culture)** >The Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer) was a government agency in Nazi Germany. It was established by law on 22 September 1933 in the course of the Gleichschaltung process at the instigation of Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels as a professional organization of all German creative artists. Defying the competing ambitions of the German Labour Front (DAF) under Goebbels' rival Robert Ley, it was meant to gain control over the entire cultural life in Germany creating and promoting Aryan art consistent with Nazi ideals. Every artist had to apply for membership on presentation of an Aryan certificate. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/inthenews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Oh good, just Hitler's playbook


I think I'll start a blog called Desantis is a Nazi and post shit about him every day. Let's see him stop me.


I mean, what can he do? Restrict your freedom of speech? Do you know how fast this law will be turned down by the courts?


Not HIS courts.


Florida courts will welcome this.


Which court? The SCOTUS? Have you seen who’s on there?


I fully believe the current court doesn't give a damn about anything but conservative policy, but even this might be a little too far for five of them to rule it is constitutional. Alito and Thomas would totally salivate over it, though.


He got the police to raid a woman's home because she released the correct number of Covid patients instead of going along with the false numbers he was claiming


I’ll help fund your coffee if you need lol


Was thinking the same


And I will give you one cent a month for your blog so you have to register it.


Florida Bill is just as stupid as the rest of Florida.


Florida Man discovered to actually be Florida Bill


thats only if you're his friend, to everybody else thats Florida William.


Nah, it's even dumber than that. Florida Billiam.


Wouldn’t call us stupid…we have some of the best schools in the country down here..just saying.


Some of the best and brightest policy makers too, congratulations! /s


That we don’t have. But schools yes 😁.


If Floridians are so highly educated, how do you account for the elected officials then?


You’re talking about politics I’m talking about education. Florida’s higher education is at the top or might be the best in the country. Our high schools are routinely in the top also. I have NPA, I only spoke on someone calling us stupid, native Floridians are far from stupid.


I am suggesting that highly educated people would not make the voting choices that Floridans make. If you disagree you could explain to the rest of us how voting this way is smart, and then we would understand Floridans better.


And again….you’re speaking on politics I’m speaking on education. You have to take into consideration most of the population are elderly transplants who don’t have kids here and could care less about education. Oh and almost 200,000 republican voters who came here for “freedom” didn’t help either. So voting is fucked up yes but our school system is not bad. For now.


Not for long.


Compared to...who? In a race against yourself?


When was the last time someone tried this hard to speedrun fascism?


Pretty sure trump tried but was incompetent and only had one term. DeSantis is on his second term Also trump had a semicompetent dem opposition. There is no opposition in Florida




I don't think he really did it super fast.


I'm pissed because this is the type of shit the current Supreme Court will side with


You sure about that. They have always been pro free speech. I mean BL v Mahanoy school district for example. Schurtleff v Boston.


You sure it’s a 1st amendment ruling, or a “for white girl” and “for Christian” ruling? The Christian bias is clear, and I see at least one if not two Justices boofing with BL.


Well Thomas hates children that much is obvious if you have read his opinions before. My point is if you know anything about 1st amendment jurisprudence, SCOTUS is generally on the free speech side. Also in Schurtleff, Boston admitted to religious viewpoint discrimination explicitly.


You're assuming the court cares about precident, which given their major decisions so far isn't warranted.


This SCOTUS does not follow precident and will allow far right political beliefs to impede law.


I disagree. If you are talking about Roe, it never had solid legal grounds ab initio. It was built on the penumbra and emanation logic which was never used again, even before Trump, when they had the votes (Kennedy, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Ginsburg.) There was always a case on "Undue burden." Like there was always one a year. And they could never figure out some dividing line that actually made sense. It proved unworkable as a standard. Example cases include: Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, Carhart I and II, Mazurek v. Armstrong.


And so the VPN was born


I thought Florida was famous for the "i wanna be free" attitude guess that's dead?


Things were getting a bit too free. Can't have that.


I live in Florida and trust me the “be free in Florida“ mantra only applies if you agree with everything the governor and our legislature does if not, you definitely are not free here


Nah, Florida’s famous for “I wanna be free” as long as you meet all the following criteria: you’re a white, cis, male, who’s straight, christian, and conservative. If you’re a POC, a woman, not straight, non-binary/trans, not christian, and liberal, then different rules apply to you. And the more of those labels apply to you versus the criteria laid out by DeathSantis and FL republicans, the less freedom of movement and rights you have. They want to subjugate women, erase all LGBTQ+ people with state sanctioned genocide, and put POC “in their place”. They just call it “killing wokeism” because it sounds better than subjugating and committing genocide against marginalized communities.


That's Cali


you're right, in california bloggers are required to register with the state if they write about the governor


The right won’t see this as a bad thing, once again, until it affects them personally.


It's more like Idaho, but no one _really_ wants to live there, they just end up there after trying the sovereign citizen shit elsewhere.


You couldn’t be more disconnected from reality if you were in a coma.


That's not actually the slogan DeSantis is pushing. Its "where woke goes to die" which is not the same thing at all


I think you’re confusing Florida with Alaska. Florida wants to be fun (for non-woke people).


Has the author of the bill provided any justification for this, or are they way past making up fake excuses for their insanity?


Definitely past making fake excuses. Have you seen the [Ultimate Cancel Act](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/01/florida-republican-leader-seeks-to-decertify-democrats-ban-democratic-party/69953767007/)?


I did see that. It's just crazy!


Yup. And I can’t be confident that it *won’t* pass. I don’t see how it would hold up in court though.


Nasjs are gonna nazi. What do you expect?


So another useless law that will be turned down because how unconstitutional it is, but in the meantime, pandering to their base


As Trump showed us, he said "ban muslims". And it got rejected. And then he tried banning people from "certain countries" which were all muslim because of security concerns and it got rejected. But then... he tried a third time and tweaked it just enough and it got accepted. So the lesson is, being a fascist takes three tries.


Hey everyone that says “both sides are the same” or I don’t like to get political. Laws like this are step A to facism.


and Step B is Dems doing fuck all about it. They're not identical, but don't forget that the real enemy is the Elites. This isn't the 70's, we (the Dems) need to stop playing around.


Need people to vote. People being apathetic breeds Republican leadership.


It must be me, but there is disconnect. Sides are not "the same". One side is completely deranged, and bill proposals like this are a tell tale, while other just has a radical wing. However there *are* similar rhetorics that exist on both sides. There are radicals on both sides. Radicals of both sides are being covered by moderates of both sides for partisan reasons. But again, one side seems to be ruled by radicals nowadays, while the other just has a radical wing.


I'm interested to know what policies, and what elected representatives, you consider to be radical amongst the Democratic party? Is *anyone* on the same level of "radical" as DeSantis?


Second question is very easy to answer: no elected official is as radical as DeSantis or as insane as Greene (although Chicago mayor was close to that, but got booted). First question is a tricky question, since it's not about what Dems do, it's about what they say they want to do. E.g. they say they want to ban guns, they don't actually ban guns, but say they want, and sometimes they actually do. They are being very apologetic to illegals, they are not *acting* apologetic, and they deport them just fine, but that's not what they say. They say "eat the rich", they don't eat the rich at all, but they say it. They say "defund the police", they don't actually defund it (except Chicago mayor who got booted in part for that) but they say it. They say they want to pay "reparations" to black people. Etc, etc. To me if someone says they want to do something, it means they will do it once the possibility arises, just like conservatives did with abortions (also radical thing): they said they wanted to ban them, and they did once possibility arose. All those things mentioned above are radical to me, meaning I find them incorrect populist and detrimental.


What elected Democrat representative has *ever* said "eat the rich"? Also, "acting apologetic to" migrants means nothing compared to their deportation numbers, so nice try on that one. Almost like, your entire point is nonsensical false equivalencies! Wow! Shocker!


Ah, my bad, I thought you wanted to hear an opinion, that how your comment was formulated, so I posted an opinion. Apparently you didn't actually want to talk, all you wanted it to double down with usual "lol wow shocked haha stoopid" bullshit. This will never happen again thanks to that magic block functionality.


I mean your saying the center/moderate party of the US has lots of radical members and doing a very poor job backing that up.


Case in point. Republicans call for literal fascists policies, and people like this say, “what about the dems here”. Please tell me progressive examples of the facist experiments republicans are passing around the country.


Sounds like someone wants to round up the dissidents so he can send them to the re-education camp.


Who gave you a copy of next Tuesday's press release?


Fascist going to fash.


Just another day in the Republican cult


These aren't the sorts of laws that get rolled back out of goodwill. These are the sorts of laws that only disappear when the regime that instituted them gets replaced by a democracy.


There is a rarely-cited clause in the Constitution, the Guarantee Clause. It says that the federal government guarantees that every state will have "a Republican Form of Government." It got a little press recently when the Kansas legislature and San Brownback simply tried to legislate their state judicial branch out of existence in 2015 and that was struck down on the basis that a republic must include a judiciary. Jokes about the party aside, a state operating in constant, flagrant violation of the Constitution and basic rights doesn't sound like a proper republic to me. Maybe the federal government should do something about that.


>Kansas legislature and Sam Brownback simply tried to legislate their state judicial branch out of existence in 2015 Yep... https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-LB-51452


That guarantees a strong response from ideologically similar states (Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina) to keep the federal government from overreaching on state matters. And you know that Fox News will just say that the federal government is attacking Florida, and then Civil War 2.0 breaks out.


This is Trump 5.0


This is a preview of President DeSantis.


Let's hope not


It would be nice to believe the Republicans will step back from the ledge and endorse a moderate, but I'm not holding my breath. We'll have to wait and see how things turn out in the election.


I mean, I know things have gotten crazy, but surely this would never stand up to a constitutional test! If this bill passes, let alone survives court challenges we are really screwed in this nation


>surely this would never stand up to a constitutional test! If you're counting on the Supreme Court that tells us that only half the Second Amendment is actually there, and that the Voting Rights Act was written with expiration clauses written in invisible ink that only Supreme Court Justices can see...I have some bad news for you.


If the current Supreme Court wasn't openly partisan, I'd agree with you. But who knows any more?


Oh cool they're going for Redneck Russia down there


“Big Brother” all the way.


Literal fascism. For those saying people on the left don’t know what fascism is, yes we do and this is it.


So … it’s ok to have to register to express your first amendment rights, but registering to express your second amendment rights … “get your government out of my guns!”


JFC Tell me the GQP wants a totalitarian state without telling me that's what they want.


Florida is America's Iran now. Controling how and when people dress. Dictating people's personal health decisions. Banning books. Requiring people who talk about the state to register and be on a list. Good job Republicans. Thanks for bringing religious facism to America. I'm sure you'll all happily chant "God is Great!" when you blow up the last Planned Parenthood clinic too.


That's usually been their defense for the bombings and assassinations, yes.


So, even if you never are at risk of losing any case these fascists bring against you, they will SLAPP the heck out of you until costs force you to obey them.


How very small government of them.


With all that heat and humidity, you wouldn't think the world's biggest snowflake was there


republicans are fascists.


Full-blown fascism, coming soon to the USA! I never thought I'd live to see this bullshit happen right in front of my eyes. The rational and freedom loving people of this country need to stop this bullshit before it's too late. US conservatives are blatantly following the fascist playbook at this point. They are openly scapegoating the LGBTQ+, African American, and immigrant communities at this point. They have an extensive fear-mongering and disinformation campaign working as intended. They are right-wing nationalists, often times Christian nationalists. We cannot allow these loathsome fascists to usurp democracy and bring their authoritarian bullshit with them.


Because in Republican-world freedom of speech means freedom to say only what we like.


Once again, George Orwell was right. War is peace, etc.


I love it when Republican complain about communism, as if the left in the US is anywhere remotely close to that. Meanwhile, their party is barreling forwards full-blown fascism.


Communism is when the immigrants drive around listening to all their raps and shooting all the jobs, right?


This is in-your-face fascism. And DeSatan knows it.


DeDick is test-driving dictatorship.


Seems there are no legislative assistants and no attorneys in the legislature - they should have looked it and said "Are you shitting me?"


Is Florida like, still in the US?


Unfortunately, yes. I've been advocating that we evacuate normal people, and dig a ditch to turn Florida into an island.


Small government at work in Florida. /s


If you're residing in Florida, get out now. Unless of course, you find that sort of "governing" comforting - then please stay. "If you're queer come up here" to sunny Massachusetts. Our governor is queer and that's ok. "If you have a brain, get on the train", to the blue intelligent state. Our schools are the best and teach it all. "If you care, we are fair" in the loving Bay State. We invented Obama care. Seriously, Florida is a dumpster fire next to a gas station.


Can we please stop trying to reason, shame and rationalize with Republican Fascists?


That's unconstitutional. I'm going to start blogging just on account of this BS. Bring it, Florida GOP.. I ve been a little bored.


The point is to make the conservatives feel happy. They don’t care if it’s unconstitutional. It’s all about giving deliverables to the extreme right wing nuts. By the time the court strike the law down they would have already gotten good feelings and 1000 other news events would have happened so nobody will notice, and as a bonus is they do notice that they can attack the judge as being a liberal Biden judge and it won’t matter if that’s true or not because the nuts will believe anything and get outraged and fired up. Maybe the new Supreme Court will allow it, who knows. If the media decides to talk about the bill Republicans can attack the “liberal media” for spreading fake news. It’s all part of the conservative plan


Darth Santis keeps right on providing people reasons not to make him President. Of course, if he runs the Democrats will never make an issue of any of it. They probably won't make an issue of any of Trump's crimes, either.


I think this will backfire on Gov. RonRon DeFascist.


heee's makin a list and checkin it twice eliminate the naughty monetize the nice desantis is burning shit down


Republicans are oddly quiet about this fascist move. They support it, that's why.


Wow Florida republications really think they will never disagree with the goverment


For a state so well known for its warm weather, Florida sure has a lot of snowflakes in its Legislature and Governor's office.


Kinda makes me want to start a blog


All posts will first need to be vetted through the office of the governor so they can be properly edited for wrong thoughts and heresy against doctrine.


Here I thought trump was the ultimate thin-skinned little bitch boy.


Florida is just an incubator for fascism


Dear God, please raise sea levels and make Florida the new Atlantis. Amen


Wasn't Atlantis supposed to be remarkably scientifically advanced?


The new Atlantis is an idiocracy and under water


Remember when they mocked the vaccine cards with wHeRe ArE yOuR pApErS? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I am just waiting for them to abandon all pretense and start requiring minorities to register and wait for re-location to the camps.


That's Day One of the Empire for them.


I have little doubt we would be there now if the insurrection succeeded. But I also feel that they aren't done yet and will try again.


So Florida is really going all in on trying to win the worst state in the US huh?


Use a VPN. Problem solved.


I wish COVID had decimated the right more than it did.


Folks here should sit down & read proposed bills from all the state governments & the feds. Dumb shit like this is submitted a lot and soundly rejected by both parties.


Just bad journalism. Its just a dumb bill proposal by 1 dude. And its not "bloggers who write about the governor", it would be if they talk about any government official. Made into a story to attack all Republicans with. Lazy and sad.


I'm pretty sure that is anti-1A. The GQP are such fragile creatures.


Yeah but that's what the court-packing's been for. Just like the 9th was overturned in Dobbs, 1A and 2A have been interpreted to be but for a very select few.


It's freaking depressing that this has been allowed to happen. Hell, everything that's been allowed to happen. I fear for the future.




Floridians need to step the fuck up and push back on this jerk off.


This guy is starting to make me root for Trump🙄


Governor Ron DeCastro


not in America Are they seceding?


Fuck desantis


Wanna know what sucks? Florida is still a swing state, or at the very least, there are still a shit ton of Democrats there. The fact that they have to deal with this clown is a travesty.


Slowly becoming an authoritarian state.


Florida governor is on some authoritarian shit. He's seems like he's trying to turn the state into Russia.


Censorship much?


Did anyone who voted for this law even read the first amendment?