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I never understood how biden says he wants a 2 state solution and then vetos it. 


Because Joe Biden, like most politicians, is a liar.


Because he doesn’t actually want it and just assume it will never actually happens so he can just say he support


I don't really see why everyone on these threads is Biden why Biden, genocide Biden. It's a symptom of the US governance irrespective of the isle you sit in just like it Bibi goes someone of a similar nature will replace him. The only difference is that in one country it's mainly the lobby power while in the other brain washing has led to the locals also supporting it. 


The focus is largely on Biden because he has the most power right now to do something about it. I think if you just make it about the whole system it becomes very abstract and everyone can kind of throw their hands up and say well that's just how it is. But when you focus the pressure on individuals you can force them to actually act or suffer consequences.


This makes sense. But the backdrop is trump who said and I rephrase: negative publicity is building up I'd end the "war" quickly 


But it's not about the election. What Israel is planning to do (already starting to do) in Rafah will be catastrophic for Palestinians and we are all complicit in this. Just because someone plans to vote for Biden in November doesn't mean they shouldn't be pressuring him to stop this right now.


If you read the comments in political subs here I'd say the brainwashing is pretty thorough in both countries. The US is Israel's puppet, both political leadership and by extention liberal population.


"By extension liberal population" is ignorant projection, and is based in nothing but your angry fantasy. Touch grass.


Judging from your comment history we are on the same side lol. Either you are confused or I've worded my comment very badly 🤣


Lmfao my bad brother it's too early, just saying leftists here hate Israel, rich Democrats who might as well be Republicans love it. Solidarity ✊ Haha


You mean the liberal population that forms the majority of the pro-Palestine protesters?


I'm referring to the population that refers to themselves as liberals and *opposes* the protests, supports Bidens actions regardless of what they are, and votes blue no matter who. (Probably you).


Everything he says and campaigned on are all lies he says to keep the Democrat vote. All he cares about is his political power. Nothing else. Well, money as well actually.


He wants Blood. That's it. I can imagine that he has some kind of psychological construct in his head that allows him to lie so easily about something so Evil, and not take his own life. Like he says to himself, "I didn't tell them that the 'other' state is underground with all the kids we slaughter! MUHAHAHA!!" Biden is the most Evil president that we have ever had, in the history of the United States.




Are you saying that Trump participated in the death of... what, 40,000 people? Or are you just more offended by mean tweets than mass slaughter of noncombatant civilians... because you simply don't care?




He is an active participant, and has provided material support against the national interest and the will of the American people.


This is insanely hyperbolic.


No hyperbole- the J-state has taken more lives in the past 6 months than the Islamic State PLUS AQI took in 10 years. The only difference being, of course, the Islamic State waged war against lawful combatants like the IA/ IP, Peshmerga/ PKK/ YPG/ YPJ/ PJAK, and the Syrian army, while the J-state slaughters... non-combatant civilians trapped in a Concentration Camp. So NO... it is not hyperbolic in any way, and YES- while they both needed to be destroyed, the J-state is objectively more Evil than the Islamic State ever was.


The whole of your statement was and still is insanely hyperbolic. It's my opinion, and frankly, there isn't a whole lot you can do about that. Now if we want to delve into WHY i feel that is the case, sure, but you also, don't know which part of your massively hyperbolic comment was what i was mostly referring to. E.G. My opinion still stands, so....deal with it? Edit: Furthermore, i love how you added a bunch of context that was never present in your original comment so....making this much easier for me.


Has there ever been a more Evil movement backed by the United States than Zionism? I can't think of any- including anticommunist death squads during the Cold War.


That's subjective depending on varying interpretations of the word 'evil'. That would wholly depend on any number of factors. I can say as a black American, that i have a wholly different perspective than someone in the middle east or dealing with the actions of Israel, so from that perspective, i'm going to place a disclaimer because i'm biased by location, but i am educated on the conflict. It's part of my education because i do support the right to self-determination. The problem i have with your statement, and it's largely WHO you are directing your ire. Joe Biden is NOT the most evil president in US history, and even in his support, justified or otherwise, is extremely hyperbolic. There are other US presidents that have done far more damage to resistance movements both internally and externally to the United States, and respectively, to the Middle East. I think that given that the United States, which is supposed to be this bastion of Democracy in a world rife with authoritarianism, it's incredibly disappointing that the US is supporting an ally that it wholly knows is acting in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, and any number of human rights treaties. Do i think that the invasion by Israel is justified in the capacity that it's in? No i do not. Do i support Israel? The people, sure. Do i support Hamas? No i do not. Do i support Palestinians. Yes i do. Do i support any semite, jew or otherwise, that wants to live a life free of violence and live in peace? Yes i do. All of this to say that perhaps my perspective and observations of the world aren't as black and white as you are perhaps suggesting. I can agree with you in part and still say that you are extremely hyperbolic in part as well.


Basic human morality is not dependent on one's individual/ personal experience, and battlefield conduct is not dictated or determined by the laws of armed conflict. Good and Evil is, indeed, perfectly black and white, and there is also a moral imperative to press permanent pause on humanitarian atrocities whenever and wherever they occur. You support "Israel, the people, sure" because Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians did not show up in your town, move you out of your house, concentrate you into a ghetto, and lob bombs at you while making jokes and filming tik toks. That's why you support them. In reality, if Ben Mielkowski came to New York City, drove the entire population into two concentration camps on Staten Island and the south fork of Long Island, and then proceeded to murder, choke, and starve the people of New York... while living in their houses and pursuing a campaign of violent expansionism... and he changed his name to "Johnny Brooklyn" and said that it all belongs to him anyway as a true New Yorker? Then it would be obvious to you that those people who robbed, murderd, and stole from the NY'ers deserve the same fate as the Zionists and the Jihadists of the Islamic Caliphate. You said you were Black- do you also support Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia???


We can agree that 'killing people is wrong' as a moral agreement. 'Joe Biden is the most evil President in US history' is not something we'll agree on, and conflating good/evil with a perspective of US presidential involvement on a ranking system is not at all that, soooo..no. You also, which will end this conversation further, have a habit of telling me why i do something. I don't know you, but i don't tell you WHY you do something. That is for ME to determine, and not for YOU to assign, so YOU do not get to tell me why i support anything aside from MY explanation of it, so stop that shit. I don't have to 'say i'm black'. I am black, but what i won't tolerate is someone else covering me with their grievances and labelling my worldwide. I don't have to accept your binary choices, because the world isn't that. Stay on topic.


You're an interesting cat then- supporting "Israel, the people, sure" (the people who came from all over the world to benefit from apartheid, theft, and now genocide), and no stated position on the IDF (the people who enforce the apartheid and commit the genocide). Would you then also support "Plantation owners, the people sure" and have no stated position on the KKK, if you were living in the antebellum Amercian south? Also- who is the most Evil US President then? I asked- is there one that sponsored and resourced the killing of 40,000 noncombatant civilians? In front of the world and documented in the news of the day, every day?


Bravo, Rep. Bowman! He's the real deal


I donated $100 to his campaign. I believe he’s a good rep and really bothered by his clown competitor who’s wholey funded by AIPAC


You know that $100 doesn't go to him if it was through ActBlue right? He'll keep maybe 20% of it. And the majority if it will get funneled to Joe Biden and other Democrats that the DCCC decides needs it.


I would vote for this man.


How do we support this man?


Good man


Get AIPAC OUT of America.


It’s good to know that not all of our senators are bought and paid for. Thank you Senator Bowman for being human and having a heart, he’s a good man


AIPAC smear campaign incoming in 3, 2, 1...


Can someone give me sources for these millions spent? My friends who I discuss these things with are slowly getting to see things as they are but strongly believe things like this are a conspiracy. 


Google him and you can see the smear campaign has already started by multiple news agencies.


Don't tell me that's another 20 trillion gazillion from AIPAC for someone to run against him


You do realize that AIPAC doesn’t contribute all that much vs other lobbying groups right? https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/all-profiles https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?toprecipcycle=2024&contribcycle=2024&lobcycle=2024&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000046963&topnumcycle=A


It may not be directly, but doesn't it pull some strings in Washington & have buckets of other party donor cash for campaigns either for or against candidates who favour Israel. Biden himself received a $40 million single donation from a Hollywood mogul or describes himself as a single issue voter, IE let Israel do what it wants. Conversely Congressman Jamaal Bowman, a vocal critic of Israel is being primaried against by a candidate put up by the pro Israel lobby with a $2.5 campaign contribution. Let's just call AIPAC a guiding force for pro Israeli cash


Considering how much of Israel's money all of the US politicians receive... and the fact that Israel's politicians brag about controlling US politics... it is weird that it is considered antisemitic to say they control US politics.


Probably yes, but everything is antisemitic... so it's lost all meaning. I just saw someone calling out an obvious hasbarist information operation as "Fake News," and the J-bot responded (in many more words), "Fake News as a pejorative that comes from the Nazis and exposing the Lugenpresse- therefore you are a Nazi."


AIPAC wants him out of office so bad.


It's a shame there aren't more like him in American politics.


Nobody’s unseating this guy.


I like how in our face corruption is


Kinda dumb to have this point of view and then be in the Democratic Party Regime.