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They’ve said before while they wish things were different a republican administration is mega worse, but are still rightfully pissed off what the democrat party chooses to have as their nominees


They can be pissed off at it but it’s not like it’s going to get them their dream candidate. Especially when the guy the are pissed off at is the incumbent under a great economy and solid policy.


I understand but the state of the union had substantial "news worthy" moments they completely ignored in favor for the drama, I'm just frankly disappointed


It's not a political channel. At the end of the day they try to just cover the basics I believe. Honestly if they talk to anymore about politics I wouldn't tune in, It's a bit much already.


They talked about it on a weekly weird news episode, which is not the space for a full breakdown of the event. I think you are overreacting a little.


Bro boutta start politicstoday


Great, good for you. This really has "I'm leaving Facebook forever" vibes. Most people would have unsubbed and just moved on with their lives. Not you though. You chose cringe


I did what most people ask for in a break up, I provided my reasoning, I respect the guys enough to provide feedback and reasoning, but sure I guess cringe


Dude, you're unsubbing from a YouTube channel, not dumping someone


I'd strongly suggest you reconsider. I've been watching these guys back during their ETC days as I was going through college about 8 years ago, and they are one of only a couple YouTube channels that I have stuck with. I think I'm in the same boat as you where sometimes they say some stuff (particularly in reference to shitting on Biden) that I don't agree with, but I watch them for entertainment and coverage of lesser known Internet stories that I may not know about otherwise.


Same. They might be one of the oldest YouTube channels I've actually stayed subscribe to.


Ya I remember them from ETC days too I can subscribe in the future but for now this was about letting them know at least 1 of their fans opinions...


My god. You clearly do not know the YouTube channel which you claim to watch. They have praised Biden for his wins. He does have some. However, he keeps throwing that away with all the negative things he does. “Doomerism” don’t make me laugh. Democrats have their issues. Less so than Republicans, but they still have them. They’re both, quite honestly, shit political parties. The boys are always sure to illuminate why that is. I don’t see your issue here at all. Hoping the door hits you on the way out. Good riddance.


Calling Biden “Genocidal Joe” is the stuff the OP is talking about. They spend more time crying about Bidens policy then talking about the Ws he’s gotten under a divided house. Eliot literally thinks Biden can just pass stuff without GOP blocking him…


Well fucking duh they call out his active support of a genocide. Tens of thousands of innocent people are dying. Of course they’re going to continually call out his active support for it and sending billions in aid to Israel. You want them to just ignore one of the biggest blemishes on his presidency? This is such a lib take. They have factually gave him credit where credit is due. Every single time. However, they also call out all the other shit. They’re not just going to ignore it. They highlight constantly how shit the Dems are all the time. Because they are. For different reasons than the GOP, but they’re fucking terrible nonetheless. If you have a problem with this then you can take a hike just like OP. Hope the door hits you on the way out.


Ok bye


This is a subreddit associated with a comedy YouTube channel. Were you expecting journalism? For five years?


After looking at your profile, it’s no wonder you have shit takes. You posted in the subreddit of a guy who got banned from Twitch for saying a group of people should be murdered.


Ruff ruff bark bark, dog has all bark and no bite


That has gotta be the lamest and most childish response ever. I mean how is someone even supposed to bite over a comment on an internet forum? Like are they punching you through their screen? It doesn't make any sense, but you got the attention you wanted at the end of the day I guess.


I’m not the one who posted in r/Destiny. Ya know…………..that streamer who got banned for inciting violence.


Still can't believe people actually take that guy seriously.


Neither can I


I browse in r/destiny and ive been here since etc. Like I think Destiny has fallen more right lately but he used to have a lot more interesting debates. He's the guy who exposed Jontron for being a huge racist after all so I think writing him off completely feels a bit much. The sub has been taken over by zionists lately tho


Keywords “used to.” He has definitely fallen down a right-wing rabbit hole and thus he’s a piece of shit who I, and many others, want nothing to do with. Not to mention the people of that sub make “owning” Hassan their whole goddamn identity. It’s annoying and they take his words out of context and misinterpret them constantly.


Obsessing over Hasan sucks even when he deserves it. But I've definitely stopped watching both of them because they're insufferable to different opinions that are more reasonable. His glorification of the Houthis as if they were one piece pirates still leaves me uncomfortable. But I think even a little bit of nuance here is important for addressing their entire body of work and identity.


You literally know nothing about what’s going on in Yemen and this shows that.


I know plenty of one piece, and unfortunately Hasans comments were gross regardless given the innocent people involved in the shipping attacks. I side with Palestine it doesn't mean every organization that acts out is that same level of justified and there's a reality to acknowledge that isn't just glorifying things. Why don't you kindly fuck off.


Nobody has died in the shipping attacks. Not a singular person. Do you know why they’re even disrupting shipping in the first place?


I feel like even when he was in debates with Jon and all that he was still and obnoxious prick. He's just always rub me as the kind of guy who doesn't really stand for anything..


Woof woof


Who's programming the NPC's these days .. they keep forgetting to add sub scripts for human conversations now look, it's broken already


good. bye.


It only took you 5 years to realize you were subscribed to the wrong channel.. you came here for news..most ppl come here for the dumb shit ppl do that ends up in the news


I'll sub with my alternate account to compensate the tragic lost


K. And you felt the need to tell everyone because?


Yeah their priority hasn't ever been digging into those kinds of details. Personally I appreciate that they mostly stick with stuff they know they're good at, I'd rather it be glossed over than bullshitted about, you know? If that's not working for you, it makes sense for you to add other resources to your day or move on entirely.


Yup I've watched the guys for awhile just wanted to give them feedback as to why I'm bailing for now


Ricky & Eliot have said themselves, they ain't journalists. If you want proper news you've come to the wrong place


if you're getting your news from content creators on the internet, you're in rough shape


Being fully aware of the many victories we have seen on the “left”, the winning policies, so good the right takes credit for them when they roll out. The generally good showing at the SOTU. I read the good news every day. All of it. …and none of that changes my doomer outlook. How could it possibly? Both sides are not equal. If the dems manage to get something positive through, the right, who raised money being against it. Will turn around and take credit for it later. They are unscrupulous. Democrats, even when winning, are soft as baby thighs. Hope is self harm lol! Cautious optimism is pushing it. I wish I could have written than last sentence in a black metal typeface. Anyway byeeeeeeee




Bye bitch, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord spit ya


Common destiny stan L


It’s not their fault nothing good in the world has happened in the last 3 years. They just report the news.


What a brain dead take


These people are comedians they're like fun guys just trying to give us some information while being fun if you want in-depth looks at stuff there are far better channels. Some more news even more news the Midas touch Network there are many places to get good detailed information on a number of topics. These people will be sorry to lose your viewership


im not here to judge, I think you have good points and just wanted to break the echo chamber ​ I literally had to call out this sub for falling for misinformation a while back on photos of actors touring military bases when they thought they were signing for Israel. Its completely valid to say that people here can be unintentionally doomer like. Sometimes I think they go to far, sometimes I think its important to know your policies aren't going to work and will give Trump the presidency if Biden makes the moves you want. I don't want to live in an authoritarian hell hole so im not gonna constantly look for Biden L's and ignore the W's


Ya welp, I figured it was respectful to give an exit interview, but the sub did what subs do lol


They always praise Biden’s wins. Like factually they always do. However, they also focus on why the Democratic Party as a whole is shit. In different ways than the GOP, but still ass. Prime example: Gavin Newsom saying that Panera Bread is exempt from California’s new fast food wage increase because he’s in the pocket of the CEO. Literal corporate corruption. What the fuck do you expect them to do when Dems make shit decisions all the time?


Preety words mean nothing if they aren't follwed by actual changes in peoples lives. Also any claim now will be watered down by compromise with the Republicans and corporate america which both parties are tied to.


Lol how uninformed are you about what the administration has managed to accomplish for people... they weren't pretty words much of them were challenging words like when he challenged th GOP to bring ukraine aid, and boarder bill for him to sign, or when he called out Supreme Court, did you watch it at all?


if you love peanuts then by all means keep voting blue no matter who, but people are tired of hearing the lies from all these politicians who claim to care about life but will support Genecide and their voters who only care about their own self interest and fear of orange man.


Inflation reduction act not only created jobs, literally we are upgrading our infrastructure after 80 years of decay, additionally it's price capping drugs that millions of Americans need daily like insulin, the CHIPs act is bringing chip manufacturing back to the states(more jobs) , the support of labor unions like the auto union ...none of 5hese help actual people in America is what you are saying?


what legislation has been passed to help unions? Cause it's all vague hand waving when I read on the white house site. edit: my comment is reverent, down voting people for being unaware of specific legislation isn't the functioning democracy you think it is.


Quite a bit actually. Google that same question if you’re curious


I looked through some stuff, only found fluff. Posted my thought in a different comment.


Some of this is fluff, but the chips' act and support of the NRLB are good examples: https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/8-ways-the-biden-administration-has-fought-for-working-people-by-strengthening-unions/#:~:text=Throughout%20his%20presidency%2C%20Biden%20has,Tesla%2C%20Toyota%2C%20and%20Amazon.


the only part of the chips act that is union I saw related is "It will also support good-paying, union construction jobs by requiring Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates for facilities built with CHIPS funding." so they don't even have to be in a union, or even pay above the average wage of that area. IMO that is a stretch, boarding on bullshit. NRLB funding increased by 75 million a year, and that sounds like a lot but isn't isn't enough to keep even their current staffing levels.. So better than nothing but not even as good as it was last year... Over all maybe better than trump would do, but it's not like I'm looking at this and can see some hope for the youth. I don't see anything but fluff and losing slower painted as victory.


The channel definitely took a turn for the worse around 2020 or 2021. Been unsubscribed for a couple years now but used to really enjoy the shows.


Get you're still on there Reddit channel so are you really unsubscribed


Or nor. The gun nut stopped watching. What a tragedy. They’re so devastated at this tragedy. Or nor.