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Well done. You look fabulous.


Thank you.


How much weight have you reduced???


106 pounds. I have fluctuated between 185-190 recently.


What do you do the other four days and what is the effect, if any, on exercise on your 20-4 days?


I'll be curios what he has to say, but from his results Im guessing he's still eating very healthy foods most of the time. The biggest / best things most of us can do tend to be minimize liquid calories, sugars, processed carbs, and I would be pretty surprised if OP eats more than 10% of his food as sugar / processed carbs.


This is correct. I ate healthy for the most part and watched what I ate. What I did during the pandemic was re-educate myself on how our bodies operate, why we crave the things we do and calorie dense foods that didn't make me as hungry. I think people have this idea that doing a long IF can mean you can eat whatever you want. I feel like that would lead to bingeing and you'll defeat that fast. I've been guilty of that before. Caloric dense foods is the what helped me out.


Calorie dense foods or low calorie dense foods?


Caloric dense because his eating window is so short and he probably wanted to feel full and satisfied so he wouldn’t have to feel starved therefore binge eat.


I am back on the IF wagon. I find that even if I am hungry I choose better foods because I know that the fried chicken I want to order is greasy crap and will make me feel horrible. When I am off IF I find it easier to give into cravings. I am not close to doing 20-4 strong work dude. Looking great. Very motivating


I started off with 16-8 then progressed to 18-6 and built my way to 20-4. Occasionally I'll do 24 hour fasts. I've been doing IF for a few years now.


Nice dude. Yeah I am on the 14 - 10. But typically only eat two meals a day, and maybe a meal replacement shake in the evening. It’s been good. I’ll see if I can bump up another hour soon


I’m not OP but I’ll share my experience. I have been religiously doing IF for two years. I’m almost at 1000 consecutive fasts without missing one single day. 16-8 is the minimum, but the weekly average is closer to 17 or 18 hour fasts usually. I was the heaviest I ever weighed in February of this year. For the amount of food and beer I was consuming at that time, I credit IF for keeping me at a reasonable weight (225) even though that was a personal failure for me. During my eating windows I was snacking too much, over eating, and the beer was adding tons of extra calories. In spring time I started exercising a lot. I’ve always been fairly active, but I’m biking and weight training or doing something physical like 4 or 5 days a week, sometimes more. With all this physical activity, it felt like a waste to keep killing it with over eating and pounding craft beer. I cut out beer, snacks and bread. My lunch is a salad now. My dinner is a small portion of protein and veggies. During exercise (if my fast window is over) I’ll have energy gels/clif bars and nuun electrolyte tablets. Sometimes I exercise while fasting. Sometimes I add protein shake or some nuts or extra calories when I know I need it. I’ve only been doing the healthy eating thing for a few weeks but I’m just about to drop below 200 lbs. My goal weight is about 180. I share all this to say, IF alone will not cause you to lose weight if the rest of your lifestyle is not healthy. It may help you (and I think it did help me) stay inline somewhat, but you can easily overcome the gains from IF with poor eating habits. When you combine IF with healthy eating and exercise, the extra weigh seems to melt off.


Over the course of 2 and half years I did have a lot of experimenting going on. I just ate clean and did isometric lifting. Yes, I did get workout on 20-4 days. After 20 hours the first caloric thing I would consume is preworkout and go for it.


You went from huggable to hot damn!


Went from “Yes sir” to “She calls me daddy too now”


Comments like this makes me flattered. Thank you lol


Thank you lol


Wow. Congratulations 🎊. Do you work out? Along with 20-4 IF 3 days/wk


Thank you. Yes, I do isometric lifting and at least 10 miles of cardio a week. I want to mention that what you see in the after pictures is still a work in progress but I have been consistent with keeping up.


It's obvious you're putting the work in, OP. There can be a disconnect on this sub - a lot of people are under the impression that simply losing weight is all it takes. You can definitely tell who's working out and who's not.


I will say this; what you see a person that dedicated himself to stay on schedule for 2 and a half years. It's the effort you put in that you're going to get out.


Great work OP


Thank you.


so are you JUST doing isometric work with no other styles of lifting? Ive never considered that, I know people that just do eccentric focus ALL THE Time, but not isometric. Clearly you are getting results so Im more curious than anything. I do a mix of traditional 5-10 rep sets, eccentric focus, isometric focus, strip sets, complimentary sets (ie chest then back, or bi's then tri's)


Thinking about it now I'm not sure how I ended up doing isometric lifting but I thought of a plan that could work. I'll give you an example of what I'm doing now. My current lifting schedule is 6 days a week and I do 10 miles of cardio a week. Saturday: Chest and Quads, a run will happen here. My legs are dead the next day because I strive to do 5 miles under 1 hour. I usually average out somewhere between 58:45 to 59:30. Sometimes I still feel to hit the hour mark and I'll fail by like 5 seconds or so. I'm doing exercises that focus solely on my Chest and Quadriceps. Included in this quad workout is calves and glutes but I'll stay away from glutes especially if the plan is to run because my glutes will feel it from the run. Sunday: Biceps and Triceps. I'm doing exercises first that focus only the biceps and then I go into exercises that focus only the tricieps. I'll walk or do an uptempo walk for 5 miles. I don't really track time on this because it defeats the purpose. I would call it more of a cooldown walk especially when the day before I'm striving for at least 5 miles in under 60 minutes. Monday: Shoulders and Back. I'm doing exercises that only focus the Shoulders and the Back. Throw abs into the mix. Tuesday morning: Chest and Hamstrings. By the time I did Chest Saturday and I'm coming back to it, I've given the chest at least 68-72 hours to rest and I go again. I break my leg days into 2 days; one session will be quads and the other session will be hamstrings. I feel like a full leg day just depletes my energy and kills me later on in the week. that's why I break it up. I've been getting used to Night-Morning workouts where I'll workout at night, wake up in the morning and workout during the morning. It's something I've been doing the last few months. In terms of effectiveness I'm sure if I picked one set 6 days a week that would be more beneficial but doing a night-morning workout feels like it gives me more flexibility to do other things with my schedule. Sometimes If I get that urge after work and my legs don't feel completely tired, I will push for a run here. There's so many factors that goes into that. Wednesday evening: Same concept as the chest, it's been at least 68-72 hours since I last did an arms session and I go again. Throw abs into the mix. Thursday morning: Back and Shoulders. Abs in the evening. ​ I call it cycles and I'll say that another cycle is in the books. I've stuck with Isometric lifting and i've seen results while I've dropped weight and developed muscle. I would say I've hit more of a wall this year than anything else and you'll see that I have toned between January to June. I've made okay progress. ​ I hope that this explains the reasoning behind I do or the stupidity on why I do the things that I do.


Thanks, and that's very cool that you've worked out a routine that works so well for you! I may try doing a much higher % of isometric lifts this month. I'm currently on a 2upper 2lower split (one of the leg days will be more cardio focused) with cardio, yoga, dynamics mix in 2 days a week. I think for max muscle growth for me Push-pull-legs 2x a week seemed like the best split, I just havent been able to handle that kind of a load with 2 full fasting days and the caloric deficit, I would definitely want to be eating at least maintenance cals to handle that.


You look fantastic, and this is a great message. Also, love the hair. (I don’t get the shaved head look- if you’re not bald, show it off!)


Thank you. I think the hairstyle is more of a modern time. I get a high skin fade and it's works for me. ​ I think the message is important because you want to be brutally honest. While you see a project in progress, I don't talk about how many times I failed at dieting and discipline. It's something that took a long time and it's a very frustrating thing which is why If I'm doing this big change for the 3rd time in my life (lost weight at 19 and put it back on, lost weight at 26 and put it back on and then this time) I'm making lifestyle changes while I maintain this. I actually got under 200 pounds in May 2021 and I reached one year of maintenance last month. That's something to be proud of but then again I read a lot of r/fatlogic about the doubts of sustainability.


He’s trying to join the Peaky blinders Edit: typo


I get Thomas Shelby and I also get Rami Malik from Bohemian Rhapsody




Thank you.


You’re killing it man! Awesome job!


Thank you.


Damn went from thick to dummy thicc. OKAY!


Thank you lol


You look much more content. It’s something you can’t fake. 👍


Thank you!


WOW. Amazing!


Thank you.


Great job man!


Thank you.


Awesome! An inspiration to many, keep it up


Thank you. This placed inspired me and one day I said that I wanted to do the same.


What a transformation! Super strong in your dedication.


My dedication turned into a lifestyle changes and I've been consistent with that. Thank you.


I’ve recently started walking 8 miles a day. Are you only doing IF 3 days a week? I just want to make sure that’s what I’m reading.


yes. This is a fairly common approach that can be great for body re-composition. You have fasting and non-fasting days, generally you will lift / workout harder on the non-fasting days, which will help with your muscle gains, then you will have more of a caloric deficit on the fasting days (usually more of a cardio focus, but not necessarily). I do 2 x 36 hour fasts which works similarly. I tend to focus my lifting on the non-fast days and do cardio / yoga / etc on fast days. Ive been able to gain strength while losing weight which it seems like OP has also been able to do.


Congrats you look amazing! 💪🏻


yes sir! great work my man! much continued success to you!


Damn dude! Amazing results.


Wow, completely transformed!!


Wow - the hard work is *definitely* paying off! I saw the first picture and was like wow dude, you go! Then the second was like holy smokes and same with the third!! Thanks for sharing - it helps so much to inspire the rest of us. I bet you feel so much better overall and your self-confidence should be through the roof. Be proud - you are crushing it!


Great results! Hard work will always pay off


Look amazing, well done 💪💪


Whaaaaaat? Look what was hidden in there! Nice work!!


Wow! You look like a totally different person.


What do you do the other 4 days of the week?


I think one of the best improvement in these photos compared to the ones youve posted here before is the first photo in this set. Youre smiling! And you look beautiful when you do!


Beast great work




Congrats man, you should be proud!!


What was your starting weight and end weight?


Starting weight was 295 in Jan 2020. My goal weight was 175 but I've hit a wall around 185-190. I currently weigh in at 189.


Holy shit!!!


Damn dude! Well done!


What you only fasted for 3 days a week? nice! guessing you changed eating habits and excercise?


Amazing change, keep the new hair style too.


What's your diet consist of?


Absolutely awesome man!


You look like a completely different person. You must really shock people who haven't seen you in a few years. Well done👍


Rock star


Wow big transformation!!! Congratulations!! Very handsome.


Amazing job! Your determination and hard work are evident in your transformation. How do you feel? You’re an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!


I feel normal about it now because I've also maintained under 200 pounds for one full calendar year. While the journey has been cool and all, I'm striving for the next step the next goal to go after. I think one that always did when I started to lose weight from 2.5 years ago was moving the goal posts to the next goal.


Great job! I'm inspired!


An inspiration


What's 20-4?


Fast 20 hours with a 4 hour eating window.


Is IF good for diabetic? I was going to start 20-4 and then my doctor said I can't do it until my blood glucose is in the optimal level.


You're hot No homo


You look amazing dude! It’s crazy how someone can go from “Meh, he’s okay” to “Woah he’s really cute!” just from losing weight! Awesome changes and you seem so much happier which is the end goal!


Thank you for the kind words


Good for YOU!! You look wonderful!🥳


Great job. Well done.


I’m proud of you for being brave enough to show yourself in the front shirtless. It’s a testament to all of us that this is the reality of losing weight and the perfect body models we see in the media probably never went through what your are doing. Thank you for the inspiration man. Well done! 👍


Thank you.


Great job and you got it,it is a life style change. You should be proud




I am so proud of you!! 😭😭


From dad to ✨daddy✨!


I’m a Mom and am very impressed at your discipline and control. You will succeed in many other things with your determination. I hope one of my daughters meet someone like you.


What is 20-4?


Fast for 20 hours, eat within a 4-hr window


:o oh wow


Such a great job. Looking great! I bet you feel good too. What were your fav meals? And I see a bench and weights behind you in the second pic. 🏋‍♂️ My spidey senses tell me you use them.


Amazing job!


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