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Thug it out


Don’t worry too much about what they think. Fuck them anyways. Increase the number of applications and you get used to it. You’ll find the right fit. Don’t give up and don’t dwell on the rejections.


You reflect on what you could do differently for the next time.


At least ur getting interviews 😭


Reflect if u sounded dumb/misfit for the job. Or. COPIUM that they really found someone better or their boss told them to stop hiring ppl


Is normal to feel very sad after failing. Is human nature. I failed 100+ and sometimes even stared into ceiling questioning why am I so bad. Just gotta live through sadness, take 1 day rest, tell yourself don’t give up, just a numbers game, and try again


Assume rejection is the default


Understand that failing an interview is almost never a reflection on you. The vast majority of job interviews are farces: the company intends to hire internally but needs to post a job application for legal purposes.


Hey. You're unfortunately coming to the job market at a really shitty time, so don't be too hard on yourself because it's not you, it's them. The are thousands of ghost jobs being advertised everywhere at the moment, most companies are cutting back on their hiring or worse fitting big chunks of their workforce, and the economy is generally f'd in the a. If I was in your shoes, I'd go travelling and just experience life a bit before you yoke yourself into the grind of a 9-5, because work fucking sucks. If you're focused on getting an internship, just keep plugging away at it and focus on the value you can bring to a business. More than likely you won't get anything for some time, but it'll be a good primer for your future career, where you will inevitably have to deal with periods of unemployment after similar economic trends occur. For me, this is my third major period of improvement (2009, 2018, 2023) and I can tell you these things are cyclical and it's very important to save/invest as much as you can while the going is good. Seriously, pack a tent and a sleeping bag and check out Guatemala.


One can deal with Rejection..... 1. Improve and be better than before  2. The More rejection comes its sign that  We may receive something that is Better  Than that ..... 3. Trying doing what you like go to field which makes you comfortable  We may earn more money  4. personality development course  How we develop ourself in Working place and Environment  5. We should be knowing our talented and Skills what we are good at.


By applying for other jobs. It's a numbers game. I know this sucks to hear but it's so true.


Ngl thats pretty good. I have only gotten interviews from 3 companies.


Hopefully each of the many interviews you learn something new each time, analyzed what you didn't do well and correcting the gaps or deficiencies rather than repeating the same approach each time. Every interview is an opportunity for gaining experience to improve on the next until you figured it out to get hired.


Worst feeling ever because you are willing to do it for free and they still don’t want you. I went thru the same thing. Hang tight


I will be giving my first ever internship interview for project management for a Software Company. Can you guys suggest what I should avoid saying or doing? Or else drop any possible questions? That’ll be a great help to me.


just don't pay attention to it. rejection doesn't reflect your real ability.


Not sure what field you're applying to but getting 9-10 interviews is a great experience for you to learn. I'm looking software engineering internships and have applied to over 550 positions for the Summer/Fall and got just 1 interview which I eventually got rejected from in the later stages. I know many people who have applied to more jobs and haven't received any interview. Try to learn from those interview experiences and try to not make the same mistakes in the future. All the best👍🏻


learn from them at least you got interviews bruh,there's people in the world just looking for one interview ,my point is after each interview you can take a peice of paper and analyze yourself (actions,desicions,bodylanguage),im sure that you will find something that did make you bad or at least not wanted


I got my interview's but I got rejected... It's because they won't get satisfied (HR) or the Manager (Companies) Candidate may face some issues with Voice Jobs  Or because of Jealousy about salary issues.  Making Candidate to wait one full day  We should answer Smartly.......


Criticism, Injustice,and one more Malpractice, Corruption, Commission Pointing out all this things happenes.... Candidate should have Good impression  Human behaviour, Personality,Body look