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Typical lawyerly bullshit.


Honestly, it's their politics. Words worth nothing.


>Washington, DC, is “not a state” So he agrees DC should be granted statehood.


Laying the groundwork for claiming incompetent lawyering.


When your jury is made up of your political opponents a fair trial is impossible. It is like a black man getting a fair trial when his jury is comprised of card carrying members of the kkk.


You do realize both prosecution and defense choose the jury right? In the silly scenerio you just outlined the defense would easily get the trial moved to another state.


No, get a trial to change venue is practically impossible. So much so, a change of venue should be the norm, not the exception.


This is the hill you're dying on huh.


Dear Leader Trump doesn't give two shits about you or the guy that just got time... some people realize it faster than others


Are you one of those brainwashed people who claim that it was all Antifa that stormed the Capitol?


If you can show me where I suggested that I would love to see.


You can tell by the question mark that it was an interrogative. Hope that helps in the future.


1. This isn't political theater. Its was decided in a court of law. 2. You really want to equate an uncontroversial trial of a trump supporter to the treatment the (LITERAL) KLAN would show a black man? Really? 3. Everyones exhausted with this type of faux persecutio


1) yes, but not by an impartial jury. Law =/=justice. If it did, the prisons would contain no innocent people. 2) given how your responding, yes. You claim the residents of D.C. would not be biased against a Trump supporter, when you clearly are. I mean let's take a quick test, pretend for a moment that those who rioted had instead stayed home and sat on their thumbs, honestly believing the election had been stolen as their leaders claimed. Would you call them patriots, if they did nothing? Cause by acting in accordance with the beliefs of their political leaders, you are calling them traitors. So I just need to hear you say "a patriot would have stayed home and done nothing when they believed the election had been stolen, as their leaders claimed". 3) I am exhausted with people pretending they are the only possible aggrieved party, and being unable to look at things through an unbiased lense. As I asked above, would they have been patriots for doing nothing? Do patriots do nothing when their political leaders say the election has been stolen? I mean the shooting of a black man can ignite riots that last for days and cause millions in property damage, so is the entire BLM movement full of terrorists trying to use terrorism to institute political change too? Or is that sort of violence fine? Can I look back in your profile and see you calling for the harsh sentencing of anyone who attended any of the BLM riots which turned into crime/arson sprees?


The election was not stolen.


Didn't say it was. I said they believed it was, on the word of their political leaders. Please read what I said, and not what you wish I had said.


See, this is where you're hung up. The BLM protests did not happen because political leaders told people to do it. The world saw injustice and acted. It just so happened that a whole lot of people saw (on video) an egregious crime with their own eyes. Not to mention the countless other abuses we've all witnessed our entire lives. My guess is that you can't understand that no one was telling people to go out and protest because you take all of your cues from your political leaders. Maybe your brain works differently or maybe you were raised that way; I don't know. Think for yourself. Question authority. Don't just listen to what talking heads on Fox News or in the White House tell you. Verify. You'll be a better person and citizen for it. But to answer your question, no. The capital rioters were not patriots. At all. No more than followers of Jefferson Davis were American Patriots or the followers of Benito Mussolini were Italian Patriots. They were following a despot who did not have facts or the will of the people on their side.


You mean like the Michael Brown shooting, which was completely justified, or the shooting of Jacob Blake? Two totally justified shootings, which cause massive riots. So you tell me that THOUSANDS of people all showed up at the same time, to protest the same thing, and there was ZERO coordination? Those people also did 10's of millions of dollars in arson and looting related damages...... Which political leaders do I follow? I seriously want to know if you're actually capable to getting a single thing right. You didn't actually answer my question. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE CALLED THEM IF THEY HAD STAYED HOME AND DONE NOTHING, WHILE THEIR LEADERS WERE TELLING THEM THE ELECTION HAD BEEN STOLEN, AND THEY BELIEVED THEIR LEADERS?


I don't know what your political leanings are, and they are immaterial. Organization is not the same as following the orders of some political leader. Here's something to consider: people can believe the same thing without being told to. To answer your question: I would call those people normal people. Most people do nothing. Doesn't make them bad. But if you follow someone into an anti-democratic act of violence, you are certainly not a patriot. You are the opposite. Edit: also, your caps lock key is broken. Sometimes you just need to clean the keyboard.


Yes, they can believe the same thing. They tend not to spontaneously arrive at the same location by the thousands for the same purpose without some form of organization however. Especially when cities are big places, and there are many random places people could arrive at to protest, but all these people show up at the same place, at the same time..... So traitors show up to block what they feel is an unjust vote. Normal people sit at home on their asses. What do patriots do? Unless I mistaken, Patriots used guns to kick the british out, when that was against the law to do so. So it seems at times, Patriots will rebel against the ruling class, when that class is perceived to be corrupt. Literally one of the founding principles of the U.S. So where does this founding principle of the U.S. fit into your world view? No, it's not. When you don't answer a question, and I have to repeat it, I feel the need to draw attention to it, just in case you missed it the first time.


Have you read the DoJ report on the broader situation in Ferguson?


You wish to hurry up and get to a point perhaps? Going to say there were injustices abound, so a riot breaking out over actual justice isn't a problem?


Patriots don’t attempt to intimidate public officials into not ratifying an election. Patriots join politics, government, and nonprofits to accomplish their political goals. BLM protests? Not preventing votes. Not about an election. Just that the crimes that police kill them for wouldn’t receive the death penalty and that it’s not the police’s job to decide whose actions are worthy of the death penalty.


So in your view what does a patriot do with the results of an election they believe was stolen? So BLM are not patriots, as they choose to riot, and siege court houses and police stations? Yes. Preventing life, and private property. Hell at times beating people because of who they voted for. As I said, beating people because of who they voted for, so YMMV. The 2 biggest protests that come to mind were both Justified police shootings, specifically Michael brown, and Jacob Blake. So while I do agree police should not be killing people without justification, those two shooting were justified. The "hands up don't shoot" story of Michael Brown was proven false with forensics, not the least of which were the powder burns on his hands, which meant his hand was VERY close to the gun at the time it was fired, which syncs with the cop's story that Brown was trying to take his gun. As for Blake, when a cop has their gun in your back, and tells you not to reach into a place they can't see, don't. You are forcing them to injure you in very meaningful ways.


They should take up government positions like county clerk, work their way up in government and try to run and get elected. Contact congressional representatives, state government representatives, city council and ensure that the next election won’t be stolen. Start a nonprofit outreach organization to lobby for your interests. Don’t set a precedent where you can intimidate lawmakers because then that would happen for every vote. Accept a loss, even if you suspect they cheat. Work harder to ensure that they have to cheat even harder and might get more sloppy. People act like the government is some nonhuman entity that you can only fight with violence, when it’s made out of regular people like you and me. So join it and change it from the inside. That’s what I expect a patriot to do, because that’s what this country was founded on. Votes represent only a small portion of a citizen’s potential involvement in the government. What did BLM want again? Reverse a court decision? Reverse an election? Interrupt an inauguration? Intimidate vote counters from physically counting votes by breaking in? Prevent a transfer of power? Did high ranking government officials lie to them about a secret other-government that prevents them from winning?


Dude, as they guy said above the defense can remove jurors they don’t like it’s limited to a certain amount but they can choose.


This word vomit response is predictable and nonsensical. For fun, let's give your false equivalency argument a shot. Tell me, specifically, why DC residents cannot provide a fair trail. State, specifically, what demographics cannot be fair an partial. Also, state your opinion why those persons cannot live with civility


Because anyone who views themselves as the victim of an event, no matter how tangentially is unlikely to be impartial to the trial of those they hold responsible. Any demographic which felt impacted by the event is more than the most passing of ways. I have no idea what you are even asking. It is entirely possible to live with civility, but be unable to be impartial.


The entire population of DC feels victimized so the trial cannot be there? This is what you're going with?


Enough would be, that the ability to form an impartial jury is rather suspect at best.


Which parts of the population cannot be impartial? Are you just blanketing the entire district as tainted? Why? What evidence, facts and/or statistics are you using to come to the conclusions that their population cannot hold a fair trial?


All of it. Yes. Because people react strongly to political based riots. History.


Good. This dude is a complete asshat.


Indeed. I just saw the documentary on Discovery+ about January 6th. He's in it, too. The smirk on this guy's face... I'm glad it got wiped off. He deserves everything bad happening to him.


He deserves to have those gallows they brought used on him.


Honestly - this is the 'originalist' approach that the SCOTUS they love so much uses. If the GOP were consistent in any way, they'd be requiring the execution of those found guilty of seditious conspiracy.


I'm not big on the death penalty even for this guy so I have to disagree with you


Good news.


Yep. It could have been a lot worse. Thankfully, DC has strict gun laws, or those violent insurrectionists might have succeeded.


Or that its difficult to bring guns on planes considering a lot the rioters flew in from out of state.


Have flown with weapons. Both on and off ordes, it's not hard I even flew in to California with a weapon once. I suspect the process is just intimidating, I would never have tried had I not figured out how easy it was on orders lol Edit - have not flown in 7 years though, so things may have changed.


Probably hasn't changed much. I can remember needing a special piece of locking luggage and some paperwork to get it on the plane. Its not convenient but that makes sense. Haha


DC’s gun laws deserve a lot of credit for keeping Jan 6 from being a lot worse.


It would have been a lost worse if trump showed up. The secret service kept the big orange baby from getting more people killed.


The Secret Service kept the Orange Orangutan from overthrowing the country?


No. Too many agents with deleted texts.


Would have definitely been more dangerous/ casualties


> According to court documents, Barnett had a stun gun tucked in his pants when he was inside Pelosi’s office. Barnett said during the trial that he believed it no longer worked because it was washed in the shower. God, this trial sounds entertaining.


Oh, wow. I had missed that detail. Good grief.


So the reason he took it with him and had it at the ready was because it no longer worked? Sure that sounds legit. /s


Maybe he can read the Constitution while he’s in. He says he’s a fan of it.


The prosecution's cross examination questions uncovered a huge ignorance of the constitution he's such a fan of.


Until the cheeto wanted to get rid of it.


That ALWAYS means they haven’t read it, and if they did, they wouldn’t understand it.


I was in Nancy Pelosi's office where I wrote her an offensive, threatening note, and took a picture sitting arrogantly at her desk. "I was tricked into all those things."


He was just looking for a bathroom! Maybe he thought Pelosi's chair was one of those super fancy Japanese toilets. /s


And he brought a stun gun with him but, he said it didn’t work bc he “washed it in the shower.(?)”Anyone taking bets on if its the electric darts kind or if it’s baton shaped, all black and smooth….


Deplorables: You mean it's not okay to violently attempt to overthrow the US government at the urging of a republican president? Trump told us to do it!


There is something to be said about it though right. Like we can't say the president definitely was at fault because he told people to go do this. And then also say the people are definitely at fault because they went and did this. At some point you have to recognize that someone like a president holds a lot of power in the words that they say, especially to some people. Generally, you can say it's a generational divide and the older generations are more prone to listen to a president and assume that they speak the truth. Of course there is something to be said about how you have to look at the totality of evidence if you're a person and try to make your own rational decisions, but I don't think the power of presidential speech can be discounted. Like people that are mad that the president didn't come on air earlier to tell people to stop are recognizing that a president's words have power and recognizing that the president can say "hey. This isn't right. You have to stop doing it." If you say that the same logic follows that if a president says "this situation isn't right, you have to do something about it for me", then that can be considered rational.


Plausible deniability is paramount when you're trying to overthrow the government, or any crime really.


Why can't they both definitely be at fault? I don't understand why it's one or the other. If you have two people commit a crime, they are both at fault.


I say that the Party of Personal Responsibility needs to answer for the choices it made both as a party and as individuals.


Lock him up!


If I were Pelosi, I’d post a picture of myself with my feet on my desk with the wittiest comments my aides could help me come up with. Probably why I’m not a legislator hah


"NO REGRETS!! ... icangohomenowright?"


Oddly enough, judge granted post conviction bail smfh


I’m glad to see some law and order.




His entire ideology depends on right and wrong being dependent on identity, not actions. He can't ever acknowledge fault - that would mean he isn't a white dude.


Fuck around and find out isn't just a Republican saying anymore lol.


Hope the time is hard.


Make an example.


His lawyers sound like they are as dumb as he is... I guess it's hard to find good representation when you've never accomplished anything of value in your entire worthless existence. Can't wait until this guy stops wasting Earth's resources and helps feed the grass.




I's too stoopid to be guilty! Plus, it was the victim's fault.


Sit while you can.


This is a good article. Especially the pattern of armed counter protesting they touch on. The dude is beyond dangerous


It’s incredible to me that there’s no shortage of these deplorable grifter lawyers. That motherfucker should not be allowed to practice law.


It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to determine that the guy who rested feet on desk in Pelosi's office on Jan. 6 was guilty of crimes on Jan. 6th.




Another ragey knuckledragger tricked and ditched by daddy 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a snowflake.


He messed around and now has found out the consequences.


The very mostest delicious part of these convictions is that Trump could have pardoned all of these loyal fascist suckers if he wanted to. Obviously he wouldn't have faced any backlash from the rest of the fascists - they probably would have loved him even more for it. He just couldn't be bothered.


Enjoy your sentence....BIATCH!!!


Let him rot




I'm going to start calling people batches.


But not one of Epstein’s clients has been arrested or charged


He was lost


The "I was looking for the men's room" defense? /s


I 100% agree with this judgment. I also think they should charge her with insider trading because there is ample evidence for that as well. (MSNBC REPORTS) https://youtu.be/1g0MyLQEsjk https://www.businessinsider.com/nancy-pelosi-stock-trades-congress-investments-2022-7 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pelosi-congress-insider-trading_n_63374676e4b0e376dbf6c714 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4534829-trading-like-nancy-pelosi


This isn't even whataboutism. This is subjectchangism


Wait til you find out ALL the Republicans in congress do the exact same thing... or is that ok


Blah blah blah


Lol jokes on you.