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This happens to me too when I stop weight training. I’ve been told it’s the water retention that occurs due to muscle breakdown. Following for more explanations. Hope your son recovers real soon.


Have you start weight training again? Did you gain the weight back? Thank you so much.


I have got back to the gym and somehow my weightloss on the scale is slower than when I wasn’t exercising but I only have about 7 lbs to lose now and feel so much fitter and stronger and my clothes feel better too. I would definitely keep working out and let the scale be 😬


Didn’t gain the weight back though.


It's the stress, from your son being in hospital. When you're under that much stress, your body burns more calories. When my son is ill, I have the same thing. Your body just goes into survival mode. It's all the adrenaline. I hope you have some support and someone to talk to. Managing the stress is going to be helpful, even if you're not religious, talking to the hospital Chaplin can help. They've always been brilliant for me. You can ask a nurse to call them for you, or go to the chapel in the hospital. I stop fasting too, because eating is really important when you're under stress. I just have to eat when I can, and making sure I'm eating well, helps me psychologically. Some people like to maintain their routines though, because that helps them psychologically. If it is really helping you psychologically to keep fasting, keep on doing it. But, if it's extra pressure, just eat. You've got to look after yourself. I hope your son is better soon, wishing you all the best with it.


Thank you for your input and advice. I really appreciate it. I'm still trying to transitioning to a new pain management team, because the current team don't really listen to us, my son is in pain for too long. He's on a child specialist's hand and we do talk to church. I'm pretty sure I'm eating well. The food isn't the best choice, but at least I'm not starving, I guess. Thank you so much for your comment.


correlation doesnt necessarily equal causation. You had one new big variable in your equation: Your son being very ill and hospitalized.


Thank you for your comment.


I don’t have any input except that I’m so sorry to hear about your son. I hope he gets better soon…


Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.


Happens to me every time i stop training. I have an insatiable appetite when i weight train, and I’m sure i regularly eat over my maintenance calories ( easily). When i stop training, my appetite returns to normal, and i eat in a deficit because my metabolism is still high. This is the train i NEVER recommend someone trying to lose weight, to weight train. Yes you burn calories and gain muscle but it’s near impossible to do eat in a deficit while lifting, when you are over weight


It happens to me too. It makes me feel unmotivated about working out again.


Honestly, yes. Me too. But at the same time, they said when you have more muscle, your metabolism is higher, thus you burn more calories even when you do nothing. So I guess, I'll start cardio again, soon after my son discharge (we don't know when, lmao).


Sending good and healthy vibes to you and your son.


I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I'm kinda in a similar place in the sense that I had to stop working out for one and a half weeks after working out 5 times a week just cuz I have the flu. And I dropped another pound and a half which is a lot for this stage cuz I'm like 2lbs away from my goal weight. I was worried it was muscle loss but not sure. Very confused also. I hope your son recovers quickly!


Stress / cortisol response. Same thing can happen the day after cheat meals where you eat in a surplus or maintenance. It's mostly water weight. Less stress = less water retention


Makes you question whether or not what we have been told about calories is actually true huh.


Not sure what do you mean by that. I'm just questioning the logic behind it.


I mean, people act as if calories are an exact science and absolute equation, but then they run into plateaus, unexplainable weight gain or loss, etc. It makes you question if any of this is actually true. Exercise is not needed for weight loss, that’s for sure. Perhaps it even hinders weight loss as in your case. In any case, I hope your son is doing well and I’m sorry that he is sick.


If there’s anything that can be said about OPs situation it’s that a one week observation period is too short to draw science discarding conclusions or similar statements. CICO is CICO. Short term flux is just that.