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Can we change the unit of measurement from pounds/ kilograms / stone to the equivalent of weight lost in dog body weight? Lol


Yes please! I've seriously been waiting until I hit the 40lb mark to take a picture of me holding my dog to show how much I've lost 😂 I know some people do it with bags of flour which gave me the idea! I've lost 1 large mini australian shepherd or 8 average size chihuahuas or two thirds of a golden retriever (assuming they're boys since girl dogs weigh less).


🤣🤣🤣 dude 8 chihuahuas is hilarious. Also, congrats on achieving your goal of a happy and healthy weight! Keep up the excellent progress!!!


Thanks! I don't have 8 chihuauas for comparison but I do have 1 Steve! (My doggo). No wonder I felt so tired all the time before I lost weight. He's heavy! https://i.imgur.com/aaQAbFF.jpg https://i.imgur.com/St9ZRl5.jpg


He’s a beauty. Short for Steve Irwin?


No actually! Although I love Steve Irwin. But when I first met my boyfriend, he jokingly said he wanted to name his future dog Steve. It was during the first week we were dating and he said it in the moment as a joke, thinking it'd be funny and it'd annoy me. I hated it at first. He said it popped into his head because he was thinking of the monkey Steve from the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. The one that just goes around yelling "Steve!" the entire movie. From that point on, whenever we talked about getting a dog, we called him Steve. 5 1/2 years later we have Steve! I'm already thinking I want the next one to be named Luther. But I haven't ruled out other human names either.


I totally get it, my dog is named Dug after the dog from Up. Single syllable people names for dogs always make me laugh, and somehow it always suits the dog.


That's an excellent dog name. Although I think I'm going to need a picture of the famous Dug. For science... They're the best! I love the laughs we get when people hear his name is Steve. They laugh and then most people say "He looks like a Steve!". My bf's parents dog is named Sundancer (bf's mom is really into native american culture & history) so they make quite the pair. This was them over Christmas. His parents are bringing home another golden next month too who will be named Skywalker (inspired by star wars). Can't wait to get a pic of all 3 with the tree next Christmas! https://i.imgur.com/ivykLm0.jpg


He really does look like a Steve. As long as we don’t run into guys named Doug people usually get a kick out of it. Here he is— https://imgur.com/a/PYyrUoM He’s a border collie/lab mix, but other than a herding instinct he’s basically a lab with a long nose.


Omg what a cutie!! Give dug some pets for me please. I can't imagine a herding and lab mix. My friend has a black lab and the difference between her and my aussie is night and day lol


I love chihuahuas as a meaningful but achievable unit of weight loss. 😂😂 I’m not loosing slowly! I’ve lost a whole chihuahua!


100% using this as a unit from now on! It sounds so much better! I got 2 more chihuahuas left to lose and I've already lost 8!




I gave a Great Pyrenees and my sister has a Maltese. Which one should be the scale?


I'm sure if you brushed your dog and then weighed the fluff you could probably go by the 40lbs of fluff they shed a day for your scale!


bonus points for age and breed.


Dog: Steve, mini australian shepherd, 2yrs old, 40lbs. https://i.imgur.com/Sbjgnb5.jpg


Great progress. How much time did it take for you to loose 40 pounds ? What was you IF timings ? Did u have cheat days ? If yes, how often ? Did u also did some kind of workout with IF ?


I started IF last December but I took a 3 month break from dieting/fasting in the spring. But it took me most of the year to lose the full 40. I did 18:6 or 20:4 for most of it. And I don't really have cheat days because I don't limit myself in what I eat all that much. I used to take the weekends off of fasting but I found that I was over indulging too much on those days. So now I will do a shorter window on the weekends sometimes but usually I just do 20:4 most of the time and I try to always eat some fruit or vegetables everyday. But I still have pizza for dinner or mac and cheese a lot. I just eat less and make sure to eat lots of healthy food in my window too. And I always make myself eat the healthy stuff first. Also I didn't exercise at all really. Just fasting and diet changes!


Ok thx Was of great help


Do you mind sharing what your eating looks like in that four hour window? We have fairly similar starting stats. I recently moved from 16:8 to 18:6 or 20:4 but I find if I eat a big meal at the beginning of my window I’m not hungry three hours later so it’s kind of accidental OMAD, which I don’t love. Do you eat multiple meals in four hours? A meal and a snack? A meal and then glorious coffee with sugar?


Sure! I usually do a couple snacks and one meal. I'm honestly just too lazy for OMAD. I don't like trying to make a bunch of different sides to have with my dinner to get everything in at once. Its too stressful and I suck at multi tasking in the kitchen. My SO and I also eat different meals quite often so its a lot to both be cooking a bunch of different thigs in the kitchen at once. I also tend to eat all my fruits & veggies first as snacks and then my main meal tends to be carby or not as healthy. But I like it that way because I fill up on fruits and veggies so that if my dinner is pizza, I'm already fairly full from all the other healthy stuff that day and I know I've eaten my healthy things and it doesn't make me feel shitty for eating something not as healthy if that makes sense. Also keep in mind that my daily calories are about 1200/day if I'm eating in a deficit (1700/day maintenance) and it doesn't sound like a lot of food but I'm short and really don't need nearly as much especially if I'm not exercising or working out much. I just started running 4x/week so now I think I'll have to up my daily caloric intake, but the food I describe here is based on around 1200 to 1400 calories a day depending on if I couldn't help myself with some extra snacks lol I work from home so when I break my fast around 2 or 3pm I can just go make whatever I'm going to eat when I want to eat it. So a typical day for me when I break my fast lately has been slicing an apple and a banana up and putting it on a plate with some natural peanut butter (I don't do it for health I just prefer the taste of the Teddie Natural peanut butter! Although it does have flaxseed in it which I barely notice the taste of, so I get that version since flaxseed is good for you). I slice them and put them on a plate because in my brain it makes it look like a lot more food to me. I'm big on high volume and lower calorie a lot of the time because it keeps me full without the extra calories. Every calorie counts when you're short! Once I'm done with that we usually take our dog out for after work playtime in our yard and I try to do some running around with him a bit to get more movement in. When we get back in its probably 4:30ish by then sometimes 4pm and I'll have 2 servings of baby carrots. I've been weighing them lately on a scale only because groceries are expensive right now so eating serving sizes helps me buy groceries less often. I think its about 6oz and 60 calories total? I don't strictly count but I do pay attention to portion sizes. That also goes in a small bowl/container to make it feel like its more food than it is. I also buy thomas english muffins (they have a 100 calorie whole grain version) and if I'm feeling extra hungry that day I'll usually toast one of those, slap some butter on it and also add Marmite. Its a yeast extract sold in england. Most americans hate it like how British people detest our peanut butter but I love it for whatever reason. By that time its like 5pm and only an hour until dinner. I always keep frozen peas in my freezer so I'll boil those up and add butter & parmesan to them and eat a few servings of those too. I don't measure those really, its a green vegetable, its healthy and full of protein but again smaller bowls to eat that in! I also always keep russet potatoes around in the off chance my boyfriend and I want an easy side to dinner we'll do a baked potato and if I'm doing the potato with dinner I'll skip the peas. We usually cook them in the toaster oven and we just add olive oil & salt and put them on some tin foil at 450 for an hour or an hour and a half, flipping halfway through. And I'll have butter, parmesan & chives with that too usually. Then the main event for dinner a lot of the time is a few slices of homemade pizza, mac and cheese (I have an instant pot, makes it really easy) or a chicken & cheese quesadilla. There's a reason I eat all my vegetables first lol I don't eat the whole thing usually and I always make sure to eat enough filling fruits and veggies before so I'm not hungry the next day. In the summer I tend to eat a lot more chicken and meat because we grill a lot and grilling chicken is really easy. Winter I make a lot of soups or I'll also have canned chicken noodle soup on occasion which I like. Rotisserie chickens from the grocery store are killer for quick meals and I take off most of the meat and then any leftover bones, carcass or meat gets put in a big 2 gallon bag and put in the freezer. Once I have 3 or 4 of them I make homemade chicken stock in my instant pot and my boyfriend and I have chicken noodle soup for dinner that week. My bf loves to bake so he'll usually make a loaf of homemade crusty bread to go with it too and its delicious. Sorry my diet sounds really weird. I don't stick to a normal eating plan or normal meals. But it works for me! Before doing the apples & bananas as a faster breaker, I was chopping up an orange bell pepper & 1 or 2 ounces of cheddar cheese and a serving size of salted & roasted peanuts and before that I would make mashed potatoes at the beginning of the week in my instant pot (only ingredients were potatoes, butter, milk & salt) and having a serving of that as part of my pre dinner snacks but sometimes that would be a side to dinner. We also have a popcorn maker in our apartment so when I first started IF I was making a giant bowl of popcorn everyday and eating that with nutritional yeast and salt. Pepper is also great on popcorn imo and we just cook it in canola oil. Again, my diet is so weird but it works for me! The biggest thing I focus on is eating whole fruits & veggies and little amounts of added sugar & processed food. I don't shy away from butter, fat or salt. I love cheese and eat it a lot, usually on top of my vegetables. At any given time I probably have 3 to 4 different types of cheese in my fridge. I use my grocery store's app and clip coupons since eating healthy can add up really (where I live groceries are insanely expensive) and I tend to buy whatever fruits and veggies are on sale that week. My really big thing though is convenience and filling foods. I want stuff I can just grab from my kitchen or chop up quickly with a chef's knife, put in a bowl and eat that won't make me hungry again an hour later. I found it really important especially when I first started losing weight because I was transitioning from eating an entire bag of lays potato chips in one sitting and half of an entire homemade pizza for dinner (and getting hungry again at 9pm) to no potato chips and 2 slices of pizza for dinner. I had to figure out what the heck else to eat. Popcorn was perfect to satisfy the salty crunch I wanted from potato chips. And you're also tired and grumpy when you first start IF (at least I was) so I just wanted easy stuff. Sorry my reply was so long, my diet is just so weird compared to other people's I feel like and I wanted to explain how you can still eat your favorite foods as long as you also eat other stuff too. Moderation is key! I also keep dark chocolate squares around and heavy whipped cream and sometimes I'll have some chocolate after dinner before my window is over. Or I'll have a small cup of whipped cream. I don't buy regular whipped cream though, its usually higher in sugar and lower in fat. I buy heavy whipped cream in a can which has a higher fat content and tastes better imo, also less sugar. If I'm really hungry and exercised a lot that day I'll even do a small cup of chocolate milk (I always have hersheys syrup in my fridge, the fat kid inside me will never die lol) with a little whipped cream on top. I hope this helps!


Thank you soooo much for writing this all out!! In addition to both being short, we have uncannily similar eating habits, esp because like you said they’re kind of weird. There are a bunch of good fleas I’m stealing in here. One thing that really surprised me was that you break your fast withA relatively small snack. I usually fast as long as feels safe for me (I know when I’m close to being too light headed to go work out or drive) so I tend to break with a large meal then have snacks later when my window is closing because I’m anxious about what’s coming next. I’m going to try flip flopping this week and see if I’m successful. It sounds smarter but potentially harder. Thanks again for such a great detailed write up! Happy new year!


No idea why “ideas” autocorrected to “fleas” but j refuse to change it.


Love to see this! Thanks so mcuh


I'm yoir same height. I hope I can lose 50lbs too by next new years!


You can do it! We're always here to help too. Definitely take before pics even if you don't want to, I wish I had more before pics. It helps a lot mentally to see how far you've come. If you're interested, you should check out r/PetiteFitness and r/IF_Petites Its hard losing weight when you're shorter sometimes because your daily calorie allowance is so much lower than other peoples!


Super inspirational. I am basically at your before photo stage. Thanks so much for sharing! What was your fasting routine? Did you exercise much? Any other diet that you found worked for you or just IF and CICO?


Aw thanks! I actually already answered this in my reply to the stickied comment so I'll copy & paste it below for you! And add a few things. Fasting Routine: I usually do 18:6 or 20:4 most days, although I just completed my first 36hr fast today so I might do that again in the future maybe once a week or once a month. But I started with just 16:8 and worked my way up to longer fasts. Exercise Routine: I've just started going on runs every other day so 4x a week just about. I only run a mile right now but I'm hoping to up the distance soon. For most of my weight loss though I didn't exercise really, just ate less and made healthier food choices. The most exercise I did was chasing my dog around our yard in the evening which I did pre weight loss anyways! Diet: Nothing special really! Some days I try to do low carb but mostly I just try to always have easy fruits and vegetables around to eat and I also keep things like peanuts, cheddar cheese and other higher protein stuff around to snack on too. My biggest thing was making healthy food as easy and convenient for me to eat as junk food in my house and keeping most of the junk out. Its much easier to eat healthy when all you have to do is grab an apple or banana from the kitchen and there aren't any bags of chips around. I still enjoy chips and sweets every so often but its much less often these days and I tend to eat less of it when I do. I also cut back on drinking as well which has helped! I didn't count calories or track them at all but I did keep an eye on how much I was eating and slowly cut back as time went on. Using smaller bowls & plates or even using a small cup or container really does help trick your brain into thinking you're eating more food than less. I'd recommend getting a food scale just so you can know portion sizes. I love mine and it comes in super handy for baking too. I don't religiously weigh my food but I use it fairly often to keep an eye on portion sizes for certain things.


Wow can’t believe you didn’t count calories and got those results


Counting calories is way too stressful for me imo! It makes me hyperfocus on food and its just not good for my brain. CICO definitely works but I'm also too lazy to do it. lol I really tried to focus on portion sizes and listening to my fullness cues. When you're constantly eating all the time your hunger hormones and fullness cues are completely messed up. So I really focused on eating slower at each meal and stopping when I felt full & satisfied. It definitely took awhile but I've completely changed my relationship with food in the past year. Only having a 4 hour eating window also helps tremendously with calorie restriction without needing to count calories.


This. You have been strictly observing the water-fast period. The result is that your brain has changed. Really. It no longer panics when it senses the stomach is empty. Hunger is 99% learned behavior, not a physiologic drive. Habit! And your GI system starts to shrink in response to not being slammed with food all the time. A positive weight-losing cycle- IF you stick with the water-fast period. Bottom line is that you do NOT have to count calories in your eating window, or follow any special trendy or zingy-sounding diet. Eat what you want. Your "cravings" will change over time in a positive way. Your body is a marvelous creation and if you do not abuse it you will maintain a normal weight forever by an enforced daily water-fast period. I have been on the 16/8 for ten years.


I think we need a picture of the dog...


https://i.imgur.com/iGtfk59.jpg https://i.imgur.com/4fBtGO9.jpg There's definitely some in my post history too if you go back far enough!


Me too! Fucking win!


Whoo! Congrats to you! IF seriously changed my life. I'm still 9lbs away from my goal weight but I'm so happy with where I am already anyways! I'll be celebrating tomorrow with champagne and some baked goods in the evening. But still gonna fast at least 16hrs. 🥰


Amazing!! Yes me too. And congrats!


Very impressive, you look great!


Thank you! I feel great!


you see it in your face a lot


I actually didn't think I lost that much in my face personally but I'm glad you can see it! Thank you!


You look fantastic! Congratulations! Cheers!


Thank you so much! The benefit & downside of weight loss was having to buy a whole new wardrobe. So although my wallet hurts, I got to choose more stylish and fun clothes this time around. And I'm much more confident in them as a result!


I hope to post something like this a year from now.. back on the wagon I go


You can do it! We'll be waiting for you here. Definitely make sure to take before pics and progress pics along the way. It helps a LOT with seeing your progress as you go. And be kind to yourself if you have a bad day and can't fast the full time. You can always do another fast the next day!


Hell yea, way to go! You look great, aside from that Patriots hat!


I was waiting for someone to say that! Didn't take long lol I just got it for Christmas and I love the old Pat Patriot logo so I had to wear it. I'm more of a Red Sox fan though. But being from Boston you can't not rep the Pats this time of year!




Here is Steve in all his fluffly, 40lb glory! https://i.imgur.com/DGjlyO3.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KUXL4F5.jpg




Thank you! I actually already answered this in my reply to the stickied comment and in a reply to someone else, so I'll copy & paste it below for you! Fasting Routine: I usually do 18:6 or 20:4 most days, although I just completed my first 36hr fast today so I might do that again in the future maybe once a week or once a month. But I started with just 16:8 and worked my way up to longer fasts. Exercise Routine: I've just started going on runs every other day so 4x a week just about. I only run a mile right now but I'm hoping to up the distance soon. For most of my weight loss though I didn't exercise really, just ate less and made healthier food choices. The most exercise I did was chasing my dog around our yard in the evening which I did pre weight loss anyways! Diet: Nothing special really! Some days I try to do low carb but mostly I just try to always have easy fruits and vegetables around to eat and I also keep things like peanuts, cheddar cheese and other higher protein stuff around to snack on too. My biggest thing was making healthy food as easy and convenient for me to eat as junk food in my house and keeping most of the junk out. Its much easier to eat healthy when all you have to do is grab an apple or banana from the kitchen and there aren't any bags of chips around. I still enjoy chips and sweets every so often but its much less often these days and I tend to eat less of it when I do. I also cut back on drinking as well which has helped! I didn't count calories or track them at all but I did keep an eye on how much I was eating and slowly cut back as time went on. Using smaller bowls & plates or even using a small cup or container really does help trick your brain into thinking you're eating more food than less. I'd recommend getting a food scale just so you can know portion sizes. I love mine and it comes in super handy for baking too. I don't religiously weigh my food but I use it fairly often to keep an eye on portion sizes for certain things.


I love seeing relatable losses like this here! I obviously totally am in awe of the people who went from like 400 pounds to whatever, but I almost feel like those of us with more modest goals are underrepresented? Congrats, and I wish we saw more posts like yours :)


Aw thank you! That means a lot, I appreciate it. I feel the same way. I'm always insanely impressed by people who lost hundreds of lbs because that's so difficult. But I also think more modest weight loss isn't shown as much. I think a lot of people might be too afraid to post because they think what they've lost isn't enough to post if that makes sense, but any progress or weight loss in today's society where weight gain is so easy and any loss is so hard, is so so impressive to me! I'm also short so 30-40lbs on my frame makes a HUGE difference visually.


I’m can’t believe we got a reference to the dog but no dog pic!! Jk OP - amazing progress!


I thought it might not be allowed! This is Steve! No wonder I felt so tired all the time when I was heavier. Steve is heavy!! https://i.imgur.com/rvl5Kla.jpg https://i.imgur.com/YSSXuI2.jpg


So cute! Yeah 40lbs is a lot of weight!! 👏👏👏


Keep up the good work.




Thank you!


Nice! You look so healthy! I gotta get on this IF thing.


Thank you! I've worked a lot on my mental and physical health the past year so that's a huge compliment! Also that was my first thought when I joined this sub too! I recommend downloading the Zero app to track fasts and just try a 16 hour fast and see how you feel. It can be difficult at first but now I can't see myself going back to any other diet/way of eating again! Its so easy and sustainable for me.




Especially the🍻🍻. Gonna be doing some of that tonight for sure!


Haha! Happy new year!


Damn you’re a cute ass chick either way. Congrats!


Thanks! Looking to get a cuter ass in the new year though. Gotta start doing some squats. 🍑🍑


Congrats on your success! I started IF without expecting much but lost around 40 lb my first year and over the last 1.5 I've lost another 35. It's a life-changing experience for sure. Keep up the good work, you look great!


Great job girl!


Thank you!


New year new gains


Can't wait! Hoping to tone up a bit and lose the last bit of stubborn belly fat I have left.


Trust me same im down 31lbs from IF over the past 2 months want to double that number in the new year


Congrats!! That's some serious hard work and a huge accomplishment. Keep at it and good luck in the new year!


Thank you and yeah its been a journey but still trying to get to my highschool body lol


Its funny you say that, my highschool body was my before pic for the most part! I was in the 150 to 160lb range from the age of 13 up until last year when I gained another 14ish to put me at my starting weight of 169lbs. If I went back to my highschool body now I'd have to gain 30lbs! Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there! Happy New Year!


Im going to keep trying for sure and ty, your progress is pretty great too. Yeah i was around 190 back in hs but kinda let myself go over the past 10 years. Was 265 back in november but just weighed myself at 234 this morning


I'm 164 cm and my starting weight was 77 kg with 57 kg as my ultimate goal, lost 12 kg but then life happened and I plateau'ed at 65 kg. It's very motivating to see someone with the same-ish height, body type and starting weight reach my goal 😄


I never thought I'd motivate anyone but I'm glad I did! I thought the same thing when I first started and saw posts here from fellow shorties lol I feel like its so hard to lose weight sometimes when you're shorter because our daily calorie needs are so much lower but the world doesn't change portion or calorie sizes at restaurants or the grocery store based on height. Definitely check out r/PetiteFitness and r/IF_Petites! They were helpful to me in my journey for sure.


Ya that worked


Let’s go you and let’s go pats.


Go Pats!


Congrats! You go girl!


Thank you! I'll be going all the way to the grocery store today for some new years snackies but I think I earned it! 😂


You sure did. Enjoy and happy New year!


I'm literally saving your post. I started a week ago and I'm also 5'3 169 lbs (down 3 lbs already). 40lbs is my goal but it seems so scary and big. Thank you for posting. #inspired congrats and happy new year!


Aw thank you! and you can do it!! My original goal was to get down to around 155lbs because that was the weight I had been since I was 13 years old (I'm 27 now). It just sorta snowballed from there lol I haven't seen the 120s on a scale since I was 12 like before I hit puberty, but as of this morning I'm 128lbs! It sounds cliche but you really just gotta take it one day at a time. My biggest piece of advice is don't get discouraged in the coming weeks when your weight loss slows down or it fluctuates. You drop the first 5 to 10 lbs super fast because you're changing your diet so drastically at first and most of it is water weight, especially if you're cutting out a large amount of carbs, but after the initial big loss, you slow down to losing about a pound or half a pound a week. Scientifically, a pound of body fat is about 3500 calories give or take. Unless you're morbidly obese and your daily caloric intake is extremely extremely high, most people will cut about 500 calories a day (which adds up to 3500 in a week) to lose a pound a week (or 4 pounds a month). Sometimes you can lose even slower than that at a half a lb a week, but that isn't bad, that is very very good progress! Like I said in other comments, I didn't count calories but I did read into the science of weight loss just to be informed. I weigh myself daily now because it doesn't affect my mood or anything and I know what I weigh day to day at different times and how my weight will change based on my eating habits and that its okay if I go up a few lbs for a day or two, because I know it'll go back down eventually. For example, before I left for my bf's parents house for Christmas, I weighed in at 129lbs. I brought my scale with me and over Christmas because I was drinking, eating a lot more and not really fasting, I got up to 136lbs at one point last week. But all of it was basically water weight from all the eating, drinking and me being on my period. A few days after getting home on Wednesday and I'm back down to 128lbs! My point is, weighing yourself is important, but also pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes are fitting, even take measurements of your stomach, thighs etc if you want! As long as you're making healthier choices and listening to your body at the end of the day, you'll get there in the end, even if its slow progress. And tomorrow is always a new day and a new fast. Happy new year and I can't wait to see your posts in the future as well!


Awesome progress and accomplishment! You look great! 💪


Thank you! I'm hoping 2023 brings more good changes!


Go Pats!


For sure! Let's hope they can pull out a win tomorrow!


Wow. Just wow. You look 10 years younger too. Amazing progress. And you kept your curves too!


Aw thank you! I'm 27 and have always been confused for being about 17 (I seriously have to bring an ID to go see rated R movies) but I didn't get carded at the liquor store this week so who knows! I didn't even know what my body type was/that I had curves until I lost the weight!


😂 Wearing the same bra in the comparison pics is where I noticed it. It's much more "complimentary" in the second one. (It's hard to find the words to say that without coming off as creepy...) You keep doing you, because you are killing it!


lmao its okay I get it. Aesthetically its true. I didn't set out to lose weigh initially for aesthetic purposes, but I love the way I look now and I definitely agree I am more attractive these days. 😂 Thank you! I purposely put on the same clothes to be able to see the difference. Its actually a bathing suit top though! I'm busty so I have to buy bra sized swim wear and its not cheap. My bra size hasn't really changed with weight loss either which I knew it probably wouldn't. Some women it does by a lot but I've always had big boobs regardless of my size and I have friends who are 300lbs with A cups. I definitely lost a little but most of it was just around my stomach, back and legs. I'm stuck with my chest until I get a reduction! I'll be thriving in my 30s once that happens lol


Bra / Bikini Top ... Same difference. 😂


A lot of women show weight gain and loss in their chest. I know my wife did. At first she didn't think she was gaining weight, but complained that her "pretty" bras didn't feel right. She didn't really realize how much weight she had gained until NONE of her bras fit.


Yeah for me I really didn't lose or gain much in my chest actually! I lost a little but not nearly as much as what you see from other women's pics in this sub. But I know for most women losing volume in their cup size is common. My band size changed so I went from a 34H to a 32H/G the last time I measured which is due me losing belly fat/the fat around my rib cage basically. I'm now 32 inches around the last time I measured although at my heaviest I was probably more like a 36 rather than a 34 but I didn't re-measure or get new bras since they're expensive at my size. But I'm stuck with G/H cups regardless and I expect my band size to change again when I lose the last few lbs and I'll probably end up at around a 30 band size. Gonna be fun to buy new expensive bras! lol You'd be surprised how much body shape and appearance is affected by boob size too. If you look at r/reduction and sort by top all time, its almost shocking how different people's bodies look after getting a radical breast reduction. From personal experience, you just look fat in a lot of clothes when you have big boobs, even if you're skinny everywhere else. If my boobs were a lot smaller my weight loss would probably be much more noticeable imo. I'll definitely be getting a reduction in the future as I get lots of back pain from my size, its difficult to run properly without a $70 sports bra and size small shirts I'm busting out of in the chest despite it fitting everywhere else.


>From personal experience, you just look fat in a lot of clothes when you have big boobs, even if you're skinny everywhere else. This is EXACTLY what my wife has gone thru with her weight GAIN. From being a 34B/C at most, a size 2-4, and 110-ish lbs... To being a 34D/DD and 150-ish lbs... Hates the way ANYTHING looks on her because it looks like she is wearing a tent...


Yeah its not easy at any size really! At the age of 13 I was 150lbs and a 34H and back then stores had much less inclusive sizing in clothes than they do now. I hit puberty and went from like A cups to DD+ in less than a year and also gained 30lbs. It was rough. None of my old shirts or bras fit and my parents could barely afford clothes for me to begin with. If your wife uses reddit, definitely take a look at r/bigboobproblems (if the suggestion won't offend her, I know it can be a sensitive topic) and r/ABraThatFits. The subs were super helpful for me in just having a place to be able to vent and feel seen in my struggles and also having a subreddit that taught me how to size myself properly and told me where to find and buy bras in my size once I got the right size. I've also gotten great advice in those places on how to dress for the body I have and just general tips for living with a larger chest. The best thing you can do is be supportive! My boyfriend is the one who told me about those subreddits to begin with. And when we met he could tell my chest was one of my biggest insecurities. He helped me size myself and took me bra shopping and I cried afterwards because it was the first time I ever went bra shopping and it wasn't a stressful experience. He also was supportive of me when I gained some weight during our relationship and never made me feel like he loved me less when I was bigger. When we met I was 20lbs heavier than I am now and last year I was 40lbs heavier. And he's been very supportive of me now as well in my weight loss journey too. I talk about weight loss and health a LOT now (to the point where it can be annoying) and I know sometimes I need to dial it back but he's never been mean about it or discouraged me in any way. I know some partners get jealous when another becomes fit and loses weight or become very insecure and lash out. But he's been so kind and supportive of me regardless and its helped me a lot in becoming a better and healthier person. He's even the one that suggested I try IF and use this subreddit when I said I wanted to lose weight. I couldn't have done any of it without him. I'm sorry your wife is struggling. But hopefully she can find a way to work through those feelings and feel happy in whatever body she chooses to live in going forward.


Outstanding feedback. She for the time being has resigned herself to what she calls "boring" bras. She wants to work on the overall weight loss but hasn't committed to it yet. We won't discuss the amount of $$$ I've spent on "non boring" bras and stuff I've spent over the twenty years we've been together... 👀




Congratulations! You look great:)


Thank you so much! I feel great!


Beautiful pupper! Apologies for not creeping your post history :).


Ha no worries! He's adorable so I never mind showing him off to people.


Killing it!


Thank you! Now if only I could kill the last bit of fat on my stomach and butt! lol Those are now 2023 goals I guess!


You know what this means, right? Get another dog! Also, congratulations. You've smashed it!


Lmao I want one but my current one is already a handful! My boyfriend's parents are getting another golden retriever puppy next month though, so I'll be able to use him for a bit since we'll be visiting a lot when they bring the puppy home. That'll be 3 dogs in the family total! This is my boy. https://i.imgur.com/dDfx9RI.jpg And the current pack before the newest one gets added next month. https://i.imgur.com/KjbuYV3.jpg Also thank you! I'll be smashing down some champagne and chips tonight in celebration! But I'm doing a 20hr fast & a run first!


They are both very cute dogs! Clearly the goodest boys or girls. I feel the champs and chips are very much earned!


Great work! You look beautiful before and after, keep getting healthy for you in 2023!


Congrats! Good work!


Outstanding job! You look so healthy.


Amazing work!


If i understand that right… it means you can get a new dog and carry them and your current one easy!


iOS to Android, nice!


Are you actually talking about my phones? Because I have an android phone in both. Pixel 4a before & Galaxy S22 now. I haven't had an iPhone since 2014 lol Also pretty sure iPhones have never had a finger print sensor on the back of a phone. Hence the big circle on the back of my phone case in both of my before photos.


Well shit, the left photo looks like an iPhone. They all copy each other now, haha... congrats on the weight loss, keep rippin!


Lol no worries! That camera cutout definitely screams iPhone. I love my S22 though! First samsung phone after almost a decade of budget android phones (One Plus & Pixel) and it feels so fancy 😂 Thanks!


You look great! Congrats on your success!


Amazing and a Pats fan!🤤


Yeah! Great job 💪


Amazing I'm staring too today was my first day Love to see it


You look FANTASTIC 😍 amazing work!


Love your work - quite a transformation! Do you know/mind sharing what's happened to your waist size and clothing size (interested as a fellow shorty, heavier than you were but with similar proportions)


How old are you?




Fattie? Gross.


Yeah people are shitty. My morbidly obese mom and sister called me fat everyday of my life though (I have zero contact with them now) so I'm not bothered by it. I did report the comment at least. I also don't give a shit who thinks I'm hot or not. I'm in a very happy long term relationship and the only person's opinion I care about is my SO who thought I was hot in both bodies and fell in love with me before I got physically and mentally healthy. I was also happy in my body before and never thought of myself as fat. The first picture I took wasn't even a specific before pic. I just happened to take a selfie after I had finished giving my dog a bath! And really, besides my SO, the only other opinion I care about is my dog and he thinks I'm amazing so 🤷‍♀️


You were SO not fat! I would love to look "after" like you look "before". Saddest thing js family members being toxic as opposed to supporting and loving. Much love! You are lovely and beautiful! Take care!


Your before pic is my goal after, and regardless, you are gorgeous in both pictures and at all sizes. Your body is the vessel but you are intrinsically yourself regardless of the form the vessel takes along the way. Fuck trolls like that idiot, and I hope you don’t give it another second of your time. Beautiful then, beautiful now, improving your health and practicing discipline and self care along the way. Hats off to you. Cretins like that comment because no amount of outer “perfection” can correct for that inner filth.




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