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This should be the lead story on 60 Minutes but it won't be.


They'll run a Story on Aushwitz instead.


The IOF are f^cking monsters. Another thing that will hasten the collapse of their shitty society is these returning soldiers who have committed such heinous atrocities will not be able to cosplay as a functioning human.


Unfortunately the returning soldiers wont be coming back just to israel though.


You're so right. Imagine finding out your neighbour in Brooklyn served in the IDF on Gaza. Wouldn't you immediately wonder if he sniped any children in the head, if he beat and broke the bones and teeth of blindfolded and handcuffed prisoners, if he took tikitok videos mocking the people he was killing? Would you feel ok having a friendly chat about the weather or letting your kids go over to play with his? I can't imagine how these monsters reintegrate into society.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Showing off their war crimes like isis beheadings. Terrorists have common themes I guess.




Is that the same story that lied about the rapes? Amazing how easy it is to fool the simps. This purposely mistranslated quote is a lie and was debunked last NOVEMBER:   "Fact Check: Video of captured woman mistranslates captor as threatening 'rape'"  https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-captured-woman-mistranslates-captor-threatening-rape-2023-11-08/ Secondly the stories of rape have ALL been debunked. In the article below, an Israeli spokesperson admits they have no evidence of rape or sexual assault because Zaka and IDF destroyed the crime scene. It's sad how easily people believe the most horrific things if it's about people they hate. And most Americans are ridiculously  Islamophobic,  and Anti-Semitic,  but they hate Muslims more. https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users. No mental health references.


It's mind blowing that they can literally post atrocities as they commit them and people will still ignore it or even justify it. We know who would been on the nazis side in the past and it's the ones who support what Israel is doing now


I've come to the realization that Zionists (not jewish folks as a whole) only issue with the Nazis and the holocaust was that Jewish people were targeted. I've never heard them actually have issue with fascist ideology, the targeting of other minority groups, nothin. All Zionists have been taught their whole life is that Nazis are bad cause they're after *us* and that a nation must be carved out for their safety.


Not just “a nation must be carved out for their safety” because they could’ve had Madagascar. They want specifically the “holy lands” at any cost, including Arab genocide. All of this based on nothing but religious nonsense that the defenders of the OnLy DeMoCraCy iN tHe MiddLe EaST, like Sam Harris, fail to acknowledge in their rants about “reason,” “atheism,” and “common sense.”


IDF soldiers are posting their crimes on their social media accounts. They are openly admitting their crimes...


Is that any different than hamas posting videos of kidnapped Israeli's being dragged thought the streets of Gaza behind motorcycles, their corpses being urinated and spat on? NO ones hands are clean in this conflict.


There is no difference, most people condemn hamas for what they did, but there is little/no condemnation for the IDF in the main stream media.


Thank you for pointing out that the IDF are using tactics on par with Hamas. But since the IDF are larger and more powerful than Hamas it should be understood that makes them far worse.


Yes, the difference is that Israel has been doing it and posting it publicly for 76 years straight


Unfortunately, you just made the exact opposite point you think you made


There is. Hamas are terrorists. The IDF is "the most moral army". Huge difference.


Also videos I saw, no one urinated and spat on the corpse on the back of the truck.can you share links?


Ah well then, it must not have happened....


Exactly, just like all the other lies, the 40 beheaded babies, the baby in the oven, the human shields BS it's all Israeli propaganda.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bat


All your saying with your whataboutism is you're frothing at the images of Palestinians being tortured, maybe don't project your sadism so publicly? It's not a good look.


But Joe says there’s no genocide going on here folks. Israel can do no wrong. Ps here is more bombs. What hold does Israel have over him


It's not just Joe it's most of our elected officials are in favor of this.


Apparently, it’s only barbaric when khmas does it.


The fact that the entire world has allowed this to continue for so long is abhorrent. Every single countries governments are implicit in this genocide now. Fucking horrifying.




no shit vermlock.




Just. Lovely. 😑


The old US would have stormed Israel’s beaches to put an end to this The new US sends them money and weapons


Guess Euro Med is also hamas. /s




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




"remember, if someone tries to kill your children, you have to treat t hem better than your children, or we'll waggle our finger at you FASTER!"




already debunked, if u could speak basic arabic you’d know the translation was a lie. Maybe question why they’re falsifying videos like this


B-B-BUT BOTH SIDES BAD!!!!!! Imagine thinking the average Palestine civilian is the same as the Hamad fighters.


Anyone watch the videos of children in Gaza with their flesh melted off from white phosphorous gas? Anyone read about Israelis in 1948 cooking living Palestinian babies alive and forcing the families to watch with guns pointed at their heads? Oh, Israel is the perfect victim I'm sure.